EXCLUSIVEDamning texts show 共和国の/共和党の mocked 'crazies' challenging 選挙 results while kicking 支援する on vacation in Thailand

共和国の/共和党の congressional 候補者 Abraham Hamadeh continues to challenge the results of the 2022 選挙, but new text messages 得るd by DailyMail.com 示唆する he was not always the furtive 選挙 闘士,戦闘機 he now portrays himself to be.

The (選挙などの)運動をする between Hamadeh and Blake Masters has pitted former MAGA operatives and 同盟(する)s against each other as both 共和国の/共和党の 候補者s fight in the 最初の/主要な to 取って代わる the retiring?Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ).

Hamadeh ran and lost his race for Arizona 司法長官 in 2022 by a かみそり thin-利ざや, but he was careful to 避ける 存在 lumped in with angry 共和国の/共和党のs he 述べるd as ‘the crazies’ who were raising a 嵐/襲撃する in reaction to the 選挙 results.

His 対抗者 民主党員 Kris Mayes led by only 510 投票(する)s when the final 選挙 投票(する) 一致する was 完全にするd in late November. A その後の recount 完全にするd in December 設立する Hamadeh losing by only 280 投票(する)s.

Blake Masters
Abe Hamadeh

Blake Masters and Abe Hamadeh are competing in the 共和国の/共和党の 最初の/主要な for AZ-8

That 利ざや left Hamadeh in a 肯定的な mood, even as his 合法的な challenges to the 選挙 results were 解任するd by the 法廷,裁判所s.

‘No 事柄 what happens, I’m winning 権利 now,’ he texted fellow 共和国の/共和党の Blake Masters on January 20, 2023.

‘I’m not lumped in with crazies with 選挙 stuff because I’m so の近くに at 280, but the crazies love because they see me fighting. 勝利,勝つ 勝利,勝つ,’ he 追加するd, even as it appeared he would lose his race.

‘The crazies’ in Hamadeh’s estimation, appeared to be the 熱烈な 共和国の/共和党のs challenging the 選挙 results of obvious losses in the 明言する/公表する.?

Hamadeh then texted a selfie of him …に出席するing a ボクシング event.

‘In Thailand 権利 now,’ he 追加するd with a laugh-crying emoji.

Masters 賞賛するd Hamadeh for fighting a ‘noble and disciplined fight’ and even said he was glad that the 候補者 was ‘getting some r and r’ after the (選挙などの)運動をする.

The Hamadeh (選挙などの)運動をする 解任するd the 漏れるd messages as another '誤って導くing' 試みる/企てる by the Masters (選挙などの)運動をする to discredit Trump's 裏書,是認.?

'This is nothing more than a sad and vindictive 計画/陰謀 to 土台を崩す 大統領 Trump after he 辞退するd to 是認する him and his lies continue to 証明する why the grassroots is abandoning him: he is a coward without a 良心,' Hamadeh (選挙などの)運動をする spokesperson Erica Knight said in a 声明 to DailyMail.com.?

At the time of the texting conversation, Masters had lost his own (選挙などの)運動をする to (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 民主党員 現職の 示す Kelly by five points, にもかかわらず having the support and 財政上の 支援 of 億万長者 tech 億万長者 Peter Thiel.

Masters was in no position to challenge the results of his 選挙 loss, but he 顕著に did not join MAGA 共和国の/共和党のs in the 明言する/公表する challenging the 選挙s.?

In 2022, Trump was 不満な that Masters failed to make 選挙 詐欺 in Arizona the 焦点(を合わせる) of his (選挙などの)運動をする, 勧めるing him to be ‘stronger’ on the 問題/発行する.

‘You’ll lose if you go soft. You’re going to lose that base,’ Trump said.??

Abe Hamadeh

Former 大統領 Trump 是認するd Abe Hamadeh in the 最初の/主要な versus Blake Masters?

Running for the 衆議院 in 2024 was not the first choice for Masters. He was 最初 considering running to 取って代わる 独立した・無所属 上院議員 Kyrsten Sinema, until MAGA favorite Kari Lake entered the race with Trump’s 裏書,是認.?

にもかかわらず his feelings in January, Hamadeh is not giving up his old race, even if he's lumped in with 'the crazies' challenging the results of the 選挙.

?In May, he?とじ込み/提出するd his fourth 合法的な challenge to the 2022 選挙 in Arizona 需要・要求するing a redo even though?民主党員 Kris Mayes was 宣言するd the 勝利者 in the 選挙 in late December and has been serving in the office since 早期に this year.

His previous 試みる/企てるs were 拒絶するd, thrown out, mocked by 民主党員s, but he's committed to the 原因(となる).?

For a 共和国の/共和党の in Arizona, it’s an important to be seen as someone who won’t 支援する 負かす/撃墜する and won’t be cowed into submission by Democratic mockery, the マスコミ, and the exasperated Arizona 合法的な community.?

'Abe has never stopped fighting for honest 選挙s, にもかかわらず 試みる/企てるs to smear, discredit and even 許可/制裁 him,' Knight said.?

?Hamadeh is now appearing in プロの/賛成の-Trump マスコミ interviews to 論証する he is fully committed to fighting the results of not only the 2022 選挙, but the 2020 選挙.?

‘These 裁判官s need to wake up,’ he said in an interview with the 保守的な news 出口 Gateway Pundit. ‘They need to love the 支配する of 法律 more than they hate me, because 権利 now the people elected me in November of 2022, and Arizona has an 非合法の 政府 and 非合法の 弁護士/代理人/検事 general in there 権利 now.’?

Today, both Masters and Hamadeh are in the middle of a bruising 最初の/主要な fight over a singular congressional seat in the 明言する/公表する.?

Hamadeh has the 裏書,是認 of 大統領 Donald Trump, Kari Lake and several other MAGA 人物/姿/数字s in Trump’s 軌道. Whoever 勝利,勝つs the 最初の/主要な will likely 勝利,勝つ the race against any 民主党員 in the conser vative 地区.?

Both 候補者s are fighting over a いっそう少なく prestigious office, but with just as much intensity as they try to escape the brand of a two-time loser.?