Flash point in the aisles as Asda and Sainsbury's shoppers (人命などを)奪う,主張する they've had '乱用' for wearing facemasks while others 辞退する to wear them - but 85% of Tube, train and bus 使用者s KEPT coverings on

  • Masks no longer 要求するd by 法律, although 公式の/役人 指導/手引 is to continue wearing them in (人が)群がるd places
  • 直面する coverings are still compulsory on Tube - but while 乗客s can be kicked off they will not be 罰金d
  • 航空機によるs, Eurostar, and some 地元の trams and buses will 要求する masks, but other travel companies?will not??
  • All major supermarkets will keep 存在するing 支配するs, but pub chains 含むing Wetherspoon will make it optional
  • Pictures today showed people without masks in Tesco and Greggs, but many are choosing to still wear?them?
  • Two-thirds of adults in 広大な/多数の/重要な Britain said they still 計画(する) to cover their 直面するs in shops and on public 輸送(する)?
  • Have you been criticised for wearing a mask or failing to wear one? 接触する rory.tingle@mailonline.co.uk?

Asda and Sainsbury's shoppers today (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have received '乱用' for continuing to use 直面する masks as others 辞退するd to wear them - but 85% of Tube, train and bus 乗客s kept theirs on.?

直面する coverings are no longer 要求するd by 法律, although?公式の/役人 国家の 指導/手引 is to continue wearing them in (人が)群がるd public places.?


There was a mixed picture across the count ry today, with pictures from the Tube showing carriages of 通勤(学)者s 反抗するing London 市長 Sadiq 旅宿泊所's order to carry on wearing masks on public 輸送(する) in the 資本/首都.?

However, 輸送(する) for London?put the 全体にわたる 同意/服従 率 at 85%.?

一方/合間, Twitter 使用者s (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have received 乱用 in supermarkets for wearing 直面する coverings, with one 令状ing: 'This morning already had two #nomaskers in @sainsburys 石油 駅/配置する in my 直面する, I'm immunosuppressed and in the car was my daughter who has 負かす/撃墜する syndrome and has had heart 外科.'

A second 追加するd: 'Already had 乱用 in Asda this morning for wearing a mask for f***'s sake what's so difficult about 尊敬(する)・点ing people's 境界s.'?

It (機の)カム as anti-maskers took to Twitter to 宣言する a ボイコット(する) of shops still 施行するing the 必要物/必要条件, which 含むs all major supermarkets and hardw are 蓄える/店 B&Q.?

However, the public is 概して behind the wearing of masks, with 64% of adults in 広大な/多数の/重要な Britain 説 they still 計画(する) to cover their 直面するs in shops, and the same 百分率 説 they would do so on public 輸送(する).?

直面する coverings are still compulsory on the Tube 予定 to a 決定/判定勝ち(する) by Mr 旅宿泊所, who said he did not want to put 輸送(する) 使用者s 'at 危険'.?乗客s can be thrown off services if they 辞退する to 協力する, although 罰金s will no longer be 問題/発行するd, 輸送(する) for London 確認するd to MailOnline.?

航空機によるs still 委任統治(領) mask wearing, while pubs, 訪問者 attractions and 地元の travel companies have all come up with their own 支配するs. 一方/合間, fitness chain PureGym asks they still be worn in communal areas.?

Pictures from the Tube showing carriages of 通勤(学)者s 反抗するing London 市長 Sadiq 旅宿泊所 's order to continue wearing masks on public 輸送(する) in the 資本/首都. However, 輸送(する) for London put the 全体にわたる 同意/服従 率 at 85%
Shoppers in a London Tesco not wearing masks today. All the major supermarkets are asking 顧客s to continue doing so
Some 顧客s at a Greggs in Bradford, West Yorkshire, were seen without masks today as the 合法的な 必要物/必要条件 to wear them was 除去するd
All the major supermarket chains are encouraging 顧客s to continue using masks. Pictured was the scene in an Asda in Birmingham today
All the major supermarket chains are encouraging 顧客s to continue using masks. Pictured was the scene in an Asda in Birmingham today
Anti-maskers took to Twitter today to 宣言する a ボイコット(する) of shops still 施行するing the 必要物/必要条件, which 含むs all major supermarkets
Anti-maskers to ok to Twitter today to 宣言する a ボイコット(する) of shops still 施行するing the 必要物/必要条件, which 含むs all major supermarkets

Where do you still have to wear 直面する coverings from today??

What are the 支配するs on wearing masks in England now?

People are no longer 要求するd by 法律 to wear 直面する coverings in 確かな settings now the remaining 制限s in England have been 解除するd.

But the 最新の 指導/手引, 問題/発行するd last week, says the 政府 '推定する/予想するs and recommends' masks to be worn by 労働者s and 顧客s in (人が)群がるd, enclosed spaces such as public 輸送(する).

Does this mean that people do not need to carry masks with them anymore?

It is probably best not to be too quick to throw away your mask.

Health leaders, 地元の 政治家,政治屋s, shop bosses and 輸送(する) 長,指導者s have all said that they will continue to 要求する or encourage people to wear 直面する coverings.

This means that 直面する coverings may be 要求するd in some 前提s, on some bus and train services, hospitals and GP 外科s.

What do 専門家s say about masks?

Some 専門家s are 勧めるing people to continue to wear masks in busy public spaces.

