More than 32,000 homes, schools, leisure centres and theatres are STILL without water three days after a 決定的な 麻薬を吸う burst in dense woodland - 軍隊ing families to 列 for three hours for 瓶/封じ込めるs

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More than 32,000 homes, schools, leisure centres and theatres are still without water three days after a 決定的な 麻薬を吸う burst in dense woodland.

Families have been 軍隊d to 列 for hours for 瓶/封じ込めるs of water in East Sussex, with the water company apologising for the disruption.

Southern Water said in an update this morning it was 'very sorry' that people in St Leonards-on-Sea, Hastings and in Westfield were still without water.

Four water 瓶/封じ込める 駅/配置するs have been 始める,決める up and Southern Water is 配達するing 瓶/封じ込めるd water to more than 6,000 顧客s on its 優先 services 登録(する).

The burst was 修理d on Saturday, but the service has to be '再開するd', Southern Water said.

Schools, a leisure centre and a theatre in the area have been 軍隊d to の近くに this week.?

The disruption,?which began on Thursday, has left locals in gridlock traffic for hours as they attempt to get to bottled water stations in St Leonards and other parts of Hastings (pictured)

The disruption,?which began on Thursday, has left 地元のs in gridlock traffic for hours as they 試みる/企てる to get to 瓶/封じ込めるd water 駅/配置するs in St Leonards and other parts of Hastings (pictured)

The incident has occurred on one of the biggest weekends of the year - with thousands previously? predicted to descend on the town for the?Jack In The Green festival. Pictured: Volunteers handing out bottled water in East Sussex yesterday

The 出来事/事件 has occurred on one of the biggest 週末s of the year - with thousands 以前? 予報するd to descend on the town for the?Jack In The Green festival. Pictured: Volunteers 手渡すing out 瓶/封じ込めるd water in East Sussex yesterday

Southern Water has axed 50 trees to get to the pipe burst 'deep' in Ke
eper's Wood

Southern Water has axed 50 trees to get to the 麻薬を吸う burst '深い' in Keeper's 支持を得ようと努めるd

Southern Water said a water main had burst between Darwell Reservoir and water supply works which feed into Hastings.?The site is located in isolated woodland at Keepers Wood

Southern Water said a water main had burst between Darwell 貯蔵所 and water 供給(する) 作品 which 料金d into Hastings.?The 場所/位置 is 位置を示すd in 孤立するd woodland at Keepers 支持を得ようと努めるd

The company said this morning: 'に引き続いて the 修理 of the burst main our teams have been working hard to get our 治療 作品 at Beauport up and running, which it is now, but it will take some time for water 供給(する) to return.'

Furious 地元のs have 攻撃する,衝突する out at the length of the outage - 特に as it 落ちるs on the busy Bank Holiday 週末.

One woman, living in 避難所d accommodation, even said her water was stolen.?

She told Sky News people (機の)カム 'running in and grabbing the water and took off'.?

And this 週末 is the 年次の four-day Jack In The Green Festival in Hastings and the May Day Bike Run, both of which usually see thousands of 訪問者s flock to the area.

East Sussex 郡 議員 Godfrey Daniel said the 衝撃 on 商売/仕事s in Hastings will be '激烈な'.

He 追加するd that one hotel in Hastings has 訴える手段/行楽地d to 紅潮/摘発するing 洗面所s with sea water.

Southern Water has opened water 瓶/封じ込める 駅/配置するs at Asda and Tesco in St Leonards-on-Sea, Sea Road in Hastings and Hastings 学院 in Hastings.

Residents in areas of Hastings were left queuing for three hours after a burst main pipe has left 31,000 homes without water since Thursday. Pictured: Queues in Hastings yesterday

居住(者)s in areas of Hastings were left 列ing for three hours after a burst main 麻薬を吸う h as left 31,000 homes without water since Thursday. Pictured: 列s in Hastings yesterday

The company 追加するd that the burst main is 位置を示すd in Keeper's 支持を得ようと努めるd, 近づく the A21, '深い in woodland', which is making it difficult for 乗組員s and 機械/機構 to reach it.

Summerfields Leisure Centre 地位,任命するd on Facebook 説 it was still の近くにd on Sunday morning, 'until the 状況/情勢 changes'.

