My critics are foolish, I'm not a bigot and I 悔いる nothing: Trump stands by call to 禁止(する) イスラム教徒 移民/移住 にもかかわらず 全国的な fury - as GOP descends into 大混乱 while he hints at 独立した・無所属 run

  • Donald Trump labeled individuals who …に反対する his 計画(する) to 禁止(する) イスラム教徒 移民/移住 into the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 'foolish' on Tuesday?
  • Trump also said in an interview with Barbara Walters on Tuesday he is not a bigot and does not 悔いる his 提案するd 禁止(する) on イスラム教徒s?
  • He said he has 'tremendous 関係s' with many イスラム教徒s who 完全に agree with him on this 問題/発行する
  • 最新の 投票 - taken before イスラム教徒 comments - shows two-thirds of Trump 支持者s would 投票(する) for him in a third-party run?
  • Almost every other GOP 候補者 turned their 解雇する/砲火/射撃 on him in wake of call - but he tweeted about 独立した・無所属 run in show of bravado?
  • See more of the 最新の on Donald Trump as he calls for a イスラム教徒 入ること/参加(者) 禁止(する)?

Donald Trump has branded people who …に反対する his 計画(する)s to 禁止(する) イスラム教徒 移民/移住 'foolish' and 主張するd he is not a bigot, まっただ中に 全国的な and 全世界の 激しい非難.?


One day after his call to 禁止(する) all イスラム教徒s from entering the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, Trump d efended his 計画(する) to Barbara Walters on ABC News and in a 一連の tweets.

The 大君 is at the 中心 of a growing 高潮,津波 of 批評 from the White House, the entire GOP 設立, the leaders of Britain and フラン and many more people across the globe.

But he tweeted on Tuesday night: 'Wow, what a day. So many foolish people that 辞退する to 認める the tremendous danger and 不確定 of 確かな people coming into U.S.'

That was hours after he told Walters that he is not bigot and is 'doing the 権利 thing' ?- as his 投票 numbers remain strong.

In New Hampshire, the most 穏健な of the 早期に 最初の/主要な 明言する/公表するs, Trump went up to 32 パーセント support in one 投票, though those numbers were 決定するd 事前の to the 声明s he made on Monday.?

He has even 示唆するd that he could 開始する an 独立した・無所属 run for 大統領, taking his 支持者s with him, if the 共和国の/共和党の party squeeze him out,

This comes even as scholars agree that banning イスラム教徒s from entering the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs is 憲法違反の - and even if it were not 違法な, practical considerations make it impossible to 施行する.?

That does not seem to 段階 Trump however, who tweeted Tuesday; 'Our country is 直面するing a major 脅し from 過激な Islamic テロ行為. We better get very smart, and very 堅い, FAST, before it is too late!'???

Scroll 負かす/撃墜する for ビデオs?

On the 弁護: Trump said in an interview with Barbara Walters (権利) on Tuesday he is not a bigot and does not 悔いる his 提案するd 禁止(する) on イスラム教徒s that even fellow 共和国の/共和党のs don't agree with
Explanation: He also said he has 'tremendous 関係s' with many イスラム教徒s who 完全に agree with him on this 問題/発行する
二塁打ing 負かす/撃墜する: He continued to talk about his 計画(する) and how important it was on Twitter Tuesday
選ぶing fights: He also took time to call his critics 'foolis h' on Twitter

Sitting 負かす/撃墜する with Trump in New York, Walters first asked if he had any 悔いるs about the イスラム教徒 禁止(する) he 発表するd on Monday, to which he quickly replied; 'Not at all. We have to do the 権利 thing.'?

He went on to say he has 'tremendous 関係s' with many イスラム教徒s who 完全に agree with him on this 問題/発行する and his planned 禁止(する).

Trump used the interview to attack those running against him 同様に who have all come out against his 計画(する).

'I'm the worst thing that ever happened to ISIS. The people in my party fully understand that -- they're running against me. For the most part, they have no 投票 numbers. I'm 主要な by a lot. They get it. They're trying to get publicity for themselves,' said Trump.?

Trump also pointed out during the interview; 'You know when I (機の)カム out against 違法な 移民/移住, everybody said the same thing. Two weeks later, everybody was on my 味方する, 含むing the members of my own party.'

He said the shutdown he speaks off would not have to be 非常に長い, just until the country got everything ーするために 監視する イスラム教徒s.

'There are people that have tremendously bad 意向s. We have to be 堅い, we have to be smart and we have to be vigilant,' said Trump.

The 大統領の 希望に満ちた 促進するd his interview with Walters throughout the day, which seemed to 削減(する) off 突然の at the end meaning that ABC will be 公表/放送 more in the 近づく 未来.?

That likely means that Walters has 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d Trump as one of her 10 Most Fascinating People for her December 17 special on ABC and the interview was already planned before his comments on Monday.