Dr David Nabarro, a World Health Organisation special (外交)使節/代表 on Covid-19, 勧めるd people to continue with preventative 対策 to 減ずる the spread of coronavirus.

He told Sky News: 'My 推薦 is 簡単に wear your mask, don't get too の近くに to people, watch out in 限定するd spaces and remember this ウイルス hasn't gone away.'

Professor Andrew Hayward, a member of the 科学の (a)忠告の/(n)警報 Group for 緊急s (下落する), which advises 大臣s, said it is important that people remain 用心深い after いわゆる Freedom Day.

He told Sky News that people should continue to minimise 接触する with others and wear a mask when mixing with people indoors.

Do people still need masks to go to the shops?

Supermarket chain Sainsbury's on Wednesday said it would encourage all 顧客s to continue wearing 直面する coverings from July 19 if they can.

Tesco, Asda, Lidl, Morrisons and Waitrose also (機の)カム out to say they will encourage 顧客s and staff to continue wearing masks in their supermarkets from when 制限s 緩和する.

Staff and 顧客s at Waitrose and John 吊りくさび have also been recommended to continue wearing masks but the John 吊りくさび 共同 said it will 最終的に be up to individual judgment.

How about public 輸送(する)?

直面する coverings will continue to be compulsory in some 地元で operated public 輸送(する) spaces.

People in West Yorkshire and South Yorkshire will have to continue wearing 直面する masks in bus 駅/配置するs operated by the 連合させるd 当局, while 乗客s using the Metro in the North East will also be 要求するd to wear a 直面する covering.

市長 of London Sadiq 旅宿泊所 has also said 直面する coverings will be 要求するd on 輸送(する) for London (TfL) services as a '条件 of carriage'.

This means 施行 officers would be able to 否定する 接近 or 排除する/(飛行機などから)緊急脱出する 乗客s 設立する to be 非,不,無-compliant while using the TfL 網状組織.

直面する coverings will also remain compulsory on Greater Manchester's Metrolink tram services and the Heathrow 表明する.

What about other 輸送(する) providers?

Cross-Channel train 会社/堅い Eurostar, 航空機によるs such as British 航空路s, easyJet and Ryanair, 加える Heathrow Airport will continue to 要求する 乗客s to wear 直面する coverings.

Heathrow 表明する, which operates services to London Paddington, said 直面する coverings will remain 義務的な.

But all other train companies such as Avanti West Coast, TransPennine 表明する and Southeastern, 加える major bus and coach companies 含むing 国家の 表明する and Megabus, will not 需要・要求する mask-wearing.

The 連合 of 乗客 輸送(する) (CPT), which 代表するs major bus and coach 操作者s such as 国家の 表明する and Megabus, has also said that its members will not 委任統治(領) the wearing of 直面する coverings.

Minicab あられ/賞賛するing app Uber has also said drivers and 乗客s will continue to be 要求するd to wear a mask even though they will no longer be 要求するd by 法律.

- Does this mean different parts of the country have different 支配するs on public 輸送(する)?

Elected 地域の 市長s across England have 警告するd that without a continued 国家の 委任統治(領) there would be a 'ridiculous mismatch' of 支配するs across the country that will be '混乱させるing' for 乗客s.

The 労働 metro 市長s for West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Liverpool City 地域, North of Tyne, West of England and South Yorkshire have 勧めるd the 政府 to continue to make 直面する coverings compulsory on all public 輸送(する) beyond the 解除するing of 制限s.

What about going to a hospital or GP 任命?

Staff, pat ients and 訪問者s in all NHS settings must continue to wear 直面する coverings and 観察する social distancing, Public Health England (PHE) has said.

PHE said 感染 予防 対策 and visiting 指導/手引 will continue across all health services 含むing hospitals, GP practices, dental practices, optometrists and pharmacies, to 確実にする 患者s and staff are 保護するd.

Staff, 患者s and 訪問者s will be 推定する/予想するd to continue to follow social distancing 支配するs when visiting any care setting, 同様に as using 直面する coverings and other personal 保護 器具/備品.

And offices?

It is up to individual 雇用者s to decide.??

What are the 支配するs in Scotland and むちの跡s?

In むちの跡s, 直面する coverings will continue to be 要求するd by 法律 in most indoor public places and on public 輸送(する) when coronavirus 制限s are 解除するd next month, while in Scotland First 大臣 Nicola Sturgeon has said 直面する covering 対策 are likely to remain for 'some time to come'.

むちの跡s 緩和するd some 制限s on Saturday, with almost all coronavirus 対策 予定 to be 解除するd from August 7, but it will remain the 法律 to wear a 直面する mask on public 輸送(する) and in most indoor settings except pubs and restaurants and schools.

The Welsh 政府 will 解除する the 必要物/必要条件 for people to wear masks as soon as the public health 状況/情勢 許すs, First 大臣 示す Drakeford has said.?



Shoppers flooded into Newcastle on Freedom Day today, with most deciding to still wear masks にもかかわらず it no longer 存在 the 法律.??


Ian Crowe, 26, a marketing 経営者/支配人 from Sunderland, thinks the country is in a lot of trouble. He said: 'Its a 負担 of rubbish. No one's got a 計画(する) for Covid.

'Boris doesn't even understand self 孤立するing. I 投票(する)d for him and he's not done anything he said he would. I don't think he's 有能な.

'I don't agree with 解除するing the 支配するs. I've had my ワクチンs but we're in a lot of trouble.

