Putin makes underwater land 得る,とらえる, 危険ing direct 衝突 with 北大西洋条約機構: Russia 改訂するs the 国境s of its 海上の 国境 into Finnish and Lithuanian waters as part of 'hybrid 戦争'

  • A 法令 shows ロシアの 省 提案するd adjusting the 国境 around ロシアの islands in the eastern part of the 湾 of Finland and around Kaliningrad

Vladimir Putin looks 始める,決める to make an underwater land 得る,とらえる by redrawing Russia's 海上の 国境s, その上の 危険ing a direct 衝突 with 北大西洋条約機構.

によれば a 草案 政府 法令,?Russia's defence 省 has 提案するd a 改正 to its 国境s in the Baltic Sea, 製図/抽選 a rebuke from 北大西洋条約機構-members Finland and Lithuania.

時代遅れの May 21, the 法令 shows the 省 提案するd adjusting the 国境 around ロシアの islands in the eastern part of the 湾 of Finland and around Kaliningrad.

'The 明言する/公表する 国境 of the ロシアの 連合 at sea will change,' a 要約 of the 草案 法令 said. If 認可するd, the 法令 wou ld come into 軍隊 in January 2025.

The defence 省 argued in justification of the change that an earlier Soviet 測定 of the 国境 from 1985 used 中央の-20th century 航海の charts and so did not fully correspond to more modern cartographical 調整するs.

Vladimir Putin looks set to make an underwater land grab by redrawing Russia 's maritime borders in the Baltic Sea, further risking a direct conflict with NATO

Vladimir Putin looks 始める,決める to make an underwater land 得る,とらえる by redrawing Russia 's 海上の 国境s in the Baltic Sea, その上の 危険ing a direct 衝突 with 北大西洋条約機構

According to a draft government decree, Russia's defence ministry has proposed a revision to its borders in the Baltic Sea, drawing a rebuke from NATO-members Finland and Lithuania. Pictured: Russian corvette Gremyashchiy fires a test missile in the Baltic Sea (file photo, 2020)

によれば a 草案 政府 法令, Russia's defence 省 has 提案するd a 改正 to its 国境s in the Baltic Sea, 製図/抽選 a rebuke from 北大西洋条約機構-members Finland and Lithuania. Pictured: ロシアの corvette Gremyashchiy 解雇する/砲火/射撃s a 実験(する) ミサイル in the Baltic Sea (とじ込み/提出する photo, 2020)

NATO ships sail during the Northern Coasts exercise in the Baltic Sea, September 2023

北大西洋条約機構 ships sail during the Northern Coasts 演習 in the Baltic Sea, September 2023

It was not すぐに (疑いを)晴らす from the 草案 法令 正確に/まさに how the 国境 would be adjusted and what - if any - 協議 had taken place with other 明言する/公表するs around the Baltic Sea, although Finland's 総理大臣 said no 接触する had been made.

The news 現れるd just a day after?Micael Byden, the 最高の 指揮官 of the Swedish 武装した 軍隊s, 警告するd that Putin may be 捜し出すing dominance over the Baltic Sea, and that the ロシアの 独裁者 had 'both 注目する,もくろむs' on the island of?Gotland.

Finland said it was 調査/捜査するing the news 解放(する)d in the ロシアの マスコミ.?

'The Finnish 当局 are 調査/捜査するing (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) in the ロシアの マスコミ about the 鮮明度/定義 of 海上の zones in the 湾 of Finland,' 大統領 Alexander Stubb said.

'The 政府 is 監視するing the 状況/情勢 closely. Russia has not been in 接触する with Finland in the 事柄. Finland 行為/法令/行動するs as always: calmly and based on facts.'

Finland's 総理大臣?Petteri Orpo wrote on X (以前は Twitter) that his country had received no 接触する from Russia over the 問題/発行する.

'The Finnish 当局 are 分析するing the 報告(する)/憶測s in the ロシアの マスコミ 関心ing the 海上の zones in the 湾 of Finland,' he wrote.

'The political leadership is 監視するing the 状況/情勢 closely.?Russia has not been in 接触する with Finland on the 事柄.?

'Finland 行為/法令/行動するs as always: calmly and based on facts,' he 追加するd.

Finnish 外務大臣 Elina Valtonen said that Russia should がまんする by the UN 条約 on the 法律 of the Sea and said that Russia was (種を)蒔くing '混乱'.

Dated May 21, the decree shows the Russian defence ministry proposed adjusting the border
 around Russian islands in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and around Kaliningrad, in what appears to be a underwater land grab by Vladimir Putin (pictured May 15)

時代遅れの May 21, the 法令 shows the ロシアの defence 省 提案するd adjusting the 国境 around ロシアの islands in the eastern part of the 湾 of Finland and around Kaliningrad, in what appears to be a underwater land 得る,とらえる by Vladimir Putin (pictured May 15)

'The Finnish authorities are investigating information in the Russian media about the definition of maritime zones in the Gulf of Finland,' President Alexander Stubb (pictured today) said

'The Finnish 当局 are 調査/捜査するing (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) in the ロシアの マスコミ about the 鮮明度/定義 of 海上の zones in the 湾 of Finland,' 大統領 Alexander Stubb (pictured today) said

Lithuania's 外務大臣 said the ロシアの 提案 was an escalation against the US-led 北大西洋条約機構 軍の 同盟 and against the European Union.

