By David Wilcock, 副 Political Editor For Mailonline

Rishi Sunak is 粘着するing on to the dimmest 微光 of hope of 避けるing a 総選挙 災害 tonight after an 専門家 示唆するd 労働 may not 勝利,勝つ 完全な.

After a calamitous 始める,決める of 地元の 選挙s saw the Tories lose almost 500 seats and all-but one elected 市長 the 総理大臣 and his 同盟(する)s were pinning their hopes on an 分析 示唆するing that there could be a hung 議会.

Professor Michael Thrasher said that 分析 of the results of Thursday's 会議 選挙s showed 労働 as the largest party in Westminster but short of an 全体にわたる 大多数.

The 熟考する/考慮する of two million 会議 区s raised some eyebrows as they 飛行機で行く in the 直面する of the 大規模な lead 労働 has in almost all 投票(する)ing 意向 投票s over the past year, with critics pointing out that people often 投票(する) 異なって in 地元の and 国家の 選挙s.

夜通し Mr Sunak 主張するd 'our 計画(する) is working', and 小旅行するing TV studios this morning on his に代わって, 輸送(する) 長官 示す Harper 主張するd the 投票s giving 労働 a 大規模な lead 'are not 訂正する'.

'There is everything to fight for. And the Tories under Rishi Sunak are up for the fight,' he told Sky News.?

He 追加するd: 'It's been disappointing of course to lose 献身的な 保守的な 議員s and Andy Street in the West Midlands, with his 跡をつける 記録,記録的な/記録する of 供給するing 広大な/多数の/重要な public services and attracting 重要な 投資 to the area, but that has redoubled my 解決する to continue to make 進歩 on our 計画(する). So we will continue worki ng as hard as ever to take the fight to 労働 and 配達する a brighter 未来 for our country.'

However 試みる/企てるs to 上げる the 意気込み/士気 of party members and 行動主義者s were 攻撃する,衝突する by an incendiary 外見 by former home 長官 Suella Braverman.?

She?開始する,打ち上げるd an astonishing attack on the PM, 警告 that he is 主要な the Tories to a 可能性のある 総選挙 wipeout unless he alters political course.

In a 残虐な 外見 on the BBC's Sunday with Lura Kuenssberg, Ms Braverman said: 'The 計画(する) is not working ... at this 率 we will be lucky to have any 保守的な MPs at the next 選挙.'

She 追加するd: 'The 計画(する) is not working and I despair at these terrible results.'?

夜通し Mr Sunak 主張するd 'our 計画(する) is working' にもかかわらず all the 証拠 to the contrary. 輸送(する) 長官 示す Harper was also sent out to 小旅行する TV studios today to echo the message and 勧める the party to 決起大会/結集させる behind its leader.

Andy Street 劇的な lost the West Midlands 市長 戦う/戦い tonight in a 団体/死体 blow for Rishi Sunak

Putting a 勇敢に立ち向かう 直面する on grim 選挙 results, Rishi Sunak 認める that 投票者s are '失望させるd' but argued that Keir Starmer has not 調印(する)d the 取引,協定

Suella Braverman , the 保守的な former home 長官, was quick to lay the 非難する for Tory losses at the door of 負かす/撃墜するing Street, but she said 追い出すing Mr Sunak as party leader 'won't work'.

She 需要・要求するd 税金 削減(する)s and an 移民/移住 厳重取締り that 含むs leaving the European 法廷,裁判所 of Human 権利s. But she shied away of calling for Mr Sunak to be 取って代わるd, 説 the party 所有するd no 'superman or woman' 有能な of turning things around with just months to go to the 総選挙.?

When asked if she regretted supporting Mr Sunak's leadership, Ms Braverman said: 'Honestly, yes I do.

'There is no spinning these results, there is no disguising the fact that these have been terrible 選挙 results for the 保守的なs and they 示唆する that we are 長,率いるing to a 労働 政府 and that fills me with horror.

'I love my country, I care about my party and I want us to 勝利,勝つ, and I am 勧めるing the 総理大臣 to change course, to with humility 反映する on what 投票者s are telling us, and change the 計画(する) and the way that he is communicating and 主要な us.'

Asked about whether she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to see a change in leader, Ms Braverman said: 'I just don't think that is a feasible prospect 権利 now, we don't have enough time and it is impossible for anyone new to come and change our fortunes to be honest. There is no superman or superwoman out there who can do it.'

