Shock 調査する shows 100M adults now say CIVIL WAR will 引き裂く America apart within five years, as student 決起大会/結集させるs get ugly

More than four-in-ten US 投票者s say the country is likely to get ripped apart in a second civil war within five years, a shocking new 調査する 明らかにする/漏らすs.

The Rasmussen 報告(する)/憶測s 投票 shows that 41 パーセント 注目する,もくろむ a civil 衝突, compared to 49 パーセント who say it's not likely. Another 10 パーセント said they were not sure.

That 量s to 106 million US adults 説 civil war is on the horizon.

The 調査する comes against a 背景 of 開始するing 暴力/激しさ on US college campuses, where プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ protestors 衝突/不一致 with 法律 enforcers, 保守的なs, some ユダヤ人の students and others.

For many Americans, the pro-Palestine protests roiling US campuses expose a widening chasm between conservatives and liberals that could get even nastier in a divisive election year

For many Americans, the プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 抗議するs roiling US campuses expose a 広げるing chasm between 保守的なs and 自由主義のs that could get even nastier in a 意見の不一致を生じる 選挙 year?

More than four-in-ten US voters say the country is likely to get torn up in a second civil war within five years

More than four-in-ten US 投票者s say the country is likely to get torn up in a second civil war within five years

It also comes as the Alex Garland's dystopian political 活動/戦闘 film Civil War remains a box office favorite, with US 脱退論者 groups 説 it 申し込む/申し出s a plausible 近づく-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 account of America's 崩壊(する) into violent anarchy.

Rasmussen said the specter of civil war ぼんやり現れるs large this 選挙 year, with a 意見の不一致を生じる race pitting 大統領 Joe Biden against his 前任者 Donald Trump.


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Americans now worry about a rerun of the 1861-1865 civil war, which saw 11 southern 明言する/公表するs break away over the 会・原則 of slavery, 最終的に ending in their 敗北・負かす after four 血まみれの years of war.

'The 可能性 that America could 直面する another civil war soon is not too far-fetched for a lot of 投票者s,' the 世論調査員s said about their 調査する.

'Such discussions got a 上げる after the new movie Civil War made its debut as number one at the box office last month.'

The 調査する of 1,105 投票者s late last month 設立する that women, younger adults, and 非,不,無-white Americans were more 関心d about a 衝突 breaking out.

共和国の/共和党の 投票者s were more 確かな that Americans would (問題を)取り上げる 武器 against their countrymen than did 民主党員s.

Fully 54 パーセント of GOP 投票者s saw a civil war breaking out by 2029.

Alex Garland?s dystopian political action film Civil War shows what America could look like in the not-too-distant future

Alex Garland's dystopian political 活動/戦闘 film Civil War shows what America could look like in the 遠くない将来

A Joe Biden win in November makes the prospect of conflict more likely, voters said

A Joe Biden 勝利,勝つ in November makes the prospect of 衝突 more likely, 投票者s said

回答者/被告s were also asked whether the 結果 of November's 大統領の 選挙 would change the 半端物s of 衝突 爆発するing.

Fully 37 パーセント of 回答者/被告s said a Biden victory would make a war more likely, compared to 25 パーセント who said that of a Trump 勝利,勝つ.

Another 30 パーセント said it didn't make much difference whether the 民主党員 or the 共和国の/共和党の 候補者 won; and 8 パーセント said they were not sure.

The 全国的な 調査する had an error 利ざや of +/- 3 百分率 points.

For many Americans, the 抗議するs roiling US campuses expose a fault line between 保守的なs and 自由主義のs that has 広げるd in 最近の years.

Students at dozens of schools have 決起大会/結集させるd or (軍の)野営地,陣営d out in 最近の days to …に反対する イスラエル's war in Gaza, 需要・要求するing 会・原則s stop doi ng 商売/仕事 with companies that support the war.

保守的な 政治家,政治屋s have 公然と非難するd them as 過激なs, Marxists and anti-Semitic as the police 厳重取締s and 反対する-抗議するs 強める.

