Music fans are 激怒(する)ing after Manchester's Co-op Live 円形競技場 stopped shows by Olivia Rodrigo and others are worried that the 近づいている Take That and Keane gigs could be 延期するd too.

Those 列ing outside the troubled new £350million 円形競技場 for US rapper A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie last night were shocked when they were told to 'leave the area'.

Fans slammed the move as 'unprofessional' and unorganised after staff told them the gig was cancelled over 'technical 推論する/理由s' - as they were standing in line.

The 発生地 地位,任命するd on social マスコミ that the show would not go ahead 10 minutes after the doors were 予定 to open at 6.40pm.

The gig had already been 延期するd twice this week but it was pulled again at the last minute 予定 to a 'ventilation defect'.?

Just a few hours later, the Co-op Live 円形競技場 延期するd three-time Grammy 勝利者 Olivia Rodrigo's shows 予定 to take place on Friday and Saturday as part of her Guts World 小旅行する.

The 発生地 特記する/引用するd '現在進行中の 発生地-関係のある technical 問題/発行するs' as the 推論する/理由.

Now, fans of Take That and 激しく揺する 禁止(する)d Keane have 表明するd 恐れるs that their 近づいている gigs will be 延期するd too.

Singer Olivia Rodrigo was scheduled to perform at the venue, but her gigs were postponed

Singer Olivia Rodrigo was scheduled to 成し遂げる at the 発生地, but her gigs were 延期するd

The pop star posted on her Instagram story to express her disappointment last night

The pop 星/主役にする 地位,任命するd on her Instagram story to 表明する her 失望 last night

The Co-op Live arena could rival The 02 Arena for the world's biggest boxing and UFC events (Photo: Artist impressions when the plans for the venue were unveiled)

The Co-op Live 円形競技場 could 競争相手 The 02 円形競技場 for the world's biggest ボクシング and UFC events (Photo: Artist impressions when the 計画(する)s for the 発生地 were 明かすd)?

Pictured is the rock band Keane, which includes?Tom Chaplin, Tim Rice-Oxley, Richard Hughes, and Jesse Quin. They are due to play at the arena on Sunday

Pictured is the 激しく揺する 禁止(する)d Keane, which 含むs?Tom Chaplin, Tim Rice-Oxley, Richard Hughes, and 足緒 Quin. They are 予定 to play at the 円形競技場 on Sunday

The new 発生地 has been 攻撃する,衝突する by a wave of cancelled shows, 含むing by Peter Kay, まっただ中に a 大混乱/混沌とした 開始 as general 経営者/支配人 Gary Roden やめる just 12 months into the 職業 after criticising smaller grassroots 発生地s.

Bosses said the concerts would be 繰り延べるd and fans could either hang の上に their tickets or (人命などを)奪う,主張する refunds.

(映画の)フィート数 filmed outside the 円形競技場, just hours before, showed the area looking like a construction 場所/位置, with a digger and dumper parked up outside の中で building 構成要素s.

Worried fans are 推測するing as to whether their favourite 禁止(する)d' gigs will also be 延期するd.

Lesley Hart, a Keane fan from Glasgow, told MailOnline: 'My partner and I are travelling 負かす/撃墜する from Glasgow to see Keane on Sunday.

'We have accommodation, travel and restaurants 調書をとる/予約するd. The 欠如(する) of (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from the Co-op Group is appalling.

'The cost 伴う/関わるd is hundreds of 続けざまに猛撃するs and what's happens if they 取り消す at the last minute?

'I am more than sure there are thousands of people sitting waiting just like we are. Not enough is 存在 done.'

Keane is 予定 to play on Sunday, and Take that on Tuesday, May 7, Wednesday, May 8, Friday, May 10, Saturday, May 11, Sunday, May 12.

Music fan Liz Huby had tickets to see the 黒人/ボイコット 重要なs last Saturday.

But she told MailOnline that the day before the gig, it was changed to May 15 'without 警告'.

She said: 'I got an email later 説 the concert was 存在 延期するd. I live in 物陰/風下d so it was not convenient for me to go to Manchester on a Wednesday evening when I work 十分な-time so I 選ぶd for a refund.?

'The refund was 過程d very quickly but it doesn't really take away the disa ppointment of not getting to see a 禁止(する)d I was really looking 今後 to see.

