Mom is 刑務所,拘置所d for 殺人,大当り her daughter, 4, by feeding her diet of baby 瓶/封じ込めるs filled with Mountain Dew, which 原因(となる)d 糖尿病 death and 解散させるd her teeth

  • Tamara Banks, 41, 直面するs over a 10年間 behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s over her daughter's death??
  • She 認める to only feeding her daughter Karmity, 4, Mountain Dew?
  • Karmity's father is also 始める,決める to be 宣告,判決d for involuntary 過失致死??

An Ohio mother was 刑務所,拘置所d after admitting to 殺人,大当り her four-year-old daughter by feeding her a diet of baby 瓶/封じ込めるs filled with Mountain Dew.?

Tamara Banks, 41, was 宣告,判決d to up to 13 and a half years in 刑務所,拘置所 this week after pleading 有罪の to involuntary 過失致死 over the death of her daughter Karmity Hoeb in January 2022.?

Karmity passed away in hospital after 苦しむing 複雑化s 関係のある to 糖尿病, as a 検察官,検事 述べるd it as 'one of the most 悲劇の 事例/患者s I have ever 遭遇(する)d.' Her teeth had rotted away by the time she died.?

The little girl's father, Christopher Hoeb, 53, also pleaded 有罪の to involuntary 過失致死 and is 始める,決める to be 宣告,判決d on June 11.?

Tamara Banks, 41, was sentenced to up to 13 and a half years in prison this week after?admitting to killing her four-year-old daughter by feeding her nothing but baby bottles filled with Mountain Dew

Tamara Banks, 41, was 宣告,判決d to up to 13 and a half years in 刑務所,拘置所 this week after?admitting to 殺人,大当り her four-year-old daughter by feeding her nothing but baby 瓶/封じ込めるs filled with Mountain Dew

Karmity Hoeb, 4, passed away in January 2022 from complications due to untreated diabetes, and suffered further medical issues related to her teeth being dissolved by an all-sugar diet

Karmity Hoeb, 4, passed away in January 2022 from 複雑化s 予定 to untreated 糖尿病, and 苦しむd その上の 医療の 問題/発行するs 関係のある to her teeth 存在 解散させるd by an all-sugar diet?

The little girl can be seen being cuddled by her father - who was also convicted of her deat
h - in front of a coffee table loaded with Mountain Dew and junk food

The little girl can be seen 存在 cuddled by her father - who was also 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of her death - in 前線 of a coffee (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する 負担d with Mountain Dew and junk food?

Another harrowing photo shows Karmity posing for a photo with her mother while displaying teeth rotted away by her Mountain Dew diet

Another harrowing photo shows Karmity 提起する/ポーズをとるing for a photo with her mother while 陳列する,発揮するing teeth rotted away by her Mountain Dew diet?

Banks pleaded 有罪の in March, after 検察官,検事s 起訴するd both her and Karmity's father with a number of 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s 含むing 殺人 and child endangerment.?Their 有罪の 嘆願s on involuntary 過失致死 meant the other 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s were dropped.?

Karmity died at the Cincinnati Children 's Hospital 医療の 中心 after 存在 raced there when she began showing symptoms 関係のある to her untreated type-1 糖尿病.?

The girl 苦しむd horrific neglect throughout her young life, and was 否定するd 医療の care and proper 栄養 にもかかわらず showing 調印するs of 厳しい 医療の 複雑化s, 報告(する)/憶測s the Cincinnati Enquirer.?

Days before her death, 検察官,検事s said Karmity 苦しむd from a 'serious 医療の 問題/発行する', but her parents failed to call for help or take her to an 緊急 room.?

Her symptoms 悪化するd until she turned blue and stopped breathing, and only then did Banks call 911. Medics were able to 簡潔に 生き返らせる her, but ざっと目を通すs 設立する she was brain dead.?

Karmity's 原因(となる) of death was 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d as diabetic ketoacidosis which spread to her brain, with 検察官,検事s 非難するing Banks and Hoeb as her death could have been 妨げるd if they helped her untreated 糖尿病.?

Karmity is seen in a tribute photo in the kitchen of her family home close to a huge case of Mountain Dew

Karmity is seen in a 尊敬の印 photo in the kitchen of her family home の近くに to a 抱擁する 事例/患者 of Mountain Dew?

'This child did not have to die,' 結論するd?Clermont 郡 Assistant 起訴するing 弁護士/代理人/検事 Clay Tharp.?

The neglect Karmity 苦しむd was even more harrowing because Banks also had a number of health 問題/発行するs, and 証拠 showed that she took 成果/努力s to 会合,会う her own 医療の needs while ignoring her daughter's.?

This 含むd 定期的に refilling her own prescriptions and scheduled doctors to visit her apartment for さまざまな illnesses.?

と一緒に the four-year-old's 糖尿病, Karmity also 苦しむd from a 条件 that 原因(となる)d her teeth to 解散させる because her mother would 料金d her almost 排他的に Mountain Dew from a baby 瓶/封じ込める.?

A 正規の/正選手 12-ounce can of Mountain Dew 含む/封じ込めるs almost 50 grams of sugar.?

検察官,検事s 追加するd that Karmity was continually fed through baby 瓶/封じ込めるs long after she should have been 離乳するd off them, and there was no 証拠 that Banks ever took her to see a dentist.?

The 欠如(する) of 医療の care was all the more shocking because Banks had several older children who were neglected and 栄養失調の, 含むing a son with undiagnosed 糖尿病 that 原因(となる)d him to 落ちる into a 昏睡.?

That son 回復するd, but 検察官,検事s said Banks would still fail to help him and never took him to any follow-up hospital 会合s after he was 生き返らせるd from the 昏睡.?

At her 宣告,判決ing 審理,公聴会 this week, 裁判官 勝利者 Haddad pointed to her son's previous 条件 as a 推論する/理由 that she should have known to help Karmity.?

Karmity's?father, Christopher Hoeb, 53, also pleaded guilty to involunta
ry manslaughter and is set to be sentenced on June 11

Karmity's?father, Christopher Hoeb, 53, also pleaded 有罪の to involuntary 過失致死 and is 始める,決める to be 宣告,判決d on June 11

Prosecutor's condemned Banks for failing to give Karmity any form of medical care while routinely tending to her own

検察官,検事's 非難するd Banks for failing to give Karmity any form of 医療の care while routinely tending to her own?

'It's hard to be a good parent but you 推定する/予想する at least mediocre parents, everybody should 推定する/予想する that,' he told her. 'Not knowing what to do is not an excuse.'?

Shockingly, Karmity's online obituary 含むs a 尊敬の印 written by Banks and Hoeb, where they spoke of their love for their daughter and wrote that she had a happy childhood にもかかわらず the 証拠 of 乱用 and neglect.?

'Ou r precious daughter Karmity Faythe Hoeb that we 愛称d Boogie which ふさわしい her personality because she loved to be silly,' the grammatically-incorrect obituary read.?

'She also loved looking at herself in the mirror because she knew how beautiful and special she was.?

'Smart and Vibrant. The camera loved her almost as much as she loved smiling real big and 説 cheese. Each day she woke up 十分な of joy and love.?

'Every day she was playing with her Mickey buddies and racing her cars. She touched everyone that ever laid 注目する,もくろむs on her or spent any time with her. She will always be remembered as our daughter, our 後見人 angel now.'?