Walters 以前 spoke with Trump and Melania last month at Trump Towers, while also sitting 負かす/撃墜する with his four oldest children - Donald Jr., Ivanka, Eric and Tiffany.?

The 大規模な 量 of マスコミ ニュース報道 Trump has been receiving from the 網状組織s may be more important now than ever before as he bragged on Tuesday that his 支持者s would 投票(する) for him as an 独立した・無所属 in a pointed taunt at 共和国の/共和党の leaders.

The 共和国の/共和党の 前線-走者 最高潮の場面d a new 投票 which shows 68 per cent of those who said they would 投票(する) for him would do so if he was not a 共和国の/共和党の.

He had 調印するd a high-profile 誓約(する) to only run as a 共和国の/共和党の and to 尊敬(する)・点 the 結果 of the 最初の/主要なs.

But that was before his 計画(する) to 禁止(する) イスラム教徒s from entering the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs brought his party to the 辛勝する/優位 of 大混乱, 突然の pitting GOP leaders against their own 大統領の 前線-走者 and 危険にさらすing the party's longtime 運動 to attract 少数,小数派s.

Unbowed, Trump 解雇する/砲火/射撃d a searing 警告 Tuesday 経由で Twitter to fellow 共和国の/共和党のs carping about his 提案. A 大多数 of his 支持者s, he tweeted, 'would 投票(する) for me if I 出発/死d the GOP & ran as an 独立した・無所属.'?

?A 一連の 投票s appeared to 上げる his position.

In New Hampshire, the most 穏健な of the 早期に 最初の/主要な 明言する/公表するs, Trump went up to 32% support in a CNN/WMUR 投票 行為/行うd by the University of New Hampshire 調査する 中心.?

A?Reuters' rolling 投票 of 投票s put him at 35%, far ahead of Marco Rubio (14%) and Ben Carson (13%) in a rolling five-day 普通の/平均(する).?


The crossfire between Trump and 失望させるd 共和国の/共和党のs became a furious blur the day after the 億万長者 実業家 発表するd his 計画(する). Beleaguered 2016 競争相手s 非難するd his 提案 and complained that his 意見の不一致を生じる positions were 支配するing attention in the (人が)群がるd 共和国の/共和党の contest.?

Over it:?'What he said is disqualifying. And any 共和国の/共和党の who's too fearful of the 共和国の/共和党の base to 収容する/認める it has no 商売/仕事 serving as 大統領,/社長 either.' said White House 圧力(をかける) 長官 Josh Earnest
New 敵: Trump said police in the UK 恐れる for their lives because of radicalized イスラム教徒s to which London 市長 Boris Johnson (above) resp onded by 説 Trump's 'ill-知らせるd comments are 完全にする and utter nonsense.'
Break with 条約: Paul Ryan, the new 共和国の/共和党の (衆議院の)議長, 非難するd Trump as 'not true to the country's 原則s'?
Taunt: A hint at an 独立した・無所属 run made by Donald Trump on Twitter 最高潮の場面d 大混乱 inside the 共和国の/共和党の (軍の)野営地,陣営 after his 決定/判定勝ち(する) to call for a 禁止(する) on イスラム教徒s entering the US

Party 年上のs, 一方/合間, 警告するd that too much 批評 might indeed 押し進める him to abandon the GOP and 開始する,打ち上げる a third-party 企て,努力,提案 that could 手渡す the 大統領の 選挙 to the 民主党員s.

And 共和国の/共和党のs up for re-選挙 in the 上院 grew terse in the (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 hallways as they were asked again and again to 答える/応じる to Trump's 発言/述べるs ― a glimpse of their political 未来s if the former reality show 星/主役にする 逮捕(する)s the GOP 指名/任命.

'This is not 保守主義,' 宣言するd House (衆議院の)議長 Paul Ryan, the 共和国の/共和党の Party's 最高の,を越す elected leader. 'What was 提案するd yesterday is not what this party stands for. And more importantly, it's not what this country stands for.'

一方/合間, White House 圧力(をかける) 長官 Josh Earnest minced no words when speaking about Trump on Tuesday, 説; 'What he said is disqualifying. And any 共和国の/共和党の who's too fearful of the 共和国の/共和党の base to 収容する/認める it has no 商売/仕事 serving as 大統領,/社長 either.'

He later 示唆するd that Trump also has '偽の hair.'?

Across the 大西洋, many in the 部隊d Kingdom were also 非,不,無 too happy with Trump, and discussed 器具/実施するing their own 禁止(する) that would keep him out of their country.

Trump - who for some 推論する/理由 chose to speak in the 王室の 'we'?- said; 'We have places in London and other places that are so radicalized that police are afraid for their own lives.'


