Sammy Teusch's father 明らかにする/漏らすs how heartless trolls have 的d him online after 10-year-old's shock 自殺

The father of a ten-year-old boy who killed himself after years of いじめ(る)ing has told how heartless trolls have been attacking him over his son's 自殺.

Sammy Teusch killed himself on May 5 after 苦しむing years of 残虐な いじめ(る)ing. He was laid to 残り/休憩(する) on Wednesday in Greenfield, Indiana.

In an interview with Nancy Grace?on 長所 Street マスコミ, Sammys's father Sam opened up about how he has been 砲撃するd with hateful messages from sick keyboard 軍人s.

Sammy Teusch killed himself on May 5 after suffering years of brutal bullying

Sammy Teusch killed himself on May 5 after 苦しむing years of 残虐な いじめ(る)ing?

The father of ten-year-old Sammy Teusch who took his own life after years of bullying has revealed he has been receiving hate comments on the internet, blaming him for his son's suicide

The father of ten-year-old Sammy Teusch who took his own life afte r years of いじめ(る)ing has 明らかにする/漏らすd he has been receiving hate comments on the internet, 非難するing him for his son's 自殺

In an interview with Nancy Grace, Sammys's father, Sam Teusch, said that while he and his family have received an tremendous amount of love, support, and prayers, online trolls have bombarded his social media with hateful messages

In an interview with Nancy Grace, Sammys's father, Sam Teusch, said that while he and his family have received an tremendous 量 of love, support, and 祈りs, online trolls have 砲撃するd his social マスコミ with hateful messages

'When you put something on social マスコミ or anything else that you've got to 推定する/予想する crap from both 味方するs,' said Teusch.?

'So, while the outpouring of love and support has been 広大な/多数の/重要な, I have also gotten horrible, horrible messages about how this is our fault [or that] we're doing this for 通貨の 伸び(る).'

Teusch said his son was 脅すd to fight 支援する because he was afraid he would be perceived as the 攻撃者 and get in trouble at school for defending himself.

'[As] Americans, we should no 事柄 what your age is, you should be able to defend yourself without 恐れる or repercussion,' he said.

In an email 声明 to, 副 長,指導者 Charles McMichael of the Greenfield Police Departme nt said Teusch's いじめ(る)s could now 直面する 犯罪の 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s.

He 追加するd: 'This 事例/患者 is still under 調査 現在/一般に. As you can imagine, scheduling interviews with children takes time to work around school/sports and parents' schedules.

副 長,指導者 McMichael said the Hancock 郡 検死官's Office has not 完全にするd its 調査 into the 公式の/役人 原因(となる) and manner of death.

He continued: 'The Greenfield Police Department considers all unattended death 調査s a 犯罪の 調査 until the 証拠 and facts of the 事例/患者 証明する さもなければ.

In a eulogy from Sammy's funeral service, his neighbor said the 10-year-old seemed popular among the local kids and was often seen with 'the biggest grin on his face'

In a eulogy from Sammy's funeral service, his neighbor said the 10-year-old seemed popular の中で the 地元の kids and was often seen with 'the biggest grin on his 直面する'?

The family said they contacted the school 20 times about the bullying

The family said they 接触するd the school 20 times about the いじめ(る)ing?

Sammy's father Sam embraces a pastor at his son's funeral service, where a neighbor recalled the boy 'seemed to suck the darkness out of every corner in the room'

Sammy's father Sam embraces a 牧師 at his son's funeral service, where a neighbor 解任するd the boy 'seemed to suck the 不明瞭 out of every corner in the room'?

'If probable 原因(となる) is 設立する, the 事例/患者 will be turned over to the Hancock 郡 検察官,検事s Office to 決定する if 犯罪の 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s should be とじ込み/提出するd with the 法廷,裁判所.

'Please also understand that if probable 原因(となる) is 設立する and any of the 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs would happen to be children, any (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) 解放(する)d 関係のある to 犯罪の 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s will be very 極小の.'

The child's parents Sam and Nichole said he was 支配するd to both physical and emotional いじめ(る)ing at his school, and was 存在 tormented daily up until the night he passed away.

They explained that the いじめ(る)ing started last year when he was in elementary school, and followed him to Greenfield 中間の School.

His father told 地元の NBC (v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者: 'They were making fun of him for his glasses in the beginning, then on to make fun of his teeth. It went on for a long time.'

