DJ 始める,決めるs, 解放する/自由な drink 記念品s and trips home for にわか雨s: Inside Britain universities' Gaza sit-ins as students complain it's 冷淡な and they're not 'シャンペン酒 社会主義者s' at '団結' 野営s

  • Dozens more テントs have been pitched on campuses across the country today
  • Students have been receiving 寄付s as they 公約する to continue '無期限に/不明確に'

Students setting up プロの/賛成の-Gaza '団結' 野営s and 持つ/拘留するing sit-ins are enjoying DJ 始める,決めるs, 解放する/自由な drink 記念品s and 正規の/正選手 trips home for にわか雨s.

デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s have pitched テントs and hoisted プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 旗s on campuses across the UK, calling for an end to the war between イスラエル and Hamas?and 需要・要求するing universities 公表する/暴露する and end any 投資s in the 武器 貿易(する).

Now students taking part at universities 含むing Newcastle and Bristol have 述べるd the '氷点の' 条件s but also the 利益s 存在 申し込む/申し出d, 含むing 配達/演説/出産s of 解放する/自由な 軽食s - as they 否定するd 存在 'シャンペン酒 社会主義者s'.

ありふれたs Leader Penny Mordaunt, speaking in 議会, today 警告するd that 抗議する人s should be met with 'an 極端に strict 返答' if they tried to replicate what she called the 'disgusting' scenes happening in the US, where 1,000 students have been 逮捕(する)d.?

Organisers here have 主張するd the 抗議するs will remain 平和的な as they spread to even more universities over the coming days and weeks.

Hafsa, a 21-year-old first year student, has been taking part in the pro-Palestine 'solidarity encampment' at Newcastle University

Hafsa, a 21-year-old first year student, has been taking part in the プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ '団結 野営' at Newcastle University

The protest at Newcastle is one of a growing number on campuses across the UK today

The 抗議する at Newcastle is one of a growing number on campuses across the UK today

Among those taking part at Bristol University was a fine arts student named Sam

の中で those taking part at Bristol University was a 罰金 arts student 指名するd Sam

Students have also been manning stalls and camping out at Leeds University since yesterday

Stude nts have also been manning 立ち往生させるs and (軍の)野営地,陣営ing out at 物陰/風下d University since yesterday

Another 'Palestine Encampment' has been set up at Manchester University's Brunswick Park

Another 'パレスチナ 野営' has been 始める,決める up at Manchester University's Brunswick Park

The first UK university 野営 was 始める,決める up last week at Warwick, with others に引き続いて in Bristol, Sheffield, Manchester, 物陰/風下d and Newcastle - where students have brought テントs, 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道するs and gazebos.

Today there were w0 テントs outside the Student Union at Newcastle University, where entertainment by a Palestinian DJ was 存在 planned and 正規の/正選手 food 供給(する)s are 存在 供給するd.?

Campers have also been given 保証人/証拠物件s for 解放する/自由な drinks at the university 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業.

Lewi, a 法律 student at Newcastle, 認める sleeping in his own bed at home last night and having a にわか雨 before returning 24 hours after the 抗議する had begun at 8am yesterday.

He 主張するd it was '氷点の' にもかかわらず the May 日光 but 宣言するd the デモs would continue '無期限に/不明確に' even if students find themselves kicked out of university.

Lewi, 20, said:?'It isn't シャンペン酒 社会主義 - it's really high stak es, we've been here for 24 hours so far.

'The student union have been bringing 軽食s and we are getting 記念品s for 解放する/自由な drinks at the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業.

'They are our union, our 料金s go to them to be our union - this is our 利益.'

Students at Manchester University have been chanting and picnicking on campus

Students at Manchester University have been 詠唱するing and picnicking on campus

Lewi, a law student at Newcastle University, said the protesters planned to stay 'indefinitely'

Lewi, a 法律 student at Newcastle University, said the 抗議する人s planned to stay 'indefin itely'

Lewi has a tent as part though admitted he went home to sleep and shower last night

Lewi has a テント as part though 認める he went home to sleep and にわか雨 last night

He 述べるd how students would gather each day at 5pm and at 6.30pm 株 a community dinner 'where everyone is welcome', 追加するing: 'We have a call out group 雑談(する) where if we need anything people bring it.

'What we're doing, it's not nice, it's 氷点の. This isn't for fun - we try to make it fun but it isn't.

'We are willing to be here 無期限に/不明確に and we are willing to lose our degrees over it. It's a strong 声明.