London 市長 Boris Johnson 答える/応じるd by 説 Trump's 'ill-知らせるd comments are 完全にする and utter nonsense.'

He then 追加するd; 'I would welcome the 適切な時期 to show Mr Trump first 手渡す some of the excellent work our police officers do every day in 地元の?近隣s?throughout our city.?

'罪,犯罪 has been 落ちるing 刻々と?both in London and in New York - the only 推論する/理由 I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real 危険 of 会合 Donald Trump. '

A 嘆願(書) on the UK 政府 website to 禁止(する) Mr Trump from Britain on the grounds of hate speech had attracted more than 22,000 署名s by last night.

It said: 'The UK has banned 入ること/参加(者) to many individuals for hate speech. The same 原則s should 適用する to everyone who wishes to enter the UK.

'If the 部隊d Kingdom is to continue 適用するing the '容認できない behaviour' 基準 to those who wish to enter its 国境s, it must be 公正に/かなり 適用するd to the rich as we ll as poor, and the weak 同様に as powerful.'?

Trump's grand 計画(する) still has one major problem however in that it would be 近づく impossible to 器具/実施する and 違法な.

Scholars agree that the only way Trump would 合法的に be 許すd to 禁止(する) イスラム教徒s would be through a 最高裁判所 決定/判定勝ち(する) that would have to 支持する in 抑留 of Japanese-American 国民s in the final years of World War II.

That move, which was made by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is considered by most to be one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.


The (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 on 戦時 移転 and 抑留 of 非軍事のs later 支配するd that the 政策 was '動機づけるd 大部分は by racial prejudice, 戦時 hysteria, and a 失敗 of political leadership.'

Then, there is another major 障害物 assuming Trump can get the 最高裁判所 to 味方する with him and 許す the 禁止(する) in trying to identify イスラム教徒s entering the country.

Most international travelling 文書s - 含むing パスポートs and ビザs - do not 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) an individuals 宗教.

Trump this means would have to 軍隊 all individuals entering the country on international flights to go through some sort of 実験(する) upon arrival at the airport, which would make travel times unbearable, maybe even impossible.?

One by one, 共和国の/共和党の 公式の/役人s across the country 攻撃するd out at Trump's 計画(する), 発表するd the night before, which calls for a 'total and 完全にする shutdown of イスラム教徒s entering the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs' to help 鎮圧する the 脅し of テロ行為.


Hillary Clinton: 'This is reprehensible, prejudiced and 意見の不一致を生じる'

Jeb Bush: 'Donald Trump is unhinged'?

Lindsey Graham: Trump's 存在 'downright dangerous with his bombastic rhetoric'?

ツバメ O'Malley: Trump's 'a 国粋主義者/ファシスト党員 demagogue'?

John Kasich: 'The 計画(する) is just more of the?'outrageous divisiveness that characterizes his every breath'?

Carly Fiorina: 'Trump's overreaction is as dangerous as 大統領 Obama's under-reaction'?

Ben Carson: 'I do not and would not 支持する 存在 selective on one's 宗教'

Marco Rubio: 'I 同意しない with Donald Trump's 最新の 提案. His habit of making 不快な/攻撃 and outlandish 声明s will not bring Americans together'?

刑事 Cheney: 'I think this whole notion that we can just say no more イスラム教徒s, and just 禁止(する) a whole 宗教 goes against everything we stand for and believe in'?

Bernie やすりを削る人/削る機械s: 'Trump and others want us to hate all イスラム教徒s. The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs is a 広大な/多数の/重要な nation when we stand together'?

Huma Abedin: 'Trump wants to literally 令状 人種差別主義 into our 法律 調書をとる/予約するs. His Islamophobia doesn't 反映する our nation's values - it goes far enough to 損失 our country's 評判 and could even 脅す our 国家の 安全'??

Andrew Anglin, publisher of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer: 'Heil Donald Trump - THE ULTIMATE SAVIOR ... Make America White Again!'?

Charlie Marzka, Trump 支持者: 'I think that we should definitely disallow any イスラム教徒s from coming in. Any of them. The 推論する/理由 is simple: we can't identify what their 態度 is'


But party leaders are 井戸/弁護士席 aware that he could leave the GOP, run as an 独立した・無所属 and challenge the party's 大統領の 指名された人 next year. It's a 脅し they have long 恐れるd.

The 共和国の/共和党の Party, said Jeb Bush 助言者 Ana Navarro, is stuck between 'a 激しく揺する and a jerk' いっそう少なく than eight weeks before the first 最初の/主要な-season 投票(する)s are cast in Iowa.

In New Hampshire, 共和国の/共和党の 国家の Committeeman Steve Duprey called Trump's idea 'abhorrent.' At the same time, he reminded Trump of his 共和国の/共和党の 忠義 誓約(する), 説, 'I know him to be a man of his word.'

