Yvette Fielding says her Most Haunted co-星/主役にする Derek Acorah was 'a 偽の who tried to grope her' - as former Blue Peter presenter opens up about the TV pair's 反目,不和

  • Yvette Fielding (人命などを)奪う,主張するs '偽の' medium Derek Acorah tried to chase and kiss her
  • Acorah, who died in 2020, asked sexually explicit questions while '所有するd'
  • The pair famously fell out when he was 暴露するd as a 詐欺 in Bodmin 刑務所,拘置所?

Yvette Fielding (人命などを)奪う,主張するs her Most Haunted co-星/主役にする Derek Acorah was a 偽の who tried to grope and kiss her - and on at least one occasion, while pretending to be 所有するd by a spirit.

Her (人命などを)奪う,主張するs against Acorah follow 最近の 発覚s that predatory paedophile Rolf Harris?'squeezed and patted her 底(に届く)', while she also had a 'grotesque' 遭遇(する) with 性の predator Jimmy Saville as a fledgling television presenter.?

In her frank new memoir, 叫び声をあげる Queen, the former Blue Peter presenter 明らかにする/漏らすs how she had believed Acorah - with whom she famously fell out - to be the real 取引,協定 when she first met him.

But an 産業 insider had advised her and 生産者 husband Karl Beattie against 雇うing Acorah, who died in 2020 at the age of 69 from sepsis に引き続いて 肺炎,?The Sun 報告(する)/憶測s.

The 55-year-old presenter 令状s: 'Just before we started filming one of the presenters at Granada 微風, who'd worked with him 以前 said: 'You can't use Derek Acorah on your show. I'm 警告 you, he's a 偽の.'

Ghost hunter Yvette Fielding claims her Most Haunted co-star Derek Acorah was a fake who tried to grope and kiss her - and on one occasion, while pretending to be possessed by a spirit

Ghost hunter Yvette Fielding (人命などを)奪う,主張するs her Most Haunted co-星/主役にする Derek Acorah was a 偽の who tried to grope and kiss her - and on one occasion, while pretending to be 所有するd by a spirit

In one incident, Fielding recalls how Acorah 'proceeded to chase me round the res
taurant and I was batting him away because he was trying to ram his tongue down my throat'

In one 出来事/事件, Fielding 解任するs how Acorah 'proceeded to chase me 一連の会議、交渉/完成する the restaurant and I was batting him away because he was trying to 押し通す his tongue 負かす/撃墜する my throat'

In one 出来事/事件, she 解任するs how Acorah, who had been drinking, stretched out his 武器 as if he had been crucified on the cross and 布告するd he was Jesus.

'He then proceeded to chase me 一連の会議、交渉/完成する the restaurant and I was batting him away because he was trying to 押し通す his tongue 負かす/撃墜する my throat.'

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that Acorah was 'always' trying to kiss her and they laughed it off on that occasion, believing he had too much to drink.

But she 解任するs there were other moments when he was seemingly '所有するd' by a spirit and would say sexually explicit things to Fielding, 含むing 繰り返して asking to see her breasts.

Labelling Acorah an 'egotistical monster', Fielding also said he was a 詐欺 who often excused himself to go to the 洗面所 during recordings, but was heard on his mic trying to find out (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about the history of the place they were in.

'The 乗組員 also got 勝利,勝つd that if they said anything within earshot of Derek's 側近 it would come out in an 調査 as if from the spirit world.'?

That theory was put to the ultimate 実験(する) in a 2005?episode which saw Acorah appear to become 所有するd?by a spirit at Bodmin Gaol in Cornwall.

居住(者) parapsychologist Dr Ciaran O'Keeffe, who was 懐疑的な about Acorah's abilities, said he had 始める,決める him up by having other 乗組員 members 料金d him 誤った (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about spirits in さまざまな 場所s.