'From my point of 見解(をとる), I 港/避難所't worked as a child for my academic 記録,記録的な/記録する to sit here and hear about the students in Gaza that don't have a 選び出す/独身 university, and do nothing.'

The student, 初めは from Brighton, did 示唆する there was 'a chance of things going south very quickly'.

He said: '中断 is やめる likely. We are worried about our degrees 存在 taken away. People have been going to the library and coming 支援する.'

Jonathan Turner, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of the group UK Lawyers For イスラエル called earlier for universities to?''take 即座の 合法的な 活動/戦闘 to 除去する these 野営s before ユダヤ人の and other students are 悩ますd and 除外するd'.

But Lewi 主張するd the デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s were not anti-Semitic and 含むd 'a large number' of ユダヤ人の students.

Some 20 tents have been p
itched outside Newcastle University's Student Union

Some 20 テントs have been pitched outside Newcastle University's Student Union

A police officer monitors the demonstration by students at Newcastle University

A police officer 監視するs the demonstration by students at Newcastle University

Newcastle University student Lewi said the protest was 'freezing' and 'not fun'

Newcastle University student Lewi said the 抗議する was '氷点の' and 'not fun'

He said: 'The food I'm eating has been 用意が出来ている by an Israeli 国民. The high 関与 of ユダヤ人の students means the discourse hasn't been made too much of a thing.'

The campers are surrounded by Palestinian 旗s and photographs of dead children.

A large 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道する at the 前線 of the 場所/位置 says, 'Gaza 団結 野営', while another 調印する reads: 'Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.'?

Hafsa, a 21-year old first year student, was not (軍の)野営地,陣営ing out but instead 配達するing 供給(する)s to other students.

She said: 'I'm bringing the vibes up, getting the (衆議院の)議長 out, dancing, 上げるing 意気込み/士気.

'I live 地元で and I feel like my support is better through making sure there is a car here. I have three little brothers at home who I have to help get ready for school so I go home on an evening.

'We are willing to be here until our 需要・要求するs are met.'

She did 述べる as 'anxious and terrified' she could lose her degree as a result.

Hafsa, 21, has been bringing food and supplies to those taking part at Newcastle University

Hafsa, 21, has been bringing food and 供給(する)s to those taking part at Newcastle University

Students at Newcastle said they were being given free drink vouchers and donated food

Students at Newcastle said they were 存在 given 解放する/自由な drink 保証人/証拠物件s and 寄付するd food

Newcastle student Hafsa said she felt?anxious and terrified' she could lose her degree.

Newcastle student Hafsa said she felt?anxious and terrified' she could lose her degree.

But she 追加するd: 'At the same time, I don't think I would be able to live my life knowing that I have a degree and have paid the price with my silence.'

Students in Newcastle have been 抗議するing an 申し立てられた/疑わしい 共同 between the university and defence and 安全 company Leonardo SpA, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have 関与 in producing 器具/備品 for Israeli jets.?

Hafsa went on: 'I find it a 特権 to be at a place like Newcastle University. The university would be at a 広大な/多数の/重要な loss if they tried to silence us.

'They would be overlooking the leaders of tomorrow. We have tried time and time again to communicate with the university.'

演説(する)/住所ing 関心s about anti-Semitism, she 追加するd: 'I understand what it feels like to be 的d. I would hate for anyone to feel as though we are here against them.

'I wouldn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable and if anyone has 関心s about anti-Semitism I'm very, very open. I'm sure everyone else is 同様に to have a 静める discussion about it.'

国家の Women Against 炭坑,オーケストラ席 終結s 長官 Heather 支持を得ようと努めるd, 72, from Easington in 郡 Durham, 寄付するd £10 to the students.

She said: 'It's about 集団殺戮 and 殺人,大当り bairns. These people are living somewhere where it is their 権利 to live.

National Women Against Pit Closures secretary Heather Wood, 72, donated £10 to the Newcastle University students camping out

国家の Women Against 炭坑,オーケストラ席 終結s 長官 Heather 支持を得ようと努めるd, 72, 寄付するd £10 to the Newcastle University students (軍の)野営地,陣営ing out

The Newcastle tents are surrounded by Palestinian flags and photo of dead children

The Newcastle テントs are surrounded by Palestinian 旗s and photo of dead children

Hafsa, 21-year-old first year student at Newcastle, said: 'I don't think I would be able to live my life knowing that I have a degree and have paid the price with my silence'

Hafsa, 21-year-old first year student at Newcastle, said: 'I don't think I would be able to live my life knowing that I have a degree and have paid the price with my silence'

'I want to support the students. It's really making me feel 希望に満ちた about the 未来.

