Hainault sword attack: Gorillaz drummer Femi Koleoso says of Daniel Anjorin 'words don't begin to 述べる the 苦痛 we have all felt' after 14-year-old who was in his 青年 group was stabbed to death

Gorillaz drummer?Femi Koleoso has paid heartbreaking 尊敬の印 to the schoolboy killed in a samurai sword attack this week.

Daniel Anjorin, 14, was killed while on his way to school in?Hainault, east London, on Tuesday.?

Marcus Arduini Monzo, 36, appeared in 法廷,裁判所 yesterday (刑事)被告 of his 殺人 along with two counts of 殺人未遂, two counts of grievous bodily 害(を与える), 悪化させるd 押し込み強盗, and 所有/入手 of a bladed article.?

The Hainault swordsman's 22-minute '統治する of terror' saw him 削除する a 歩行者 in the neck before he broke into a family home, 殺人d a 14-year-old boy on his way to school and then nearly 厳しいd a police officer's arm, it is (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.?

悲劇の 十代の少年少女 Daniel was part of?Gorillaz drummer Koleoso's 青年 church group.

The drummer said: 'Words don't even begin to 述べる the 苦痛 we have all felt over the last few days.?

Daniel Anjorin, 14, (pictured) was killed while on his way to school in Hainault, east London , on Tuesday.

Daniel Anjorin, 14, (pictured) was killed while on his way to school in Hainault, east London , on Tuesday.

Gorillaz drummer Femi Koleoso (pictured) paid heartbreaking tribute to the schoolboy killed in a samurai sword attack this week

Gorillaz drummer Femi Koleoso (pictured) paid heartbreaking 尊敬の印 to the schoolboy killed in a samurai sword attack this week

The drummer said: 'Words don’t even begin to describe the pain we have all felt over the last few days. There’s no way to articulate the pain we are all feeling losing one of our own. Daniel is a boy we all love and will deeply miss'

The drummer said: 'Words don't even begin to 述べる the 苦痛 we have all felt over the last few days. There's no way to articulate the 苦痛 we are all feeling losing one of our own. Daniel is a boy we all love and will 深く,強烈に 行方不明になる'

Tragic youngster Daniel went to the £24,990-a-year Bancroft's school in Woodford Green

悲劇の youngster Daniel went to the £24,990-a-ye ar Bancroft's school in Woodford Green

A photo of a man prowling the streets of Hainault on Tuesday

A photo of a man prowling the streets of Hainault on Tuesday??

A heroic female officer who was involved in Tasering and arresting the man. She was not the one who was injured

A heroic 女性(の) o fficer who was 伴う/関わるd in Tasering and 逮捕(する)ing the man. She was not the one who was 負傷させるd?

'Daniel was one of the children in the 青年 group I lead, Jubilee 青年, part of Jubilee Church London.?

'There's no way to articulate the 苦痛 we are all feeling losing one of our own.?

'Daniel is a boy we all love and will 深く,強烈に 行方不明になる.?

'Our 祈りs and support are with the family at this time.?

'In times like this, we lean on God and our family and be there for each other. Love always, God Bless, Femi.'

Daniel was remembered as a 'true scholar' with a 'gentle character' - 同様に-wishers raised more than £28,000 on GoFundMe for a 祝賀 of his life.?

The 14-year-old was said to put a smile on 直面するs whenever he walked in the room while 存在 述べるd as a 'very much-loved' boy who brought joy to his family and was an 'admirable' student at his prestigious 独立した・無所属 school.

He …に出席するd Bancroft's School in nearby Woodford Green, the £24,999-a-year school, which on Wednesday flew its 旗 at half-mast while flowers were laid by fellow students.

His heartbroken parents are 信用ing in their 深い Christian 約束 to 対処する with their 深遠な shock and grief at his 殺人,大当り, family friends 明らかにする/漏らすd.

Bancroft's School said on its website: 'We are 荒廃させるd by the heartbreaking news of the death of Daniel. This has left us in 深遠な shock and 悲しみ.

