Moment 巨大(な) 'slingshot' hurls payloads 25,000 feet above Earth's surface: Colossal accelerator with an arm that spins 5,000 miles per hour is 始める,決める to 開始する,打ち上げる 衛星s into 軌道 by 2026

  • A 巨大(な) accelerator 行為/行うd its 10th 実験(する) where it 発射 payloads 25,000 feet above Earth's surface
  • The 施設 is designed with a 回転/交替ing arm that spins at 15,000 miles per hour?
  • The payloads were 開始する,打ち上げるd through a tube at the 最高の,を越す of the accelerator with more 軍隊 than a ロケット/急騰する 開始する,打ち上げるing to space
  • This is a 批判的な step to using the accelerator to send 衛星s into 軌道?

The moment a 大規模な slingshot-like accelerator that hurls payloads into the 成層圏 with more 軍隊 than a ロケット/急騰する 開始する,打ち上げる has 覆うd the way for a unique method to send 衛星s into low Earth 軌道 - and the feat could happen by 2026.

The suborbital accelerator, which stands four feet taller than the Statue of Liberty, features a 回転/交替ing arm that moves at 5,000 miles per hour and shoots 発射物s 25,000 feet above Earth’s surface.

The 施設 is the brainchild of SpinLaunch, a company 目的(とする)ing to 供給する 平易な 接近 to space, which is 存在 developed to send 440-続けざまに猛撃する 衛星s? 200,000 feet above Earth's surface.

The 実験(する) 含むd payloads from 航空宇宙局, Airbus, Cornell University and 衛星 製造者 生産(高) Space and was 行為/行うd to see if such items could withstand 10,000 g - a ロケット/急騰する carrying humans to space only has three g because the 団体/死体 can only stand so much acceleration at a time.

G-軍隊, or gravitational 軍隊 同等(の), is the 手段 of 軍隊 and acceleration of an 反対する.

The giant accelerator, which is taller than the Statue of Liberty, sits at?Spaceport America in the Jornada del Muerto desert of New Mexico

The 巨大(な) accelerator, which is taller than the Statue of Liberty, sits at?Spaceport America in the Jornada del Muerto 砂漠 of New Mexico

It has a rotating arm that moves at 15,000 miles per hour, spinning payloads inside in order to hurl them at significant speeds

It has a 回転/交替ing arm that moves at 15,000 miles per hour, spinning payloads inside ーするために hurl them at 重要な 速度(を上げる)s

Jonathan Yaney, 創立者 and CEO of SpinLaunch, said in a 声明: ‘Flight 実験(する) 10 代表するs a 重要な inflection point for SpinLaunch, as we’ve opened the Suborbital Accelerator system externally for our 顧客s, 戦略の partners, and 研究 groups,

‘The data and insights collected from flight 実験(する)s will be invaluable for both SpinLaunch, as we その上の the 開発 of the 軌道の 開始する,打ち上げる system, and for our 顧客s who are looking to us to 供給する them with low-cost, high-cadence, 維持できる 接近 to space.’

The accelerator is 位置を示すd at Spaceport America in the Jornada del Muerto 砂漠 of New Mexico, which is the same place Virgin Galactic 開始する,打ち上げるs its 軌道の flights.

NASA, Airbus, Cornell University and a satellite manufacturer provided different technologies for the payload. They all survived the launch and the fall back to Earth

航空宇宙局, Airbus, Cornell University and a 衛星 製造業者 供給するd different 科学(工学)技術s for the payload. They all 生き残るd the 開始する,打ち上げる and the 落ちる 支援する to Earth

The system includes a disc-shaped accelerator powered by an electric drive that hurls payloads around at thousands of miles per hour before releasing it at the top through the launch tube

The system 含むs a レコード-形態/調整d accelerator 力/強力にするd by an electric driv e that hurls payloads around at thousands of miles per hour before 解放(する)ing it at the 最高の,を越す through the 開始する,打ち上げる tube?

The facility is the brainchild of SpinLaunch, a company aiming to provide easy access to space, which is being developed it to send 440-pound satellites 200,000 feet above Earth's surface

The 施設 is the brainchild of SpinLaunch, a company 目的(とする)ing to 供給する 平易な 接近 to space, which is 存在 developed it to send 440-続けざまに猛撃する 衛星s 200,000 feet above Earth's surface

The system 含むs a レコード-形態/調整d accelerator 力/強力にするd by an electric 運動 that hurls payloads around at thousands of miles per hour before 解放(する)ing it at the 最高の,を越す through the 開始する,打ち上げる tube.

Earlier this year, SpinLaunch 調印するd a Space 行為/法令/行動する 協定 with 航空宇宙局 to develop, 統合する and 飛行機で行く a 航空宇宙局 payload, 供給するing the 機関 with the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) necessary to 決定する the 可能性のある of 未来 商業の 開始する,打ち上げる 適切な時期s with SpinLaunch.

航空宇宙局 供給するd?a Data 取得/買収 部隊 (DAQ) to 逮捕(する) 批判的な 開始する,打ち上げる 特徴 of SpinLaunch’s kinetic 開始する,打ち上げる system.?

The sensor 控訴 was equipped with two accelerometers in 新規加入 to a gyrosco pe, magnetometer and sensors for 圧力, 気温 and 湿度.?

Flight 実験(する) 10, which took place on September 27,?was 首尾よく 回復するd and 除去するd from the Flight 実験(する) 乗り物.?

SpinLaunch 実験(する) engineers retrieved the data and reviewed it with 航空宇宙局 職員/兵員 from their Flight 適切な時期s program, who were onsite to 観察する the Flight 実験(する) in person.

Payloads from?Airbus, Cornell, and Outpost Space also 生き残るd 存在 発射 from the 開始する,打ち上げる tube.?

Outpost 含むd an onboard flight computer, Airbus gave a 衛星 sensor and? Cornell’s Space Systems Design Studio 供給するd several ChipSats.