'It's hard to stand against the 明言する/公表する. I'm just so happy that they are doing this. It's just amazing and it makes me feel so much better now that someone is doing it.'?

Last October, Leonardo SpA opened a 科学(工学)技術 研究 場所/位置 in the city and hosted an event …に出席するd by at least one faculty member from the university - although it was 不明瞭な to what extent the 会社/堅い worked 直接/まっすぐに with the 会・原則.

Leonardo did 開始する,打ち上げる a data science 共同 with the 国家の 革新 Centre for Data hosted at the university last summer.

Newcastle University said it 尊敬(する)・点d people's 権利 to 抗議する 合法の.

A spokesperson 追加するd: 'Working with 産業 partners is 批判的な in helping us to てこ入れ/借入資本 our world-class 研究, to 前進する science and to support the UK's 開発 through high-value 雇用 and 技術s.

'Any 提案s for defence and 安全 共同s are reviewed on a 事例/患者-by-事例/患者 basis.

'The university does not 投資する in companies making 軍備s.'

Law student Lewi rejected any labels of 'champagne socialism' as he took part in the demo

法律 student Lewi 拒絶するd any labels of 'シャンペン酒 社会主義' as he took part in the デモ

A pro-Palestine demo has been set up by Bristol University students in Royal Fort Gardens

A プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ デモ has been 始める,決める up by Bristol University students in 王室の Fort Gardens

Bristol fine arts student Sam wants the university to publicly call for a ceasefire in Gaza

Bristol 罰金 arts student Sam wants the university to 公然と call for a 停戦 in Gaza

Another Bristol University student is pictured at the 王室の Fort Gardens 団結 (軍の)野営地,陣営

一方/合間, at the Bristol University 抗議する (軍の)野営地,陣営, about 20 students have been 論証するing since the 早期に hours of yesterday morning.

罰金 arts student Sam was の中で them, sitting in a small, one-person テント on a damp patch of lawn outside the city's 王室の Fort.

He said: 'イスラエル has 開始する,打ち上げるd a 集団殺戮 against the Palestinian people and we cannot stand by and watch this 広げる without 表明するing our 団結 and support in some way.

'We are also 需要・要求するing that Bristol University 公然と calls for a 停戦.'

He also 主張するd he and his fellow students and his fellow students were planning to continue their sit-in '無期限に/不明確に'.

Sam said: 'Our 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 finishes at the end of this month, but if our 需要・要求するs have not been met by then, we will remain here until その上の notice. Some things are just too important.

'Sure, it makes getting my final two essays 完全にするd やめる difficult, but I'm adaptable.

'I've got my laptop here in the テント and I still have 接近 to the libraries for (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状), so I'm just 令状ing everything up here. I am staying put.'

Banners carrying pro-Palestine slogans are hung beside tents at the Bristol University camp

旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道するs carrying プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ スローガンs are hung beside テントs at the Bristol University (軍の)野営地,陣営

The demo at Manchester University's Brunswick Park campus was inspired by similar in the US

The デモ at Manchester University's Brunswick Park campus was 奮起させるd by 類似の in the US

Manchester students have gathered with Palestinian flags as well as holding up placards

Manchester students have gathered with Palestinian 旗s 同様に as 持つ/拘留するing up 掲示s

He 明らかにする/漏らすd university staff had been 申し込む/申し出ing support 同様に as food 小包s, 含むing one of his lecturers.'

The campers were also joined for the day by 77-year-old alumnus Caroline New, who 完全にするd her PhD in sociology and philosophy at Bristol University in the 早期に 1990s.

Ms New said: 'I am in total sympathy with these 勇敢に立ち向かう young students who are doing their best to do something about the 残虐(行為)s 現在/一般に 存在 played out in パレスチナ against Palestinian human 存在s.'

She is a member of the group Friends Of Standing Together, which was 開始する,打ち上げるd last year 説 it 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 促進する 'peace, equality, and 司法(官) in イスラエル and パレスチナ, the 利益s of 共同の struggle by Jews and Palestinians'.

There has been some unease の中で people at 物陰/風下d University where 20 プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ students pitched テントs on a lawn yesterday.