'A lot of people in the shops are wearing a mask, which is good. I think I've got to wear a mask, not for myself but for others.'?

Cheryl Kirckhove, a 57-year-old carer from Newcastle, said: 'I'm wearing my mask. We're not out of the 支持を得ようと努めるd yet.

'In my 職業 as a carer, it's hard for me. I still feel 脅すd. We'll go 支援する into lockdown, it won't be the last time. 特に seeing the tennis, they're packed in like sardines and the football, they don't care.'

Ashley Shocklidge, a 22-ye ar-old recruiter from Milton Keynes said: 'I'm still using masks.

'I was 孤立するing last week because of a lot of people coming into work with Covid. I think we've just got to get on with it.

'I am going to be more careful when I see my grandparents because I don't want them to get it but it's nice to be able to go out or have the 選択.'

ジーンズ Rogers, a retired hospital 労働者 from Sunderland, 72, said: 'I'm still wearing 地雷, it's too 早期に for me to take it off because of the rising Covid 率s.'


But Patrick Milo, 23, said: 'It's much better now. I've had a mask on but I took it off.

'It's finally 支援する to normal life but I still a bit 懐疑的な because you see so many people walking around wearing masks.

'I'll still be going out to clubs. It depends on when I'm off work but I like to go out. I am excited that freedom day is here but it's because of the ワクチン接種 programme.'

Rebecca McDonnell, a 24-year-old nurse from Newcastle said: 'I've had my ワクチン接種s and I've also had Covid so I feel okay about it.

'I'll be wearing my mask on public 輸送(する) because you're sat still but in shops I'll just be social distancing rather than masks because you're moving around and away from people. I wear a mask at work and it 運動s me crazy.'

At Westfield in West London, shops were busy from 早期に morning with 事実上 all of them not 施行するing 義務的な mask 支配するs.?

Under the 政府's 指導/手引, individual 商売/仕事 can make wearing them compulsory.

A sales assistant at 示すs and Spencer said: 'We're not making anyone where them. It's the 顧客s choice. It seems like a strange choice to me given that coronavirus 事例/患者s are rising but we don't make the 支配するs.'

A 安全 guard at Zara's said: 'Our 政策 is that it's the 顧客s choice. It's going to make our lives a lot easier as we won't have to 施行する this 支配する any more.

'I've also stopped wearing a mask so I can't really tell 顧客s to put one on when I 港/避難所't even got 地雷.'


Other 蓄える/店s also 明らかにする/漏らすd that wearing a mask would be the individual's choice.

However, most shoppers inside Westfield were choosing to keep covering the 直面するs.?

John Enfield, who was with his girlfriend, Sarah, said: 'The whole thing is a mess. We (機の)カム into London on the train, so didn't need a mask. Then we got on the 地下組織の, where you have to wear one.

'And here in Westfield, 非,不,無 of the shops are bothered. It's all very 混乱させるing. I'm wearing my mask for the time 存在 because I don't know what the 支配するs are for each of the shops.'

Shopper Janet Brown 追加するd: 'People are wearing masks today but that's going to 減少(する) as time passes.

'This is all about getting people 支援する in the shops a d getting the economy going. The 政府 don't really care if we wear masks or get COVID.'

There were some 調印するs of 緊張 this morning, with the author Ann Cleeves 説 she was shouted at by an anti-masker in her home town of Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear.?

She tweeted: 'In Whitley, putting on my mask and a car 運動s past, window open. Guy shouts: ''Freedom day. Get off those masks''.?This is NE England, more 事例/患者s than anywhere. And my daughter's doing chemo. No freedom for her!'??

This 週末, Uber became the 最新の 輸送(する) company to 確認する it would continue to 要求する drivers and 乗客s to wear 直面する coverings.?

They will also remain compulsory on trams in Greater Manchester and Tyne and Wear, and in bus 駅/配置するs operated by the 連合させるd 当局 in West Yorkshire and South Yorkshire.


Cross-Channel train 会社/堅い Eurostar, 航空機によるs such as British 航空路s, easyJet and Ryanair, 加える Heathrow Airport will continue to 要求する 乗客s to wear 直面する coverings.

Heathrow 表明する, which operates services to London Paddington, said 直面する coverings will remain 義務的な.

But all other train companies such as Avanti West Coast, TransPennine 表明する and Southeastern, 加える major bus and coach companies 含むing 国家の 表明する and Megabus, will not 需要・要求する mask-wearing.?

Mr Johnson has told Britons to 'take personal 責任/義務' and continue using 直面する coverings them in '(人が)群がるd' spaces, as a spike in Covid 事例/患者s led him to 追加する a 公式文書,認める of 警告を与える to his 以前 勝利を得た rhetoric.?

A 最近の YouGov 調査する 示唆するd 71% of people believe 直面する coverings should continue to be 義務的な on public 輸送(する) after Monday.?

Mr 旅宿泊所 today?勧めるd the public to continue to wear 直面する masks in (人が)群がるd places.

He said: 'I think we should recognise this ウイルス is still here.On an 普通の/平均(する) day there are 4,000 new 事例/患者s.

'Whenever you are indoors and cannot keep your social distancing, err on t he 味方する of 警告を与える and put your 直面する mask on.

'I think when you leave your home now, just like you think about having your 重要なs, your wallet, your purse, carry a 直面する mask 同様に.'








