The プロの/賛成の-Putin 首相 of Slovakia is 回復するing in hospital after 存在 発射 in an 暗殺 企て,努力,提案 that 誘発する/引き起こすd alarm bells across Europe.

Robert Fico was beckoned over to 会合,会う a (人が)群がる of 支持者s before a 銃器携帯者/殺しや leaned across and 解雇する/砲火/射撃d five times at point-blank 範囲, sending the 意見の不一致を生じる 政治家,政治屋 sprawling to the ground.

護衛s pounced on the would-be 暗殺者 as Mr Fico was carried into a 政府 リムジン which sped away before he was airlifted to hospital.

夜通し there was 混乱 over the 首相's 条件, with 副 首相 Tomas Taraba telling the BBC on Wednesday evening he was 確信して Mr Fico 'will 生き残る', with 地元の news 出口s 報告(する)/憶測ing that he was out of 外科 and stable.

Other 大臣s, however, 主張するd throughout the night that Mr Fico remained in a 批判的な 条件.

Police 拘留するd 71-year-old poet Juraj Cintula on 疑惑 of the 狙撃 in Handlova, central Slovakia.

Graphic depicting the days events following the shooting of Slovakian PM Robert Fico

Graphic 描写するing the days events に引き続いて the 狙撃 of Slovakian PM Robert Fico

Robert Fico was beckoned over to meet a crowd of supporters before a gunman leaned across and fired five times at point-blank range, sending the divisive politician sprawling to the ground

Robert Fico was beckoned over to 会合,会う a (人が)群がる of 支持者s before a 銃器携帯者/殺しや leaned across and 解雇する/砲火/射撃d five times at point-blank 範囲, sending the 意見の不一致を生じる 政治家,政治屋 sprawling to the ground

Bodyguards pounced on the would-be assassin as Mr Fico was carried into a government limousine which sped away before he was airlifted to hospital

護衛s pounced on the would-be 暗殺者 as Mr Fico was carried into a 政府 リムジン which sped away before he was airlifted to hospital

The suspect is arrested at the scene by police. Deputy prime minister Tomas Taraba told the BBC on Wednesday evening he was confident Mr Fico 'will survive'

The 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う is 逮捕(する)d at the scene by police. 副 首相 Tomas Taraba told the BBC on Wednesday evening he was 確信して Mr Fico 'will 生き残る'

Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister of Slovakia Robert Kalinak speaks during a joint press conference with Slovakia's Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok, right, at the F. D. Roosevelt University Hospital

副 総理大臣 and Defence 大臣 of Slovakia Robert Kalinak speaks during a 共同の 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 with Slovakia's 内部の 大臣 Matus Sutaj Estok, 権利, at the F. D. Roosevelt University Hospital

Vladimir Putin last night 述べるd the attack as a 'monstrous 罪,犯罪' and there are 恐れるs he will now 掴む on the 試みる/企てるd 殺人,大当り of his 人民党員 friend who has staunchly argued against support for ウクライナ共和国. It comes as:

  • Ukrainian 大統領 Volodymyr Zelensky cancelled trips abroad as Russia 前進するs on the country's second city of Kharkiv;
  • Tens of thousands took to the streets of Georgia once more after the 'プロの/賛成の-ロシアの' 政府 軍隊d through 'Kremlin 奮起させるd' 法律制定;
  • The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 銃器携帯者/殺しや made a '自白' in 保護/拘留 where he 非難するd Mr Fico's 厳重取締 on 解放する/自由な マスコミ for the attack;
  • World leaders 含むing Joe Biden were quick to 非難する the 狙撃.

ロシアの 大統領,/社長 Mr Putin ? who arrived in Beijing for a 公式訪問 last night ? said: 'I know Robert Fico to be a 勇敢な and strong-spirited man. I very much hope that these 質s will help him to withstand this difficult 状況/情勢.'

