EXCLUSIVE: Tucker Carlson tells DailyMailTV 影響力のある Americans like Kamala Harris and Jeff Bezos are using George Floyd's death to 'make themselves more powerful' by 'dividing the country along racial lines'

  • Tucker Carlson gave a wide-範囲ing interview to?DailyMailTV on Friday to 促進する his new podcast and 文書の series Tucker Carlson 初めのs?
  • The Fox News host said people with 力/強力にする - such as 政治家,政治屋s and 商売/仕事 leaders - have been てこ入れ/借入資本ing George Floyd's death?
  • He 特に called out 副大統領 Harris, Biden 助言者 Susan Rice and アマゾン 創立者 Jeff Bezos?
  • Carlson went on to say that he believes 'wokeness' in schools was becoming a 全国的な 問題/発行する and the most expensive in the country are the 'most 人種差別主義者'
  • Tucker's new ビデオ Podcast and long-form 文書の series 'Tucker Carlson 初めのs' 利用できる on FOX Nation, FOX News マスコミ's streaming 壇・綱領・公約?

Tucker Carlson says 影響力のある Americans like Kamala Harris, Jeff Bezos and Susan Rice are using George Floyd's death to make themselves more powerful and divide the country along racial lines.?

In a wide-範囲ing interview with DailyMailTV to 促進する his new podcast and 文書の series Tucker Carlson 初めのs, Carlson opened up about the 最近の 有罪の判決 of Derek Chauvin after he was 設立する 有罪の of 殺人,大当り Floyd in Minneapolis last year.?

The Fox News host said while police officers who 乱用 their 力/強力にする should be punished, those with more 力/強力にする - such as 政治家,政治屋s and 商売/仕事 leaders - who てこ入れ/借入資本d Floyd's death were 'far scarier'.?

'What I'm really struck by is the use of George Ford's death to make people in 力/強力にする more powerful and to do that by dividing the country along racial lines, which is 明確に what they're doing,' Carlson said.?

'When the 判決 (機の)カム 負かす/撃墜する, you'd think the people who were やじ for the 殺人 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金, やじ for the 犯罪 of Officer Chauvin, would have been thrilled. No, they weren't. They were even madder.

'This was just the beginning ... you hear peopele say, 井戸/弁護士席, 現実に, it's not one officer who's 有罪の. It's America was 有罪の. Really? I'm not 有罪の.??

'People using the death, the sad death, the 悲劇の death of someone to make themselves more powerful is far scarier than anything the Minneapolis Police Department has ever done.'?

Tucker Carlson gave a wide-ranging interview with DailyMailTV on Friday to promote his new podcast and documentary series Tucker Carlson Originals

Tucker Carlson gave a wide-範囲ing interview with DailyMailTV on Friday to 促進する his new podcast and 文書の series Tucker Carlson 初めのs

He 特に called out 副大統領 Harris, Biden 助言者 Susan Rice and アマゾン 創立者 Jeff Bezos.?

'Susan Rice is out of 支配(する)/統制する. Kamala Harris is out of 支配(する)/統制する. I mean, those are the people you should be afraid of.?The people with actual 力/強力にする are the ones you should be 支払う/賃金ing very の近くに attention to... Jeff Bezos. Not some 警官,(賞などを)獲得する who makes 60 grand a year.

Chauvin was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd on April 20 on all three counts 関係のある to Floyd's death after he pinned the 黒人/ボイコット man to the ground for nearly nine minutes.

Three other officers, who have all been 解雇する/砲火/射撃d from the police department, 直面する 裁判,公判 in August.?

When asked if he thought the other officers should also be 罪人/有罪を宣告するd, Carlson said he would 持つ/拘留する off 裁判/判断 until he had seen the 証拠 at 裁判,公判.?

'Anybody in autho rity who 乱用s 力/強力にする should be punished, period. You know, we give the police an awful lot of 力/強力にする and we should make 確かな that they don't 乱用 it,' he said.?

'I'm not sure looking at the 裁判,公判 that they 証明するd he meant to kill. I'm not in (Chauvin's) mind. I don't know what he meant to do.'?

When asked about whether there was a systemic 問題/発行する of 人種差別主義 built into how policing is 成し遂げるd in the US, Carlson said he was open to someone explaining - and 申し込む/申し出ing 証拠 - of what?systemic 人種差別主義 is.?

Chauvin pictured in his mugshot after being found guilty
Chauvin was found guilty of killing Floyd

Chauvin was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd on April 20 on all three counts 関係のある to George Floyd's death after he pinned the 黒人/ボイコット man to the ground for nearly nine minutes?

'If someone could explain to me what systemic 人種差別主義 is and then show that it 存在するs, I mean, I would believe it. I believe anything. I don't know what systemic 人種差別主義 is 正確に/まさに. No one has ever defined it,' he said.?

'I've seen people use the 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 ーするために make themselves more powerful. That's the point of it. But I've never seen anybody tell me 正確に what it is.'