Large numbers of Tube 乗客s were pictured with 直面するs 暴露するd this morning, にもかかわらず London 市長 Sadiq 旅宿泊所's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to continue 施行するing their use across the 資本/首都's 輸送(する) 網状組織
通勤(学)者s with and without facemasks arrive at Waterloo 駅/配置する in London.?Heathrow 表明する, which operates services to London Paddington, said 直面する coverings will remain 義務的な. But all other train companies will not 需要・要求する their wearing

A nurse travelling to work on the London 地下組織の, who wished to remain 匿名の/不明の, said: '事例/患者s are rising and it is worrying that some people are choosing not to wear masks.

'It is not too much to ask for people to wear a mask to 保護する those who are 攻撃を受けやすい.


'I have seen first-手渡す what happens if people don't 行為/法令/行動する sensibly.'

John Raim, 32, said: 'Wearing a mask is second nature to me now. It feels more normal for me to wear one than not. I think the 決定/判定勝ち(する) to make mask wearing compulsory in London is a good one.'

A group of 女性(の) friends, who were not wearing masks, said: 'We did our 構成 to hang out and did not want to 廃虚 it. Sweat and 構成 is not a good combination, and it can be dangerous to sit in a hot mask on a long 旅行 like we had.'

One 通勤(学)者, Don Lita, explained that he was not wearing a mask because he has 'ear アレルギーs', 追加するing: 'I think it is not fair to 軍隊 people to wear masks.'

Two-thirds of British adults 計画(する) to continue wearing masks in shops??

Two-thirds of adults in 広大な/多数の/重要な Britain said they still 計画(する) to cover their 直面するs in shops, に引き続いて the 解除するing of most coronavirus 合法的な 制限s in England from July 19, によれば new data. The same 百分率 - 64% - 計画(する) to wear masks on public 輸送(する), while 60% 計画(する) to 避ける (人が)群がるd places, the Office for 国家の 統計(学) (ONS) said.

統計(学) from the ONS's 週刊誌 Opinions and Lifestyle 調査する also foun d nine out of 10 adults believe continuing to wear 直面する coverings is important for slowing the spread of Covid-19, whilst 88% said social distancing from those not in their 世帯 remained 重要な.

More than half who were 調査するd between July 7 and 11 said they were worried about 計画(する)s to 除去する 合法的な 制限s, which come into 軍隊 today. One fifth said they were 'very worried'. There was also a slight uptick in the number of people who believe normal life is a year or more away - at 28%. This compared with 25% who said the same in the 調査する a week earlier, although it was 負かす/撃墜する from a 頂点(に達する) of 41% last September.

Breaking 負かす/撃墜する the data by age groups, 回答者/被告s between 16 and 29 years old were the least likely to continue with 直面する coverings - although more than half said they still would. The 百分率 of people likely to wear masks in shops 増加するs with age, with 74% of those 老年の 70 and over planning to do so.

On public 輸送(する), 69% of those 老年の 70 and over said they 計画(する) to wear 直面する coverings, compared with 70% 老年の 50 to 69. Almost half of adults 計画(する) to 持続する social distancing around others they do not live with. Younger 世代s are いっそう少なく likely to socially distance, with just 31% planning to, whilst those 老年の 50 to 69 are most likely, with 59%. Nearly one in three working adults 計画(する) to work from home, にもかかわらず 推薦s for home working ending, the 調査する also 設立する.?


Other?通勤(学)者s slammed the new 支配するs as 'mixed and 混乱させるing' - (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that many 乗客s would not be sure about when and where to wear them.


Simon Barker, 38 who was entering South Ealing 地下組織の 駅/配置する on his way to work said: 'I think the whole country is 混乱させるd and it doesn't make sense. If you are on the tube you have to wear a mask but if you are on a train in London, you don't.

'And what happens when you are going through a 駅/配置する which 株 地下組織の and rail services? There are a lot of those in London?'

Denise Sweeney, 44, who had just 現れるd from the 駅/配置する said: 'The 大多数 of people on the tube were wearing masks so that's a good thing.

'But in general, the 支配するs are not (疑いを)晴らす. Some 商売/仕事 are 需要・要求するing them, others are not. I can just 想像する this whole thing 主要な to a lot of problems because there is no clarity.'

Most 通勤(学)者s entering and leaving the 駅/配置する were wearing masks, although some 恐れるd that might change over the coming weeks.

Rowan Fernandes, 28 said: 'I travel on the tube every day but those who don't might not be sure what the 支配するs are. Most people are wearing them today, but I'm not 納得させるd that it's going to stay that way because there is no consistency in the 支配するs. And that always leads to a lot of problems.'

Brian Palmer, 52 追加するd: 'From what I've seen, many people have stopped wearing masks in general. I really noticed that over the 週末 when I went to the shops. That's even been happening on the 地下組織の and the buses for a while now and the staff are not really 施行するing the 支配するs.


'The 政府 should have been 会社/堅い about th is and laid 負かす/撃墜する the 支配するs, but they've just left it up to individual 商売/仕事s and the public are 混乱させるd. That's just going to get worse as time goes on.'

Gurmeet Singh ガス/煙d: 'The whole thing is a joke, and nobody is sure what's going on. I think the 支配するs for going on the tube and buses in London are やめる (疑いを)晴らす but that's not the 事例/患者 everywhere else.