Fielding, with Acorah (left) and co-presenter Jason Karl, said the medium was a fraud, adding that 'the crew also got wind that if they said anything within earshot of Derek's entourage it would come out in an investigation as if from the spirit world'

Fielding, with Acorah (left) and co-presenter Jason Karl, said the medium was a 詐欺, 追加するing that 'the 乗組員 also got 勝利,勝つd that if they said anything within earshot of Derek's 側近 it would come out in an 調査 as if from the spirit world'

The pair appeared on the show together investigating spirits until he was asked to leave in 2006

The pair appeared on the show together 調査/捜査するing spirits until he was asked to leave in 2006

Acorah, who died in 2020, and Fielding famously fell out, with the former Blue Peter presenter calling him an 'egotistical monster'

Acorah, who died in 2020, and Fielding famously fell out, with the former Blue Peter presenter calling him an 'egotistical monster'


Acorah, who left Most Haunted in 2006, died in 2020 from sepsis following pneumonia

Acorah, who left Most Haunted in 2006, died in 2020 from sepsis に引き続いて 肺炎

Dr O'Keeffe invented a long-dead South African jailer called Kreed Kafer - an anagram of Derek Faker - and said he was stunned when the TV medium 'got 所有するd by my fictional character' at Bodmin 刑務所,拘置所.

In 2006, after Acorah was booted off the show, Ms Fielding told Metro: 'We tell people everything is real, then it turns out he was a 偽の, so he had to go.'

Fielding's memories of Acorah are not the only time she 解任するs 存在 (性的に)いたずらするd by fellow celebrities.

In 最近の days she has 明らかにする/漏らすd how?predatory paedophile Rolf Harris?'squeezed and patted her 底(に届く)', while she also had a 'grotesque' 遭遇(する) with 性の predator Jimmy Saville.

Fielding, who joined Blue Peter in 1987 at the tender age of 18, has 明らかにする/漏らすd Australian pervert Harris 強襲,強姦d her in a TV studio within two years of starting on the show after she 設立する himself alone with him.

At the time Harris - dead of last year at 93 - was one of the BBC's biggest 星/主役にするs, and it would be another 25 years before he was unmasked as a 性の predator by 操作/手術 Yewtree.?

TV 退役軍人 Fielding says there was a cover-up culture in the TV 産業 at the time she started.

She said: 'It was very 混乱させるing and shocking ― just bizarre to think Rolf Harris was squeezing and patting my 底(に届く) and I am standing there, thinking, "I don't know what to do."

'Other people in the 産業 must have known what he was like and (they) left me alone in the studio with him. That shouldn't have happened. I must have been 18 or 19. I think a lot of them did know.'

Rolf Harris pictured in 1960. He was exposed as a paedophile following the launch of Operation Yewtree and died in disgrace last year

Rolf Harris pictured in 1960. He was exposed as a paedophile に引き続いて the 開始する,打ち上げる of 操作/手術 Yewtree and died in 不名誉 last year

Fielding says she was left alone with Jimmy Savile (pictured), who stroked her hand and told her to look into his eyes in a 'grotesque' encounter

Fielding says she was left alone with Jimmy Savile (pictured), who 一打/打撃d her 手渡す and told her to look into his 注目する,もくろむs in a 'grotesque' 遭遇(する)?

Australian 芸能人 Harris died almost a year ago in May 2023 from 癌, six years after 存在 解放(する)d from 刑務所,拘置所 after 存在 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of sexually 強襲,強姦ing four girls, one 老年の just seven or eight years old at the time.

He, like Jimmy Savile, was exposed as a child predator in 2013 by 操作/手術 Yewtree, the 調査(する) 開始する,打ち上げるd に引き続いて Savile's death two years before.

Yvette said she had a 'grotesque' 遭遇(する) with Savile in which he took her 手渡す and started 一打/打撃ing it as he said: 'Look int o my 注目する,もくろむs and tell me what you're thinking'.?

She 追加するd: 'From what I heard, 確かな things were 小衝突d under the carpet ― and that should never, ever have happened.'?

She made the comments in an interview with?The Sun.

The BBC apologised in 2016 for its 役割 in 許すing Savile and It's a ノックアウト presenter Stuart Hall to sexually 乱用 children on its 前提s に引き続いて a 残虐な 報告(する)/憶測 into the culture at the 会社/団体 at the time.