Homemade 調印するs strung around the 一時しのぎの物,策 (軍の)野営地,陣営 read: 'No pride in 人種隔離政策(アパルトヘイト)! Queers for パレスチナ', 'No IDF on campus' and 'Welcome to the 占領/職業. 解放する/自由な パレスチナ'.

A disgruntled 物陰/風下d University 従業員 said: 'They are 廃虚ing a place for people to 会合,会う by selfishly setting up their テントs there.'

He said the group, the 物陰/風下d Students Against 人種隔離政策(アパルトヘイト) 連合, had 以前 占領するd the 目印 Parkinson Building at the university for 10 days.

A ユダヤ人の student, who preferred not to be 指名するd, said: 'I'm not against 抗議する, but this sort of thing makes me feel 危険な.

Tents line a green space at Manchester University wh
ile crowds of protesters congregate

テントs line a green space at Manchester University while (人が)群がるs of 抗議する人s congregate

An aerial view of the pro-Palestine solidarity camp at Manchester University today

An 空中の 見解(をとる) of the プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 団結 (軍の)野営地,陣営 at Manchester University today

'I think they are more anti-Semitic than プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ. They are also ill 知らせるd - Hamas are dead against homosexuality, so 宣言するing queers are 支援 パレスチナ is stupidity.'

Sean 認める, 19, said: 'They are not doing any 害(を与える) here really, but not really helping either. I'm not sure whether イスラエル or the people of Gaza will see any 利益 from this 抗議する.'

At Manchester University, an 野営 was 始める,決める up at Brunswick Park yesterday.

Around 50 students have 築くd テントs on campus grounds 需要・要求するing that the university ends its 共同 with BAE Systems and other 武器 companies, and also 削減(する) its 関係 with Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It is also 需要・要求するing it stops all 'unethical 研究'.?

抗議する人s put up 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道するs which read: 'Welcome to MCR (軍の)野営地,陣営 抵抗 for パレスチナ', 'F*** your 利益(をあげる)s' and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the university had '血 money on its 手渡すs'. Food 立ち往生させるs were also 始める,決める up to keep the students fed at Brunswick Park 場所/位置.

On some of the small テントs were photographs of people killed in the war.

Student Yassir Raqe, 20, said: 'It so important that we do this and show our support to the people of Gaza.

Among the demonstrators isgroup called the Leeds Students Against Apartheid Coalition

の中で the デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s isgroup called the 物陰/風下d Students Against 人種隔離政策(アパルトヘイト) 連合

Handpainted signs bore slogans such as 'Stop genocide. End apartheid. Free Palestine' as well sa ?Welcome to the occupation. Free Palestine'.

Handpainted 調印するs bore スローガンs such as 'Stop 集団殺戮. End 人種隔離政策(アパルトヘイト). 解放する/自由な パレスチナ' 同様に sa 'Welcome to the 占領/職業. 解放する/自由な パレスチナ'.

Other banners were hung on metal fencing at the Leeds University campus

Other 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道するs were hung on metal 盗品故買者ing at the 物陰/風下d University campus

'Innoce nt people are 存在 killed and it has to stop. We will be here for as long as it takes for 活動/戦闘 to be taken.'

Samir Tali, 23, said: 'The university needs to show strong leadership and すぐに end its 協会 with BAE.

'We are committed to having our 需要・要求するs met. The university needs to change course and that's why we are 圧力ing them into doing it.'

Another student, from Manchester 左派の(人) 活動/戦闘, said: 'There has been a call from Palestinian 抵抗 for an 増加する and escalation in our 活動/戦闘 and we 答える/応じるd to that call with an 野営. 類似の 活動/戦闘 is taking place across the country and the US.'

Another 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道する on 陳列する,発揮する 言及/関連d the スローガン 'From the river to the sea' - the land between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean, which some (人命などを)奪う,主張する calls for the 破壊 of the Israeli 明言する/公表する.

One organiser of the university 野営, who 辞退するd to be 指名するd, 否定するd the スローガン was antisemitic.

But ユダヤ人の students at the university 同意しないd, 説 they felt 関心d for their safety.

One said: 'I feel it is a very 敵意を持った 環境 at the moment.

'I feel 脅すd and 脅迫してさせるd walking through here now.

'I know friends who have 除去するd any items that identifies them as ユダヤ人の. How can that be 権利?'

Her friend said: 'People are afraid to come to university. It just seems like they are trying to 脅迫してさせる and 脅す people by 存在 in everyone's 直面するs.

'Some friends have had vile comments shouted at them because of their 約束.'

