Jenny Macklin leads Aussie women's powerful 嘆願 to Anthony Albanese ahead of the 連邦の 予算

A group of 99 目だつ Australian women have banded together to pen a powerful letter to 総理大臣?Anthony Albanese, 需要・要求するing his 政府 take meaningful 活動/戦闘 on the country's lacklustre social 安全 支払い(額)s in this month's 予算.

The group - leaders from the 商売/仕事, politics, community services and Indigenous 事件/事情/状勢s 部門s - called on the 総理大臣 to 配達する 'a 相当な 増加する to Jobseeker and 青年 Allowance' in this 連邦の 予算.

The 緊急の 嘆願 comes まっただ中に 開始するing 圧力 on the 政府 to do more to 演説(する)/住所 gender-based 暴力/激しさ, and follows a group of 主要な 経済学者s last week calling on Labor to 支える Jobseeker or 危険 '堅固に守るing disadvantage'.

The 政府-任命するd 経済的な 傾向 (a)忠告の/(n)警報 委員会 made 解除するing the 率s its 優先 推薦 in its 2024 報告(する)/憶測.

'Women escaping 暴力/激しさ need to know that there will be a decent social 安全 逮捕する for them,' 委員会 議長,司会を務める and former Labor 大臣 Jenny Macklin- wrote in the new letter.

Australian female leaders have written to Anthony Albanese calling for change

?Australian 女性(の) leaders have written to Anthony Albanese calling for change

The women urged the PM to do more about to address gender violence and boost Jobseeker payments. He's pictured speaking at the?No More! National Rally Against Violence march at Parliament House in Canberra last Sunday

The women 勧めるd the PM to do more about to 演説(する)/住所 gender 暴力/激しさ and 上げる Jobseeker 支払い(額)s. He's pictured speaking at the?No More! 国家の 決起大会/結集させる Against 暴力/激しさ march at 議会 House in Canberra last Sunday

READ MORE: Anthony Albanese booed at do mestic 暴力/激しさ 決起大会/結集させる while he 配達するd a fiery speech

Anthony Albanese (pictured) delivered a fiery speech at a rally in Canberra (pictured), on Sunday and said Australia needed to change its culture and attitudes to end violence against women

Anthony Albanese (pictured) 配達するd a fiery speech at a 決起大会/結集させる in Canberra (pictured), on Sunday and said Australia needed to change its culture and 態度s to end 暴力/激しさ against women



Also の中で the 署名s are 大統領 Women 大統領,/社長 Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz, former Indi MP Cathy McGowan, Aboriginal and Torres 海峡 Islander social 司法(官) commissioner June Oscar, and education union 大統領,/社長 Correna Haythorpe.

An 概算の 500,000 women receive the Jobseeker 支払い(額), 現在/一般に at $55 a day, and 青年 Allowance, 現在/一般に at $45 a day.

The group wrote '直す/買収する,八百長をするing the adequacy of Jobseeker and 青年 Allowance to 配達する basic 経済的な 安全 for women cannot wait'.

Last year, the 政府 made changes to the 選び出す/独身 parenting 支払い(額), 確実にするing 支払い(額)s continued until the youngest child was 14, up from eight.

In their letter, the group said that had been 'most welcome', but there remained 'large numbers of women of all ages in 領収書 of Jobseeker and other working-age 支払い(額)s that are 簡単に not enough to cover basic costs.

'For First Nations women, for women from diverse backgrounds, for women from all backgrounds, the 衝撃s of poverty on the ability to leave 暴力/激しさ and live in safety is 深遠な,' it 明言する/公表するs.

'No one should be 軍隊d to live in poverty. The 証拠 is (疑いを)晴らす, a 重要な 推論する/理由 that women are unable to leave 暴力/激しさ is because they do not have 経済的な 安全'.

Former Labor minister Jenny Macklin (left) is among the 99 signatures on the letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (right)

Former Labor 大臣 Jenny Macklin (left) is の中で the 99 署名s on the letter to 総理大臣 Anthony Albanese (権利)

Mr Albanese himself has recognised that, and said as much when he last week 発表するd an 拡張 to the Escaping 暴力/激しさ 支払い(額), 価値(がある) up to $5000 for 適格の applicants who are trying to leave or have recently left an abusive 関係.

'We understand the insidious links between 財政上の insecurity and 強調する/ストレス and vulnerability to family and 国内の 暴力/激しさ,' he said on Wednesday.

'Too often, 財政上の insecurity can be a 障壁 to escaping 暴力/激しさ.'

But given applicants only receive an upfront cash 支払い(額) of $1500, with the other $3500 供給するd by way of goods and services, the letter told him women 'need to know they will have basic 経済的な 安全 over the longer 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語'.

'解除するing social 安全 支払い(額)s will not negate the need to 投資する in frontline services and take the other 批判的な steps to 達成する women's safety. However, it is a 核心 part of 確実にするing women can do what they need to do ーするために be 安全な,' the letter 結論するs.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers (left) and Mr Albanese (right) will put the finishing touches on the budget this week

Treasurer Jim Chalmers (left) and Mr Albanese (権利) will put the finishing touches on the 予算 this week

On Sunday, 大蔵大臣 Katy Gallagher, also the Women's 大臣, would not be drawn on whether the 政府 would or wouldn't raise social 安全 支払い(額)s.

'We look across the board at what is possible,' she told ABC's Insiders.

'But we've made no secret that we want to make sure ... we are 運動ing 経済的な equality for women. Women do experience 財政上の insecurity.

'And so, part of the answer is the 支払い(額) system.

'Every 予算, we have a look at what we can do with the 支払い(額) system to make sure that we are 供給するing as much support as we can to people who need that extra help.'

Last week, 主要な 経済学者s Chris Richardson and Nicki Hutley called on the 政府 to use the 予算 to 増加する 職業 探検者 and 青年 Allowance to 90 per cent of the age 年金, a move that would cost the 予算 $4.6bn a year.