'He joined Bancroft's at seven years old and quickly became a 核心 member of our community. He was a true scholar, 論証するing commendable dedication to his a cademic 追跡s.

'His 肯定的な nature and gentle character will leave a 継続している 衝撃 on us. Losing such a young pupil is something we will always struggle to come to 条件 with.'?

A woman leaving flowers in Daniel's memory at a police cordon near the scene in Hainault today

A woman leaving flowers in Daniel's memory at a police 非常線,警戒線 近づく the scene in Hainault today?

The tributes included a teddy bear and a sign reading 'RIP Little Angel' with a love heart

The 尊敬の印s 含むd a teddy 耐える and a 調印する reading 'RIP Little Angel' with a love heart

Nottingham stabbing 犠牲者 Grace O'Malley-Kumar, 19, had also been a pupil at Bancroft's.

Her parents 申し込む/申し出d to 会合,会う Daniel's family ? health and safety 顧問 Dr Ebenezer Anjorin, 59, and science teacher mother Grace Anjorin, 49 ? to help them through their traumatic time.

Sinead O'Malley, Grace's mum, told ITV's Good Morning Britain: 'I don't think there's anything that anybody can say to 緩和する their heart and their 苦痛 so we wouldn't try to minimise that, but all we can do is empathise and hope they will 傷をいやす/和解させる with time.'

Daniel was killed at just before 7am on Tuesday when a stranger (権力などを)行使するing a samurai-style sword is said to have 始める,決める upon him in the street, yards from his 前線 door.

Aiste Dabasinskaaite 明らかにする/漏らすd how she tried to 警告する Daniel but it was too late. She said: 'My instinct was to shout and wave at him, which is what me and another 隣人 did, but because he had his headphones on, I don't think he heard us.

'It was sort of a moment where we just went from shouting to just blankness, just felt empty.'

隣人 Sheryl Carter said: 'I heard a 叫び声をあげる which (機の)カム from [Daniel's] mum. My 隣人 saw her running and then she had to be held 支援する by police.'

Nottingham stabbing victim Grace O'Malley-Kumar, 19, (pictured) was also a pupil at Bancroft's, where Daniel went to school

Nottingham stabbing 犠牲者 Grace O'Malley -Kumar, 19, (pictured) was also a pupil at Bancroft's, where Daniel went to school

Her parents offered to meet Daniel's family to help them through their traumatic time. Pictured:?Grace O'Malley-Kumar pictured with her father Dr Sanjoy Kumar, mother Sinead and brother James. Dr Kumar was awarded an MBE after he saved the lives of three teenagers stabbed in a gang attack before he tragically lost his daughter

Her parents 申し込む/申し出d to 会合,会う Daniel's family to help them through their traumatic time. Pictured:?Grace O'Malley-Kumar pictured with her father Dr Sanjoy Kumar, mother Sinead and brother James. Dr Kumar was awarded an MBE after he saved the lives of three 十代の少年少女s stabbed in a ギャング(団) attack before he tragically lost his daughter

She heard Mrs Anjorin say: 'I only spoke to him a minute ago.'

Friend Cyan Thompson 追加するd: 'I can't believe he has gone. He was such a good person with 広大な/多数の/重要な manners.

'He was so caring. You couldn't help but smile when he walked into the room.'

の近くに friends 明らかにする/漏らすd Daniel's 尊敬(する)・点d Nigerian parents believe they will be 再会させるd as a family in heaven.

Janti Charalambous and 広告 Caxton-Cole have known the football-loving 兵器庫 fan since he was little.

They explained: 'He was a joyful boy ? he brought his family a lot of joy and his life has just been taken away.'

The couple 追加するd: 'The family are in shock and are heartbroken. Such a young boy taken away from the family.

'Their 約束 is 支えるing them and we are all supporting them in any 形態/調整 they need.'

