EXCLUSIVEREVEALED: The 麻薬 trafficker who 設立する God and says he's turning US schools into churches with GOP-支援するd chaplains and an '83% 救済 率'

Rocky Malloy is a man on a 使節団.

And that 使節団 is, in his own words, to (軍隊を)展開する,配備する chaplains to make America's public 'schools turn into churches.'

For many, it's a worrying 企て,努力,提案 to erode the 分割 of church and 明言する/公表する enshrined in the US 憲法.

It's scarier still when you consider Malloy's historic 有罪の判決s for 麻薬 trafficking and trying to 倒れる Mexico's 政府.

But for the growing number of 共和国の/共和党の 国会議員s who 支援する Malloy, it's how to put troubled young people on the righteous path.

Rocky Malloy's road to righteousness passed through drugs, piracy and rebel groups in Central America

Rocky Malloy's road to righteousness passed through 麻薬s, piracy and 反逆者/反逆する groups in Central America

Malloy he and wife?Joske are putting 'God and prayer' in America's schools through GOP-endorsed chaplain laws

Malloy he and wife?Joske are putting 'God and 祈り' in America's schools through GOP-是認するd chaplain 法律s?

It's working. Texas and Florida have in 最近の months passed 法律s to 許す school chaplains.

共和国の/共和党のs in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah and several other 明言する/公表するs are 前進するing 類似の 法案s.


Should chaplains be 許すd in schools?

Should chaplains be 許すd in schools?

  • Yes 21 投票(する)s
  • No 9 投票(する)s
  • Not sure 1 投票(する)s

Now 株 your opinion

  • ?

支持するs say having spiritual chaplains in schools can 緩和する a 青年 mental health 危機, help overstretched teachers, and 申し込む/申し出 spiritual care to students who can't afford 宗教的な schools.

But critics say it's harmful to introduce 当局 人物/姿/数字s to kids without (疑いを)晴らす 境界s or 基準s.

Others say Malloy's chaplains will do more than counsel ― that they 捜し出す to 変える students, 促進する abstinence and discourage homosexuality.

They also 公式文書,認める that Malloy wants taxpayers to 選ぶ up the tab and 支払う/賃金 chaplains' 給料.

DailyMail.com has 明らかにするd 文書s and ビデオs that 示唆する some 関心s are 正当化するd.

Malloy's goals go far beyond what even many Christians 捜し出す in a public school system.

He 長,率いるs the 国家の School Chaplain 協会 (NSCA), a 子会社 of 使節団 世代, which was 開始する,打ち上げるd in 1999 to bring Jesus to classrooms 世界的な.

In presentations to donors,?Malloy boasts that chapalins reduce teen pregnancies by 80 percent, citing 'anecdotal' statistics from by an unnamed 'third party'

In 贈呈s to 寄贈者s,?Ma lloy 誇るs that chapalins 減ずる teen pregnancies by 80 パーセント, 特記する/引用するing 'anecdotal' 統計(学) from by an 無名の 'third party'

Malloy started his 旅行 on a remote island in Central America where he grew マリファナ and read from an oversize Bible

Members 捜し出す to '高める HIS presence by infiltrating' the public school system, によれば 文書s seen by Texas 国会議員s.

They want to 'てこ入れ/借入資本 one of the largest 網状組織s on the earth, the 存在するing school system, and 利用する 政府 基金ing … to teach Jesus in the classroom,' the papers show.

In rarely-seen ビデオs from the late 2010s, Malloy is candid about his goals.

Chaplains should be the only person in a school '代表するing 絶対の truth,' he says in one.

'They get to define what truth is,' he 追加するs, in classrooms where all else is '親族.'

Citi ng the Christian children's author C.S. 吊りくさび, he says they're 'working behind enemy lines.'

US schoolkids get a 'godless education' with teachers who blur the lines between men and women, he says.

In の近くにd-door 贈呈s to 保守的な 寄贈者s, he says school chaplains can save them.

In one, he 誇るs about his group's impressive '救済' 率.

Fully 83 パーセント of students who sit 負かす/撃墜する with chaplains 答える/応じる '前向きに/確かに to the Gospel message, 受託するing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,' によれば one of Malloy's 贈呈s.

Malloy met his wife and ministry partner, Joske, a Dutch nurse, near the Honduras-Nicaragua border in 1989 when he was caught up in the Sandinista Civil War

Malloy met his wife and 省 partner, Joske, a Dutch nurse, 近づく the Honduras-Nicaragua 国境 in 1989 when he was caught up in the Sandinista Civil War

A chaplain in a private religious school in Tennessee.?Malloy aims to 'infiltrate' public schools with his own chaplains to 'work behind enemy lines'

A chaplain in a 私的な 宗教的な school in Tennessee.?Malloy 目的(とする)s to 'infiltrate' public schools with his own chaplains to 'work behind enemy lines'

With chaplains in schools, 卒業s go up, pregnancies, 自殺s and truancy 落ちる, he says.

