• Brown Bread Fred Foreman was linked to three gangland 殺人s in the 1960s ?
  • He said he was still 反目,不和ing with one of the old 直面するs from gangland's heyday?

Sitting on the couch on the seventh 床に打ち倒す of a north London 補助装置d living 施設 is one of London's most 悪名高い ギャング(個々)s. On the television is a true 罪,犯罪 文書の showing an 連邦検察局?調査, while on the 塀で囲むs of the flat are photographs and 調書をとる/予約するs ? many featuring his 同時代のs ? most of whom are now dead.

Known amongst London's gangland fraternity as Brown Bread Fred, Freddie Foreman, the former enforcer for the Kray Twins still has some unfinished 商売/仕事.?

'There is one person who is still a thorn in the 味方する. A mouthy b*******. But it's all over now. I am not going to do something silly. I don't want to give my daughter any aggravation. She's a diamond.'

He 収容する/認めるs at the age of 92 that his 脚s have gone and can barely move around the flat without a stick. He is also mindful of 明らかにする/漏らすing too many 詳細(に述べる)s of his past life because he doesn't want to return to 刑務所,拘置所.

Freddie Foreman, pictured, uses a 'gold' bar as a door stop in his assisted living flat in north London. The former enforcer for the Kray twins is one of the last gangsters from the 1950s left standing

Freddie Foreman, pictured, uses a 'gold' 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 as a door stop in his 補助装置d living flat in north London. The former enforcer for the Kray twins is one of the last ギャング(個々)s from the 1950s left standing

Freddie Foreman, pictured in his youth, had a short professional boxing career. He once fought on the undercard of a Henry Cooper contest

Freddie Foreman, pictured in his 青年, had a short professional ボクシング career. He once fought on the undercard of a Henry Cooper contest

Apart from lunch out with his daughter and her family, the only time he escapes the seventh 床に打ち倒す of the apartment コンビナート/複合体 is to …に出席する the funerals of former friends, 共犯者s and 競争相手s.?

It was during one funeral for former 広大な/多数の/重要な Train Robber Tommy Wisbey, who died of a 一打/打撃 in December 2016 after 苦しむing a 一打/打撃, that Foreman squared up to the former south London 罪,犯罪 boss Eddie Richardson. At the time of the 捨てる, the former ギャング(個々)s had a 連合させるd age of 166.?

The 約束ing amateur boxer of his 青年 looks 負かす/撃墜する across the living room at the couch, a 思い出の品 of his former physique.

On the 床に打ち倒す, 事実上の/代理 as a doorstop is what looks astonishingly like a gold 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業.

'I wish it was real,' he chuckles.

He is best known for 存在 an enforcer for the Kray Twins after crossing the River Thames to 避ける constant police attention.

'It was the worst thing that could have happened to me. I had to leave south London. I couldn't walk as too many 巡査s knew me... but over in the east end I was a stranger.'

Foreman was invited to meet the Kray twins by their brother Charlie, pictured centre, with Reggie, left, and Ronnie, right. Foreman said the Krays had 'a reputation'. Foreman moved into Ronnie Kray's flat after he was forced to leave south London because of police attention

Foreman was 招待するd to 会合,会う the Kray twins by their brother Charlie, pictured centre, with Reggie, left, and Ronnie, 権利. Foreman said the Krays had 'a 評判'. Foreman moved into Ronnie Kray's flat after he was 軍隊d to leave south London because of police attention

Foreman, pictured, told MailOnline: 'I was used to death and destruction. Nothing would faze me anymore. Like when Ronnie shot Georgie Cornell... Georgie Cornell was a pal of mine, he was a nice guy'

Foreman, pictured, told MailOnline: 'I was used to death and 破壊. Nothing would faze me anymore. Like when Ronnie 発射 Georgie Cornell... Georgie Cornell was a pal of 地雷, he was a nice guy'

Freddie Foreman, pictured right with Reggie Kray, his brother Charlie, centre, and Henry Cooper, second left

Freddie Foreman, pictured 権利 with Reggie Kray, his brother Charlie, centre, and Henry Cooper, second left

Foreman grew up in 戦時 London. His four brothers all served during World War II. Two in the 海軍 while the other pair were in the army, 結局 joining the Special 操作/手術s (n)役員/(a)執行力のある. 'A tasty little 会社/堅い that was,' he 収容する/認めるs.

It was on the streets of 地位,任命する war South London that Foreman began building his 評判. First as a boxer and subsequently as a 犯罪の.

During that period, London was divided between さまざまな 罪,犯罪 families and their ギャング(団)s.