The いやがらせ 恐らく 増大するd to an 出来事/事件 on the school bus where Sammy ridiculed for his glasses and beaten up. The week before his death, Sammy's parents said he was cornered by いじめ(る)s in the bathroom.

'I have his broken glasses sitting over there in a 記念の 神社 that my kids made,' his father told 地元の CBS (v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者 WTTV.

Although the family say they complained to the school about the いじめ(る)ing 20 times, Greenfield Community Schools superintendent Dr. Harold Olin told WTHR that no いじめ(る)ing 報告(する)/憶測 was ever submitted by the parents or by Sammy.

He 追加するd that school 行政官/管理者s and 助言者/カウンセラーs had been in 正規の/正選手 接触する with the family, but 拒絶する/低下するd to 申し込む/申し出 明確な/細部s of these discussions.

Pictured: A memorial dedicated to Sammy after his shock suicide

Pictured: A 記念の 献身的な to Sammy after his shock 自殺?

The harassment allegedly escalated to an incident on the school bus where Sammy ridiculed for his glasses and beaten up. The week before his death, Sammy's parents said he was cornered by bullies in the bathroom

The いやがらせ 恐らく 増大するd to an 出来事/事件 on the school bus where Sammy ridiculed for his glasses and beaten up. The week before his death, Sammy's parents said he was cornered by いじめ(る)s in the bathroom

Sammy's parents Nichole and Sam said that the bullying started last year when he was in elementary school, and followed him to Greenfield Intermediate School

Sammy's parents Nichole and Sam said that the いじめ(る)ing started last year when he was in elementary school, and followed him to Greenfield 中間の School

'They knew this was going on. They knew this was going on,' Sam told < a style="font-weight: bold;" class="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href="">21alive.

Sammy's family said the いじめ(る)ing occurred even when Sammy was at home 経由で Snapchat, にもかかわらず him having 限られた/立憲的な 接近 to his phone.

''I'm going to (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 you up. I'm going to (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 you up when you get to school.' 説 mean things about his (mom), which would really, really 始める,決める him off,' his father said.

Speaking to 21alive, his grandmother Cynthia said: 'They can't just say they have 無 寛容 because that doesn't mean there is 無 寛容 about いじめ(る)s.

'Their 無 寛容 means that they don't have 責任/義務 for it. People 信用 their kids to the school, but now that 信用 is breaking 負かす/撃墜する.'

Greenfield-Central Community School said in a 声明: 'The death of Samuel Teusch is 悲劇の, and it has left our school 会社/団体 and larger community in tremendous grief. Our hearts 注ぐ out to the family at this time.

Speaking to 21alive, his grandmother Cynthia (pictured) said: 'They can't just say they have zero tolerance because that doesn't mean there is zero tolerance about bullies'

Speaking to 21alive, his grandmother Cynthia (pictured) said: 'They can't just say they have 無 寛容 because that doesn't mean there is 無 寛容 about いじめ(る)s'

In an email statement to, Deputy Chief Charles McMichael of the Greenfield Police Department said that Teusch's bullies could face criminal charges (Pictured: Greenfield Intermediate School)

In an email 声明 to, 副 長,指導者 Charles McMichael of the Greenfield Police Department said that Teusch's いじめ(る)s could 直面する 犯罪の 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s (Pictured: Greenfield 中間の School)

In gut-wrenching images from Sammy's funeral, his parents were seen standing by his casket weeping while mourners shuffled past

In gut-wrenching images from Sammy's funeral, his parents were seen standing by his casket weeping while 会葬者s shuffled past?

'Sammy was a student in Greenfield-Central for the last year and a half. He finished his 3rd grade year at Weston Elementary School in May of 2023, and he was a 4th grade student at Greenfield 中間の School during the 現在の 2023-24 school year.

'We were made aware of his death on Sunday afternoon, and we 派遣(する)d our 危機 返答 team to both Greenfield 中間の School and Greenfield Central Junior High School (where he has two siblings) to start the week.

'Our staff in Greenfield-Central has worked with the Teusch family やめる a bit over the last 18 months. 接触する between school 職員/兵員 and the parents was たびたび(訪れる).

'The parents did 報告(する)/憶測 the manner of death as a 自殺, and we are 調査/捜査するing their (人命などを)奪う,主張するs 関係のある to いじめ(る)ing.

'While the 調査 continues, we are まず第一に/本来 焦点(を合わせる)ing our 資源s on 会合 the 即座の needs of the students we serve in Greenfield-Central Schools.'