労働 insiders have (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that the 市長の 選挙 for London is on a knife 辛勝する/優位, as bookies have 削除するd their 半端物s on a shock 敗北・負かす for Sadiq 旅宿泊所.?

One party source told the Telegraph that 旅宿泊所's race for the 役割 against the Tories' Susan Hall was 'definitely going to be の近くに', 追加するing that there may be just a few points between the two.

Another told the newspaper that the わずかな/ほっそりした difference between the two 候補者s shows 労働 that it needs to rethink its 戦略s and 政策s in London, まっただ中に 大規模な 論争s over ULEZ, の中で other contentious 問題/発行するs.?

They said: 'If the party wants to 明確に 論証する it has changed then it needs to take stronger 活動/戦闘. There needs to be a 静かな review of 戦略 and an end to 政策 告示s from on high 関わりなく 投票(する)ing 地理学 and demographics.'

労働 jitters were already spreading over Sadiq 旅宿泊所's prospects in London?まっただ中に (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of low 人出/投票者数 and a Gaza (激しい)反発.

Labour jitters were spreading over Sadiq Khan 's prospects in London today amid claims of low turnout and a Gaza backlash

労働 jitters were spreading over Sadiq 旅宿泊所 's prospects in London today まっただ中に (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of low 人出/投票者数 and a Gaza (激しい)反発

Polls ahead of the election yesterday suggested that the incumbent was on track for a comfortable victory over Tory rival Susan Hall

投票s ahead of the 選挙 yesterday 示唆するd that the 現職の was on 跡をつける for a comfortable victory over Tory 競争相手 Susan Hall

The final surveys gave Mr Khan a lead of between 10 and 22 points

The final 調査するs gave Mr 旅宿泊所 a lead of between 10 and 22 points

投票s ahead of the 選挙 yesterday 示唆するd that the 現職の was on 跡をつける for a comfortable victory over his?Tory 競争相手.?

The final 調査するs gave him a lead of between 10 and 22 points. But rumours have been 広まる today that it could be 意味ありげに closer, with 上級の 人物/姿/数字s pointing to the 衝撃 of Gaza on other results across England.

立証 of the vo tes is happening now, with 人出/投票者数 numbers 予定 later and the count tomorrow.?

Mr 旅宿泊所 直面するd 激しい scrutiny over his 記録,記録的な/記録する on 法律 and order during the (選挙などの)運動をする, after a 14-year-old schoolboy become the 最新の 犠牲者 of knife 罪,犯罪?in the 資本/首都.

Daniel Anjorin was killed just moments after leaving his house when he was attacked in a sword rampage in Hainault that saw four other people, 含むing two police officers, 本気で 負傷させるd.

Home 長官?James Cleverly was の中で those slamming the 市長's perceived 失敗s, with calls for?every 前線-line officer to be equipped with a Taser.

Ms Hall 控訴,上告d for Londoners to take their 'last chance to 投票(する) for a 市長 who will get a 支配する on 罪,犯罪 and make people 安全な, stop the ULEZ 拡大, 停止(させる) 旅宿泊所's 計画(する)s for 支払う/賃金-per-mile and build more family homes that people can afford'.

Polling Station signs are seen outside the 'Pirate Castle' outdoor activities centre as members of the public cast their votes during the London Mayoral election

投票ing 駅/配置する 調印するs are seen outside the '著作権侵害者 城' outdoor activities centre as members of the public cast their 投票(する)s during the London 市長の 選挙

People come and go from a polling station as they place their votes

People come and go from a 投票ing 駅/配置する as they place their 投票(する)s

Mr 旅宿泊所 was one of the first 労働 政治家,政治屋s to call for an 即座の 停戦 in Gaza, but Sir Keir's strong support for イスラエル's 権利 to self-defence 原因(となる)d 怒り/怒る の中で many 支持者s.?

There has been 証拠 of that in the results today, with 労働 losing 全体にわたる 支配(する)/統制する of Oldham 会議 after 独立した・無所属s (人命などを)奪う,主張するd seats.

One 上級の 同盟(する) of Ms 旅宿泊所 told MailOnline that it is 'going to be の近くに'. 'The 投票s were rubbish,' they 追加するd. 'London is exceptionally difficult to 政治家 l.'?

Another political 退役軍人, who still believes Mr 旅宿泊所 will 勝利,勝つ, pointed out that 労働 has not been 成し遂げるing 井戸/弁護士席 in 地元の 会議 補欠選挙s.

Asked on Sky News this afternoon about the jitters, 影をつくる/尾行する health 長官 Wes Streeting - MP for Ilford North - said: 'We've always 恐れるd this race will be の近くに.'

He 最高潮の場面d that Mr 旅宿泊所 only won the first 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of 投票(する)ing by 5 per cent in 2021. Since then the 政府 has changed the 投票(する)ing system to first past the 地位,任命する, meaning Mr 旅宿泊所 will not 利益 from second preferences of Greens and Lib Dems.?

'We were 警告 Londoners you know, don't take the 危険 of waking up with a 保守的な 市長,' Mr Streeting said.?

He went on: 'It is too 早期に to say yet what we think the result will be, 立証 of 投票(する)s are taking place today the counting will be tomorrow.?

'I mean, based on what I saw in my own 選挙区/有権者 and 耐えるing in mind the last 選挙 a few years ago - Sadiq lost every 区 in Iford North 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 one - I felt that there was a bit more support for him this time in my 選挙区/有権者.

Asked on Sky News this afternoon about the jitters, shadow health secretary Wes Streeting - MP for Ilford North - said: 'We've always feared this race will be close.'

Asked on Sky News this afternoon about the jitters, 影をつくる/尾行する health 長官 Wes Streeting - MP for Ilford North - said: 'We've always 恐れるd this race will be の近くに.'

Keir Starmer and his allies are awaiting news of the London mayoral election tomorrow

Keir Starmer and his 同盟(する)s are を待つing news of the London 市長の 選挙 tomorrow?

'There are people who are angry with him about Ulez we sort of had that argument of に引き続いて the Uxbridge by 選挙.?

'And, you know, I didn't agree with him, but he stuck to his guns, stuck to his 有罪の判決s. Fair enough.'?

Mr Streeting 攻撃する,衝突する out at racial 乱用 苦しむd by Mr 旅宿泊所, but 定評のある that Gaza could be a factor in the 選挙.

'There's no 疑問 looking at some of the results across the country that have already come in that Gaza has been an 問題/発行する,' he said.?

'And I say say that with 広大な/多数の/重要な 尊敬(する)・点 to 投票者s who sent us a message on Gaza. So we'll have to wait and see where the results come in.'?