A 味方する hustle 伴う/関わるing hitting 電気の 蓄える/店s brought him into the 軌道 of Charlie Kray, the Kray twins' 年上の brother.

Foreman had been carrying off goods such as washing machines, dryers, and refrigerators from the 前線 of shops while the 労働者s were 存在 distracted by his e lder brother George.

He told MailOnline: 'I put an 全体にわたる on and was walking into the shop and 選ぶing up these washing machines, fridges and spin dryers and walking off with them and out the door.

Frank 'The Mad Axe Man' Mitchell was an associate of the Krays. The twins helped him escape from Dartmoor prison. The Krays ordered Mitchell's death and he was believed to have been dumped in the English Channel, weighted down by chicken wire by Brown Bread Fred

Frank 'The Mad Axe Man' Mitchell was an associate of the Krays. The twins helped him escape from Dartmoor 刑務所,拘置所. The Krays ordered Mitchell's death and he was believed to have been 捨てるd in the English Channel, 負わせるd 負かす/撃墜する by chicken wire by Brown Bread Fred

Foreman, pictured in 1969 with former Northern Ireland goal keeper Pat Jennings
, right, and Mike England, the former Wales centre half

Foreman, pictured in 1969 with former Northern Ireland goal keeper Pat Jennings, 権利, and マイク England, the former むちの跡s centre half

Foreman, pictured, said he had planned to remain in Spain to enjoy his retirement

Foreman, pictured, said he had planned to remain in Spain to enjoy his 退職?

'They would leave them at the 入り口 to the shop. My brother George would go in and keep them 占領するd, so they couldn't see what was going on. I'd go in and 選ぶ them up and walk off and carry them around the corner to a 味方する street and sling them in the 支援する of a 先頭 and off we go.

'I was selling them out of the manor over in the East End. That was when Charlie Kray (機の)カム over. I had four lock-ups at Herne Hill 駅/配置する and he (機の)カム over and they were all 十分な up with 電気の...

'It was a good time then. I had so many 顧客s. My mum and dad were in a 封鎖する up in Putney. I said that refrigerator was too small that I got you. Give it to the old woman next door. I've a better one for you.

'I felt like a 正規の/正選手 コマドリ Hood. I felt all 権利 what I was doing. I was 供給するing things that they couldn't afford themselves. I got six months. I was moved around a lot. I was on the 小島 of Sheppey and then Wormwood Scrubs.'

At one 行う/開催する/段階 he was in a 刑務所,拘置所 on the morning a 非難するd man was led to his death.

Foreman, pictured centre in 2013 at the funeral of Great Train Robber Bruce Reynolds, walking along with football agent Eric Hall, right. The former gangster said he continues to attend funerals to see the 'old faces'

Foreman, pictured centre in 2013 at the funeral of 広大な/多数の/重要な Train Robber Bruce Reynolds, walking along with football スパイ/執行官 Eric Hall, 権利. The former ギャング(個々) said he continues to …に出席する funerals to see the 'old 直面するs'

He said being in prison on the morning of a hanging was a terrible experience

He said 存在 in 刑務所,拘置所 on the morning of a hanging was a terrible experience?

He said: 'This particular morning they were hanging someone. It was a terrible atmosphere. Everyone had their metal plates banging them off the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s when he was 存在 hung.

'I turned into a good boy for a while. I got married and had two boys and a daughter. I went over to the East End. That's when I got 伴う/関わるd with the Twins.'

最初, life was good in the East End: 'I took over Ronnie Kray's flat. He moved out and I moved into this little 封鎖する of flats in Adelina Grove. I enjoyed it over there. I still carried on what I was doing. Then of course some other work come up. More profitable things. Things I cannot について言及する as they don't know I was 伴う/関わるd in. But they were good.'

Remarkably, すぐに after the war, Foreman was working in Smithfield market and for British 鉄道s as 'a 先頭 boy'.

'I was collecting gold from City banks to 輸送(する) it from the 鉄道 駅/配置するs to the banks in the city.

'I 扱うd a lot of f****** expensive stuff'.

Moving gold around the city 誘発するd an idea: 'My brother Bert worked at the 地位,任命する office. He was a bit helpful to me, telling me wh en money was 存在 transferred to a 地位,任命する office tucked away outside London. I would have a pop at that. I made a bit of money with him. We bought a nice house over in Clapham ありふれた.

'We had all the nurses from the hospital at Clapham ありふれた. Most of our (弁護士の)依頼人s, girls... the house was 十分な up with nurses. That was the first 投資 I got 伴う/関わるd with.

'It was a straight 商売/仕事. I then opened up a betting shop. You had to have a 有罪の判決 for street bookmaking to get a licence. I had several of them. It was the first 企業 that I had that did any good.

