A woman is fighting for her life after 存在 攻撃する,衝突する by a 二塁打-decker outside London Victoria 駅/配置する at?a 悪名高くも dangerous junction where two people have died in the past three years.

The 犠牲者 was taken to hospital after the 衝突,墜落 at about 11am, with 乗客s kept on the bus for more than an hour afterwards to be interviewed by police.

The 主要都市の Police?has since 確認するd that her 傷害s are thought to be life-脅すing.?

Two other women have died in the same area after 存在 攻撃する,衝突する by a bus in 最近の years - Catherine Finnegan, 56, in January this year; and Melissa Burr, 32, in August 2021.?

Youcef Fk, 26, who 作品 for a sightseeing bus company in Victoria, told the?Daily Telegraph?today: 'Police said a lady had b een 粉砕するd by the bus.

The scene outside London Victoria station today following the crash at about 11am

The scene outside London Victoria 駅/配置する today に引き続いて the 衝突,墜落 at about 11am

Catherine Finnegan
Melissa Burr

Two other women have died in the same area of Victoria after 存在 攻撃する,衝突する by a bus in 最近の years - Catherine Finnegan (left), 56, in January; and Melissa Burr (権利), 32, in August 2021

'This is about the third time it has happened in the same place, and the fourth time was a couple of weeks ago when a bus stop was 粉砕するd.'?

He said it was a 'dangerous junction' and that his 会社/堅い had 警告するd police and the 会議 that the 'pavement is too の近くに to the road and bus wheels go over it'.

Mr Fk also 明らかにする/漏らすd that working 近づく the busy junction he has seen many 近づく 行方不明になるs. He said: 'It's not about drivers, it's about people. They keep crossing without looking behind them.'

に引き続いて the death of Ms Finnegan in January, London 市長 Sadiq 旅宿泊所 told the Evening 基準?'All 選択s are on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する' for a re-design of Victoria 駅/配置する.

A spokesperson for the 主要都市の Police told MailOnline: 'Police were called to Buckingham Palace Road に引き続いて 報告(する)/憶測s of a Road Traffic 衝突/不一致 伴う/関わるing a bus and 歩行者.

'A woman was 扱う/治療するd on scene, her 傷害s have been 確認するd to be life 脅すing. Road 終結s are 現在/一般に in place.'

A London 救急車 Service spokesperson said: 'We were called at 11:14am today to 報告(する)/憶測s of a road traffic 衝突/不一致 伴う/関わるing a bus and a 歩行者 at Victoria 駅/配置する.

'We sent re sources to the scene, 含むing 救急車 乗組員s, and an 出来事/事件 返答 officer. We also 派遣(する)d a 外傷/ショック team from London's 空気/公表する 救急車 by car.

'Our first paramedic was on the scene in under five minutes.

'We 扱う/治療するd a 患者 at the scene and took them to a major 外傷/ショック centre.'