America's 脱退論者 movements, which are strongest in Texas, California, and Alaska, say the violent 抗議するs chart a course to the 肉親,親類d of 暴力/激しさ 描写するd in the Civil War movie.

The tense thriller Civil War envisions a US that has collapsed into full-blown armed conflict

The 緊張した thriller Civil War 想像するs a US that has 崩壊(する)d into 十分な-blown 武装した 衝突

Pro-Palestine/Hamas protestors in a tent encampment at the?University of California, Los Angeles

プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ/Hamas protestors in a テント 野営 at the?University of California, Los Angeles

Louis Marinelli, the 大統領,/社長 and 創立者 of Yes California, which wants the Golden 明言する/公表する's 沿岸の area to break away, says the US could 井戸/弁護士席 be 長,率いるd for a civil 衝突.

'The coming American civil war will be fought between the people of this country based on ideology,' Marinelli told

'We have two diverging and 相いれない 始める,決めるs of values in this country that can no longer coe xist.'

Marinelli calls for '激烈な 対策' to 改訂する the 憲法 and reboot politics to 避ける a 破滅的な fracture.

Texas 脱退論者 Daniel Miller says writer and director Alex Garland's ominous dystopia has tapped a 神経.

Miller has since 1996 押し進めるd for the 孤独な 星/主役にする 明言する/公表する to 出口 the union, in what's known as 'Texit.'

'Texas independence, or the 崩壊/分裂 of the union, keeps occurring in popular culture,' says Miller,?大統領,/社長 of the Texas 国家主義者 Movement.

'The 解放(する) of the movie is 注ぐing ガソリン on the 解雇する/砲火/射撃 of the conversation around Texit.'

Civil War turns the 'conscious or subconscious' 願望(する)s of テレビ視聴者s into 109 minutes of fun, he says.

The 緊張した thriller sees a US that has 崩壊(する)d into 十分な-blown 武装した 衝突.

The 軍の 力/強力にするs of Texas and California have 部隊d as Western 軍隊s, which are descending on Washington, DC.

Daniel Miller, center right, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, says the movie is '100 percent plausible'

Daniel Miller, 中心 権利, 大統領,/社長 of the Texas 国家主義者 Movement, says the movie is '100 パーセント plausible'

Alaska is the most secessionist-leaning state in the US. It joined the country in?1867

Alaska is the most 脱退論者-leaning 明言する/公表する in the US. It joined the country in?1867

They 捜し出す to 倒す an 権威主義者 US 大統領,/社長, played by Nick Offerman.

一方/合間, fictional Reuters photographer 物陰/風下 (Kirsten Dunst) and reporter Joel (Wagner Moura) take to the road with the 目的(とする) of reaching the 資本/首都 before it 落ちるs to 反逆者/反逆するs.

The movie is vague about how America descended into a second civil 衝突.

The 大統領,/社長 has ripped up the 支配する 調書をとる/予約する ― 爆破 非軍事のs, cancelling 選挙s and 認めるing himself a third 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語.

The fictional 指揮官-in-長,指導者 is not too far from modern-day reality, says Miller.

He calls the movie a '100 パーセント plausible' account of America 涙/ほころびing itself apart.

Ful ly 36 パーセント of Alaskans want to call it a day and leave the union, によれば a 最近の YouGov 調査する of 35,000 people.

That's a more popular movement than the 31 パーセント of Texans who want out.

民主党員-run California and New York are next in line to abandon ship, with 29 パーセント and 28 パーセント of 居住(者)s 好意ing 離脱, それぞれ.

Oklahomans (28 パーセント), Nebraskans (25 パーセント), Georgians (25 パーセント), Floridians (24 パーセント) and Washingtonians (24 パーセント) are also 注目する,もくろむing the door.

At the other end of the spectrum is Connecticut, with just 9 パーセント of its 比較して content 居住(者)s 捜し出すing an out.

Larger 明言する/公表するs with 際立った cultures and stronger go-it-alone economies 一般に lean toward 離脱 more than others.