A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, real name Julius Dubose, earlier told fans 'something happened with the venue during a soundcheck'. He spoke out today about the cancellation

A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, real 指名する Julius Dubose, earlier told fans 'something happened with the 発生地 during a soundcheck'. He spoke out today about the 取り消し

Fans of Take That, made up of Gary Barlow, Howard Donald and Mark Owen, are worried about the possibility of their upcoming shows being postponed too

Fans of Take That, made up of Gary Barlow, Howard Donald and 示す Owen, are worried about the 可能性 of their 近づいている shows 存在 延期するd too

Fans of Take That and Keane have expressed fears that their upcoming gigs will be postponed

Fans of Take That and Keane have 表明するd 恐れるs that their 近づいている gigs will be 延期するd

Footage filmed yesterday showed the area still looking like a construction site

(映画の)フィート数 filmed yesterday showed the area still looking like a construction 場所/位置

It comes after problems with power at the site, which are believed to have affected the fire safety and emergency services communication systems

It comes after problems with 力/強力にする at the 場所/位置, which are believed to have 影響する/感情d the 解雇する/砲火/射撃 safety and 緊急 services communication systems

The Co-op Live had to embarrassingly tell fans to 'leave the area' as there were 'venue-related technical issues'

The Co-op Live had to embarrassingly tell fans to 'leave the area' as there were '発生地-関係のある technical 問題/発行するs'?

Devastated fans posted on social media to vent their frustration over the issues

荒廃させるd fans 地位,任命するd on social マスコミ to vent their 失望/欲求不満 over the 問題/発行するs

Others slammed the venue - which cost £350million - for the technical faults

Others slammed the 発生地 - which cost £350million - for the technical faults

Frustrated fans needing to book time off for the show are agitation over a lack of information

失望させるd fans needing to 調書をとる/予約する time off for the show are agitation over a 欠如(する) of (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状)

'My daughter was supposed to see Olivia Rodrigo tomorrow evening so 明白に isn't going to that either.?

'She was fully 推定する/予想するing it to be cancelled but what was upsetting for her is that they were still 約束ing earlier in the week that the concerts would go ahead. Empty 約束s and empty 陳謝s.'

Another furious fan,?物陰/風下 Middleton, told MailOnline: 'I had tickets for Saturday's 業績/成果. I cannot believe millions of 続けざまに猛撃するs have been spent on this 発生地 and a bit of an 空気/公表する 条件ing 部隊 落ちるs off.?

'They must have been aware of the problems weeks before this.'

地位,任命するing on social マスコミ, one fan said: 'Hope everyone 予定 to see Take That in Manchester next week get a clearer answer today if it will be going ahead. They surely can't keep people hanging on a thread!'

Tagging the 発生地 on X, another asked: 'Will the Manchester 円形競技場 be open for Take That next week?'

Another begged: 'Please give fans enough time and notice if the shows are going to be 配列し直すd.'?

One emotional fan 地位,任命するd: 'This co-op 円形競技場 in Manchester is 強調する/ストレスing me out… Take That better not be cancelled or I'll literally sob.'

Another said: 'You're going to have to sort this out for the gigs at the 週末! I'm not travelling from Newcastle to Manchester for Keane to be told it's cancelled last minute!'

Social media is aflame with rants from devastated and worried music fans

Social マスコミ is aflame with rants from 荒廃させるd and worried music fans

Hundreds of fans looked in disbelief as they made a quick exit after being told the gig would not be going ahead.
Hundreds of fans looked in disbelief as they made a quick exit after being told the gig would not be going ahead.

US rapper A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie's show had already been 延期するd twice this week and fans 反応するd in 不信 as they were told to leave the area

Manchester's troubled new £350million Co-op Live 円形競技場 has cancelled its 開始 gig tonight for a third time with some fans 列ing outside

A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, real 指名する Julius Dubose, earlier told fans 'something happened with the 発生地 during a soundcheck'.

He wrote on X: 'Something happened with the 発生地 while I was at soundcheck today that 原因(となる)d 取り消し of the show.

'We are working on 繰り延べるing in the next few days.

'I'm heated about the 状況/情勢 too, but safety first Manchester, I got you, just stay tuned for その上の info.'

