LIZ JONES: Kate is popular not just because she always looks perfect... but because she 辞退するs to be a 犠牲者. She's starting to (太陽,月の)食/失墜 the other Princess of むちの跡s

It was a startling 声明, perhaps a 無分別な one ? reminiscent of John Lennon's famous 宣言 that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.

Speaking on The Reaction, the Mail's 現在の 事件/事情/状勢s talk show, presenter and columnist Sarah Vine dared to utter the sacrilegiously unsayable:

'I think the Princess of むちの跡s is 急速な/放蕩な becoming as popular if not more popular than that other Princess of むちの跡s.'


As a long-time Diana 充てる, I was 即時に 乱暴/暴力を加えるd.

I'd always loved and admired Diana because she seemed, however perversely, to be humble - one of us にもかかわらず the aristocratic birth 権利.

The way she 死体d for the camera, or nervously patted her hairdo before some big, boring formal dinner.

I?d always loved and admired Diana because she seemed, however perversely, to be humble - one of us despite the aristocratic birth right, writes Liz Jones

I'd always loved and admired Diana because she seemed, however perversely, to be humble - one of us にもかかわらず the aristocratic birth 権利, 令状s Liz Jones

Catherine possesses the quiet dignity of those like the late Queen Elizabeth who were fired in the kiln of wartime, a steely stoicism that seemed to skip a couple of generations

Catherine 所有するs the 静かな dignity of those like the late Queen Elizabeth who were 解雇する/砲火/射撃d in the kiln of 戦時, a steely stoicism that seemed to skip a couple of 世代s

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Diana made mistakes ? we all do ? and not just with her see-throug h skirts but wearing 黒人/ボイコット when not at a funeral (not done for a 王室の) or showing way too much decolletage in yet another voluminous Emanuel dress.

Diana's Emanuel wedding gown was hopelessly creased and her choice in a husband was downright 悲惨な. What woman wouldn't sympathise?

As she opened up about her troubles, Diana helped 勧める in a MeToo age, the 明らかにするing of souls, the tell-all memoirs, the unstoppable 傾向 for wellness.

She was a godsend for some of us.

Having an eating disorder was not something to be ashamed of or 隠しだてする about ? thanks to Diana.

存在 honest about suicidal thoughts, her 不景気 and self-害(を与える) helped many a teenage girl sitting shivering in a bedroom to feel no longer alone.

A 騒然とした, far-from-perfect 私的な life sold newspapers and magazines, of course, and for the entirety of Diana's 統治する as Queen of 大混乱, I too was 令状ing about her.

My very first Shy Di assignment for Company magazine was to 跡をつける 負かす/撃墜する other 19-year-old brides who were 予定 to be married on that same day, July 29, 1981.

This 進歩d to 令状ing about my own 不景気, my eating disorder and the 崩壊(する) of my own marriage.

Diana was a lucrative if broken mirror to so many of our lives, meaning we clung to her - and still do.

If a beautiful princess can be so 猛烈に unhappy, then we all felt いっそう少なく alone, いっそう少なく to 非難する.

Speaking on The Reaction, the Mail?s current affairs talk show, presenter and columnist Sarah Vine dared to utter the sacrilegiously unsayable: ?I think the Princess of Wales is fast becoming as popular if not more popular than that other Princess of Wales?

Speaking on The Reaction, the Mail's 現在の 事件/事情/状勢s talk show, presenter and columnist Sarah Vine dared to utter the sacrilegiously unsayable: 'I think the Princess of むちの跡s is 急速な/放蕩な becoming as popular if not more popular than that other Princess of むちの跡s'

But the world has moved on.

And the 推論する/理由 I believe that Catherine has now topped a 最近の YouGov 投票 of most popular 王室の s - より勝るing even William and Charles - is that she personifies a more modern, self-保証するd ideal of womanhood.

Catherine 辞退するs to be a 犠牲者. She will not 許す herself to be 投げ上げる/ボディチェックするd on the choppy waters of whatever 運命/宿命 生じるs her.

It's 著名な that 占領するing third position in the YouGov 最高位のs is Anne, the Princess 王室の, another woman who 辞退するs to whinge or whine or buckle under the 負わせる of self-pity.

Catherine is popular not just because she is never creased or caught wearing the wrong thing but because she is strong.

Even when telling the world of her 癌 diagnosis, there was no hint of Poor Me, no hysteria, no man at her 味方する to 支え(る) her up.

She knew that, had she broken 負かす/撃墜する, we would have done the same.

Catherine 所有するs the 静かな dignity of those like the late Queen Elizabeth who were 解雇する/砲火/射撃d in the kiln of 戦時, a steely stoicism that seemed to skip a couple of 世代s.

I can't imagine Kate bleating about the menopause when her time comes.

So, reluctantly, I agree with Sarah Vine. There is a dignity and strength in just getting on with life. Putting the needs of others first.

Diana 実行するd a need: she opened the floodgates.

Catherine's 役割 today is 静かに and serenely to の近くに them.