How YOU can 指名する an asteroid: Japan asks for help in creating moniker for space 激しく揺する the size of the Golden Gate 橋(渡しをする) that its (手先の)技術 will 調査/捜査する in 2026

  • Japan's space 機関 is open to any, '非,不,無-不快な/攻撃' 指名する under 16-characters
  • Winning 指名する will join asteroids like Bennu 指名するd after a mythical Egyptian bird
  • READ MORE: 航空宇宙局 開始する,打ち上げるs Psyche 使節団 to $10,000 QUADRILLION asteroid

Japan's space 機関, JAXA, wants your help 指名するing a silicon-based asteroid 巨大(な) that? 概略で the size of the Golden Gate 橋(渡しをする).?

The 研究員s are looking for any?― '非,不,無-不快な/攻撃'?― suggestions, 16-characters long or いっそう少なく, that are better than the 現在の 指名する: 2001 CC21.

The (選挙などの)運動をする, which ends May 9, comes ahead of JAXA's 計画(する)s to 飛行機で行く their?Hayabusa2 space 調査(する) passed this stony, だいたい 1,300-to-1,800-foot long 近づく-Earth asteroid in July 2026.

The winning 指名する will join the likes of asteroid 162173 Ryugu, 指名するd after a magical underwater 'Dragon Palace' from Japanese folklore;?101955 Bennu, 指名するd after a bird from Egyptian mythology;?and many more 軌道ing our solar system.

Japan's space agency, JAXA, wants your help naming a silicon-based asteroid giant very roughly the size of the Golden Gate Bridge.?The campaign comes ahead of JAXA's plans to fly their Hayabusa2 space probe (depicted above) passed the stony, nearly 1,800-foot long object

Japan's space 機関, JAXA, wants your help 指名するing a silicon-based asteroid 巨大(な) very 概略で the size of the Golden Gate 橋(渡しをする).?The (選挙などの)運動をする comes ahead of JAXA's 計画(する)s to 飛行機で行く their Hayabusa2 space 調査(する) (描写するd above) passed the stony, nearly 1,800-foot long 反対する

JAXA researchers are looking for any ? 'non-offensive' ? suggestions, 16-characters long or less, and better than the S-type asteroid's current name: (98943) 2001 CC21
After May 9th, The winning name will join? asteroid 162173 Ryugu, named after a magical underwater 'Dragon Palace' from Japanese folklore and 101955 Bennu, named after the Egyptian mythological bird

JAXA 研究員s are looking for any - '非,不,無-不快な/攻撃' - suggestions, 16-characters long or いっそう少なく, and better than the S-type asteroid's 現在の 指名する: 2001 CC21.?After May 9, the winning 指名する will join Bennu, na med after the Egyptian mythological bird, and many more in 軌道

Asteroid 2001 CC21 軌道s the sun once every 383.1 days or 1.05 years, just a little longer than Earth's own 軌道 around the Sun.

While the space 激しく揺する's distance qualifies it as a '近づく-Earth 反対する,' by the 基準s of?航空宇宙局's science 鮮明度/定義 team, the asteroid only ever gets as の近くに as 0.08 天文学の 部隊s, or 7,436,465 miles, from Earth's 軌道.

Those millions of miles are a healthy, 安全な distance for an asteroid like 2001 CC21, which is larger than 97-パーセント of known asteroids ― but small compared to the the largest known 巨大(な)s in our solar system, like 記録,記録的な/記録する-支えるもの/所有者 'dwarf 惑星' 1 Ceres.

Ceres, which?軌道s the Sun between 火星 and Jupiter and carries a payload of salty ice, clocks in at 600 miles-long and 重さを計るs an 概算の?1035 トンs (939,300 kg), making it over 1,700 times larger than 2001 CC21.

Japan's space agency, JAXA, has given the Hayabusa2 probe its own cartoon mascot,?Haya2-kun (above) - whose motto is 'Do My Best!'
 The probe will image the asteroid 2001 CC21 in July 2026

Japan's space 機関, JAXA, has given the Hayabusa2 調査(する) its own 風刺漫画 mascot,?Haya2-kun (above) - whose motto is 'Do My Best!' The 調査(する) will image the asteroid 2001 CC21 in July 2026

First discovered on February 3, 2001 by the US 空気/公表する 軍隊's Lincoln 近づく-Earth Asteroid 研究 (LINEAR) 成果/努力,?2001 CC21 has gone over two 10年間s 無名の.

