Lady Liberty unguarded: 税金-基金d $44 million 安全 team slammed for watching sports on 独房 phones, NOT checking for 爆弾s or テロリストs

  • Beloved statue has since 9/11 been a prime 的 for Islamist テロリストs??
  • But the 私的な 安全 会社/堅い in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 there has not 確実にするd safety at the 場所/位置? ?
  • READ MORE:?San Fran nonprofit 'irresponsible' with $240 million of 税金 money?

Auditors have slammed a $44 million taxpayer-基金d を取り引きする the 私的な 会社/堅い 安全な・保証するing the Statue of Liberty, 説 guards watched sports games on their 独房 phones rather than keeping 訪問者s 安全な.

連邦の 視察官s say 全世界の/万国共通の 保護 Services and its 110 guards 侵害する/違反するd their 契約 by not do enough to stop guns, 爆発性のs, or テロリストs, reach the beloved monument in New York Harbor.

They also 告発する/非難する the 国家の Park Service of not keeping tabs on the 会社/堅い and its weak 安全 議定書s that led to an '増加するd 危険 to public safety and to the safety of the 場所/位置 itself.'

The 報告(する)/憶測 does not 最高潮の場面 any major 違反s in the four-and-a-half-year 取引,協定, which was 調印するd in September 2021.

Security failed to stop hundreds of pro-Palestinian protestors reach the cherished site in November

安全 failed to stop hundreds of プロの/賛成の-Palestinian protestors reach the 心にいだくd 場所/位置 in November

Government inspectors found that guards were more interested in watching sports on their phones than the security x-ray machines

政府 視察官s 設立する that guards were more 利益/興味d in watching sports on their phones than the 安全 x-ray machines? ?

But guards famously let some 500 抗議する人s reach the island by public フェリー(で運ぶ) last November, where they unfurled 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道するs and sang 抗議する songs against イスラエル's 強襲,強姦 on Gaza for 20 minutes.

At the time, park 安全 認める they'd been caught out.

The audit 最高潮の場面s 失敗s at a 国家の treasure and 305-foot tall symbol of American 僕主主義 that has been a prime 的 for テロリストs since the September 11, 2001, attacks.

全世界の/万国共通の 保護 Services and the park service did not answer's requests for comment.

The US Department of the 内部の's 視察官s 査定する/(税金などを)課すd the 場所/位置 in 2021-2022 and 解放(する)d their findings last month.

They saw two guards at a 安全 審査 watching sports games on their phones when they were supposed to be watching x-ray machines for 武器s, 麻薬s, 爆発性のs and other contraband.

The 契約 禁じるs guards from using 独房 phones, but there was no 証拠 any スタッフの一員 had ever been disciplined for doing so, said the troubling 52-page 報告(する)/憶測.

Some 従業員s failed to return their Department of the 内部の ID cards after leaving their 職業s.?

In all, 17 cards had gone 行方不明の, meaning ex-スタッフの一員s or ペテン師s could have reached the 場所/位置 without 存在 checked.

Universal Protection Services' 110 guards work across the various parts of the national monument

全世界の/万国共通の 保護 Services' 110 guards work across the さまざまな parts of the 国家の monument?

The National Park Service failed to keep tabs on the private security firm, inspectors said
The National Park Service failed to keep tabs on the private security firm, inspectors said

The 国家の Park Service failed to keep tabs on the 私的な 安全 会社/堅い, 視察官s said??

The ID cards are classed as '極度の慎重さを要する 資産s' that must be 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限d, per the 契約.

The company also failed to keep tabs on staff working hours.

Guards 調印するd in with a pen on a timesheet, as the 要求するd electronic system was not 始める,決める up.

As a result, many timesheets had been lost or 含む/封じ込めるd errors.

As many as 42 パーセント of timesheets were not filled 正確に ― calling into question $938,000 in salary 支払い(額)s.

In another example of dodgy accounting, one 従業員 invoiced the 政府 for $32,236, but never followed the 支配するs about filling in a timesheet.

Worse still, auditors said, the 会社/堅い could not show 証拠 of 従業員 麻薬 実験(する)s or training 開会/開廷/会期s.

Activists from Jewish Voice for Peace occupied the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty on November 6, 2023, to protest Israel's military offensive in Gaza

行動主義者s from ユダヤ人の 発言する/表明する for Peace 占領するd the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty on November 6, 2023, to 抗議する イスラエル's 軍の 不快な/攻撃 in Gaza

Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and 創立者 of the transparency 監視者 OpenTheBooks, said 全世界の/万国共通の 保護 Services had let 負かす/撃墜する taxpayers with a 'shoddy' service.

Without '事実 changes, all $43.9 million is likely to be spent ineffectively,' Andrzejewski said.

'The company is not 保証(人)d to stay on for their 十分な four-year 契約 with the 国家の Park Service, and perhaps they shouldn't.'

The 会社/堅い is part of 連合した 全世界の/万国共通の, which 雇うs some 800,000 staff across more than 90 countries.?

It says it 作品 hard at 'keeping people 安全な so our 顧客s and communities can 栄える.'

The Statue of Liberty was given by フラン to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs as a gift, and was 完全にするd and 組み立てる/集結するd in 1886.

The colossal 巡査 statue was 指定するd as a 国家の Monument in 1924, and has been under the 保護 of the 国家の Park Service since 1933.