Jack 'The Hat' McVitie was murdered in the basement flat of this Victorian end of terrace house in Stoke Newington by Reggie Kray. Foreman helped dispose of the body

Jack 'The Hat' McVitie was 殺人d in the 地階 flat of this Victorian end of terrace house in Stoke Newington by Reggie Kray. Foreman helped 配置する/処分する/したい気持ちにさせる of the 団体/死体?

'Then of course, 確かな bits of work (機の)カム along, which I could not 辞退する and that's when I had to go on my toes over to the East End of London.'

For much of the 1960s, Foreman remained in the East End as a 信用d member of the Kray's 会社/堅い.

However, when Jack 'The Hat' McVitie has been stabbed to death in Evering Road, Stoke Newington on October 28, 1967 by Reggie Kray, Foreman was soon linked to the 罪,犯罪.

While he had not 参加するd in the 殺人, members of the Kray ギャング(団) 捨てるd McVitie's 団体/死体 almost on Foreman's doorstep, 近づく the Prince of むちの跡s pub on Lant Street which he owned.

By ダンピング the 団体/死体 in Rotherhithe, Tony Lambrianou, his brother Chris and Ronnie Bender thought they would place the Richardsons ギャング(団) ? who controlled south of the river ? as 長,指導者 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs behind the 殺人. The ギャング(団) was run by Eddie and his brother, Charlie Richardson. They were 捜し出すing to move into 領土 under the 支配(する)/統制する of the Krays.

Foreman, pictured at the funeral of former gangland figure Joseph Pyle, said the events he witnessed during the war in London influenced his career, saying it showed how cheap life could be

Foreman, pictured at the funeral of former gangland 人物/姿/数字 Joseph Pyle, said the events he 証言,証人/目撃するd during the war in London 影響(力)d his career, 説 it showed how cheap life could be

When the Kray twins heard the 団体/死体 had been 捨てるd outside St Mary's Church in Rotherhithe, they 警報d Foreman and told him to を取り引きする the problem.

McVitie's 団体/死体 has never been 設立する. It is thought Foreman took the 団体/死体 by boat out to sea and 捨てるd it off the Kent coast.

Such an 活動/戦闘 may not seem 合理的な/理性的な, but Foreman explains that during the war, he had 証言,証人/目撃するd the result of a V2 attack which 攻撃する,衝突する the nurses' accommodation 封鎖する of a nearby hospital.

He and his parents had only recently moved into a new flat when the area was struck by the powerful 爆弾. His brother Bert was home on leave from the 王室の 海軍, and their mother was cooking eggs and bacon, saved from rations.

He said: 'There was a big 爆発. The whole place shook. There was no stopping it.'

Foreman said he ran out の上に the street and 証言,証人/目撃するd a scene of utter 荒廃: 'One particular girl, she just had a slip on. It blew the 着せる/賦与するs off her 団体/死体. She couldn't stand up. I went 負かす/撃墜する to help her.

'存在 a nosey kid, I stood there on the pavement. It wiped this street out.'

The Kray brothers pictured walking through the Cedra Court apartment complex in Stamford Hill. They Twins moved into the complex in 1963

The Kray brothers pictured walking through the Cedra 法廷,裁判所 apartment コンビナート/複合体 in Stamford Hill. They Twins moved into the コンビナート/複合体 in 1963

He said 救急車 乗組員s and 解雇する/砲火/射撃 wardens were quickly on the scene, but what he 証言,証人/目撃するd that day changed him for life.

'They were laying 団体/死体s on the street on the street, they laid out 40-半端物 people.

'It must have done something because I never forgot them. They are memories that you would never forget. They must 影響(力) you in some way... how cheap life was in those days.'

He 収容する/認めるs that once you consider that life is so cheap, it makes life as a 犯罪の far easier.

'I'm sure it did. I was used to death and 破壊. Nothing would faze me anymore. Like when Ronnie 発射 Georgie Cornell... Georgie Cornell was a pal of 地雷, he was a nice guy. But he went and 発射 him in the Blind Beggar. I had a flat opposite that.

'I got 伴う/関わるd with them. It was a bad move, but they did help me. They got me that flat.

'I used to go around to their house to their mother, Violet, and have a cup of tea. I took the kids around there to see them. She was a lovely woman. She would look after the kids if I had to go out anywhere.

'We got to know the Kray family. There were good times and bad times.'

The Kray twins, pictured in 1966 at home only 36 hours after being questioned in connection with the murder of Foreman's 'pal'

The Kray twins, pictured in 1966 at home only 36 hours after 存在 questioned in 関係 with the 殺人 of Foreman's 'pal'?

