航空宇宙局-支援するd Peregrine One has 'NO CHANCE' of 上陸 on the moon as leaky 燃料 戦車/タンク has 40 hours left - and $108M (手先の)技術 with JFK's デオキシリボ核酸 and other's ashes are 始める,決める to drift into the 不明瞭

  • The 航空宇宙局-支援するd 使節団 to the moon is 推定する/予想するd to 衝突,墜落 on the lunar surface
  • The Peregrine lunar lander has about 40 hours of propellant left?
  • READ MORE:??First US lunar lander since Apollo 開始する,打ち上げるs に向かって the moon

America's first lunar lander in over 50 years has been abandoned 予定 to 批判的な loss of 燃料 during its 旅行 to the moon.

Astrobotic, which 開始する,打ち上げるd the first 私的な lunar 使節団 Monday, 明らかにする/漏らすd the Peregrine 宇宙船 is 推定する/予想するd to run out of 燃料 in about 40 hours.

'Given the propellant 漏れる, there is, unfortunately, no chance of a soft 上陸 on the moon,' the Pittsburg-based company 株d in an 告示.

The 1.2-トン lander is carrying $108 million 価値(がある) of 航空宇宙局 器具s, a hair 見本 from US 大統領 John F Kennedy, and the ashes of 60 other people 始める,決める to be dropped on the lunar surface.

When the 燃料 is expended, Peregrine's solar パネル盤s will slip into 不明瞭, and the 殴打/砲列s will quickly drain.?

Astrobotic, which launched the first private lunar mission Monday, revealed the Peregrine spacecraft is expected to run out of fuel in about 40 hours

Astrobotic, which 開始する,打ち上げるd the first 私的な lunar 使節団 Monday, 明らかにする/漏らすd the Peregrine 宇宙船 is 推定する/予想するd to run out of 燃料 in about 40 hours

?'夜通し, the team 直面するd another 宇宙船 pointing 問題/発行する but continues to persevere,'?Astrobotic 株d.

'The 宇宙船 started to 攻撃する away from the Sun and 減ずるd its solar 力/強力にする 世代.?

'The team was able to update the 支配(する)/統制する algorithm and 直す/買収する,八百長をする this 問題/発行する.'

Astrobotics believes the propulsion anomaly was a 弁 between the helium pressurant and the oxidizer failed to reseal.?

'This led to a 急ぐ of high-圧力 helium that spiked the 圧力 in the oxidizer 戦車/タンク beyond its operating 限界 and subsequently 決裂d the 戦車/タンク,'?Astrobotics 株d.

'While this is a working theory, a 十分な 分析 報告(する)/憶測 will be produced by a formal review board made up of 産業 専門家s after the 使節団 is 完全にする.?

'All 利用できる data is 存在 downloaded from the lander to support this 査定/評価.'

The company said Peregrine is in?stable operating 方式, and the team is collecting data to 改善する the next lunar lander 使節団, Griffin.

The 初期の hiccup started about seven hours after?a new 部隊d 開始する,打ち上げる 同盟 Vulcan ロケット/急騰する took off from Cap Canaveral, Florida at 2:18am ET.

While 分離 was successful, Peregrine experienced an 問題/発行する with its propulsion system すぐに after that 妨げるd its ability to point its solar パネル盤s at the sun.

The 1.2-ton lander is carrying $108 million worth of NASA instruments, a hair sample from US President John F Kennedy, and the ashes of 60 other people set to be dropped on the lunar surface

The 1.2-トン lander is carrying $108 million 価値(がある) of 航空宇宙局 器具s, a hair 見本 from US 大統領 John F Kennedy, and the ashes of 60 other people 始める,決める to be dropped on the lunar surface

The Peregrine lander was supposed to make the journey to the moon and enter lunar orbit, but it now appears it will run out of fuel long before any landing attempt would be possible

The Peregrine lander was supposed to make the 旅行 to the moon and enter lunar 軌道, but it now appears it will run out of 燃料 long before any 上陸 試みる/企てる would be possible

And this was 予定 to a 批判的な loss of 燃料.

The 軍隊 of the 漏れる was enough to 押し進める the Peregrine lander into a spin, 要求するing even more 燃料 to be 燃やすd to keep it sun-直面するing.?

While the loss saddens the world, people have 拍手喝采する Astrobotic's for the 試みる/企てる and called Peregrine 'a 支持する/優勝者 all the way through.'?

Peregrine One will never land on the moon, but it will carry its 貨物 of five 航空宇宙局 科学の 器具s for as long as the (手先の)技術 has 力/強力にする.

This 貨物 含むs a hair 見本 from John F Kennedy, Dwight D Eisenhower, and George Washington. 見本s

The lander also 持つ/拘留するs the remains of 星/主役にする Trek creator 遺伝子 Roddenberry, と一緒に the ashes of around 60 other individuals.

A picture from Peregrine shows a disturbance to its insulation, the first visual sign of a critical fuel leak

A picture from Peregrine shows a 騒動 to its insulation, the first visual 調印する of a 批判的な 燃料 漏れる

The initial hiccup started about seven hours after a new United Launch Alliance Vulcan rocket took off from Cap Canaveral, Florida at 2:18am ET

The 初期の hiccup started about seven hours after a new 部隊d 開始する,打ち上げる 同盟 Vulcan ロケット/急騰する took off from Cap Canaveral, Florida at 2:18am ET

The 使節団 was 組織するd by Celestis, a company 専攻するing in 火葬するd remains and デオキシリボ核酸 見本s to outer space and 申し込む/申し出s 一括s for moon burials that start at $2,500.

Each 見本 was placed inside a silver-colored cylinder before 存在 負担d into the (手先の)技術, which will then litter the lunar surface.

Peregrine One is just the first of a new wave of 私的な lunar 事業/計画(する)s 基金d by 航空宇宙局 for 2024.

Under the space 機関's 商業の Lunar Payload Services program 航空宇宙局 will 支払う/賃金 $2.6 billion in 契約s for 私的な companies to フェリー(で運ぶ) science and 科学(工学)技術 事業/計画(する)s to the Lunar surface.

Astrobotic was paid $108 million?to carry 器具s for 航空宇宙局.

The 商業の 投機・賭けるs to the lunar surface come as part of the most 重要な American 押し進める for the Moon in 50 years.

航空宇宙局's Artemis program looks to have American 宇宙飛行士s walking o n the Moon within the next few years.

However, the 機関 has recently committed that an international 宇宙飛行士 will join the Americans on the Moon before the end of the 10年間.

航空宇宙局 will send a team of 宇宙飛行士s into lunar 軌道 before returning to Earth, with the 開始する,打ち上げる 潜在的に scheduled for later this year.

私的な companies must 供給する 科学の 観察s and 輸送(する) services to 準備する for these 使節団s.