The 総理大臣 and his 同盟(する)s are on the 防御の after the 保守的なs 474 地元の 会議 seats and the prestigious West Midlands mayoralty to 労働.

労働's Richard Parker 掴むd victory from 去っていく/社交的な 保守的な 市長 Andy Street by a mere 1,508 投票(する)s - with the 改革(する) party winning more than 34,000 投票(する)s.

There has also been a furious wave of recriminations and cr iticism after the Tory 候補者 for London 市長, Susan Hall, was roundly thrashed by 労働 現職の Sadiq 旅宿泊所.

He 嵐/襲撃するd to victory and an historic third 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 in office, with a 大多数 of some 275,000.?

Party chairman Richard Holden, who is also 直面するing 批評 over the 選挙運動s, also tried to 静める furious 政治家,政治屋s and 行動主義者s.

令状ing in the Telegraph he (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that the result showed there was 'no 殺到する in love for Sir Keir Starmer'.

'While 労働 made some 伸び(る)s, they have failed to romp to victory, 落ちるing 井戸/弁護士席 short of the 350 予報するd 伸び(る)s,' he said.

He 追加するd that 'the public has had enough of infighting', 説: 'It is 現職の on me to communicate this message from 投票者s to my 同僚s ? leave sniping from the sidelines to Sir Keir, get behind our 総理大臣 and make the 事例/患者 for our party to our country.'

Andy Street 劇的な lost the West Midlands 市長 戦う/戦い last night in a 団体/死体 blow for the PM.?

There were 元気づけるs and whoops as the 宣言 (機の)カム that the Tory 現職の had been 敗北・負かすd by 労働 riva l Richard Parker after an 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の struggle that saw a 一連の recounts.

に引き続いて hours of 口論する人ing, Mr Street was finally 辛勝する/優位d out by 1,508 投票(する)s - from a three-million strong 選挙民 - with his 対抗者 地位,任命するing pictures of his 祝賀s.?

The 失敗 of the former?John 吊りくさび boss to 安全な・保証する a third 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 is a 抱擁する 後退 for the PM, and left him with almost nothing to 粘着する to from a nightmare 始める,決める of 地元の 選挙s.

Keir Starmer あられ/賞賛するd the 'phenomenal result' 説 it was 'beyond our 期待s'.?

反逆者/反逆するs すぐに 警告するd that the 'game-changing' 敗北・負かす meant Mr Sunak could now 直面する a fresh 企て,努力,提案 to 追い出す him - although other MPs 繰り返し言うd their 見解(をとる) it was too late.?

The 首相 had been desperate for Mr Street to join Tees Valley 市長 Ben Houchen in the 勝利者's circle, 論証するing that the party can still 勝利,勝つ big contests.

Lord Houchen's success had seemingly helped Mr Sunak 鎮圧する a 反乱. However, the 最新の 敗北・負かす すぐに inflamed 怒り/怒る, critics pointing to the relentlessly grim results for the 保守的なs. The party is likely to 結局最後にはーなる losing nearly 500 議員s in one of the worst showings for 40 years.?

One Tory MP told MailOnline that 負かす/撃墜するing Street had 鎮圧するd dissent up to now by 'bullsh*****' that 'all's going to be 罰金' and 示唆するing Susan Hall was going to 勝利,勝つ in London.?

'にもかかわらず all the 高度に 肯定的な 私的な spin from No10 to Tory MPs since Thursday, we've lost 井戸/弁護士席 over 400 会議 seats, Andy Street has lost, Susan Hall has been 敗北・負かすd in?London,' they said.

'Ben Houchen won without having the balls to wear a blue rosette, even at his own victory count... Rishi's Sunak's utterly hapless Leadership is now definitely in play.'?

The MP 追加するd that they had not sent a letter of no 信用/信任 before, but would be now - 予報するing that the threshold of 52 for a 投票(する) would be 攻撃する,衝突する.?

There were cheers and whoops as the declaration came that the Tory incumbent had been defeated by Labour rival Richard Parker after an extraordinary struggle that saw a series of recounts

There were 元気づけるs and whoops as the 宣言 (機の)カム that the Tory 現職の had been 敗北・負かすd by 労働 競争相手 Richard Parker after an 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の struggle that saw a 一連の recounts

Mr Street gave a magnanimous response and refused to blame Mr Sunak for his loss

Mr Street gave a magnanimous 返答 and 辞退するd to 非難する Mr Sunak for his loss?

