Eagle Pass is using COVID-時代 refrigerated trailer morgues to 蓄える/店 migrant 団体/死体s as river 溺死するing and dehydration deaths 急に上がる

  • Eagle Pass 医療の examiner is 蓄える/店ing migrant 団体/死体s in 洪水 trailer?
  • Many of the migrants either 溺死する or died from dehydration?
  • WARNING: Some of the content and images below are graphic?

In 国境 hot 位置/汚点/見つけ出す Eagle Pass, the deadliest place to cross the US-Mexico 国境, the morgue has run out of space to keep migrant 団体/死体s.

地元の 当局 are 現在/一般に using a refrigerated trailer, bought during the pandemic, to house 28 団体/死体s, although the space is only meant for 20, 報告(する)/憶測d the Washington 地位,任命する.?

の中で them, an entire Venezuelan family who 溺死するd together.?

About half of 国境 crossers are not identified, as some migrants don't have ID on them when their bloated 団体/死体s are pulled from the river.?

Most are either drownings or have died from (危険などに)さらす to heat or dehydration on remote and 広大な Texas ranches.?

地元の 当局 仕事d with managing the 団体/死体s, 文書ing them and かもしれない reaching out to family members 直面する 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の challenges, like remains that have been in the river so long that the?現在の has literally washed away facial features.

'River. River. Ranch. Ranch,' a 地元の 治安判事 identified as Smith said while looking at photos of the dead on her phone. It's her 決定/判定勝ち(する) whether to request an 検視 for a migrant.

Local authorities are currently using a refrigerated trailer, bought during the pandemic, to house 28 bodies, although the space is only meant for 20

地元の 当局 are 現在/一般に using a refrigerated trailer, bought during the pandemic, to house 28 団体/死体s, although the space is only meant for 20

The grim interior of the makeshift morgue that became a symbol of the COVID pandemic

The grim 内部の of the 一時しのぎの物,策 morgue that became a symbol of the COVID pandemic?

A migrant is pulled from the water near Eagle Pass, Texas in video shared with DailyMail.com in February

A migrant is pulled from the water 近づく Eagle Pass, Texas in ビデオ 株d with DailyMail.com in February?

Migrants wade across the danger Rio Grande, the river the separates the US and Mexico

Migrants wade across the danger Rio Grande, the river the separates the US and Mexico

A mother and her child are rescued from the water by members of the Texas National Guard

A mother and her child are 救助(する)d from the water by members of the Texas 国家の Guard

'John Doe. Jane Doe. John Doe. Fetus, the mother gave birth at the river, but the baby didn’t 生き残る. They come from everywhere. I say a little 祈り for each one.'

More than 1.7 million migrants have 不法に crossed the 国境 from October to March of this year, によれば 連邦の 統計(学).?

The nation has been seeing historic numbers of migrants entering the country since 2021, having unintended consequences and 税金ing the scant 資源s in places like Eagle Pass.??

無所属の政治家 郡 had only put aside?$100,000 for 扱うing migrant 団体/死体s, but will spend more than?$1 million, the 郡 弁護士/代理人/検事 told the Washington paper.

The 記録,記録的な/記録する numbers of 国境 crossings have also led to a 記録,記録的な/記録する number in 救助(する)s, as migrants are often plucked from the river that separates Texas and Mexico.?

Known as the Rio Grande in the US, the river is called the Rio Bravo, or ferocious, in Mexico.

Border Patrol agents save a child from drowning along the Texas border

国境 Patrol スパイ/執行官s save a child from 溺死するing along the Texas 国境

An entire family in danger of drowning, is pulled from the river by Texas law enforcement

An entire family in danger of 溺死するing, is pulled from the river by Texas 法律 施行?

A woman and several children were among those saved

A woman and several children were の中で those saved

A child is bundled up after being plucked from the Rio Grande

A child is bundled up after 存在 plucked from the Rio Grande

国境 Patrol 救助(する)s of migrants have also 殺到するd to?37,323 in 2023.

By comparison, 2019 saw only 2,920 救助(する)d before the 国境 危機 began.?

At least 895 migrant died crossing into the US in 2022, the last year for which data is 利用できる.?

The 国際連合 指名するd the US-Mexico 国境 the deadliest 移住 land 大勝する in the world last year.??

The Del Rio, which Eagle Pass is a part of was the deadliest.?

Migrant crossings have dropped in Eagle Pass since January

Migrant crossings have dropped in Eagle Pass since January?

A Mexican National Guardsman shines a light as a police officer uses a stick to rescue a woman from Columbia who was rapidly being pulled downstream by the rushing current while attempting to cross the Rio Grande

A Mexican 国家の Guardsman 向こうずねs a light as a police officer uses a stick to 救助(する) a woman from Columbia who was 速く 存在 pulled 石油精製 by the 急ぐing 現在の while 試みる/企てるing to cross the Rio Grande

< div class="image-wrap"> A man attempts to resuscitate a man from Mexico who is unconscious and lays on the shore of the Rio Grande River near Eagle Pass

A man 試みる/企てるs to resuscitate a man from Mexico who is unconscious and lays on the shore of the Rio Grande River 近づく Eagle Pass

?But the 開始するing (死傷者)数 is more than just a 財政上の one.

Many migrants are buried without their families ever knowing what happened to them, as 欠如(する) of ID 妨げるs notification.?

American first responders who pull the bloated 団体/死体s from the river also feel it.

Firefighter and 緊急 医療の 専門家技術者 Marcos Kypuros 救助(する)d severn children in just weeks in November.?

'It got to the point where I’d put them in the 団体/死体 捕らえる、獲得するs in a way so that I wouldn’t have to even see their 直面するs anymore,' he told the 出口.

He 避ける talking about his work with family but has to 詳細(に述べる) the 団体/死体 retrievals at work in painful 詳細(に述べる).

副 Sgt. Aaron Horta is 仕事d with 文書ing the remains.?

He 目録s scars, tattoos, birthmarks and 着せる/賦与するing to help ID a migrant whose family might come looking for them.

Before he photographs the 死んだ, he 適用するs?Vicks VapoRub under his nose and takes menthol lozenges to mask the smell of decaying 死体s.?

'If they’ve been in the water awhile, their 肌 gets pruned and webby and starts to peel off. Their 注目する,もくろむs, nose and mouth get swollen. For a while, I couldn’t sleep,' Horta said.