'This is an obvious escalation against 北大西洋条約機構 and the EU, and must be met with an 適切な 会社/堅い 返答,' 外務大臣 Gabrielius Landsbergis said.

Latvia's?外務大臣 Baiba Bra?e said 公式の/役人s were in touch with Finland, Lithuania and other Nordic and Baltic nations.

They were working to '明らかにする the 状況/情勢,' he said.

In what appeared to be an 試みる/企てる to 静める 緊張s, ロシアの マスコミ 出口s later ran 同一の news articles (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that 'Russia has no 意向 of 改訂するing the 明言する/公表する 国境 line in the Baltic [Sea]'.

They せいにするd the 引用する to a '軍の-外交の source'.

The ロシアの 出口s 報告(する)/憶測d him as 説:?'There were and are no 意向s to 改訂する the width of 領土の waters, the 経済的な zone, the 大陸の shelf off the 本土/大陸 coast and the 明言する/公表する 国境 line of the ロシアの 連合 in the Baltic.'

News of the ロシアの 計画(する)s 現れるd after alarm bells were rung by Sweden's Micael Byden over Putin's 意向 for the Baltic Sea.??

The news emerged just a day after Micael Byden, the supreme commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, warned that Putin may be seeking dominance over the Baltic Sea, and that the Russian dictator had 'both eyes' on the island of Gotland

The news 現れるd just a day after Micael Byden, the 最高の 指揮官 of the Swedish 武装した 軍隊s, 警告するd that Putin may be 捜し出すing dominance over the Baltic Sea, and that the ロシアの 独裁者 had 'both 注目する,もくろむs' on the island of Gotland

A Swedish soldier sits on a military boat wit
h a machine gun during the Baltic Operations NATO military drills (Baltops 22) on June 11, 2022 in the Stockholm archipelago (file photo)

A Swedish 兵士 sits on a 軍の boat with a machine gun during the Baltic 操作/手術s 北大西洋条約機構 軍の 演習s (Baltops 22) on June 11, 2022 in the Stockholm 群島 (とじ込み/提出する photo)

'I am 確信して that Putin even has both 注目する,もくろむs on Gotland. Putin's goal is to 伸び(る) 支配(する)/統制する of the Baltic Sea,' Byden said in an interview with German マスコミ.

'Who 支配(する)/統制するs Gotland 支配(する)/統制するs the Baltic Sea.'

Gotland, Sweden's largest island, sits in the middle of the Baltic Sea and has 戦略の significance for any nation looking to 支配(する)/統制する the 地域.

Around 60,000 people also live on the island.?

The island is 位置を示すd around 200 miles north of the?ロシアの exclave Kaliningrad, the (警察,軍隊などの)本部 of Russia's Baltic Sea (n)艦隊/(a)素早い and its most Western point.

Byden 警告するd that if Russia 掴むd 支配(する)/統制する of the island, then it could 脅す other 北大西洋条約機構 countries from the Baltic Sea.

'This would signify the end of peace and 安定 in the Nordic and Baltic 地域s,' the Swedish 軍の 長,指導者 said in the interview. 'The Baltic Sea should not turn into Putin's playground where he 脅迫してさせるs 北大西洋条約機構 members.'?

Since Russia 開始する,打ち上げるd its 十分な-規模 侵略 of ウクライナ共和国 in February 2022, Sweden has been working to 増強する the island with 永久の 軍隊/機動隊s and 付加 軍隊s

Soldiers from Gotland's regiment patrol Visby harbour, amid increased tensions between NATO and Russia over Ukraine, on the Swedish island of Gotland, 13 January 2022 (file photo)

兵士s from Gotland's 連隊 patrol Visby harbour, まっただ中に 増加するd 緊張s between 北大西洋条約機構 and Russia over ウクライナ共和国, on the Swedish island of Gotland, 13 January 2022 (とじ込み/提出する photo)

A Swedish JAS 39 Gripen E fighter jet flies over Sweden's Gotland island in the Baltic Sea, May 11, 2022 (file photo)

A Swedish JAS 39 Gripen E 闘士,戦闘機 jet 飛行機で行くs over Sweden's Gotland island in the Baltic Sea, May 11, 2022 (とじ込み/提出する photo)

The war - 同様に as 恐れるs over Putin's 未来 計画(する)s - 誘発するd both Sweden and Finland to abandon their 政策s of 軍の 非,不,無-alignment and join 北大西洋条約機構.

Sweden joined on March 7 this year, almost two years after it 適用するd. Finland 公式に joined April 4, 2023.

All 北大西洋条約機構 countries are 保護するd by the 同盟's Article 5, which 明言する/公表するs that if any member is attacked, then all others are 強いるd to come to their 援助(する).

The 北大西洋条約機構 同盟 含むs?32 members across Europe and North America, 含むing the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, the UK, フラン and Germany.