'People are going to have to continually put their masks on or off, depending on where they are and there's going to be a lot of arguing about what they're supposed to do.'????

Anthony Smith, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of 監視者 輸送(する) 焦点(を合わせる), echoed the 乗客s' 関心s.?

He said: 'We know people are divided between not wanting to wear 直面する coverings, and not wanting to travel if they aren't worn. The 欠如(する) of consistency on 支配するs is going to 原因(となる) some 不確定 and 混乱. It could also make 施行 trickier. (疑いを)晴らす (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) before and during 旅行s will be 重要な.'???

Today the NHS 開始する,打ち上げるd a new 計画/陰謀 to encourage people to continue wearing 直面する coverings にもかかわらず it no longer 存在 法律.?

Matthew Taylor, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of the NHS 連合, said the new (選挙などの)運動をする was not about 存在 'pious'. He told Times 無線で通信する today that the Not Too Much To Mask 率先 was about people taking 'sensible 対策' to 減ずる 伝達/伝染 such as wearing 直面する coverings, 会合 outdoors, keeping indoor areas 井戸/弁護士席 ventilated and getting vaccinated.

He 追加するd: 'This (選挙などの)運動をする is not about calling people out or 存在 pious, it's just about 説 to people 'you are not alone, there are other people who are doing this'.


'One of the most powerful things about a mask is it is a signal to fellow 国民s you are showing 関心 for them.'?

市長 of London Sadiq 旅宿泊所 提起する/ポーズをとるs next to a 調印する 説 that 直面する coverings remain 義務的な on the Tube にもかかわらず today's change in the 法律
A 顧客 at Greggs in Bradford, West Yorkshire, who was pictured without a mask today as the 合法的な 必要物/必要条件 to wear them was 除去するd
Mr 旅宿泊所 said he was 'not 用意が出来ている' to put 輸送(する) 使用者s in the 資本/首都 'at 危険' by changing the 支配するs. Pictured are 通勤(学)者s in London this morning
通勤(学)者s, some nor wearing facemasks, on a Jubilee Line tube train to Westminster during this morning's 急ぐ hour
At London 橋(渡しをする) 駅/配置する this morning, pictures showed a 分裂(する) between 通勤(学)者s still wearing masks and those who were not
Today the NHS 開始する,打ち上げるd a new 計画/陰謀 to encourage people to continue wearing 直面する coverings にもかかわらず it no longer 存在 法律. Many Tube 通勤(学)者s were seen without masks today

投票s have 設立する that 60% of Britons are 'nervous' about final lockdown 制限s 存在 解除するd as 事例/患者s 急に上がるd 52% in a week to 48,161 and 25 more people died.?

It (機の)カム as Freedom Day was branded '災害 day' by stricken 商売/仕事s today as self-孤立するing Boris Johnson 直面するs fresh 需要・要求するs to 捨てる farcical 実験(する) and trace 支配するs to 鎮圧する the 'pingdemic'.

The PM is 場内取引員/株価 the grand 打ち明けるing alon e at Chequers after 成し遂げるing a comical U-turn from 最初 説 he and Rishi Sunak would dodge 検疫 にもかかわらず having met Health 長官 Sajid Javid - who has 実験(する)d 肯定的な.

But the 解除するing of almost all 合法的な 制限s have 単に fuelled 恐れるs about spiking 事例/患者s bringing the economy grinding to a 停止(させる), as more and more people are doomed to 自宅監禁.

専門家s 見積(る) around 1.7million people are still self-孤立するing after 存在 'pinged' by the NHS Covid app or 接触するd by 実験(する) and Trace.

Many 会社/堅いs say their 場所/位置s are having to open with 減ずるd hours or shut 完全に because up to a 4半期/4分の1 of staff are off as a 予防の 手段 - with scientists 警告 the 状況/情勢 could spiral as the UK 直面するs up to 200,000 事例/患者s a day.

The Road Haulage 協会 has 警告するd of 差し迫った 大混乱 in 供給(する) chains, with 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 棒 Mackenzie telling the FT: 'Far from freedom day 存在 freedom day, it's going to be 災害 day.'


In a 重要な 譲歩 today, frontline NHS 労働者s will be 免除されたd from the 支配するs to 妨げる hospitals having to 取り消す 操作/手術s because of staff 不足s.

But this morning ワクチンs 大臣 Nadhim Zahawi appeared to dash hopes that the 控除 could be 溝へはまらせる/不時着するd for the 二塁打-jabbed before August 16, 同様に as 示唆するing that the sensitivity of the app will remain the same for the time 存在.

Boris Johnson is 勧めるing Britons to take 'personal 責任/義務' and continue wearing 直面する coverings in (人が)群がるd 環境s like the Tube (seen today)
乗客s leave a carriage on the Jubilee Line this morning after Freedom Day saw the 法律 要求するing masks to be worn on public 輸送(する) 溝へはまらせる/不時着するd
Maskless 乗客s leave London 橋(渡しをする) 鉄道 駅/配置する this morning まっただ中に an 緩和 of pandemic 制限s in Britain

アイスランド supermarket boss Richard Walker (刑事)被告 the 政府 of 'squandering the advantages' of its successful ワクチン接種 programme by 軍隊ing 二塁打-jabbed people to self-孤立する, 追加するing: 'We're behaving like it's the dark days of March 2020'.

