Why 'child-friendly' museums are just patronising, by Mary 耐えるd: TV presenter says she would '禁止(する) computers'

  • Professor 耐えるd says the Natural History Museum has lost its 'mystique'
  • Classicist told an audience at Cheltenham Literary Festival her children were more 利益/興味d in buttons to 押し進める than the 伝統的な glass 事例/患者 陳列する,発揮するs

'Too many buttons': Professor Beard lamented the change in museums these days

'Too many buttons': Professor 耐えるd lamented the change in museums these days

Museums are too 十分な of computer 審査するs and are ‘patronising’ に向かって children, Mary 耐えるd? said yesterday.

The classicist and TV presenter said she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to ‘禁止(する) computers’ from museums which had lost some of their ‘mystique’ and ‘glamour’.

Professor 耐えるd, 58, said museums had ‘done a 抱擁する 量 to get children in’.

But she 追加するd: ‘A part of me thinks that some of it is a bit patronising.

‘Some of that old mystique... some of the glamour has gone a bit ? too many bloo dy labels and buttons to 押し進める. I would 禁止(する) any computers from any galleries.’

She said she had taken her children to the Natural History Museum, but all they 手配中の,お尋ね者 to do was ‘押し進める the buttons’.

And she bemoaned the 交替/補充 of 伝統的な museum 陳列する,発揮するs in glass 事例/患者s with interactive 展示s.

She said: ‘We 設立する this beautiful gallery of stuffed birds, and there was a notice 説 “sorry, we realise this is 全く 容認できない and the way the birds were killed wouldn’t have lived up to Health and Safety 基準s”.’

The 公式文書,認める explained that the gallery was to be 取って代わるd ‘with some 広大な/多数の/重要な interactive 陳列する,発揮する’, she 追加するd.

The University of Cambridge Classics professor has 現在のd several BBC historical 文書のs, おもに 焦点(を合わせる)ing on the Romans.

Speaking at the Cheltenham Literature Festival, she 明らかにする/漏らすd that her love of Classics was 奮起させるd by a visit to the British Museum when she was five.

She could not see into the high glass 事例/患者s, so a curator opened one and brought out a piece of carbonised Egyptian cake that was 2,500 years old.

‘I couldn’t believe it was so old. I just knew that this was something that was 肉親,親類d of outside anything I had ever begun to think about before,’ she said.

She 追加するd that nowadays ‘they wouldn’t get the carbonised cake out’, but that children could do things like ‘have a sleepover の中で the mummies at the British Museum’.

Changed: Places like the Natural History Museum used to be all about the artefacts, Mary Beard claims

Changed: Places like the Natural History Museum used to be all about the artefacts, Mary 耐えるd (人命などを)奪う,主張するs

Now it is all about technology, Mary Beard said. She reminisced about seeing Egyptian cake on her first trip

Now it is all about 科学(工学)技術, Mary 耐えるd said. She reminisced about seeing Egyptian cake on her first trip

Professor 耐えるd defended the teaching of Latin and 古代の Greek in schools, 説 children should be 許すd to 熟考する/考慮する without having ‘really 明確な/細部 雇用 客観的なs’.

She said: ‘It is about getting 演習 with the brain, the more you 演習 it and 拡大する it into different areas the better a 国民 you will be.’

She also said 存在 an academic would always come before her TV work.

‘You can go 負かす/撃墜する a 背信の path, that all you need to do is do telly and that’s enough ? it’s not,’ she said.

Asked what her 同僚s thought of her TV work and 試みる/企てるs to popularise Classics, she joked that they ‘were very polite’.

‘It is やめる a good idea to do [this sort of thing] when you are a bit older,’ she 追加するd. ‘I have done my time, I do my t eaching.

‘I’m first a professional classicist. Everything else I do, I do in my? いわゆる spare time, and I think that is important.’

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