Self-自白するd 'daddy's girl' daughter of tyre mogul with £55million fortune is 'dumbfounded' she was 削減(する) out of her late father's 'secret' will

A self-自白するd 'daddy's girl' daughter is fighting in 法廷,裁判所 after 存在 left 'dumfounded' when 削減(する) out of her 大君 father's millions in a 'secret' will.

Self-made millionaire Reg 社債 turned £350 into a fortune based on a rubber tyre empire before turning his 手渡す to racehorse training and 産む/飼育するing, producing a string of 勝利者s, many of which bore his family 指名する.

He died in March 2021, 老年の 77, and his four children - sons Graham, Charlie and マイク, and only daughter Lindsay - are now 戦う/戦いing over the 有効性,効力 of his last will.

Mr 社債 had given much of his fortune away before he died, but his final will, made in November 2019, 手渡すd nearly all of his remaining £12.3million to Charlie, 43, and Graham, 52.

This left older siblings マイク, 53, and 55-year-old Lindsay with just £325,000 each.

Reg Bond made his fortune from a rubber tyre empire and also became a successful racehorse breeder before his death which is at the centre of a new battle in London's High Court

Reg 社債 made his fortune from a rubber tyre empire and also became a successful racehorse 子孫を作る人 before his death which is at the centre of a new 戦う/戦い in London's High 法廷,裁判所?

Lindsay Bond is battling with her siblings over her late father's fortune

Lindsay 社債 is 戦う/戦いing with her siblings over her late father's fortune

They are now fighting their two younger brothers in London's High 法廷,裁判所, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing their father's 2019 will was 無効の because he was too ill to understand what he was 調印.

Charlie's glamorous solicitor wife Kate Atkinson-社債 yesterday 主張するd she had no 疑問s about her millionaire father-in-法律’s mental capacity when he left her husband and his brother £5.8million.

But Lindsay, who the 法廷,裁判所 heard 述べるs herself as a 'daddy's girl,' says she and brother マイク were 'dumbfounded' when they 設立する out the contents of the will.

They (人命などを)奪う,主張する there was a '計画(する)' to keep the making of Reg's 論争d new will 'secret' from them and say the circumstances of its making were '高度に 怪しげな'.

But their brothers are fighting the (人命などを)奪う,主張する, 主張するing their father's mind was 罰金 and that doctors' 記録,記録的な/記録するs 証明する it.

They (人命などを)奪う,主張する that there was a 不和 between Reg and Lindsay in his final months, 告発する/非難するing their sister of 存在 'penny pinching' and '土台を崩すing Reg's independence'.

London's High 法廷,裁判所 heard that 'hard-nosed 実業家' Reg made his own luck and turned misfortune on its 長,率いる after he was blinded in one 注目する,もくろむ by a shard of 飛行機で行くing metal, 老年の 22, whilst working as a mechanic.

He used his £350 補償(金) cash for the 傷害 to 始める,決める himself up in a car parts 商売/仕事 と一緒に his father, beginning from a small garage in Pocklington, Yorkshire, in the 1960s.

That 商売/仕事 developed into 社債 International Tyres, which over the その後の 10年間s Reg built up, turning it into one of the UK's largest 卸売業者s, selling over five million tyres a year.

As his 商売/仕事 grew, he also turned his 手渡す to becoming a successful race horse owner and 子孫を作る人.

He realised a childhood dream by buying his first horse 社債 Boy in 2002, which went on to 勝利,勝つ the Steward's Cup.

He went on to produce a string of 勝利者s from his stud farm at Yapham Mill, in Pocklington, 含むing Monsieur 社債 who won the coveted Duke of York 火刑/賭けるs in 2004.

He also made headlines when he paid £125,000 to have his 星/主役にする 産む/飼育するing 損なう Forever 社債 mated with unbeaten flat race legend Frankel in 2014.