Humphrey Cobbold, the CEO of PureGym, which has more than 1.1million members in 287 場所/位置s, said: 'We've been talking internally about living in the 部隊d Pingdom and it's become a 抱擁する challenge for individuals and 商売/仕事s', 追加するing his staff are '存在 pinged all the time'.

So much for the return to offices! Tube 乗客s are 38% of pre-pandemic levels while bus 旅行s stay around 68% as WFH 支配する ends?

Usage of London's 輸送(する) and roads 網状組織 failed to rise on Freedom Day today にもかかわらず the UK's rail 網状組織 as a whole having its busiest Monday since the pandemic began as Covid 制限s 解除するd in England.

輸送(する) for London said Tube travel was at 38 per cent of normal 需要・要求する today and 不変の from last week, with 790,000 入ること/参加(者)s and 出口s compared to a pre-pandemic baseline of 2.1million. Bus travel was at 68 per cent of normal, and 負かす/撃墜する 4 per cent in a week, with 900,000 搭乗 taps compared to a 1.31million baseline.

The 落ちる is bus usage is 部分的に/不公平に a result of schools getting に向かって the end of 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語, and the summer is 一般に quieter across the 網状組織. 輸送(する) bossed in the 資本/首都 追加するd that staff 観察するd 直面する mask 同意/服従 at around 85 per cent this morning, which is 概略で at the same 肉親,親類d of level as has been seen in 最近の weeks.

Congestion on the 資本/首都's roads was at 41 per cent during 急ぐ-hour this morning - which was 概略で in line with the 8am 人物/姿/数字 last Friday (40 per cent), によれば data from 場所 科学(工学)技術 会社/堅い TomTom.

But it was 負かす/撃墜する on last Thursday (49 per cent), Wednesday (52 per cent) and Tuesday (48 per cent) - while it was also 井戸/弁護士席 below the 頂点(に達する) congestion level on Saturday of 51 per cent at 1pm. The congestion levels 示唆する many Britons are still working from home にもかかわらず the 政府 解除するing its 公式の/役人 working from home 指導/手引.

一方/合間 the Trainline website 報告(する)/憶測d more bookings for travel this Monday than any other Monday in the last 16 months, with the number of tickets sold for this week up 26 per cent on two months ago.

The most popular 駅/配置する to travel to this week is London Euston, followed by Kings Cross, Edinburgh, Manchester Piccadilly, London Paddington, York, Liverpool Lime Street, 物陰/風下d, Newcastle and Birmingham New Street.?


He 追加するd: 'Up to 25 per cent of our staff in some areas have been asked to self-孤立する. Through 柔軟性 we've been able to keep 場所/位置s open so far but it's been a really の近くに call. I think there is a different way to 反応する to the pings for the 二塁打 vaccinated and using lateral flow 実験(する)s that would keep the economy 機能(する)/行事ing'.


Greene King pub boss Nick MacKenzie said: 'It's a problem and it could get worse. It is 破壊的な to the 商売/仕事. We had to の近くに 33 pubs in the past week because of a 欠如(する) of staff and across the 産業 we think it is one in 5 who have been 影響する/感情d by this and therefore it is 原因(となる)ing us a real 問題/発行する on a daily basis. We are having to have 縮める hours in 確かな circumstances.'

He 追加するd: 'We need clarity from 政府 on how the app 作品 and we need to move to a 実験(する) and 解放(する) 計画/陰謀 where people can take a lateral flow 実験(する) every day and get 支援する to work and some sort of normality'.

Mr Johnson and (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Rishi Sunak had 発表するd yesterday they would 参加する a 操縦する 計画/陰謀 to 避ける 検疫.

But まっただ中に 普及した 乱暴/暴力を加える from 政治家,政治屋s, 商売/仕事 le aders and the public they humiliatingly 洞穴d in within hours and 明らかにする/漏らすd they would join the legions of people self-孤立するing - in the PM's 事例/患者 Chequers until July 26, his country 広い地所 in Buckinghamshire.

They had 直面するd 告訴,告発s they were 接近ing a 'VIP 小道/航路' that was not 利用できる to 労働者s who are having to 孤立する, bringing some 商売/仕事s and public 輸送(する) to the brink of 崩壊(する).?

It (機の)カム as revellers packed into nightclubs for the first time since March 2020, without 存在 要求するd to 供給する Covid パスポートs or 消極的な 実験(する) results.?

And with social distancing 支配するs 棚上げにするd, there are no 限界s on people …に出席するing.


発生地s 含むing Fabric, E1, 省 of Sound and Egg nightclubs in London, Pryzm in Bristol, Powerhouse Night Club in Newcastle and Moon Acre in Dorset re-opened on the 一打/打撃 of midnight - the very second that most 合法的な 制限s on social 接触する were 除去するd.

It's 'the moment we've been waiting for, that our 顧客s have been waiting for,' said Tristan Moffat, 操作/手術s director of London music 発生地 The Piano 作品, ahead of the 最終期限.

The 商売/仕事 had been keen to open its doors again after losing about £40,000 a month during the pandemic, he said.

Its Freedom Day bash started on Sunday with a countdown to midnight when staff members 削減(する) a 略章 to the dance 床に打ち倒す and served 顧客s 解放する/自由な prosecco.

But while entertainment 商売/仕事s and ravers are now jubilant, many others are 深く,強烈に worried about the British 政府's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to go ahead with fully 再開するing the economy and no longer 委任統治(領)ing masks at a time when Covid-19 事例/患者s are on a 早い 上昇.?

