How 攻撃する,衝突する-novel Tattooist of Auschwitz which told remarkable true love story of two 大破壊/大虐殺 生存者s 直面するd (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of 'historical inaccuracies' - as author says 専門家s have 'gone over every word' of new TV 演劇

  • Tattooist of Auschwitz fictionalised story of Lali Sokolov and Gita Fuhrmannova
  • Novel was 解放(する)d in 2018 and has sold millions of copies around the world?

It is a tale of love at first sight in the depths of horror that 逮捕(する)d the hearts of millions when it 攻撃する,衝突する the 棚上げにするs in 2018.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz fictionalised the incredible story of Lali Sokolov and Gita Fuhrmannova and how they met in the worst of circumstances during the 大破壊/大虐殺.

But Heather Morris's novel - which has been adapted into a Sky 演劇 that began 公表/放送 this week - 誘発するd some historians to point to several 申し立てられた/疑わしい inaccuracies.

An 専門家 from the Auschwitz 記念の 研究 中心 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the 調書をとる/予約する 含む/封じ込めるd '非常に/多数の errors and (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) inconsistent with the facts, 同様に as exaggerations, misinterpretations and understatements.'

Their 報告(する)/憶測 追加するd that it 供給するd an '全体にわたる inauthentic' picture of reality at the (軍の)野営地,陣営.?

However, Morris told MailOnline this week that the mistakes were '修正するd' すぐに 'where they 事柄d'.?

She 追加するd that 'academic 大破壊/大虐殺 historians in London' looked at 'every word' of the new TV 演劇 and checked 'what they could' to 確実にする it is 正確な.??

The 調書をとる/予約する 描写するs how Lali, a Slovakian Jew, was sent to Auschwitz before chance landed him the 役割 of the (軍の)野営地,陣営's tattooist.?

He spent two years tattooing numbers on the 武器 of hundreds of thousands of arrivals at the (軍の)野営地,陣営 in Nazi-占領するd Poland.

Lali and Gita met when she stood before him with her 長,率いる shaved and her dignity stolen - before he tattooed the number 34902 on her arm, によれば Morris's novel.

It is a tale of love at first sight in the depths of horror that captured the hearts of millions when it hit the shelves in 2018. The Tattooist of Auschwitz fictionalised the incredible story of Lali Sokolov and Gita Fuhrmannova and how they met in the worst of circumstances during the Holocaust

It is a tale of love at first sight in the depths of horror that 逮捕(する)d the hearts of millions when it 攻撃する,衝突する the 棚上げにするs in 2018. The Tattooist of Auschwitz fictionalised the incredible story of Lali Sokolov and Gita Fuhrmannova and how they met in the worst of circumstances during the 大破壊/大虐殺

Heather Morris's nov
el - which has been adapted into a Sky drama that begins airing this week - upset some historians who pointed out several alleged inaccuracies. Above: Jonah Hauer-King as the young Lali and Polish actress Anna Pr?chniak as Gita

Heather Morris's novel - which has been adapted into a Sky 演劇 that begins 公表/放送 this week - upset some historians who pointed out several 申し立てられた/疑わしい inaccuracies. Above: Jonah Hauer-King as the young Lali and ポーランドの(人) actress Anna Pr?chniak as Gita

But scholar Wanda Witek-Malicka (人命などを)奪う,主張するd in a 報告(する)/憶測 on the 調書をとる/予約する that this was not 訂正する. She wrote: 'We do not find any 生き残るing 文書s with her personal data or relating to number 34902 問題/発行するd in the women's series.'

It was pointed out that women who entered the (軍の)野営地,陣営 in 1942 - as Gita did - were given four-digit numbers.??

Years earlier, Gita herself had said in oral 証言 given to the?USC Shoah 創立/基礎 that her number was 4562.

However, in an interview with MailOnline this week, Morris was insistent that Gita was 最初 tattooed by someone else, when Auschwitz's 当局 were 'still 実験ing with how to do it'.