He said Scotland Yard was 決定するd to 刑務所,拘置所 him. にもかかわらず 存在 unable to find the 団体/死体, Scotland Yard was able to build a 事例/患者 against the Krays. The 会社/堅い's 塀で囲む of omerta had been 違反d.

He said he does not have 悔いるs about the life he led, にもかかわらず 認めるing that working with the Krays was a mistake. 'Not really, I don't think, when I think about it. What I did, I did with a 目的. It was never petty. It was either getting a 続けざまに猛撃する 公式文書,認める or getting 復讐 on bad 行為s that had been done.'

One of the bad 行為s was the 殺人 of Tommy 'Ginger' 示すs.

示すs had 発射 Foreman's brother George in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 over the attentions of a lady.

The ギャング(個々) 無能にするd the light outside George's flat, called at the door.

Foreman said: 'They 爆破d him in the groin. They tried to 攻撃する,衝突する him in the 私的なs. War had been 宣言するd and that's when twins (機の)カム in handy. They told me that Ginger 示すs was doing a 強盗 in Aldgate. He was going to bring the jewels to the twins to knock the m out for them.

'They were four 手渡すd on the 強盗, but there just two of them walking on this street. We called out his 指名する and let him have it...'

Commenting on his run-ins with the law, Foreman said:??The police. They were alright. They had a job to do like everyone else. They treated me alright. They arrested me and got a feather in their cap. I knew a lot of them over the years. Criminality is about trying to improve your standard of living, get a good education for your children. I fell over a few times because of that?

Commenting on his run-ins with the 法律, Foreman said:?'The police. They were alright. They had a 職業 to do like everyone else. They 扱う/治療するd me alright. They 逮捕(する)d me and got a feather in their cap. I knew a lot of them over the years. Criminality is about trying to 改善する your 基準 of living, get a good education for your children. I fell over a few times because of that'

Foreman pauses 簡潔に with a hint of a smile: '...That is what was supposed to have happened, anyway.'

'I got ten years for Ginger 示すs. They 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d me with 殺人 but couldn't 罪人/有罪を宣告する me.

READ MORE: Inside the Hatton Garden (警察の)手入れ,急襲

'いつか later they 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d me with Jack the Hat, 配置する/処分する/したい気持ちにさせるing of his 団体/死体.

'They were 決定するd to put me away. They 手配中の,お尋ね者 to life me off.'

'They were trying to drag me 負かす/撃墜する with the Twins, but they never had the 証拠. I got a nine and a ten. They got the lifes. That was the end of my East End career.'

In the 1980s, Foreman was one of the highest profile ギャング(個々)s living on the Costa del 罪,犯罪.

In 1978, Britain's 国外逃亡犯人の引渡し 条約 with Spain had 満了する/死ぬd and relations between London and Madrid were poor.

Ronnie Knight, who was once married to Barbara Windsor, moved to Spain in January 1984, after his brother John had been 逮捕(する)d for the 安全 表明する 強盗.

Foreman told MailOnline that the 安全 表明する 職業 he had planned to live in Spain.

'I loved it over in Spain. I would have stayed over there for the 残り/休憩(する) of my life.'

He (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that he was kidnapped by Scotland Yard.

In an interview with Ham and High, he said: 'They jumped me. They were all disguised as gardeners and workies. The next thing I know they 手錠d me, and were 急ぐing me in the car 90 miles an hour 負かす/撃墜する the carreterra [road] and straight to Malaga Airport.?

'I broke away from them and they chased me into the 出発 lounge, but four of them carried me out the stairs to the 計画(する).?

'I put my foot in a silent kick and we went 権利 負かす/撃墜する to the 底(に届く) of the stairs again. I was running around the 計画(する) and the 操縦する was looking out of the window.'

にもかかわらず his (人命などを)奪う,主張するs he 追加するd: 'The police. They were alright. They had a 職業 to do like everyone else. They 扱う/治療するd me alright. They 逮捕(する)d me and got a feather in their cap. I knew a lot of them over the years.

'Criminality is about trying to 改善する your 基準 of living, get a good education for your children. I fell over a few times because of that.'

He said you need 広大な/多数の/重要な levels of fitness to be a ギャング(個々). On the 安全 表明する 職業, the £6m in untraceable bank 公式文書,認めるs 重さを計るd だいたい five tonnes.

Commenting on the gold 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 in the corner of his room, he said: 'I wish it was a real one.'

'It's 激しい. All that work you had to be fit.

'The 仲買人s in the gold area, if they are buying gold cheap they'd bite your 手渡す off. They would smelt it 負かす/撃墜する straight away and it is unrecognisable. It wasn't hard to get rid off at all.'