People 列 outside 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 Fibre in 物陰/風下d after the 解除するing of Covid 制限s in England at midnight

In a 熟考する/考慮する carried out by YouGov, which questioned 3,659 adults between July 5 and July 15, 73 per cent of English people who used to go to nightclubs in pre-pandemic times said that they would not 現在/一般に feel comfortable returning after the 制限s 解除するd.

The grand re-開始 has come as Covid 事例/患者s across the UK 急に上がるd by 52 per cent week -on-week after yesterday 記録,記録的な/記録するing 48,161 new 事例/患者s - up from the 31,772 事例/患者s 記録,記録的な/記録するd last Sunday - with a その上の 25 deaths..

However, 総理大臣 Boris Johnson defended the move in a ビデオ message on Sunday during which he said: 'If we don't do it now, we have to ask ourselves, when will we ever do it. So this is the 権利 moment.


'But we've got to do it 慎重に. We've got to remember that th is ウイルス is sadly still out there. 事例/患者s are rising, we can see the extreme contagiousness of the Delta variant.

'But we have this 巨大な なぐさみ and satisfaction that there is no 疑問 at all that the ワクチン programme - the 大規模な ワクチン接種 programme - has very 厳しく 弱めるd the link between 感染 and hospitalisation, and between 感染 and serious illness and death.

'So please, please, please be 用心深い and go 今後 tomorrow into the next step with all the 権利 prudence and 尊敬(する)・点 for other people and the 危険s that the 病気 continues to 現在の.'

Partygoers 列ing for the Viaduct 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 in 物陰/風下d after the final 合法的な coronavirus 制限s were 解除するd in England at midnight
抱擁する 列s of revellers waited to enter Grey's nightclub on Grey Street in Newcastle as it threw open its doors on the 一打/打撃 of midnight
Pictured: People 列d up for the Egg nightclub in London after the final 合法的な coronavirus 制限s were 解除するd in England at midnight
Thousands of eager revellers across England have piled の上に dance 床に打ち倒すs for the first time since March last year. Pictured: Partygoers in Newcastle
< /i-amphtml-sizer>
The grand re-開始 has come as Covid 事例/患者s across the UK 急に上がるd by 52 per cent week-on-week. Pictured:?Revellers get 支援する on the dancefloor at Powerhouse nightclub in Newcastle
In Brighton clubbers 列d around the corner to get into Pryzm nightclub as it opened at 00.01 this morning - for the first time in 16 months

Social distancing, working from home, masks in shops and on public 輸送(する): What IS and what IS NOT changing on Freedom Day

    By William Cole for MailOnline

    People in England 現れる from lockdown?today with the 政府's final major 緩和 of 制限s.

    Here, MailOnline looks at the 支配するs that are changing? and what 指導/手引 has been 問題/発行するd to 取って代わる it in some areas:


    合法的な 支配するs 委任統治(領)ing the wearing of 直面する masks will be axed.

    However, にもかかわらず 大臣s 以前 説 they want to 溝へはまらせる/不時着する coverings as soon as they are voluntary, 指導/手引 will 明言する/公表する that they are '推定する/予想するd and recommended' in (人が)群がるd spaces.

    指導/手引 published last night said: '政府 推定する/予想するs and recommends that people wear 直面する coverings in (人が)群がるd areas such as public 輸送(する).'?

    London's 市長 Sadiq 旅宿泊所?has broken 階級 to ordered they be kept compulsory on the Tube, buses and taxis. He was 支援するd by 輸送(する) 長官 認める Shapps who said he had '推定する/予想するd' 操作者s to put in place '条件s of carriage' to 確実にする that 乗客s were 安全な on public 輸送(する).


    地域の leaders such as Manchester 市長 Andy Burnham have also said the 制限s would stay on 輸送(する) in his city.

    私的な companies will be 許すd to make them a 必要物/必要条件 for 入ること/参加(者), as Ryanair has already 発表するd on its flights.

    An ONS 調査する this week 設立する that nearly two thirds of adults will continue to wear masks in shops and on public 輸送(する).

    乗客s on the London 地下組織の and several other train lines Will still have to wear masks unless 免除された ? after bosses 反抗するd the 政府's change to the 法律 by putting in place their own 指導/手引


    It will no longer be a 合法的な 必要物/必要条件 to ざっと目を通す a QR code on 入ること/参加(者) to a 発生地 as part of the 実験(する) and trace system. However, 発生地s will be 許すd to make use of the codes a 必要物/必要条件 for 入ること/参加(者) if they choose.

    It will also no longer be a 合法的な 必要物/必要条件 for pubs to 要求する 顧客s to order drinks at their (米)棚上げする/(英)提議するs.

    However, some pub chains may continue this ? meaning that people will still not be able to go to t he 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 if an individual pub 禁止(する)s it.


    The one-metre 支配する will be scrapped in 法律 ? meaning より小数の Perspex 審査するs in offices.

    It also means 歓待 商売/仕事s like pubs and restaurants won't have to 限界 顧客s to 確実にする they are spaced apart.?

    But people are now 存在 堅固に advised to 'minimise the number, proximity and duration of social 接触するs'.

    Chris Whitty even 示唆するd that people should 避ける 'unnecessary 会合s' - and said everyone should continue to がまんする by '手渡すs, 直面する, space'.