Other messages seen in Leeds included 'Black Lives Matter' and 'Freedom for Palestine'

Other messages seen in 物陰/風下d 含むd '黒人/ボイコット Lives 事柄' and 'Freedom for パレスチナ'

Tents pitched on campus at Leeds University now sit beside picnic benches

テントs pitched on campus at 物陰/風下d University now sit beside picnic (法廷の)裁判s

Leeds students were seen sitting in the sun while carrying out their solidarity demo

物陰/風下d students were seen sitting in the sun while carrying out their 団結 デモ

A spokesperson for the university said: 'You can be 保証するd that we will do everything possible to 持続する 商売/仕事 as usual and we 勧める 抗議する人s t o 行為/法令/行動する accordingly.

'We are very conscious of the need to 確実にする that everyone on our campus remains 安全な and 安全な・保証する and this will be of 最大の importance.'

The university has said in a previous 声明 it has 'no 関与 with the Israeli defence 部門'.?

More (軍の)野営地,陣営s are 予定 to be 始める,決める up at universities 含むing Swansea, Edinburgh and Lancaster.

The demonstrations follow 抗議するs on US campuses, where demonstrations have turned ugly with 反対する-抗議する人s 会合 the 野営s with 軍隊.

At UCLA, a masked プロの/賛成の-Israeli group 待ち伏せ/迎撃するd a プロの/賛成の-Palestinian (軍の)野営地,陣営, shocking (映画の)フィート数 showing 人物/姿/数字s in hoodies bashing 行動主義者s with bats and setting off ゆらめくs.

Police had 設立するd 支配(する)/統制する by 夜明け on Wednesday. The college cancelled classes in 返答 to the 強襲,強姦.

Hundreds of 抗議する人s have also been 逮捕(する)d at Columbia まっただ中に 類似の events, with police officers (疑いを)晴らすing 野営s and an 占領するd building.

Speaking in the ありふれたs this morning, Ms Mordaunt 警告するd of a 厳重取締 if students here created disorder in their プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 抗議するs.

Asked about antisemitism on British campuses, she said UK universities were aware of their 責任/義務s to all students, 'in particular, those communities that are feeling 特に under attack'.

Ms Mordaunt 追加するd: 'That is what we 推定する/予想する of them and we hope and 推定する/予想する that they will 会合,会う any such notion of 類似の 抗議するs with an 極端に strict 返答.'

Stella Swain, 青年 and student (選挙などの)運動をするs officer with the パレスチナ 団結 (選挙などの)運動をする, 予報するd more (軍の)野営地,陣営s would spring up at その上の UK universities.

She said: 'Later this week and next, more places will be tak ing up that call for support.

'All of the 抗議するs so far have been 完全に 平和的な and there is nothing to 示す that they wouldn't be - there would be very little 原因(となる) for an 増大するd (police) 返答.'

At Manchester University, an encampment was set up at Brunswick Park yesterday

At Manchester University, an 野営 was 始める,決める up at Brunswick Park yesterday

Protesters have also set up tents and stalls here at Leeds University

抗議する人s have also 始める,決める up テントs and 立ち往生させるs here at 物陰/風下d University

She said the UK 抗議するs 伴う/関わるd students discussing topics such as 植民地主義 and 抵抗 movements, 述べるing the demonstrations as '平和的な but educative events'.

Tom Southerden, 国際アムネスティ UK's 法律 and human 権利s director, said: 'The 権利 to 平和的な 抗議する is 根底となる to our 僕主主義 and it's 決定的な that UK universities and the police 尊敬(する)・点 and 保護する 平和的な student 抗議するs on Gaza.

'平和的な, student-led 抗議するs are an important part of the movement across the globe against イスラエル's war 罪,犯罪s, 人種隔離政策(アパルトヘイト) and possible 集団殺戮 in Gaza.

'The 当局 in the UK must 避ける the dangerous 厳重取締り we've 証言,証人/目撃するd at university campuses across the US.'

The 総理大臣's 公式の/役人 広報担当者 would not comment on 抗議するs in the US, but said: 'We've always been (疑いを)晴らす that people have a 権利 to 平和的な and lawful 抗議する but 明確に people shouldn't 乱用 that 権利 to 脅迫してさせる others, 原因(となる) unnecessary disruption.

'明白に, the police already have 広範囲にわたる public order 力/強力にするs to 取り組む disorder at 抗議するs and will continue to have our 十分な support in doing so if needed.'