Barefoot 投資家 明らかにする/漏らすs the three 過激な ways to 直す/買収する,八百長をする our 住宅 危機

The Barefoot 投資家 has 明らかにする/漏らすd the three 過激な ways the 政府 can すぐに 直す/買収する,八百長をする the 住宅 危機.

Scott Pape 株d his insight as he 重さを計るd in on the 国内の 暴力/激しさ 危機 and 総理大臣 Anthony Albanese's 政策s.

Pape argued many women were 存在 軍隊d to live with their abusive partners because they had nowhere to go 予定 to the 住宅 不足 and high prices.

He 申し込む/申し出d several 重要な 解答s to すぐに 直す/買収する,八百長をする the real 広い地所 market that he bluntly labelled a 'dumpster 解雇する/砲火/射撃'.?

'So, how could the 政府 really 演説(する)/住所 it?' Pape wrote in a column for the Daily Telegraph.?

The Barefoot Investor, Scott Pape (pictured), listed the three steps the Albanese Government can take to solve the housing crisis

The Barefoot 投資家, Scott Pape (pictured), 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d the three steps the Albanese 政府 can take to solve the 住宅 危機

'First, by 一時的に 限界ing 移民/移住 while the 賃貸しの market is in 危機.

'Second, by cutting 消極的な gearing and the 50 per cent 削減 on 資本/首都 伸び(る)s 税金 (CGT) for 投資家s.

'And finally, by funnelling those 税金 貯金 into building public 住宅 that looks after the most 攻撃を受けやすい people in our society - women and their kids who are 逃げるing family 暴力/激しさ.'

He 問題/発行するd the three 需要・要求するs 直接/まっすぐに to Mr?Albanese, 令状ing: 'That sounds pretty bold to me, Albo.'

His 推薦s followed a 大規模な 激しい抗議 from Australians about the high 率 of 国内の 暴力/激しさ, which Pape 述べるd as 'Port Arthur-like'.

He 解任するd statics 明言する/公表するing a woman is killed by a partner every four days in Australia with police called every two minutes to a 国内の 暴力/激しさ event.?

Mr Albanese called a 円卓会議の 首脳会議 に引き続いて 決起大会/結集させるs across the country calling for better 政策s to 保護する women.

The result was what Pape 述べるd as a 'reheated Scomo 政策'.?

'[Former 首相 Scott] Morrison had the Escaping 暴力/激しさ 支払い(額), which 申し込む/申し出d up to $5,000 for women and Albanese has the Leaving 暴力/激しさ 支払い(額), which does the same thing,' he said.

'Now it's better than nothing.

'Yet it doesn't come の近くに to 取り組むing the big 問題/発行する: our 住宅 market is a 完全にする dumpster 解雇する/砲火/射撃.'

Mr Albanese 述べるd his 計画(する) as 'two steps 今後'.

'What we've done is to beef up the program to make sure that there's more, more support, not just the 財政上の 支払い(額), but that those support services kick in 同様に,' he said.

To be 適格の for the Leaving 暴力/激しさ 支払い(額), a person must be a 犠牲者 生存者 and have experienced a change in living 協定 as a result of the intimate partner 暴力/激しさ in the past 12 weeks.?

It 申し込む/申し出s 適格の 犠牲者s up to $1,500 in cash and $3,500 in 保証人/証拠物件s.

Pape linked the housing crisis to Australia's domestic violence epidemic, saying: 'There are way too many women living with violent jerks because they can't afford to move'

Pape linked the 住宅 危機 to Australia's 国内の 暴力/激しさ 疫病/流行性の, 説: 'There are way too many women living with violent jerks because they can't afford to move'

Pape (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the 急上昇するing price of 住宅 in Australia has 軍隊d women and children to stay in violent 世帯s as they can't afford to escape.

Anglicare last month 設立する?educated women in high salary 職業s can only afford three per cent of 賃貸しの 所有物/資産/財産s.

'And those cheap 賃貸しのs have eager-beaver applicants lined up around the corner,' Pape said.?

The organisation said it was 'giving out 一面に覆う/毛布s to women to sleep in their cars' while?Homelessness Australia 設立する just 3.7 per cent of women who fled 暴力/激しさ were able to 安全な・保証する long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 住宅.

Pape pointed the 非難する at the 政府's '投票(する)-grabber' 税金 breaks which made it easier for 投資家s to 供給する 私的な 賃貸しのs.

Instead, he believes the 政府 should have 焦点(を合わせる)d on building more public 住宅.

'There are way too many women living with violent jerks because they can't afford to move,' Pape said.

On Friday, NSW 副 首相 Prue Car 発表するd a 住宅 一括 which would help?women trying to leave dangerous 状況/情勢s.

Ms Car said it would be the first step in a larger 押し進める by her 政府 to 改善する the safety of women after an alarming spike in 暴力/激しさ against women.?

At least 28 women have died this year from gendered 暴力/激しさ.

Anglicare last month found educated women in high salary jobs can only afford three per cent of rental properties, which are subject to massive competition

Anglicare last month 設立する educated women in high salary 職業s can only afford three per cent of 賃貸しの 所有物/資産/財産s, which are 支配する to 大規模な 競争

に引き続いて a 閣議 on Friday, which heard from 専門家s and 選挙運動者s, Ms Car said: '最初の/主要な 予防 and 早期に 介入 does need more attention because we need to 運動 the cultural change that stops this from happening.'

Ms Car, the 住宅 大臣, said the 政府 will look at under-used accommodation 施設s with a 見解(をとる) to repurposing them as 避難所s or even long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 住宅.

She also said education would be 焦点(を合わせる).

'Education is always, always part of the answer, but the 政府 needs to make sure that schools are supported to be able to do that'.

Leader of the 政府 in the 法律を制定する 会議 Penny Sharpe said the 告示 was 10年間s 延滞の.

'Today, what this 政府 has done [ha s] started a 過程 that has taken too long but that is about 緊急の 活動/戦闘,' she said.

'It is about things that are going to change the dial ... to 妨げる the behaviour in the first place.'