Richard Parker (right) posed for pictures on social media celebrating his victory tonight

Richard Parker (権利) 提起する/ポーズをとるd for pictures on social マスコミ celebrating his victory tonight

England 地元の
England 市長の
London 議会
London 市長の
Police & 罪,犯罪
England Local Elections
England Mayoral Elections
London Assembly Elections
London Mayoral Elections
Police and Crime Commissioner Elections

Ex-閣僚 大臣 Simon Clarke, a public critic of Mr Sunak, 報道によれば 地位,任命するd on a Tory WhatsApp group after the news broke: 'These results are awful, and sho uld be a 大規模な wake up call.'?

A former 大臣 told MailOnline that victory for Mr Street would have '緩和するd the 圧力' on the PM.

'For those who say it would be madness to have another leader now just look at the 統計(学). They say that is 正確に what the 大多数 of Tory 投票者s want,' they said.

'I think there will be more reflection now. There will be a lot of phone calls 存在 made this Bank Holiday 週末, not least by 支持者s of 競争相手 候補者s, although they will be 控えめの.'?

The MP 追加するd that there was 'an element of MPs 簡単に 存在 辞職するd to losing'.

But another 退役軍人 Tory backbencher said Mr Street's loss 'is not going to 転換 anything'.

'People know Rishi has 改善するd things, so let's stick with him and not let Kier take credit for Tories 改善するing things over next six months,' they 追加するd.

The MP said the 重要な question for the 反逆者/反逆するs was who would be better than Mr Sunak: 'No one and they know it.'?

For the first time since 1996, the Lib Dems have won more 議員s than the 保守的なs at a 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of 地元の 選挙s.?

The Blackpool South 補欠選挙 原因(となる)d particular びっくり仰天 as 労働 嵐/襲撃するd the seat with a 26 point swing - and the Tories only barely 捨てるd into second ahead of 改革(する).

The 戦う/戦い for West Midlands 市長 had been 予定 to 宣言する at 3pm, but went into extra time with both 味方するs 説 it was 'too の近くに to call'.?

Recounts took place in Birmingham ?and Wolverhampton, and Coventry as the parties 口論する人 over every 選び出す/独身 投票(する).

It finally (機の)カム 負かす/撃墜する to Sandwell area, where Mr Parker needed to 勝利,勝つ by at least 11,456 投票(する)s. He (疑いを)晴らすd the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 by around 1,000 to 精密検査する Mr Street.? ?

にもかかわらず the 悲惨 for the Tories, it has not all been plain sailing for Sir Keir, with 専門家s 警告 that a 低迷 in support in areas with large イスラム教徒 全住民s 示唆するd he was 'in trouble'.?

労働 tied up more 推定する/予想するd victories today, with Steve Rotheram re-elected as Liverpool City 地域 市長 after 安全な・保証するing a 地滑り 68 per cent of the 投票(する).

Andy Burnham 現れるd 勝利を得た in Greater Manchester by 63 per cent to just 10 per cent for his Tory 対抗者.??

Oliver Coppard was returned as as South Yorkshire 市長 with 138,611 投票(する)s, nearly three times as many as the 44,945 his 保守的な 競争相手 Nick Allen received.?

Earlier, Mr Sunak 主張するd he can still turn the 状況/情勢 around, 説 people are '失望させるd and wondering why they should 投票(する)'.?

'The fact?労働 is not winning in places that they 収容する/認める themselves they need for a 大多数, shows that Keir Starmer's 欠如(する) of 計画(する) and 見通し is 傷つけるing them,' he said.

'We 保守的なs have everything to fight for ? and we will because we are fighting for our values and our country's 未来.'

Mr Sunak pointed to his party's 最近の かかわり合い to 引き上げ(る) defence spending and 削減(する) 移住 as (疑いを)晴らす dividing lines with 労働.

But 投票ing guru Prof John Curtice said the results 論証するd Mr Sunak has 'very little to show' for his 成果/努力s to 回復する the Tories' fortunes after Liz Truss's abrtive 首相の職.