The message resonates with 保守的なs, who worry about lefty teachers dwelling on race and gender instead of teaching kids how to read and 令状.

Malloy says chaplains would scour libraries and 旗 調書をとる/予約するs with 性の content ― a goal of many parents' 権利s groups and 共和国の/共和党の-controlled 立法機関s.

It's a strange turnaround for Malloy, a dad-of-five from North Carolina with a backstory in 麻薬s, guns, piracy, and Central American 反逆者/反逆する groups.

In ビデオs, Malloy 述べるs himself living on a remote island in the 1980s, growing マリファナ and reading the Bible.

Later, in Mexico, he got mixed up with a tribe that led to his getting a life 宣告,判決 for 麻薬 trafficking and trying to 倒す the 政府.

His 解放(する) from 刑務所,拘置所 72 hours later was thanks to divine 介入, he says.

On the Honduras-Nicaragua 国境 in 1989, he was caught up in the Sandinista Civil War, where he met his wife and 省 partner, Joske, a Dutch nurse serving in the 衝突.

He started working with children there, and (機の)カム to see schools as a 乗り物 for spreading the Gospel to children, teachers, parents ― and society 捕まらないで.

He built a 網状組織 of chaplains that today has 事業/計画(する)s in 30,531 schools across 23 countries, the group says.

Malloy does not shy away from his record in piracy, drug trafficking and Central American rebel movements

Malloy does not shy away from his 記録,記録的な/記録する in piracy, 麻薬 trafficking and Central American 反逆者/反逆する movements

Eric Johnson has served as a chaplain in Iowa's hospitals for 15 years. Putting chaplains in public schools with children remains controversial, though

Eric Johnson has served as a chaplain in Iowa's hospitals for 15 years. Putting chaplains in public schools with children remains 議論の的になる, though??

Now he's bringing it home to America.

The NSCA says it was 'instrumental' in Texas becoming the first US 明言する/公表する with a school chaplain 法律, which passed in 2023.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis 調印するd a 類似の 法律 in April; more than a dozen 明言する/公表するs have 法律制定 in the 作品.

Across the US, 共和国の/共和党の and Democratic 政治家,政治屋s are sparring over the 役割 of chaplains.

They were 伝統的に 見解(をとる)d as clergymen 大臣ing outside of congregations, but the modern 役割 is 貧しく defined.

Chaplains serve in the US 議会, 軍の, and 刑務所,拘置所s, and each has stringent 支配するs for 雇うing and service.

Hospitals, police and 解雇する/砲火/射撃 駅/配置するs, colleges and 私的な 会社/堅いs also 雇う chaplains with wide-範囲ing 基準s.

Many chaplains have seminary or 省 training in a particular 約束.

But chaplains serving in multicultural places may also need professional, 監督するd training.

Malloy's NSCA certifies chaplains, in some 事例/患者s after a few hours' of online tuition.

The 柔軟な 法律s typically 許す chaplains with backgrounds in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or another 約束.

Malloy could be fighting for attention against 'ministers' from the Satanic Temple group, which aims to get in to schools through chaplain laws

Malloy could be fighting for attention against '大臣s' from the 悪魔の(ような) 寺 group, which 目的(とする)s to get in to schools through chaplain 法律s?

Jared Deck, an Oklahoma Democratic state representative, calls the chaplain law a?'Trojan horse'

Jared Deck, an Oklahoma Democratic 明言する/公表する 代表者/国会議員, calls the chaplain 法律 a?'Trojan horse'?

The 悪魔の(ような) 寺, a federally-認めるd 宗教 that fuses devil worship with political trolling, says it 計画(する)s to use chaplain 法律s to (軍隊を)展開する,配備する its own '大臣s' to schools.

But, in reality, only the NSCA and other Christian groups have the members and the money to get large numbers of chaplains in schools.

Still, the 法律s are not a 激突する dunk, and have been 拒絶するd in Indiana, Utah and several other 明言する/公表するs.

In Texas, which passed the 法律, major schools 地区s in Houston, Austin, and Dallas are not 参加するing.

共和国の/共和党のs in Oklahoma are 現在/一般に 押し進めるing their own 草案 school chaplain 法律, …に反対するd by 民主党員s.

Jared Deck, a Democratic 明言する/公表する 代表者/国会議員, calls the 法案 a 'Trojan horse' for Malloy's NSCA and others 捜し出すing to 変える schoolkids.

'These organizations are calling for proselytization in public schools while the 政治家,政治屋s 現在のing the 法案 say they're not,' Deck told DailyMail.com.

'They want to use public dollars for 宗教的な indoctrination. Next, they'll 捜し出す to 決定する which 宗教s can be taught.'