And pop 星/主役にする Rodrigo 地位,任命するd on Instagram: 'Hello! I've been having such a 広大な/多数の/重要な time in Europe so far and I'm sooooo disappointed that we're unable to 成し遂げる in Manchester 予定 to on-going 発生地-関係のある technical 問題/発行するs.

'We're doing out best to 繰り延べる the show. you can 持つ/拘留する の上に your tickets for その上の info or request a refund at your point of 購入(する).

'More info will be sent 直接/まっすぐに to ticket 支えるもの/所有者s. I'm so bummed and I really hope to see you all soon.'

A 声明 by Co-op Live on its X page read: '予定 to a 発生地-関係のある technical 問題/発行する, tonight's A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie show will no longer go ahead.

'We kindly ask fans to leave the area. Tickets 支えるもの/所有者s will receive その上の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) in 予定 course.

'We 深く,強烈に apologise for the 重要な inconvenience this will 原因(となる) for many.'

The 発生地's developer, the Oak 見解(をとる) Group, later told the PA news 機関 there had been a ventilation defect.

During a soundcheck, a 構成要素 of the heating, ventil ation and 空気/公表する 条件ing (HVAC) system used to direct 空気/公表する separated from the ductwork, they said.

The organisation believe it to be an '孤立するd 出来事/事件 原因(となる)d by a factory defect' but it was not able to 立証する that all 類似の nozzles were 解放する/自由な of 類似の defects.

Nobody was 負傷させるd in the 出来事/事件 and the installer, 請負業者 and third-party 視察官 will now 実験(する) each nozzle to 確認する they are 解放する/自由な of defect, it said.

Concert-goers spoke of their fury of how last-minute yesterday's cancellation was

Concert-goers spoke of their fury of how last-minute yesterday's 取り消し was

Pictured is the troubled new £350million Co-op Live arena in Manchester

Pictured is the troubled new £350million Co-op Live 円形競技場 in Manchester?

Tim Leiweke, chairman and 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of the Oak 見解(をとる) Group, said: 'The safety and 安全 of all visiting and working on Co-op Live is our 最大の 優先, and we could not and will not run any event until it is 絶対 安全な to do so.

'Today was a very 予期しない 状況/情勢 but without a 疑問 the 権利 決定/判定勝ち(する). I 深く,強烈に apologise for the 衝撃 that this has had on ticket 支えるもの/所有者s and fans.'

The Co-op Group, who has 指名するing 権利s for the 発生地, 問題/発行するd a 声明 to MailOnline in which it said it was left 'shocked' by the late 取り消し.

A Co-op Group spokesperson said: 'We are relieved that no-one has been 負傷させるd, but we 株 the 失望 and 失望/欲求不満 of ticket 支えるもの/所有者s, many of whom are Co-op members, with the continuing 延期する to the 開始 of Co-op Live and the disruption that this is 原因(となる)ing to everyone who has been looking 今後 to …に出席するing events.

'We will be 捜し出すing a 十分な explanation from Oak 見解(をとる) Group (OVG), who are 責任がある the building, to the obvious questions arising from this, together with a (疑いを)晴らす 計画(する) from the Co-op Live 発生地 管理/経営 team at OVG for 開始 the 発生地 and 延期するd and 未来 events.

'Safety is of course the number one 優先 and it is 批判的な that Co-op members and other ticket 支えるもの/所有者s can enjoy events in a 発生地 with the very highest levels of 安全 and safety 対策 in place.

'We are very 感謝する for Manchester City 会議's and the 緊急 services' continued 約束/交戦 with OVG to 確実にする that Co-op Live opens as soon as possible.'

The 発生地 had 安心させるd fans that 業績/成果s from A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie and US singer Olivia Rodrigo would be going ahead this week.

Co-op Live 円形競技場 had been 予定 to open on April 23 and is 推定する/予想するd to compete with the 02 円形競技場 for the some of the world's biggest 冒険的な and music events.

The ongoi ng 問題/発行するs have seen Mr Roden, general 経営者/支配人 of the 発生地, やめる after a slew of problems led to a 延期する in 開始.

Rebecca Kane Burton, an ex-boss of London's O2 円形競技場, has stepped in as 暫定的な general 経営者/支配人.