The 選挙 専門家 told the BBC: 'There is nothing in these results to 示唆する contrary to the opinion 投票s that the 保守的なs are 現実に beginning to 狭くする the gap on 労働, and that so far at least, Rishi Sunak's 事業/計画(する) which has tried to 回復する from the 災害 ? from the 保守的なs' point of 見解(をとる) ? of the Liz Truss 会計の event, that 事業/計画(する) has still got very little to show for it.

'That in a sense is the big takeaway.

'Now the 保守的なs, as when all parties do 不正に in 選挙s, they always want you to 焦点(を合わせる) on the exception rather than the 支配する, and Tees Valley and probably the West Midlands are the exceptions not the 支配する.'

On 労働 losses over its 姿勢 on Gaza, Sir John said: 'At the moment I think what we would find if we had a 総選挙 is that 労働 might 井戸/弁護士席 落ちる 支援する in some of these seats, but because the 労働 Party is already so strong, they would probably still 後継する in winning the 議会の 選挙.

'But yep, this is a big message to 労働 from these 地元の 選挙s, is that you are indeed now in trouble with some of your イスラム教徒 former 支持者s.'

Mr Sunak had been willing Andy Street (pictured) to join Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen in securing a third term

Mr Sunak had been willing Andy Street (pictured) to join Tees Valley 市長 Ben Houchen in 安全な・保証するing a third 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語

On a visit to Mansfield this morning, Keir Starmer (pictured with new East Midlands mayor Claire Ward) insisted he is 'confident' that Mr Khan can keep control of City Hall

On a visit to Mansfield this morning, Keir Starmer (pictured with new East Midlands 市長 Claire 区) 主張するd he is '確信して' that Mr 旅宿泊所 can keep 支配(する)/統制する of City Hall

Mr Sunak 苦しむd a blow in his own 支援する yard as 労働 took the York and North Yorkshire 市長 地位,任命する.

The 地域, which covers the PM's Richmond 選挙区/有権者, is somewhere 労働 has 歴史的に struggled to compete in 議会の 選挙s.

労働 also won 就任の 市長の contests in the East Midlands and the North East, and 伸び(る)d nine police and 罪,犯罪 commissioner 地位,任命するs from the Tories, in cluding in Cumbria, Avon and Somerset, and Norfolk.

But in a smattering of 会議s, the 野党 lost seats to 独立した・無所属s and George Galloway's 労働者s Party of Britain, all 明らかに over the party's 姿勢 on Gaza.

全体にわたる, 労働 won 支配(する)/統制する of eight 会議s as it saw a 逮捕する 伸び(る) of 204 seats, while the 自由主義の 民主党員s 伸び(る)d 92 seats and the Greens 58.

The 自由主義の 民主党員s' most 重要な victory was winning 支配(する)/統制する of Dorset 会議 from the 保守的なs, where it now has 42 of the 82 seats after 伸び(る)ing 15.

The Greens fell 辛うじて short of taking 全体にわたる 支配(する)/統制する of Bristol, one of their 最高の,を越す 的s, にもかかわらず 伸び(る)ing 10 seats.

にもかかわらず results that left the 保守的なs on 跡をつける to lose half the seats they contested, 反逆者/反逆するs 認める they had not 説得するd enough MPs to join them to 軍隊 a 投票(する) of no 信用/信任 in Mr Sunak's leadership.

One 反逆者/反逆する told the Mail 簡単に: 'We're off to the pub.'

Polls ahead of the election suggested that the London incumbent was on track for a comfortable victory over Tory rival Susan Hall (pictured)

投票s ahead of the 選挙 示唆するd that the London 現職の was on 跡をつける for a comfortable victory over Tory 競争相手 Susan Hall (pictured)

Dame Andrea Jenkyns, the first Tory MP to 公然と move against the PM, said it was 'ありそうもない' that others would follow in 十分な numbers to 誘発する/引き起こす a leadership contest.

'My 姿勢 is the same,' she said. 'But we are where we are and it is looking ありそうもない that the MPs are going to put the letters in, so we need to pull together.'

Former 閣僚 大臣 Nadine Dorries - another high-profile critic of the PM - said it would be 'madness' to try to 取って代わる Mr Sunak before the 総選挙, 追加するing that it would 'make no difference' to the result.

One 反逆者/反逆する source said it was (疑いを)晴らす that Mr Sunak would 'limp on to the 選挙', 追加するing: 'We're not kamikaze 操縦するs. In the end, there are too many MPs with their 長,率いるs stuck in the sand for it to work.'