• JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 消費者s are 'in pretty good 形態/調整'
  • He was branded 'out of touch' over comments?to the 塀で囲む Street 定期刊行物
  • インフレーション rose to 3.5 パーセント in M arch, 井戸/弁護士席 above the Fed's 2 パーセント 的

JP Morgan's CEO has come under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 for (人命などを)奪う,主張するing 普通の/平均(する) Americans are in 'pretty good 形態/調整' financially, にもかかわらず 急に上がるing インフレーション and 沈滞した 利益/興味 率s 手足を不自由にする/(物事を)損なうing 世帯 予算s.

Jamie Dimon was 爆破d as 'out of touch' for the comments, made during an interview on the 塀で囲む Street 定期刊行物's podcast, The 定期刊行物.

Dimon, who is 概算の to be 価値(がある) around $2.1 billion によれば Forbes, 明言する/公表するd that 消費者s 'still have 超過 money from COVID'.

'The 消費者's in pretty good 形態/調整 権利 now,' Dimon told interviewer Emma Tucker.?

But his 発言/述べるs were slammed online, 含むing by one furious TikToker left in 不信, after the 長,率いる of the US' largest b ank (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Americans are 'still spending 負かす/撃墜する' 基金s 手渡すd out during the pandemic.

'My jaw was dropped at the sh** he was 説. It is so f***** out of touch this is the largest bank in America,' a TikToker said in a viral 返答.??

JP Morgan's CEO Jamie Dimon has come under fire for claiming average Americans are in 'pretty good shape' financially despite soaring inflation and stagnant interest rates crippling household budgets

JP Morgan's CEO Jamie Dimon has come under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 for (人命などを)奪う,主張するing 普通の/平均(する) Americans are in 'pretty good 形態/調整' financially にもかかわらず 急に上がるing インフレーション and 沈滞した 利益/興味 率s 手足を不自由にする/(物事を)損なうing 世帯 予算s

TikTok creator Anna, who uses the handle @creativechronicles, blasted Dimon as 'out of touch' for the comments

TikTok creator Anna, who uses the 扱う @creativechronicles, 爆破d Dimon as 'out of touch' for the comments

Dimon was quick on the podcast to talk about how America is still feeling the 衝撃s of COVID, even four years later.??

'The 消費者 has, you know, 失業 under 4 パーセント has been there for two years. They still have 超過 money from COVID,' Dimon told the podcast.

'If you go 支援する to looking at the 量 of money that was spent during COVID, it was $6 一兆. Through さまざまな means and さまざまな programs, they're still spending it 負かす/撃墜する.'

He also 主張するd that, '住宅 prices are up, 在庫/株 prices are up and 職業s are plentiful'.

Those comments drew a quick rebuke online, 含むing from Anna.?

'I'm sorry, what? The 刺激 checks that went out in 2020 and 2021, three and four years ago, we're still spending it 負かす/撃墜する? Who is he talking about, people are not doing 井戸/弁護士席,' Anna, who uses the 扱う @creativechronicles, said in 返答.

'This country is literally unaffordable, childcare, groceries, you've got Kellogg's out here telling us to eat f****** cereal for dinner. Everything is up in price.

When 取調べ/厳しく尋問するd about why 消費者s are feeling so glum on the economy, Dimon (人命などを)奪う,主張するd it (機の)カム 負かす/撃墜する to 'different 消費者s'.

'The 底(に届く) 20 パーセント of America have not done 特に 井戸/弁護士席 over the last 20 years. Incomes barely went up. They're 現実に starting to go up for the first time in almost 20 years,' Dimon said.

Dimon, who is estimated to be worth around $2.1 billion according to Forbes, stated that consumers 'still have excess money from COVID'.

Dimon, who is 概算の to be 価値(がある) around $2.1 billion によれば Forbes, 明言する/公表するd that 消費者s 'still have 超過 money from COVID'.

The decision to freeze interest rates spells misery for households who are already struggling under the weight of record-high interest rates on credit cards, mortgages and personal loans

The 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 凍結する 利益/興味 率s (一定の)期間s 悲惨 for 世帯s who are already struggling under the 負わせる of 記録,記録的な/記録する-高金利s on credit cards, mortgages and personal 貸付金s

Fed Chair Jerome Powell?said rates will not be slashed until officials have 'greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent'

Fed 議長,司会を務める Jerome Powell?said 率s will not be 削除するd until 公式の/役人s have 'greater 信用/信任 that インフレーション is moving sustainably toward 2 パーセント'

'Remember 自殺, fentanyl, 罪,犯罪, インフレーション, there are a lot of 消極的な 影響s. Some people can't get mortgages, can't buy the home, so yeah, there's part of society who's 肉親,親類d of struggling. There's part of society who's not.'

However, many Americans will find it hard to believe it is just the 底(に届く) 20 パーセント of the country which is struggling.?

The 率 of 年次の inflati on rose to 3.5 パーセント in March, still 井戸/弁護士席 above the Fed's two パーセント 的. That has 原因(となる)d the 連邦の Reserve to raise the base 利益/興味 率 to 示すs not seen in years. The hope is by 増加する 利益/興味 率s, インフレーション will slow.?

So far, that hasn't happened enough where the Fed has started to lower 率s.?

A 熟考する/考慮する from HelpAdvisor earlier this year 設立する that on 普通の/平均(する), US 消費者s 爆撃する out?$1,080 per month at the grocery 蓄える/店 thanks to インフレーション.?

分析 by the 塀で囲む Street 定期刊行物 設立する that the same $100 grocery shop in 2019 would cost around $136 today 予定 to food price インフレーション.?

Examples of 急上昇するing prices 含む?the cost?of one dozen eggs, which 増加するd by 70 パーセント between February 2022 to February 2023.

In a 施政方針演説 解放(する)d today, the organization said 率s will not be 削除するd until 公式の/役人s have 'greater 信用/信任 that インフレーション is moving sustainably toward 2 パーセント.'

The 決定/判定勝ち(する) (一定の)期間s その上の 悲惨 for 世帯s who are already struggling under the 負わせる of 急に上がるing 利益/興味 率s on credit cards, mortgages and personal 貸付金s.

It also 示すs the sixth 連続した time that the Fed has chosen to keep 率s at their 現在の level?as it 戦う/戦いs to tame インフレーション.

The performance of the S&P 500 is closely linked to 401(k) balances. Pictured is the Charging Bull of Wall Street

The 業績/成果 of the S&P 500 is closely linked to 401(k) balances. Pictured is the 非難する Bull of 塀で囲む Street

In theory, higher 利益/興味 率s should encourage 消費者s to spend いっそう少なく and slow 負かす/撃墜する price 増加するs.

One of the biggest 犠牲者s of higher 率s have been mortgages. The 率 申し込む/申し出d on a 30-year 直す/買収する,八百長をするd-率 mortgage 攻撃する,衝突する 7.17 in the week to April 25.

Dimon 警告するd the Feds 利益/興味 率 move might not be enough to 安全な・保証する a soft 上陸, the 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 used to 述べる when the Fed is able to raise 利益/興味 enough to 抑制(する) インフレーション without 原因(となる)ing a 後退,不況.

He 示唆するd it is because much of the growth he 述べるd is 存在 spurred on by 会計の spending, for example, 課税 and the 政府's 支出s.

'I'm a little more worried that it may not be so soft and インフレーション may not やめる go away people 推定する/予想する,' Dimon said.?

'I'm not talking about just this year, I'm talking about '25 and '26. The 率s may have to go up a little higher, I'm talking about the 10-year 率, the five-year 率, and that can have consequences. So we'll see.'