And in Mississippi, RNC member Henry Barbour said Trump's comments 'aren't worthy of someone who wants to 占領する 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.' He said Trump would be a '災害 政治上 for the GOP if he won the 指名/任命.'

'It's embarrassing at best,' Barbour said of Trump's 衝撃 on his party.

Barbour helped author the 共和国の/共和党の 国家の 委員会's 'Growth and 適切な時期 事業/計画(する)' after a painful 2012 大統領の 選挙 that 軍隊d party leaders to re-評価する their 戦略 in 大統領の contests to 反映する the nation's demographic 転換s. の中で other things, the 報告(する)/憶測 特記する/引用するd an 緊急の need for GOP leaders to 可決する・採択する an inclusive and welcoming トン on 問題/発行するs such as 移民/移住.

'If we want 民族の 少数,小数派 投票者s to support 共和国の/共和党のs, we have to engage them and show our 誠実,' it read, 公式文書,認めるing that white 投票者s made up a 記録,記録的な/記録する-low 72 パーセント of the 選挙民 in 2012 and would 代表する いっそう少なく than half of all 投票者s by 2050.

Yet Trump has 丸天井d to the 最高の,を越す of the 共和国の/共和党の 2016 field by attacking 移民,移住(する)s in many 事例/患者s.


He called some Mexican 移民,移住(する)s 'rapists' and '犯罪のs' in his 告示 speech and 強めるd his 批評 of イスラム教徒 移民,移住(する)s or 訪問者s Monday evening. While 専門家s 広範囲にわたって consider his 提案 憲法違反の, Trump's continued 人気 強調するs the 深い divide between 共和国の/共和党の leaders and the party's 保守的な base, which 持つ/拘留するs outsized 影響(力) in the 大統領の 指名/任命 過程.

Indeed, Trump's 計画(する) was 元気づけるd during a South Carolina 決起大会/結集させる Monday evening, and 声の 支持者s across the country defended the イスラム教徒 禁止(する) as necessary for 国家の 安全. 投票ing 示唆するs the 感情 is likely 燃料d by sharp 緊張する of 外国嫌い: A new AP-GfK 投票 設立する 8 in 10 共和国の/共和党のs think there are too many 移民,移住(する)s coming from the Middle East.

Trump showed little 関心 for critics on Tuesday.

'I don't care about them,' he told CNN. 'I'm doing what's 権利.'?

The 審議 over Trump's 計画(する) left his 共和国の/共和党の 大統領の competitors struggling for attention with little time remaining before Iowa's Feb. 1 (政党の)幹部会,党集会s.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's calls on Tuesday for 議会 to 強化する the nation's 国内の 監視 program was little more than a ニュース報道 afterthought まっただ中に the wave of Trump stories.. So, too, was a new advertising (選挙などの)運動をする from 同盟(する)s of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush that 攻撃する,非難するd Trump, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz as unprepared to serve as 指揮官 in 長,指導者.

Trump also 明らかにする/漏らすd on Twitter Tuesday that he is planning a trip to イスラエル by the end of the year but not Jordan after what he (人命などを)奪う,主張するs was a 誤った 報告(する)/憶測 was 解放(する)d.


'にもかかわらず my 広大な/多数の/重要な 尊敬(する)・点 for King Abdullah II, I will not be visiting Jordan at this time,' said Trump.?

The 大多数 of the 全住民 in Jordan is イスラム教徒, with 97 パーセント of the country's 居住(者)s practicing the 宗教.?

Trump tweeted Tuesday that he would be making a trip to イスラエル at the end of the year. The 共和国の/共和党の Party has always 支持するd for supporting イスラエル against its Arab neighbors?
However, Trump said he would not be making a trip to Jordan soon. Jordan is one of the main countries taking Syrian 難民s?
Piling in: The White House turned up the heat on Trump, with 圧力(をかける) 長官 Josh Earnest mocking his hair

Former 科学(工学)技術 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある Carly Fiorina flashed her 失望/欲求不満 when asked 繰り返して about Trump's comments as she (選挙などの)運動をするd in Iowa.

'Maybe you should やめる 焦点(を合わせる)ing on Donald Trump so much,' she told reporters.

Trump's position has also 軍隊d 攻撃を受けやすい 共和国の/共和党のs 直面するing re-選挙 next year into an ぎこちない position. Those who 重さを計るd in at all 非難するd his 計画(する) but also stepped carefully.

New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte said she …に反対するs any '宗教的な-based 実験(する) for our 移民/移住 基準s,' but she 拒絶する/低下するd to 非難する Trump 直接/まっすぐに when 圧力(をかける)d by reporters.

Some 共和国の/共和党のs not 直面するing 選挙 next year were いっそう少なく 用心深い.

'It does not 反映する serious thought. It's not our party. It's not our country,' Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz. told reporters.?

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