Wild party-goers hurl 激しく揺するs, 花火s and 瓶/封じ込めるs at 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs and 150 people are 逮捕(する)d after 2,500 rowdy teens 嵐/襲撃するd Southern California beach to …に出席する TikTok 星/主役にする's birthday party

  • Some 2,500 teens descended on Huntington Beach, California on Saturday for a party 促進するd on TikTok?
  • Teens from as far as Atlanta, Utah, Arizona, and Puerto Rico saw viral ビデオ that 生成するd millions of 見解(をとる)s?
  • 'AdriansKickBack' party 生成するd some 234 million 見解(をとる)s on the popular social マスコミ app?
  • TikTok 使用者 adrian.lopez517 招待するd the teens to his birthday party along the beach in Southern California?
  • Police (人命などを)奪う,主張する some teens 開始する,打ち上げるd 花火s, 激しく揺するs, and 瓶/封じ込めるs at 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs after they were asked to 分散させる?
  • Several 商売/仕事s, a lifeguard tower, and police 乗り物s were vandalized by the 暴徒, によれば 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs?
  • 法律 施行 公式の/役人s said they 逮捕(する)d 121 adults and 28 juveniles for unlawful 議会
  • Some were also 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with vandalism, 開始する,打ち上げるing 違法な 花火s, 失敗 to 分散させる, and 外出禁止令 違反s
新聞記者/雑誌記者 Taylor Lorenz, 地位,任命するd a ビデオ of Adrian (pictured) on Twitter

Police in Southern California said an 'unruly' (人が)群がる of at least 2,500 teens 投げつけるd 花火s, 瓶/封じ込めるs, and 激しく揺するs at officers in Huntington Beach as a party 促進するd on TikTok descended into 大混乱.?


法律 施行 公式の/役人s 宣言するd an unlawful 議会 and 逮捕(する)d about 150 people after they 辞退するd orders to 分散させる.

The 大規模な 集会 began with a now-削除するd v ideo 地位,任命するd on the popular social マスコミ app from a 使用者 指名するd adrian.lopez517, who 招待するd anyone to his birthday party by Huntington Beach's 解雇する/砲火/射撃 炭坑,オーケストラ席s Saturday night, the Orange 郡 登録(する) 報告(する)/憶測d Sunday.??

The hashtag 'AdriansKickBack' received more than 234 million 見解(をとる)s on TikTok.?

新聞記者/雑誌記者 Taylor Lorenz, 地位,任命するd a ビデオ of Adrian on Twitter. In it, he 明らかにする/漏らすs he first 地位,任命するd a flier 促進するing the party on his actual birthday, which was on Monday.

'I made it Monday night and we started spreading it out on Snap [Snapchat], and then Tuesday morning is when he [friend] made the TikTok.'

One partygoer told a New York Times reporter: 'It's the first lit party since COVID.'

At least 400 people showed up as 早期に as Friday evening around a lifeguard tower, police Lt. Brian Smith said.?

The image above shows partygoers in Huntington Beach, California setting off 花火s on Saturday during what police called an 'unlawful 議会'
A 大規模な (人が)群がる is seen above watching as one person climbs 負かす/撃墜する a metal railing in Huntington Beach, California on Saturday
Partygoers dance on 最高の,を越す of a car during an event that was 促進するd on TikTok on Saturday

When people in the (人が)群がる began to 開始する,打ち上げる 花火s 近づく the 解雇する/砲火/射撃 炭坑,オーケストラ席s, he said, officers 宣言するd an unlawful 議会 and the partygoers scattered.

Huntington Beach's police department 地位,任命するd on Twitter the next day that they were 準備するing for a 殺到する of 訪問者s 予定 to the 促進するd party and 警告するd that they will 施行する 地元の 支配するs, 含むing no alcohol or 麻薬 use on the beach and no 花火s.

However, an even larger (人が)群がる showed up Saturday evening.?