Charlie Bond and his wife Katie Atkinson-Bond, who has been dragged into the sibling battle

Charlie 社債 and his wife Katie Atkinson-社債, who has been dragged into the sibling 戦う/戦い

But 悲劇 struck in 2010 when Reg was 診断するd with a brain tumour, before his wife Betty died in 2015.

The 法廷,裁判所 heard he began 広い地所 planning two years later in 2017, 手渡すing over £43.45million-価値(がある) of 株 in R&RC 社債 卸売 Ltd - the family company behind 社債 International - 平等に to his four kids.

The gift 量d to 80 per cent of Mr 社債's 株 in the company, and in 2017 he made a will dividing most of the 残り/休憩(する) of his fortune - 量ing to £12.3m, 含むing the 残り/休憩(する) of his 株 - 平等に between his children too, with Charlie getting his horses.

But in 2019, two years before his death, he made a final will, 手渡すing his remaining £11million shareholding in the company to Charlie and Greg alone.

The remaining £1.3million in his 広い地所, 含むing the horses, was divided 平等に, leaving マイク and Lindsay with 相続物件s 価値(がある) around £325,000 each and their younger brothers £5.825m each.

Lawyers for マイク and Lindsay 社債 say their father '欠如(する)d testamentary capacity' when he made his last will in November 2019, 最高潮の場面ing the fact he had been 苦しむing from a brain tumour since 2010.

They want the 法廷,裁判所 to overrule the 2019 will and 復帰させる the previous will from 2017, also 主張するing that his last will is '無効の for want of knowledge and 是認'.

Their barrister Penelope Reed told Mr 司法(官) Michael Green that, 同様に as the brain tumour, Mr 社債 苦しむd from a 落ちる in his garden in 2014 which led to 肺炎 and other serious 複雑化s, leaving him needing '十分な-time care'.

She 追加するd: 'Reg was 攻撃を受けやすい and reliant on his carers.

'There is a real 疑惑 that what ended up in the final will did not 代表する his testamentary wishes. There's some かなりの 疑問 about how 井戸/弁護士席 the will 要約 was gone through with Reg.

'There was やめる 明確に a 計画(する) to keep everything secret from マイク and Lindsay.

'We don't 嘆願d 詐欺 or 共謀. We just say that these were 怪しげな circumstances.

'Reg, although hard-nosed in 商売/仕事, was 献身的な to his 従業員s. Reg was also a family man, and was 充てるd to Betty and their four children, all of whom were 伴う/関わるd in the family 商売/仕事 from a young age.

'The 趣旨d will has the 影響 of cutting マイク and Lindsay, children of Reg, who had not fallen out with him, out of the family wealth, notwithstanding they had worked for (the family company) for almost all their adult lives.

Mike Bond (pictured) and Lindsay are fighting their two younger brothers in the High Court

マイク 社債 (pictured) and Lindsay are fighting their two younger brothers in the High 法廷,裁判所

'Reg had always 扱う/治療するd his children 平等に. It was Charlie and Greg with whom マイク and Lindsay had fallen out at a time closely 先行する the will making 過程.

'Charlie's suddenly 堅固に守るd animosity に向かって Lindsay is evident from his 非常に/多数の Whatsapp 交流s to which Lindsay was oblivious, in which they would disparage and mock Lindsay, 同様に as マイク and his family.

'Lindsay and マイク began to 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う that they were deliberately 存在 kept at 武器' length from Reg by Charlie and the carers.

'Reg, however, had given no 指示,表示する物 himself that he had any problems with either of them - there was no 落ちるing out between them, and they continued to visit him with their families.'

Ms Reed told how マイク and Lindsay discovered the 存在 of the 2019 will on April 7, 2021, and were 'dumbfounded'.?

She said the will was made 'against the 背景 of a 一連の コンビナート/複合体 商業の 処理/取引s' during which マイク and Lindsay sold their 株 in the family 商売/仕事 to a new company controlled by Charlie and Greg.