    However, the one-metre 支配する will continue to be 施行するd at 国境s, such as in airports, まっただ中に 関心 over people coming into the country with variants.?

    Social distancing 支配するs in pubs and restaurants will be scrapped from today. The change will mean many 商売/仕事s that were too small to open before will finally be able to open their doors (在庫/株 photo)


    There had been hopes that the 必要物/必要条件 for the 二塁打-jabbed to self-孤立する for up to 10 days when they are 'pinged' for coming in 接触する with a 肯定的な 事例/患者 would be dropped from July 19.

    However, that date was 押し進めるd 支援する to August 16 by Health 長官 Sajid Javid まっただ中に 関心s about 燃料ing rising 感染 numbers.

    The 支配するs on self-孤立/分離 for those who have not had two doses are staying in place for the time 存在.

    However, 公式の/役人s are working on ways of making the NHS app いっそう少なく 極度の慎重さを要する to 避ける millions of people 存在 doomed to 自宅監禁.

    And 大臣s have said work is 現在進行中の on a system of daily 実験(する)ing that could 潜在的に 取って代わる the self-孤立/分離 政権.? ?

    The 政府s 'work from home' message will be scrapped, but 取って代わるd with advice that any return to offices should be '漸進的な' over the summer while 事例/患者s are high


    The 政府's 'work from home' message will end and 雇用者s will be able to start to 計画(する) a return to workplaces, some having been empty since last March.

    But the 決定/判定勝ち(する) of course is still be up to individual 雇用者s.

    Some may decide to continue with working from home for the foreseeable 未来, although city cen tre 商売/仕事s such as cafes and 小売 have been hugely 影響する/感情d by the 欠如(する) of office 労働者s.

    政府 advice will also be that any return to offices should be '漸進的な' over the summer while 事例/患者s are high.?

    The 指導/手引 明言する/公表するs: 'Whilst 政府 is no longer 教えるing people to work from home if they can, 政府 would 推定する/予想する and recommend a 漸進的な return over the summer.'?

    Although 指導/手引 to 雇用者s will be slimmed 負かす/撃墜する, it will still encourage them to 確実にする rooms are 適切に ventilated to minimise 危険.



    The 現在の 制限 that people can only be seen by five 指名するd 訪問者s will be scrapped.

    But strict 感染-支配(する)/統制する 対策 ? such as the wearing of PPE and 正規の/正選手 きれいにする ? will continue, with more 詳細(に述べる) to be 発表するd later.?

    制限s on festivals and other large outdoor events will also end, meaning Reading and 物陰/風下d and the 小島 of Wight festival (pictured, 2017) will be 許すd to go ahead later this year


    Covid status certification ? いわゆる ワクチン パスポートs ? will not be 合法的に 要求するd within England.

    It is 存在 left up to individual 発生地s to decide themselves whether to 需要・要求する Covid status certification through the NHS App as a 条件 of 入ること/参加(者).

    The 政府 is 'encouraging' the use of Covid certification for large events.?

    Owners of busy indoor 発生地s such as nightclubs and busy city-centre 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s have been told to consider bringing in the パスポートs.

    The 政府 will 'encourage' 商売/仕事s and large events to use the NHS Covid Pass in 'high 危険 settings' - that is, where people are likely to be in 'の近くに proximity to others outside their 世帯'.

    Few 詳細(に述べる)s have been given, but the 指導/手引 could cover theatres, cinemas, indoor concerts and 展示s. The 政府 many consider 委任統治(領)ing certification in 確かな 発生地s at a later date.?


    A new system to 許す 二塁打-jabbed people to 避ける 検疫 after returning from amber-名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) countries will come into 軍隊 from July 19 - with one big exception.?

    A 政府 U-turn 発表するd on Friday night now means that even vaccinated Brits returning from フラン will have to 検疫 - 誘発するing fury as families were 軍隊d to 取り消す trips to?フラン?at the last-minute.?

    From today, 二塁打-jabbed people can 避ける 検疫 after returning from amber-名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) countries. However, travellers from フラン, where there is a large number of Beta variant 事例/患者s, will not be part of the 支配する 緩和


    There will be no 合法的な 限界s on social 接触する, meaning groups will not have to 限界 themselves to six people or two 世帯s if they are mixing indoors.?


    Groups outdoors can be as large as people want them to be.


    The 限界s on 出席 at weddings, funerals and other major life events are 存在 scrapped.

    Covid 事例/患者s across the UK have 急に上がるd by 52 per cent week-on-week, but the number of deaths has fallen わずかに
    Last week 26 people were 記録,記録的な/記録するd as having died from Covid, while 人物/姿/数字s 解放(する)d today showed 25 people had died of Covid in the last 24 hours
    This week's 人物/姿/数字s show 740 患者s had been 認める with Covid on July 13, and 4,313 in the week to that date


    There will be no more 制限s on the size of an audience at a concert or a show, or a (人が)群がる at a sports fixture, which means theatres and stadiums can run at 十分な capacity.


    All other 合法的な 必要物/必要条件s for 発生地s to の近くに will be 解除するd, 許すing night-time 産業s ? 含むing nightclubs ? to 再開する for the first time since the pandemic began.


    No 制限s on singing, or even 指導/手引 to 制限する it. It means singing by church choirs can continue ? as can karaoke nights.

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    Major UK cinema chain goes to the HIGH COURT in its final 企て,努力,提案 to try to save dozens of theatres from...