Police 概算の that at least 2,500 people gathered at the beach before moving to the downtown area.?


'The 初期の (人が)群がる at the beach grew in si ze and moved to the downtown area where it was 概算の to be over 2,500,' the Huntington Beach Police Department said in a 声明.?

This 空中の screenshot from Saturday 供給するd by FOX 11 KTTV shows people gathered at the Huntington Beach pier in Huntington Beach, California. Police in Huntington Beach 見積(る) that at least 2,500 people gathered by the 解雇する/砲火/射撃 炭坑,オーケストラ席s on the sand Saturday night
A 列/漕ぐ/騒動 of police cars are seen above in Huntington Beach, California on Saturday night
Some of the partygoers are pictured in the above photo 循環させるd on social マスコミ on Saturday
A large (人が)群がる of partygoers 分散させるs after police (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd 涙/ほころび gas in Huntington Beach, California on Saturday
People gathered on Huntingt on Beach on Saturday run as police (軍隊を)展開する,配備する (人が)群がる-dispersal methods
Partygoers climb 頂上に one of the police 乗り物s that was vandalized during the 大混乱 on Saturday
The image above shows some of the rowdy partygoers who gathered in Huntington Beach on Saturday
当局 宣言するd a 5:30am 外出禁止令 after the 集会 grew violent late on Saturday night

'As the (人が)群がる size continued to grow 速く, large groups 支出するd into さまざまな 場所s throughout the area, throwing 瓶/封じ込めるs, 激しく揺するs, 花火s, and other items at officers.?< /p>

'At that time, the HBPD requested 援助 from outside 機関s.?

'Throughout the course of the evening, over 150 officers from 事実上 all 機関s within Orange 郡 were (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd to Huntington Beach based on the pre-arranged request for 援助.'?

Officers again ordered the (人が)群がる to 分散させる and 問題/発行するd an 夜通し 外出禁止令 after partygoers began to climb 頂上に a lifeguard tower and 発射 more 花火s, police said.

ビデオ (映画の)フィート数 from the scene shows officers dressed in 暴動 helmets shutting streets to 支配(する)/統制する the (人が)群がる and, in some instances, 解雇する/砲火/射撃ing いっそう少なく-lethal 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs.?

Partygoers (機の)カム from as far as Utah (above) and Dallas, Texas to 参加する the festivities on Saturday
Partygoers (機の)カム from as far as Utah and Dallas, Texas (above) to 参加する the festivities on Saturday
Teens from as far as Arizona (above) and Atlanta flew to Southern California to 参加する the party
Teens from as far as Arizona and Atlanta (above) flew to Southern California to 参加する the party

Police said some people threw 瓶/封じ込めるs, 激しく揺するs and 花火s at officers.

The people 逮捕(する)d 含むd 121 adults and 28 juveniles who were 調書をとる/予約するd for vandalism, 不法に setting 花火s, failing to 分散させる and 侵害する/違反するing 外出禁止令s, said police spokeswoman Jennifer Carey.

A number of downtown 商売/仕事s, police 乗り物s and a lifeguard tower were 損失d, but no 重要な in 陪審/陪審員団s were 報告(する)/憶測d, she said.

Huntington Beach, which connects a vibrant 商売/仕事 地区 to an 8-mile stretch of sand, has been the 場所/位置 of large 集会s in the last year as pandemic-関係のある 制限s, the 2020 大統領の 選挙 and the 黒人/ボイコット Lives 事柄 movement drew 抗議する人s who いつかs 衝突/不一致d with police in the downtown area.

地元の police 報告(する)/憶測d that 商売/仕事s, 警官,(賞などを)獲得する cars, and a lifeguard tower were vandalized by the teens
Police said 121 adults and 28 juveniles were 逮捕(する)d and 調書をとる/予約するd on さまざまな 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s 含むing vandalism, setting off 違法な 花火s, failing to 分散させる, and 侵害する/違反するing 外出禁止令

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