'The 論争d 文書s were deliberately kept secret from マイク and Lindsay, in 新規加入 to numerou s other 手はず/準備,' said the barrister.

'Reg's 発言する/表明する is distinctly absent from the documentation. He was 攻撃を受けやすい and 扶養家族 on others to take him to the 会合s, 供給する him with 関連した 文書s, and manage his 事件/事情/状勢s.

'Lindsay had no inkling that she had been 除去するd as 弁護士/代理人/検事; neither she nor マイク had or any sense of a 落ちるing out with their father.'

But Clare Stanley, for Charlie and Greg, told the 裁判官 that Mr 社債's health was 改善するing at the time before the will was 調印するd - to the extent of wanting to get out on the road behind the wheel of a new Bentley he had bought.

She said:?'He had an active social life, was out and about, had bought a Bentley and 手配中の,お尋ね者 to get his 運動ing licence 支援する.'

She said that '証拠 of 進歩 in his physical health' was 証明するd by a 一連の ビデオs shown to the 法廷,裁判所 of Reg in the time 主要な up to the making of the will, showing him doing squats and other physical 演習s in a gym.

He was also filmed receiving a トロフィー for a winning horse he had 関係s with and celebrating cheerfully, whilst sitting in a 車椅子.

Reg Bond (pictured) set up?Bond International Tyres, which became one of the UK's largest wholesalers, selling over five million tyres per year

Reg 社債 (pictured) 始める,決める up?社債 International Tyres, which became one of the UK's largest 卸売業者s, selling over five million tyres per year

She said: 'The 文書の 証拠 示唆するs he knew he was 調印 a will and he knew what was in it.

'It was said on に代わって of マイク and Lindsay that Reg "loved all his children 平等に and 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 利益 them all 平等に, and there was no 推論する/理由 why he might want to 除外する them from his will".

'Aside from the fact that マイク and Lindsay are 含むd in the 2019 will, by the time that Reg (機の)カム to make the 2019 will, he had already gifted マイク and Lindsay 40 per cent of his company and they had agreed to sell this 利益/興味 for in 超過 of £20million.

'This litigation 関心s the final 20 per cent which Reg owned, half of which マイク and Lindsay were plainly 推定する/予想するing to be theirs, にもかかわらず them leaving the 商売/仕事.

'Far from 除外するing マイク and Lindsay, Reg made extraordinarily generous gifts to them, then 行為/法令/行動するd in a 合理的な/理性的な and 商売/仕事-like fashion in relation to the last 20 per cent of the 商売/仕事 he had built, deciding to give this in its entirety to his two children who were remaining in the 商売/仕事.'

Ms Stanley 述べるd Charlie's 'dearest wish' as 存在 'to help his beloved father live the life he 手配中の,お尋ね者 and that Reg deserved'.?

She 追加するd: 'He had given his children enormous lifetime gifts and it was Reg's time to live his best life, 特に in light of his diagnosis. Any loving child would want that for their parent.'

The barrister also (刑事)被告 Lindsay of telling her father 'he didn't have the money to 支払う/賃金 for carers', calling the daughter 'penny pinching'.

She 追加するd: 'Here is Reg 存在 told he's got no money and Charlie is telling him, "No, you have an enormous 量 of money".

'There was a 疑惑 that Lindsay was misusing Reg's money and Charlie was authorised to 許す Reg to get 支援する 支配(する)/統制する of his own 事件/事情/状勢s.

'That やむを得ず 伴う/関わるd 除去するing Lindsay as 単独の 弁護士/代理人/検事. Reg made those 決定/判定勝ち(する)s.

'Charlie and Greg respectfully request that the 法廷,裁判所 認めるs an order pronouncing in solemn form of 法律 in favour of the 2019 will and 2019 codicil. These are testamentary 文書s which Reg did have capacity to make, and he knew and 認可するd of the contents of them,' she 結論するd.

The 裁判,公判, 始める,決める to last about three weeks, continues.