Sick ISIS savages film themselves 燃やすing two Turkish 兵士s alive in 乱すing new 死刑執行 ビデオ after 逮捕(する)ing them in Aleppo

  • The ビデオ shows the two 犠牲者s taken from a cage in the middle of a 砂漠
  • They are then walked like dogs to their death by sick Islamic 明言する/公表する 交戦的なs
  • Standing barefoot, they have their 支援するs to the 炎上s that 結局 kill them
  • It is understood the two 兵士s were Turkish, fighting to 解放する/自由な the city of Aleppo?

Sick ISIS savages have filmed themselves 燃やすing two Turkish 兵士s alive having 逮捕(する)d them in Aleppo.

A 乱すing ビデオ shows two men with freshly-shaved 長,率いるs dressed in seemingly 燃料-浴びせる/消すd 偽装する army gear taken out of a cage and walked like dogs to their death by Islamic 明言する/公表する 凶漢s.

Standing barefoot in the middle of a 砂漠, they are connected by the neck to a たいまつd fuse which 結局 (海,煙などが)飲み込むs their 団体/死体s in 炎上s.?

As news of the ビデオ reached Turkey, the 政府 shut 負かす/撃墜する social マスコミ 出口s to stop the 犠牲者s' countrymen seeing the exectuion. ?

Standing barefoot in the middle of a desert, they are connected by the neck to a torched fuse which eventually engulfs their bodies in flames

Standing barefoot in the middle of a 砂漠, they are connected by the neck to a たいまつd fuse which 結局 (海,煙などが)飲み込むs their 団体/死体s in 炎上s

The Turkish soldiers are walked like dogs by two ISIS militants, who appear unmasked and wearing black clothing, brown suicide belts and carrying assault rifle

The Turkish 兵士s are walked like dogs by two ISIS 交戦的なs, who appear unmasked and wearing 黒人/ボイコット 着せる/賦与するing, brown 自殺 belts and carrying 強襲,強姦 ライフル銃/探して盗む

The 19-minute ビデオ 解放(する)d by ISIS in the Aleppo 州 starts with (映画の)フィート数 of テロリストs fighting on the ground.?

At the end of the clip, two men are taken from a cage in the middle of the 砂漠.?

They are walked like dogs by two ISIS 交戦的なs, who appear unmasked and wearing 黒人/ボイコット 着せる/賦与するing, brown 自殺 belts and carrying 強襲,強姦 ライフル銃/探して盗むs.

A third テロリスト stands guard.?

The two men are made to stand a few feet from each other with their 支援するs to a long fuse 大(公)使館員d to their necks with a chain, which is 点火(する)d by one of the ISIS 交戦的なs with the 押し進める of a button.?

One soldier tries to sneak a glimpse of the flames as they make their way up the chain, which is intertwined with flammable material, and eventually set them both on fire

One 兵士 tries to こそこそ動く a glimpse of the 炎上s as they make their way up the chain, which is intertwined with flammable 構成要素, and 結局 始める,決める them both on 解雇する/砲火/射撃

The ISIS thug, dressed in black clothes and wearing a suicide vest, ignites the fire using a detonator as he carries an assault rifle

The ISIS 凶漢, dressed in 黒人/ボイコット 着せる/賦与するs and wearing a 自殺 vest, 点火(する)s the 解雇する/砲火/射撃 using a 起爆装置 as he carries an 強襲,強姦 ライフル銃/探して盗む

The two men are stood with their backs to the flames that will eventually kill them in a barbaric execution

The two men are stood with their 支援するs to the 炎上s that will 結局 kill them in a 野蛮な 死刑執行

炎上s make their way up the chain, which is intertwined with flammable 構成要素, and 結局 the two men are 始める,決める on 解雇する/砲火/射撃.

The ビデオ, seen by MailOnline, shows the Turkish 兵士s writhing on the 床に打ち倒す in 苦痛 試みる/企てるing to 消滅させる themselves, but it appears their 着せる/賦与するs have been 浴びせる/消すd in 燃料.?

They 結局 lose consciousness and 燃やす to death.?

It is understood the 犠牲者s were Turkish 兵士s 逮捕(する)d in Aleppo.

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