71-year-old poet Juraj Cintula is believed to be the shooter

71-year-old poet Juraj Cintula is believed to be the shooter?

His condition was critical following surgery last night as p
olice said they had detained 71-year-old poet Juraj Cintula on suspicion of the shooting in Handlova, central Slovakia

His 条件 was 批判的な に引き続いて 外科 last night as police said they had 拘留するd 71-year-old poet Juraj Cintula on 疑惑 of the 狙撃 in Handlova, central Slovakia

Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico, centre, speaks with people before the cabinet's away-from-home session in the town of Handlova, Slovakia moments before the shooting

Slovakia's 総理大臣 Robert Fico, centre, speaks with people before the 閣僚's away-from-home 開会/開廷/会期 in the town of Handlova, Slovakia moments before the 狙撃

Last night 陸軍大佐 Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a former 命令(する)ing officer of the 1st 王室の 戦車/タンク 連隊, the UK's 化学製品, 生物学の, radiological, and 核の defence 部隊, told The Mail: 'There are high 火刑/賭けるs in Europe and the 脅し of a wider war only 利益s Putin.

人民党員 anti-vaxxer who 支援するs Putin?

Robert Fico was serving his third stint as 首相 of Slovakia.

He won his first 選挙 in 2006 in a 圧勝 just two years after the country joined the EU. Born into a working-class familiy, Mr Fico trained as a lawyer and was Slovakia’s 代表者/国会議員 to the European 法廷,裁判所 of Human 権利s.

He won the 選挙s again in 2012 and 2016 but was 軍隊d to 辞職する two years later 予定 to 集まり 抗議するs after an investigative 新聞記者/雑誌記者 was 殺人d along with his fiancee.

Mr Fico began his third 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 as 首相 last October, serving at the 長,率いる of a 人民党員-国家主義者 連合.

Critics argue that he has abandoned Slovakia’s プロの/賛成の-Western course. Thousands of people have 抗議するd across the country, speaking out against his 政策s. He has also 直面するd 告訴,告発s of 汚職.

He is ひどく …に反対するd to 移民/移住 and has criticised same-sex marriages. He became the country’s most 目だつ 発言する/表明する against masks, lockdowns and ワクチン接種s during the Covid pandemic. He is also an admirer of Vladimir Putin and has 公約するd not to support ウクライナ共和国.


'This is yet another wake-up call to the West. If we ignore this 最新の 脅し to Western 安全 the chances of getting drawn into a wider war in Europe are manifestly greater.'

証言,証人/目撃するs said Mr Fico 答える/応じるd to a 支持者 shouting 'Robo, come over' and went to shake their 手渡す after leaving an away-day 会合 of the Slovak 政府 会合 すぐに after 3pm. Harrowing (映画の)フィート数 then shows the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 銃器携帯者/殺しや look either 味方する before 肺ing 今後 with a ピストル in his 権利 arm and 狙撃 the 59-year-old 首相.

A shaken bystander said: 'I was just going to shake his 手渡す, when the 発射s rang out it almost deafened me'.

地元の 新聞記者/雑誌記者s interviewed the 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う's son who 証言,証人/目撃するd the attack and was in shock. 'I have no idea what father was up to, what he was planning and why it happened,' he said.

The son said Cintula was not 苦しむing from any mental health problems and had never について言及するd assassinating a 政治家,政治屋. However, the background of the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 銃器携帯者/殺しや 刺激するd その上の questions last night. Photographs appeared to show he was (v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者d to a プロの/賛成の-ロシアの 民兵 Slovensk? Branci.

Mr Fico was 発射 in the arm and stomach and his 傷害s were so 厳しい there was no time to 移転 him to the 資本/首都, Bratislava.

Slovak 内部の 大臣 Matus Sutaj Estok 確認するd he was conscious after major 外科 last night but had 苦しむd 'serious 団体/死体 外傷/ショック'.