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that the number Lali tattooed on her - the one he recounted to her - was the second 試みる/企てる, because the other had faded.

Morris met Lali after 存在 told by his and Gita's son Gary that he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to tell his story, which he had kept secret for 10年間s because he 恐れるd he would be 見解(をとる)d as a Nazi 協力者.?

It was only after his wife died in 2003 that he felt able to recount what happened to him and Gita.?

Morris, a former social 労働者, spent the next three years 会合 Lali several times a week, getting every 面 of his story 負かす/撃墜する on paper.?

Heather Morris, a former social worker, spent three years interviewing Lali after his wife died in 2003

Heather Morris, a former social 労働者, spent three year s interviewing Lali after his wife died in 2003

Harvey Keitel as Lali and?Melanie Lynskey as Heather Morris in Sky's adaptation of The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Harvey Keitel as Lali and?Melanie Lynskey as Heather Morris in Sky's adaptation of The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Lali and Gita emigrated to Australia - where Morris is from - in 1949 after 存在 re-部隊d に引き続いて their ordeal in Auschwitz.

They married in late 1945 and their son Gary was born in 1961.? ?

Morris had said that 'ninety-five per cent of it is as it happened; 研究d and 確認するd'.

Because she had 最初 sought to turn his 証言 into a film, she received 基金ing from Film Victoria, which itself is 財政/金融d by the Australian 政府.

This enabled international 研究員s to 確認する Lali's story.?

The 文書s they 暴露するd led 研究員s to discover that Lali's parents had been killed at Auschwitz a month before he arrived.?

However,?Witek-Malicka's fact-checking of her work ran to more than seven pages.

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Morris's depiction of Lali giving Gita penicillin for typhoid fever in 1943 was incorrect, because the 薬/医学 was not 広範囲にわたって 利用できる until after the war.?

Another 申し立てられた/疑わしい error was the 大勝する taken by the 輸送(する) that took Lali to Auschwitz in 1942.

A new Sky adaptation of Morris's novel debuts on May 2. The six-part series stars both Jonah Hauer-King (left) and Harvey Keitel as Lali, whilst Polish actress Anna Pr?chniak (right) portrays Gita

A new Sky adaptation of Morris's novel debuts on May 2. The six-part series 星/主役にするs both Jonah Hauer-King (left) and Harvey Keitel as Lali, whilst ポーランドの(人) actress Anna Pr?chniak (権利) portrays Gita

Lali and Gita Sokolov in later life. Their romance survived against all the odds

Lali and Gita Sokolov in later life. Their romance 生き残るd against all the 半端物s

Both Lali and Gita survived the Holocaust and went on to marry in October 1945. Lali kept his story to himself for decades before revealing all to Morris

Both Lali and Gita 生き残るd the 大破壊/大虐殺 and went on to marry in October 1945. Lali kept his story to himself for 10年間s before 明らかにする/漏らすing all to Morris

Morris (人命などを)奪う,主張するd it travelled through Ostrava in what is now the Czech 共和国 and Pszczyna in Poland.

But Ms Witek-Malicka said this could not have been 訂正する.

She also took 問題/発行する with Morris' account of the 殺人 of 囚人s in a bus that was 存在 used as a gas 議会.?

The historian said it 'does not find 確定/確認 in any sou rces'.

There is also a scene in Morris's novel where Auschwitz's 悪名高い doctor, Dr Josef Mengele, is shown sterilising a man.

Ms?Witek-Malicka said in her 報告(する)/憶測: 'Doctor Mengele did not 行為/行う sterilisation 実験s on men, but 成し遂げるd 実験s on twins and dwarves...'

Morris's novel also says that two crematoriums at Auschwitz were blown up during a 反乱 by 囚人s.

But Ms Witek-Malicka said only one was 部分的に/不公平に 燃やすd 負かす/撃墜する. She 追加するd that, contrary to Morris's depiction, '女性(の) 囚人s who 配達するd the gunpowder to the 囚人s did not carry it under their fingernails.'