In 2026, Japan's?Hayabusa2 調査(する) will pass 2001 CC21, under the asteroid's new 指名する, 飛行機で行くing by at a 速度(を上げる) of 5 キロメーターs-per-second (11,200 miles-per-hour).

The new 使節団?― unlike Hayabusa2's 見本-collecting 使節団 to asteroid?Ryugu, where it 開始する,打ち上げるd a 巡査-大砲 ball?to break up and 収穫 見本s ― will only take high-質 images of 2001 CC21 from as の近くに as it can get.

But for those who want to lay (人命などを)奪う,主張する to 指名するing 2001 CC21, JAXA 公式文書,認めるs that their 競争 will 固執する to strict International 天文学の Union’s 指導基準s.

The new mission ? unlike Hayabusa's sample-collecting mission to asteroid Ryugu, where it launched a copper-cannon ball to break up and harvest samples ? will only take high-quality images of 2001 CC21 from as close as it can get.

The new 使節団 ― unlike Hayabusa's 見本-collecting 使節団 to asteroid Ryugu, where it 開始する,打ち上げるd a 巡査-大砲 ball to break up and 収穫 見本s ― will only take high-質 images of 2001 CC21 from as の近くに as it can get.

Scientists hope Hayabusa2's asteroid missions, like the upcoming trip to image 2001 CC21, will provide clues into what the Solar System was like at its birth some 4.6 billion years ago

Scientists hope Hayabusa2's asteroid 使節団s, like the 近づいている trip to image 2001 CC21, will 供給する 手がかり(を与える)s into what the Solar System was like at its birth some 4.6 billion years ago

Hayabusa2's 2019 mission to the asteroid Ryugu (above) had a price tag of around 30 billion yen ($270 million) and made history by creating of the first man-made crater on an asteroid

Hayabusa2's 2019 使節団 to the asteroid Ryugu (above) had a price tag of around 30 billion yen ($270 million) and made history by creating of the first man-made 噴火口,クレーター on an asteroid

To start, the international 団体/死体 frowns upon 指名するs that a un-pronounceable, 不快な/攻撃, or longer than 16 alphabetical characters.

The ideal 指名する is only one word and 'not too 類似の to an 存在するing 指名する of a Minor 惑星 or natural Planetary 衛星.'

READ MORE: 航空宇宙局 moves one step closer to answering human origin story as they 熟考する/考慮する asteroid that may carry the building 封鎖するs of life

航空宇宙局's OSIRI-REx 宇宙船 returned to Earth in September, carrying 見本s of the asteroid Bennu. 早期に 分析 of the 激しく揺するs and dust show 調印するs of water and 有機の 分子s.?


The 指導基準s encourage submitters to 避ける 申し込む/申し出ing the 指名するs of their pets or 指名するs of 商業の brands.

They also said that the 指名するs of any political or 軍の leader or event from history, no 事柄 how beloved, are 'unsuitable until 100 years after the death of the individual or the occurrence of the event.'

'反対するs that approach or cross Earth's 軌道 (いわゆる 近づく Earth Asteroids or 近づく Earth 反対するs: NEOs) are 一般に given mythological 指名するs,' JAXA 公式文書,認めるd?in a 声明 発表するing the (選挙などの)運動をする.

'That said, there are exceptions to this 支配する,' they 公式文書,認めるd, 'such as asteroid Itokawa.'?

'So you are also welcome to 示唆する a 指名する outside mythology.'

Discovered in 1998 by a US 空気/公表する 軍隊 LINEAR 脅し 査定/評価 program, the 潜在的に 危険な 25143 Itokawa was 指名するd in 栄誉(を受ける) of Japanese ロケット/急騰する engineer Hideo Itokawa in 2009.?

Aspiring (選挙などの)運動をする-勝利者s might want to take 公式文書,認める that 観察s of 2001 CC21 示唆する that it 耐えるs an elongated 形態/調整, 類似の to Itokawa, unlike the 概略で spherical, meatball 形態/調整 of asteroids like Ryugu.

以前 successful asteroid 指名するs, 含むing?128 Nemesis,?16 Psyche, and 48 Doris, have come from characters of Greek mythology.?

Others like, 324 Bamberga, which is 指名するd after the German town of Bamberg, or?511 Davida, 指名するd after Amherst astronomy professor David つつく/ペック Todd, were given a personal 指名する more tied to their 発見.

JAXA said that 利益/興味d parties can 服従させる/提出する their asteroid 指名する ideas?online 経由で their form, so long as they are '非,不,無-不快な/攻撃,' through May 9.