Mr Estok 警告するd police would '行為/法令/行動する' on anyone 支援 the 暗殺 online as he also 誓約(する)d a 抱擁する 厳重取締り on 安全.

Mr Fico rails against 移民/移住 and LGBT 問題/発行するs and has been unsparing in his support for Russia in its war against ウクライナ共和国.

He has 逆転するd the previous Slovakian 政府's st ance on the ウクライナ共和国 衝突 and called for 軍の 援助(する) to Kyiv to 中止する.

The prime minister was airlifted to a nearby hospital after suffering gunshot wounds to the arm and stomach

The 首相 was airlifted to a nearby hospital after 苦しむing 射撃 負傷させるs to the arm and stomach

Fico is transferred at the F.D. Roosevelt University Hospital to undergo surgery to treat his wounds

Fico is transferred at the F.D. Roosevelt University Hospital to を受ける 外科 to 扱う/治療する his 負傷させるs?

Fico's security detail jumps to support him after he was shot. He stumbled over a bench behind him and slumped to the floor (right)

Fico's 安全 詳細(に述べる) jumps to support him after he was 発射. He つまずくd over a (法廷の)裁判 behind him and 低迷d to the 床に打ち倒す (権利)?

He has also become a の近くに 同盟(する) of Hungary's 首相 Viktor Orban, another refusenik inside Nato and the European Union.

Struck 負かす/撃墜する in office, Europe’s 殺人d PMs?

The last European leader to be assassinated was Zoran Dindic, the 首相 of Serbia.

He was 発射 in ベオグラード in March 2003 while entering the Serbian 政府’s (警察,軍隊などの)本部 and died almost 即時に.

In February 1986, the 首相 of Sweden, Olof Palme, was 発射 on an evening walk home from the cinema with his wife, Lisabeth Palme.

Luis Carrero Blanco, the 首相 of Spain, was killed in in a 爆弾 爆破 in Madrid just five d ays before Christmas in 1973. He had only been 首相 for six months.

Spencer Perceval is the only serving British 総理大臣 to have been assassinated in the ロビー of the House of ありふれたs on 11 May 1812.


Last night, given his 対立 to the 衝突 in 隣人ing ウクライナ共和国, there was 憶測 online 示唆するing the 狙撃 could have been ordered by Kyiv.

The leader of Slovakia's プロの/賛成の-European and プロの/賛成の-Nato 野党 was 軍隊d to 問題/発行する a public 否定 that he had anything to do with the 暗殺 試みる/企てる. Mr Fico has also 刺激するd fury with his 左派の(人) Direction party's 計画(する)s to give 政府 十分な 支配(する)/統制する of public 無線で通信する and TV. The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 銃器携帯者/殺しや made a '自白' in 保護/拘留 where he 非難するd this 厳重取締 for the supposed 暗殺 試みる/企てる.

Russia is 推定する/予想するd to 捜し出す to politicise the 狙撃 by 示唆するing 政治家,政治屋s in EU and in Nato 明言する/公表するs who dare to challenge the orthodoxy surrounding support for ウクライナ共和国 are no longer 安全な.

Former chairman of the ありふれたs defence 委員会, Tobias Ellwood, said: 'As Slovakia ますます comes under 脅し from Russia's 影響(力) this 悲劇の 出来事/事件 could easily be used as justification to introduce 類似の draconian 制限s as we now see in Hungary and Belarus.'

Western nations 非難するd the attack on Mr Fico. US 大統領 Joe Biden said it was a 'horrific 行為/法令/行動する of 暴力/激しさ'.

大統領 Zelensky 追加するd: 'We 堅固に 非難する this 行為/法令/行動する of 暴力/激しさ against our 隣人ing partner 明言する/公表する's 長,率いる of 政府.' Ursula 出身の der Leyen, 大統領 of the European (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限, said: 'Such 行為/法令/行動するs of 暴力/激しさ have no place in our society and 土台を崩す 僕主主義.'