American gender-fluid sex 労働者 shocks Twitter by filming themself licking an airplane 洗面所 seat

  • Airplane 乗客 filmed themself licking a 洗面所 seat
  • The ビデオ 地位,任命するd on Twitter has been 見解(をとる)d more than six million times?
  • The person?in the ビデオ defended their?stunt, 説 they are a sex 労働者?

A ビデオ of an airplane 乗客 licking a 洗面所 seat has 始める,決める Twitter on 解雇する/砲火/射撃, with social マスコミ 使用者s 発言する/表明するing their disgust after watching the short clip.

The ビデオ was 地位,任命するd by Twitter 使用者 'Grimiestt', a sex 労働者 based in Brooklyn, New York, who also 地位,任命するs x-率d content on social マスコミ.

It shows the person, who is genderfluid, meaning they identify as neither man or woman, bent over a 洗面所 in an airplane cubicle, licking the seat.??

The person posted the video on Twitter
It has since been viewed more than six million times, and shared by thousands

The person, who 述べるs themself as a sex 労働者, 地位,任命するd the ビデオ on Twitter, and it has since been 見解(をとる)d more than six million times, and 株d by thousands

Explicit: The Twitter used claimed to have licked 'a lotta toilets in my day' in their caption

Explicit: The Twitter used (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have licked 'a lotta 洗面所s in my day' in their caption

Written across the 審査する are the words: 'Lickin the airplane 洗面所 bc I'm 甚だしい/12ダース like that [sic].'?

Upon 地位,任命するing the ビデオ on Twitter, they captioned the ビデオ:?I’ve licked a lotta 洗面所s in my day but this was the first that made my tongue go numb', followed by a 一連の emojis.

The ビデオ had been 株d more than 7,400 times, and seen by millions, with most テレビ視聴者s 表明するing incredulity and disgust.

One person replied: 'It’s numb because you just 契約d 1200 病気s at once', while another 簡単に said 'I'm 深く,強烈に 関心d.'

The video was posted by Twitter user 'Grimiestt', a sex worker based in Brooklyn, New York
The video was posted by Twitter user 'Grimiestt', a sex worker based in Brooklyn, New York

The ビデオ was 地位,任命するd by Twitter 使用者 'Grimiestt', a sex 労働者 based in Brooklyn, New York

Going viral: One of the many Twitter users who expressed their incredulity after seeing the video was actress Jameela Jamil

Going viral: One of the many Twitter 使用者s who 表明するd their incredulity after seeing the ビデオ was actress Jameela Jamil

Surprise: The person appears to be taking their new-found fame in their stride

Surprise: The person appears to be taking their new-設立する fame in their stride

'I can’t believe what I see on this app いつかs. That’s enough twitter for today. Bye,' another person tweeted.?

の中で those who could not believe their 注目する,もくろむs were The Good Place-actress Jameela Jamil, who 簡単に commented: ''?

'Grimiestt' 答える/応じるd to the British actress themself, 令状ing: 'a sex 労働者, working'.

The person later 追加するd in another tweet that they 'believe Twitter made me famous for licking a 洗面所.'?

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