Yesterday, the 指名する of a second stabbing 犠牲者 現れるd - IT engineer?Henry De Los Rios Polania, who 生き残るd.?The 法廷,裁判所 heard that the 35-year-old was stabbed as he tried to fend off the 攻撃者 after he broke into the family home while his four-year-old daughter was sleeping.??

David 燃やすs, 起訴するing, told a 法廷,裁判所 that Monzo drove a 先頭 at 速度(を上げる) at 歩行者 Donato Iwule before 出口ing the 乗り物 and 削除するing him around the neck, leaving an 傷害 that 要求するd hospital 治療.

Monzo is then 申し立てられた/疑わしい to have 軍隊d 入ること/参加(者) into the family home before attacking the father, the 検察官,検事 said.?Mr 燃やすs said he was shouting: 'If you do not believe in God he will 原因(となる) you 害(を与える).'?

Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo, a?Spanish and Brazilian national, appeared in court today charged with

Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo, a?Spanish and Brazilian 国家の, appeared in 法廷,裁判所 today 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 殺人?

Daniel Anjorin was leaving his home just before 7am when he was caught up in the horrifying ordeal

Daniel Anjorin was leaving his home just before 7am when he was caught up in the horrifying ordeal?

The suspect larking around in fancy dress in a video he posted on social media

The 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う larking around in fancy dress in a ビデオ he 地位,任命するd on social マスコミ?

Monzo at Westminster Magistrates Court today flanked by custody officers

Monzo at Westminster 治安判事s 法廷,裁判所 today 側面に位置するd by 保護/拘留 officers?

The 検察官,検事 追加するd: 'He has then left the scene and attacked Daniel Anjorin, a schoolboy on his way to school.'

It is 申し立てられた/疑わしい that he stabbed him in the neck and chest.?

The 法廷,裁判所 heard that while officers were tending to Daniel's 傷害s Monzo appeared from a bush and attacked a 女性(の) police officer with the 武器 while she was on the ground.?

A second officer 指名するd Moloy Campbell was also 負傷させるd, the 法廷,裁判所 heard.

側面に位置するd by three burly male ドッキングする/減らす/ドックに入れる officers and one 女性(の), Monzo, a 二重の Spanish-Brazilian 国家の, wore a 刑務所,拘置所-問題/発行する grey tracksuit and held his left を引き渡す his chest for Thursday's entire seven-minute 審理,公聴会.

When asked to 確認する his 十分な 指名する, he 答える/応じるd very slowly: 'My 十分な 指名する? As of my recollection it is Marcus Aurielo Audini.'

Daniel Anjorin, pictured here with his mother Grace, was tragically killed during an attack in Hainault on Tuesday

Daniel Anjorin, pictured here with his mother Grace, was tragically killed during an attack in Hainault on Tuesday

Daniel, pictured here wearing a red and blue Spiderman costume, was on his way to school when he was attacked

Daniel, pictured here wearing a red and blue Spiderman 衣装, was on his way to school when he was attacked?

上級の 地区 裁判官 and 長,指導者 治安判事 Paul Goldspring said: 'I am going to send your 事例/患者, all seven 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s, to the Central 犯罪の 法廷,裁判所, you might know it as the Old Bailey.?

'I don't have the 力/強力にする to consider 保釈(金). You will therefore be 再拘留(者)d in 保護/拘留 to appear at the Central 犯罪の 法廷,裁判所 on 7 May.'

Social マスコミ photos show Monzo smiling and doing a thumbs-up with a collection of メダルs 一連の会議、交渉/完成する his neck after success in a sports contest.?

On ボクシング Day last year, he 地位,任命するd another ビデオ on the same Instagram?page showing him larking around in コマドリ Hood fancy dress during an 弓術,射手隊 競争.?He spoke in Portuguese as he joked with friends.

どこかよそで on social マスコミ, Monzo 述べるs himself as a 'mystic and a musician'.?

He also 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)s himself as the director of a London-based company which has now been 解散させるd.