Both 味方するs at University of Alabama イスラエル パレスチナ 抗議する 部隊 in anti-Biden 詠唱する

  • Biden has been 直面するing heat from 保守的なs and 左派の(人)s for his stand on both the was in Gaza and the student 抗議するs at universities across the country
  • 緊張s on college campuses have been building as デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s 辞退する to 除去する 野営s and 行政官/管理者s turn to police to (疑いを)晴らす them by 軍隊?

One 味方する held Israeli 旗s while the other carried プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 調印するs, but they agreed on one thing.

Both 派閥s of the イスラエル-パレスチナ 抗議する at the University of Alabama were seen 部隊d in their disdain for 大統領,/社長 Joe Biden on Wednesday.?

'F*** Joe Biden,' both 味方するs of the demonstration 詠唱するd in unison on Wednesday, per ビデオ from the scene 株d on social マスコミ.

によれば The Crimson White, hundreds of students gathered to 抗議する the school’s 申し立てられた/疑わしい 財政上の 関係 to the Department of 弁護 and 弁護 請負業者 Lockheed ツバメ.?

One of the 味方するs, led by the UA 左派の(人) 集団の/共同の, formed the '抗議する for Palestinian Lives' and 需要・要求するd the university 削減(する) 関係 with any companies connected to イスラエル or 補佐官ing the war in Gaza.

'F*** Joe Biden,' both sides of the demonstration chanted in unison on Wednesday, per video from the scene shared on social media

'F*** Joe Biden,' both 味方するs of the demonstration 詠唱するd in unison on Wednesday, per ビデオ from the scene 株d on social マスコミ

One of the sides, led by the UA Leftist Collective, formed the 'Protest for Palestinian Lives' and demanded the sch
ool cut ties with any companies connected to Israel

One of the 味方するs, led by the UA 左派の(人) 集団の/共同の, formed the '抗議する for Palestinian Lives' and 需要・要求するd the school 削減(する) 関係 with any companies connected to イスラエル?

Biden has been facing heat from conservatives and leftists for his stand on both the was in Gaza and the student protests at universities across the country.?On Thursday, he rejected calls from student protesters to change his approach to the conflict

Biden has been 直面するing heat from 保守的なs and 左派の(人)s for his stand on both the was in Gaza and the student 抗議するs at universities across the country.?On Thursday, he 拒絶するd calls from student 抗議する人s to change his approach to the 衝突< /p>

The university said in a 声明: '抗議するs were held on campus today by groups with …に反対するing viewpoints. The University 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がるs that attendees 平和的に 演習d their 解放する/自由な speech 権利s with no disruptions, 暴力/激しさ, vandalism or 逮捕(する)s.'

While the 抗議する at UA remained 平和的な and without any 逮捕(する)s, most student 抗議する人s across the country, 含むing at Columbia and UCLA, have not been so successful finding ありふれた ground.

緊張s on college campuses have been building for days as デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s 辞退する to 除去する 野営s and 行政官/管理者s turn to police to (疑いを)晴らす them by 軍隊, 主要な to 衝突/不一致s that have 掴むd 普及した attention.?

Biden has been 直面するing heat from 保守的なs and 左派の(人)s for his stand on both the was in Gaza and the student 抗議するs at universities across the country.

On Thursday, he 拒絶するd calls from student 抗議する人s to change his approach to the 衝突 while 主張するing that 'order must 勝つ/広く一帯に広がる' as college campuses across the country 直面する a wave of 暴力/激しさ, 乱暴/暴力を加える and 恐れる.

'Dissent is 必須の for 僕主主義,' Biden said at the White House. 'But dissent must never lead to disorder.'

The 民主党員 broke days of silence on the 抗議するs with his 発言/述べるs, which followed 開始するing 批評 from 共和国の/共和党のs who have tried to turn scenes of 不安 in to a (選挙などの)運動をする cudgel.?

By 焦点(を合わせる)ing on a 法律-and-order message while defending the 権利 to 解放する/自由な speech, Biden is しっかり掴むing for a middle ground on an intensely 意見の不一致を生じる 問題/発行する in the middle of his reelection (選挙などの)運動をする.

He 大部分は sidestepped 抗議する人s’ 需要・要求するs, which have 含むd ending U.S. support for Israeli 軍の 操作/手術s.?

While the protest at UA remained peaceful, most student protesters across the country have not been so successful finding common ground.?A pro-Palestinian protestor is arrested at the University of Texas in Austin

While the 抗議する at UA remained 平和的な, most student 抗議する人s across the country have not been so successful finding ありふれた ground.?A プロの/賛成の-Palestinian protestor is 逮捕(する)d at the University of Texas in Austin

Law enforcement officers detain a demonstrator, as they clear out the protest encampment in support of Palestinians at the University of California Los Angeles 

警官s 拘留する a デモ参加者/実演宣伝者, as they (疑いを)晴らす out the 抗議する 野営 in support of Palestinians at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

The NYPD moved to clear Hamilton Hall on April 30, less than 24 hours after it was occupied by protesters at Columbia University on Wednesday

The NYPD moved to (疑いを)晴らす Hamilton Hall on April 30, いっそう少なく than 24 hours after it was 占領するd by 抗議する人s at Columbia University on Wednesday?

Asked after his 発言/述べるs whether the demonstrations would 誘発する him to consider changing course, Biden 答える/応じるd with a simple 'no.'?

Biden said he 拒絶するd 成果/努力s to use the 状況/情勢 to '得点する/非難する/20 political points,' calling the 状況/情勢 a 'moment for clarity.'

The presi dent's last previous public comment on the demonstrations (機の)カム more than a week ago, when he 非難するd 'anti-Semitic 抗議するs' and 'those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.'

The White House, which has been peppered with questions by reporters, had gone only わずかに その上の than the 大統領,/社長.?

On Wednesday, 圧力(をかける) 長官 Karine ジーンズ-Pierre said that Biden was '監視するing the 状況/情勢 closely' and that some demonstrations had stepped over a line that separated 解放する/自由な speech from unlawful 行為.

'強制的に taking over a building,' such as what happened at Columbia University in New York, 'is not 平和的な,' she said. 'It’s just not.'