The White 激しく揺する Theatre was の近くにd on Friday 予定 to the water 供給(する) 問題/発行する.

Churchwood 最初の/主要な 学院 and St Paul's Church of England 学院 in St Leonards were also の近くにd on Friday.

A spokesperson for Southern Water said on Saturday they were '深く,強烈に sorry' for the loss of 供給(する) and they have been 'working around the clock to not only 直す/買収する,八百長をする the 問題/発行する, but also do all we can to help our 顧客s, 特に those who are 攻撃を受けやすい'.

They said: 'If you are a 攻撃を受けやすい 顧客, or need 接近 to water for 医療の 推論する/理由s, and have not received a water 配達/演説/出産 or had yours stolen, please call 0330 303 0368 to let us know we need to help.

'We use 瓶/封じ込めるd water 駅/配置するs to help us get water to as many of our 顧客s as quickly as we can.

'In 返答 to feedback, we opened a fourth 駅/配置する today and are 感謝する to our own people and others for their hard work volunteering and the さまざまな 商売/仕事s letting us use their car parks.

'We do 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる not everyone can get to them and we're working with 地元の communities to find 付加 ways to 確実にする 接近 to water. It's 価値(がある) 公式文書,認めるing we also have 21 タンカーs in the area 供給(する)ing health care 発生地s, care homes and other 場所/位置s of importance.

'Our 工学 teams worked through the night to 除去する the broken 麻薬を吸う and 取って代わる it. Now the 修理 is 完全にするd we are recharging our 網状組織.

Pictured: Residents queuing for water yesterday amid the three-day disruption

?Pictured: 居住(者)s 列ing for water yesterday まっただ中に the three-day disruption

'It's a 複雑にするd 過程 getting everything going again, so this will take time and we 推定する/予想する disruption to continue over the 週末. We will keep on doing all we can to support 顧客s in the 合間.'

Hoards of 居住(者)s were 軍隊d to wait in three-hour-long 列s for water yesterday.

The major disruption, which began on Thursday, has left 地元のs in gridlock traffic for hours as they 試みる/企てる to get to 瓶/封じ込めるd water 駅/配置するs in St Leonards and other parts of Hastings.

一方/合間 some 地元の 商売/仕事s, 含むing the White 激しく揺する Theatre, have had no 選択 but to shut ahead of the May Bank Holiday - one of the busiest 週末s of the year.

Peter Haldane, 43, who 作品 at The Highlands Inn Hotel & 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業, 明らかにする/漏らすd he had spent an arduous three hours 列ing to collect 30 瓶/封じ込めるs of water.

He also 見積(る)s the hotel will lose thousands of 続けざまに猛撃するs in 利益(をあげる), after the 設立 was left without water.

'We had 10 rooms f 完全に 調書をとる/予約するd and we're 推定する/予想するing that nine will 取り消す. That's £100 a night,' he told the Telegraph.

'They are 井戸/弁護士席 within their 権利s to 取り消す. We don't have working 洗面所s or にわか雨s.'

Southern Water first 報告(する)/憶測d the 問題/発行する with the burst 麻薬を吸う, which has 衝撃d 居住(者)s in St Leonards and other parts of Hastings, on Thursday afternoon.

They opened water 瓶/封じ込める 駅/配置するs on Sea Road in Hasting and next to an Asda in St Leonards the に引き続いて Friday morning.

They also 配達するd water to 6,000 on its 優先 services 登録(する).

居住(者) Lesley Arshad, who is 無能にするd, 明らかにする/漏らすd to the Today programme that she was not on the water company's 優先 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she received a 確定/確認 letter from the company after requesting to be on their 優先 services 登録(する) last year.

However, when she rang on Thursday to ask for water she was 知らせるd that she wasn't on the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).

Southern Water 広報担当者, Tim McMahon has 詳細(に述べる)d the burst 存在 in the 'most difficult 場所' he has ever seen.

In an interview with BBC 無線で通信する 4's Today Programme, he said: 'This burst is in a very, very difficult 場所.

'I've been in 産業 for 20 years, it is by far the most difficult 場所 I've ever seen. You know, we've had to fell 50 trees just to get to the burst.'