How 'wokeness' in 私的な schools is now 全国的な and the richest are 'the most 人種差別主義者'??

Carlson went on to say that he believes 'wokeness' in schools was becoming a 全国的な 問題/発行する.?

'The 私的な schools are out of 支配(する)/統制する,' he said, 追加するing that his children were already out of school but he hears about it each day.

'The most expensive schools in the country are the most 人種差別主義者. By 人種差別主義者, I mean 裁判官ing people, 割り当てるing value in the basis of 肌 color, which is like the one thing we agreed we wouldn't do. It's immoral.

'We've got a lot of people, 350 million people, in the country - they don't have a lot in ありふれた, they don't look alike, 株 the same 宗教, maybe even the same language.

'So you have to keep them 部隊d somehow and the only way you do that is by 強調するing their ありふれた humanity: They're all human 存在s.?

'By 強調するing their ありふれた Americanness, we're all in this together. We're all American. If you take those things out of the 決まり文句/製法, then you just have warring tribes fighting each other and things 落ちる apart.?

Vice President Kamala Harris
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos

The Fox News host said while police officers who 乱用 their 力/強力にする should be punished, those with more 力/強力にする - such as 政治家,政治屋s and 商売/仕事 leaders - who てこ入れ/借入資本d Floyd's death were 'far scarier'.?He 特に called out 副大統領 Harris and アマゾン 創立者 Jeff Bezos

'I feel like a lot is at 火刑/賭ける here, an awful lot, and we should stay on this.'

Carlson 認める he didn't know how to 部隊 the country, 説 only: 'I want people to see each other as human 存在s not as, you know, 競争相手 members of warring tribes on the other 味方する.'?

Social マスコミ: How it is distorting fair 裁判,公判s and 影響ing the way we think?

Els ewhere in the interview, Carlson touched on social マスコミ and the 影響s it can have today on everything from fair 法廷,裁判所 裁判,公判s to 最高潮の場面ing 分割s in the country.?

'Social マスコミ are so new, 比較して speaking,?that they're distorting 影響s not just on 裁判,公判s but on the way that we live, in the way that we think,' he said.?

'We do know that most of our life experiences at this point are filtered through 数字表示式の マスコミ of some 肉親,親類d and I don't think that we have spent enough time thinking about the 影響s of that.?

'My sense is that it's civilization ending. My sense is that it's destroying everything that we valued and that it's worse than any pandemic. That is probably the worst thing in human history.?That's my gut sense. I can't 証明する that.?

'We seem to be serving 科学(工学)技術. We're no longer served by 科学(工学)技術. We're servants and I'm really bothered by it.'

He went の上に to say that he believes you don't get a sense of what a person is like when the human experience is filtered through 数字表示式の マスコミ.?

'I would never 軍隊 a mask or a ワクチン on anyone': How people are 存在 shamed for their COVID opinions?

Carlson, who has 繰り返して questioned why people are still wearing masks outside, also touched on the COVID-19 pandemic and the shame people have received for 尋問 health 公式の/役人s.??

He spoke after the CDC changed 指導基準s this week to say vaccinated Americans no longer have to wear masks outside.?

'If ワクチンs work and everyone who wants a ワクチン can get a ワクチン - and that's what they're telling us and I believe them - then why is anyone wearing a mask?' he said.?

'If you're afraid of COVID, you can get a ワクチン. And if you 're not afraid of COVID, you don't have to get a ワクチン. And then we're 肉親,親類d of 罰金 and we can return to normal life.?

'I would never 軍隊 a mask or a ワクチン on anyone.'

Carlson stopped short of 説 whether he had received the ワクチン but said he was big 支持者 of it.?

'I believe ワクチンs are the 選び出す/独身 most 効果的な life saving 前進する in the history of 薬/医学. So I'm 完全に for ワクチンs. All my kids have been vaccinated. I'm 感謝する that we were able to do that as Americans. I?couldn't be more for the ワクチン,' he said.?

'I'm the opposite of an anti vaxxer.'?

Carlson said he was 用心深い, however, of not receiving straight answers when asking questions about the ワクチン.?

'You see 確かな people are more afraid to take the ワクチン because they don't feel like they're getting straight answers or because the 政府 is 的ing them. I mean, the 成果/努力s to get African-Americans vaccinated... I'm not against making sure everyone can get the ワクチン. But 的ing 黒人/ボイコット people for the ワクチン seems to have 脅すd the hell out of a lot of 黒人/ボイコット people,' he said.?

'I mean, the ワクチン接種 levels for African-Americans, as far as I know, are かなり lower than for whites, for example. And I 全く get that.?

'I mean, I understand why if someone's like, oh, no, you must have this. You're like, wait a second, why are you 選び出す/独身ing out it would make you nervous? I think that's 全く human.'

Tucker's new ビデオ Podcast and long-form 文書の series 'Tucker Carlson 初めのs' 利用できる on FOX Nation, FOX News マスコミ's streaming 壇・綱領・公約.?

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