Atlanta police hoist six 違法な 無断占拠者s from $500,000 home after stealing neighbor's car

  • Six 無断占拠者s were 逮捕(する)d in South Fulton after they stole a neighbor's car
  • 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs put the 侵入者s in 手錠s and sat them on the sidewalk
  • Neighbors said the 無断占拠者s have been there since Christmas Day

Georgia police have 逮捕(する)d six 無断占拠者s who took 住居 in a half a million dollar home after they stole a neighbor's car.

South Fulton 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs 破産した/(警察が)手入れするd the 無断占拠者s at 4300 Caveat 法廷,裁判所 and 回復するd the stolen 乗り物 on Saturday - after they had been 不法に 宿泊するing in the home for five months.

ビデオ shows 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs putting the 侵入者s in 手錠s and sitting them on the sidewalk out 味方する of the home.

Mel Keyton, 大統領,/社長 of Hampton Oaks Homeowners 協会, told Atlanta News First the neighbor whose car was stolen was out of town.

'無断占拠者s stole her car and they brought it 支援する over here to 運動 it in the driveway,' said Keyton.?

Police arrested six squatters who took residence in the home after they allegedly stole a neighbor's car this past Saturday

South Fulton police 破産した/(警察が)手入れするd the 無断占拠者s at 4300 Caveat 法廷,裁判所?after they stole a neighbor's car

South Fulton cops busted the squatters at 4300 Caveat Court and recovered the stolen vehicle on Saturday - after they had been illegally lodging in the home for five months

ビデオ shows 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs putting the 侵入者s in 手錠s and sitting them on the sidewalk out 味方する of the home

According to police the home at 4300 Caveat Court, which has a Zillow estimated worth of $518,400, is supposed to be vacant

Neighbors said the 無断占拠者s have be en living in the home since Christmas Day

によれば police the home at 4300 Caveat 法廷,裁判所, which has a Zillow 概算の 価値(がある) of??$518,400, is supposed to be 空いている.

Hampton Oaks Homeowners 協会 副大統領 Kendra Snorton told FOX 5 Atlanta the 無断占拠者s moved into the 空いている house on Christmas Day.

'The ringleader, we see him walking his dog all the time. He's very courteous and polite when he interacts with the community,' Snorton said.??

The 無断占拠者s had been living in the community for months but were finally 逮捕(する)d after they stole the car.?

'When the police showed up, the car was behind us in the yard. That's how we put two and two together,' Keyton said.?

'We don't know who these people are and what they are doing.'

The South Fulton Police Department told the stolen 乗り物 was returned to its rightful owner.

'We 心から 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる the vigilance of our community members, who play a 決定的な 役割 in our 現在進行中の 成果/努力s to 減ずる 罪,犯罪 in our city,' police said.

According to police the home at 4300 Caveat Court (pictured), which has a Zillow estimated worth of $518,400, is supposed to be vacant

によれば police the home at 4300 Caveat 法廷,裁判所 (pictured), which has a Zillow 概算の 価値(がある) of $518,400, is supposed to be 空いている

Neighbors in South Fulton hope the passage of a new 法律 will make it easier to 立ち退かせる 無断占拠者s and it will no longer take them committing 罪,犯罪s like stealing 乗り物s to get them 逮捕(する)d.?

'Hopefully, it won't get this bad. Hopefully, we won't have to use this 量 of police,' Keyton said.?

知事 Brian Kemp 調印するd House 法案 1017, known as the Georgia 無断占拠者 改革(する) 行為/法令/行動する, into 法律 last month. The 法案 設立するs the 罪/違反 of unlawful squatting, defining it as 'entering and residing on the land or 前提s of the owner without 同意'.

違反者/犯罪者s will be 要求するd to 供給する authorization of 同意 within three days, and 失敗 to do so will result in an 逮捕(する) for 犯罪の trespassing.

If documentation is 供給するd, the (刑事)被告 無断占拠者 must …に出席する a 治安判事 法廷,裁判所 審理,公聴会 within seven days to 証明する that the 文書s are 合法的.

The new 法律, which goes into 影響 in July, makes squatting a 軽罪 罪/違反. 侵入者s could 直面する a $1,000 罰金 and up to one year in 刑務所,拘置所, or both.

F alse 断言するing and the submission of 妥当でない or fraudulent documentation, 一方/合間, count as more serious 重罪 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s.

Those who 服従させる/提出する 偽の 文書s will be 支配する to 罰金s covering 損害賠償金, 支援する rent based on the 所有物/資産/財産's fair market value and up to a year in 刑務所,拘置所.?

The 国家の 賃貸しの Home 会議 調査するd its members and 設立する that about 1,200 homes in the Atlanta area have had 無断占拠者s, 報告(する)/憶測d Newsweek.

The 調査する 設立する there were an 概算の 475 homes that have had 無断占拠者s in the Dallas-Fort 価値(がある) area and about 125 in Orange 郡, Florida, which 含むs Orlando.

George Kalb, 48, was arrested and charged with first-degree burglary and theft by conversion after squatting in a dead man's empty home

George Kalb, 48, was arres ted and 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with first-degree 押し込み強盗 and 窃盗 by 転換 after squatting in a dead man's empty home

Homeowner Michael Peterson died in June 2023 after suffering a heart attack. He had no will, and the house has since gone into foreclosure

Homeowner Michael Peterson died in June 2023 after 苦しむing a heart attack. He had no will, and the house has since gone into foreclosure

Cobb 郡 police 逮捕(する)d a 無断占拠者 who broke into a dead man's house and 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d him?with first-degree 押し込み強盗 and 窃盗 by 転換 on April 26.

George Kalb, 48, was 逮捕(する)d after neighbors on Goldenwood 法廷,裁判所, a 静かな cul-de-sac in 砕く Springs, were alarmed when they saw a U-運ぶ/漁獲高 トラックで運ぶ pull into the driveway of the 空いている house two weeks 事前の.

Homeowner Michael Peterson died in June 2023 after 苦しむing a heart attack. He had no will , and the house has since gone into foreclosure.

Neighbors were startled when they saw Kalb arrive in a moving トラックで運ぶ on April 16.

Over the course of the next 10 days, he changed the locks, had guests over and tidied up the yard.