Another point of 論争 is Morris's depiction of a 性の 関係 between Auschwitz (軍の)野営地,陣営 長,指導者?Johann Schwarzhuber and the ユダヤ人の 女性(の) 囚人 Cilka.

Ms Witek-Malicka said: 'In practice, the 可能性 of 持続するing such a long 関係… and, によれば the 調書をとる/予約する, a 半分-explicit 関係 between a ユダヤ人の 女性(の) 囚人 and a high-最高位の member of the SS 階層制度 was 非,不,無-existent.'

She 追加するd: 'The 公表,暴露 of such a 関係 would have 伴う/関わるd an 告訴,告発 of race dishonour and 厳しい 罰 for the SS man.'

The historian took 問題/発行する with the depiction of dead 囚人s 存在 left to 嘘(をつく) in 汚水 溝へはまらせる/不時着するs at the (軍の)野営地,陣営.

'The 囚人s' count during the roll-call had to 一致する up, so before dead 囚人s' 団体/死体s were sent to the crematoria, they had to be identified and their numbers crossed out of the 登録(する),' she said.?

Ms Witek-Malicka 結論するd that the novel 'cannot be recommended as a 価値のある 肩書を与える for persons who want to 調査する and understand the history of KL Auschwitz.'?

She 追加するd: 'The nature of human memory, especia lly where the events 解任するd occurred over 70 years ago, 要求するs 対決 with other sources. From today’s 視野, we can only 悔いる that no specialist in the area of (軍の)野営地,陣営 事柄s was 招待するd to work on the 調書をとる/予約する.'?

Children are seen in Auschwitz after the camp's liberation in 1945

Children are seen in Auschwitz after the (軍の)野営地,陣営's 解放 in 1945

Only inmates at Auschwitz and its subcamps - Birkenau and Monowitz - were tattooed

Only inmates at Auschwitz and its subcamps - Birkenau a nd Monowitz - were tattooed

However, the scholar did 譲歩する that the novel is based on the 'authentic history of a 囚人 whose stay and 機能(する)/行事 in the (軍の)野営地,陣営 can be 文書d.'?

Morris's publisher said at the time: 'The Tattooist of Auschwitz is a novel based on the personal recollections and experiences of one man. It is not, and has never (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to be, an 公式の/役人 history.'?

The author 追加するd this week:?'It had one or two factual 声明s that they said that wasn't 訂正する.

'He could not have got penicillin, we 修正するd those すぐに.

'We 定評のある and 修正するd them, where they 事柄d.?

'Not one 大破壊/大虐殺 生存者 - and I have been 特権d to 会合,会う many of them, not one of them ever said "you got it wrong".'

She continued: 'I didn't see it [the 批評] as 尋問 my 正直さ as a writer.?

'I had these wonderful publishers and they said how do we 直す/買収する,八百長をする this. So we 直す/買収する,八百長をするd it. I'm a big girl, I can put my big girl pants on and said we will change these things.

'I never 始める,決める out to 感情を害する/違反する anyone by 令状ing this story. I never pretended to be something I'm not, that I'm an academic with knowledge of the 大破壊/大虐殺.'

Speaking of the new Sky adaptation, the author 追加するd: 'We had these wonderful academic 大破壊/大虐殺 historians in London who went over every word.?

'They checked what they could, always coming 支援する to the 前提 that this is one man’s memory.'?

Sky's new 演劇 描写するs both Lali's and Gita's life at Auschwitz 同様に as his conversations with Morris in later life.

Lali is 描写するd by?Jonah Hauer-King as a young man and Harvey Keitel as a pensioner, whilst P olish actress Anna Pr?chniak portrays Gita.

The new show's director, Tali Shalom-Ezer, said: 'When I read the scripts I felt like all the questions I had when I read the 調書をとる/予約する were answered.

'Lali only started to tell his story 60 years after he left Auschwitz and we know the nature of memory is that events can be jumbled up.

'There were questions for me about how he felt about his special position. I'm glad we're getting to 調査する some of that.'