Anthony Albanese's racks up $1.3million taxpayer 法案 in just three months - here's what he spent your money on

Anthony Albanese has cost Aussie taxpayer's over $1.3 million in expenses over a three-month period - with almost half a million 存在 spent on international jet-setting alone.

The 総理大臣, who was dubbed 'Airbus Albo' for his たびたび(訪れる) overseas trips, spent $421,498 on hotels, taxis and dinners on foreign trips between April and June 2023.

The 注目する,もくろむ-watering 人物/姿/数字 was published in the 最新の 独立した・無所属?議会の Expenses 当局 報告(する)/憶測.

Mr Albanese 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d taxpayers over $154,000 for the?東南アジア諸国連合-Australia 首脳会議 and the East Asia 首脳会議, G20 and APEC in November 2022.

The second most expensive trip was for the 載冠(式)/即位(式) of King Charles in London, which cost just shy of $130,000 - with?$93,419 存在 spent on meals and accommodation.

Anthony Albanese has cost Aussie taxpayer's over $1.3 million in expenses over a three-month period - with almost half a million being spent on international jet-setting alone

Anthony Albanese has cost Aussie taxpayer's over $1.3 million in expenses over a three-month period - with almost half a million 存在 spent on international jet-setting alone?

The Prime Minister, who was dubbed 'Airbus Albo' for his frequent overseas trips , spent $421,498 on hotels, taxis and dinners on foreign trips between April and June

The 総理大臣, who was dubbed 'Airbus Albo' for his たびたび(訪れる) overseas trips , spent $421,498 on hotels, taxis and dinners on foreign trips between April and June

Mr Albanese also spent $5,622 on family travel costs, as MPs can (人命などを)奪う,主張する 国内の travel flights and taxis for their partners, 扶養家族 children or 指定するd persons.?

対立 leader Peter Dutton was the next highest spender, 法案ing $849,455 to the taxpayer.?

Travel costs for his 32 staff members (機の)カム in at $558,847.?

資源s 大臣 Madeleine King was the third-highest spender, とじ込み/提出するing $536,613 in expenses, while Workplace Relations 大臣 Tony Burke was fourth with just under $450,000.

With the exception of Mr Dutton, 閣僚 大臣s made up the 最高の,を越す ten largest spenders.

Greens leader Adam Bandt was 11th, 法案ing?more than $431,000.

This 含むd 国内の travel expenses of ove r a 4半期/4分の1 of a million for his 26 従業員s.?

Kennedy MP (頭が)ひょいと動く Katter had the highest expenses 法案 for 独立した・無所属s at just over $328,000.?

Opposition leader Peter Dutton was the next highest spender, billing $849,455 to the taxpayer

対立 leader Peter Dutton was the next highest spender, 法案ing $849,455 to the taxpayer

Last week, Mr Albanese 誘発するd 乱暴/暴力を加える after 支払う/賃金ing a visit to the Hawthorn AFL team in their dressing room while Aussies continue to grapple with the cost-of-living 危機.

'People struggling to 支払う/賃金 the 法案s and this guy is talking about the footy,' one ガス/煙d.

'Last time you were in Tassie I 解任する you got heckled 'let's talk about 住宅, 総理大臣' and you couldn't run away 急速な/放蕩な enough. It's gotten worse since then and here you are, 支援する in selfie 方式. God, you're uninspiring,' another said.

A third wrote: 'Your 優先s suck!'

最高の,を越す ten biggest spenders?

総理大臣 Anthony Albanese - $1,360,510

対立 leader Peter Dutton - $849,455

資源s 大臣 Madeleine King - $536,613

Workplace Relations 大臣 Tony Burke - $499,844

環境 大臣 Tanya Plibersek - $480,660

文部大臣 Jason Clare - $478,793?

Foreign 事件/事情/状勢s 大臣 Penny Wong - $478,099

Health 大臣 示す Butler - $477,607

弁護士/代理人/検事-General 示す Dreyfus - $472,508

貿易(する) 大臣 Don Farrell - $442,703

(Total 支出 April - June 2023, Source: 独立した・無所属 議会の Expenses 当局)