SpaceX ³ô ÁÇÀ²¤é¤·¤¤ images of Starship ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë rehearsal that Ééôd more than 10 million ³¤±¤¶¤Þ¤ËÌԷ⤹¤ës of propellant on the ¡Ê¼êÀè¤Î¡Ëµ»½Ñ - as Elon Musk ÃíÌܤ¹¤ë¡¤¤â¤¯¤í¤às µ°Æ»¤Î »ÈÀáÃÄ this month

Elon Musk's?SpaceX ²òÊü¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëd out-of-this-world photos of its Starship¡Çs third ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë rehearsal as the company »î¤ß¤ë¡¿´ë¤Æ¤ës to send the world¡Çs biggest ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë into space this month.

The Starship and its ºÇ¹â¤Î ·ã¤·¤¤ booster were filled with more than 10 million ³¤±¤¶¤Þ¤ËÌԷ⤹¤ës of propellent ´Þ¤àing liquid methane and liquid oxygen.

The Â絬ÌÏ¤Ê ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë stands 395 feet tall and has 33 Raptor engines that Êü½Ð¤¹¤ë 17 million ³¤±¤¶¤Þ¤ËÌԷ⤹¤ës of thrust ? the ·³Ââ ȯ´ø¤¹¤ëd by the ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë that ¸¶°ø¡Ê¤È¤Ê¤ë¡Ës it to ÇúÇË off.?

However, the world's most powerful ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë will remain grounded until the Ϣˮ¤Î ¹Ò¶õ ¹ÔÀ¯ (FAA) ´°Á´¤Ë¤¹¤ës its »ö¸Î Ä´ºº that was opened when a previous Starship took off and Çúȯ¤¹¤ëd Ãæ±û¤Î-¶õµ¤¡¿¸øɽ¤¹¤ë in November.

The Starship is filled with 10 million pounds of propellent including liquid methane and liquid oxygen

The Starship is filled with 10 million ³¤±¤¶¤Þ¤ËÌԷ⤹¤ës of propellent ´Þ¤àing liquid methane and liquid oxygen

The test launch took place at SpaceX¡Çs Starbase facility in Boca Chica, Texas

The ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë took place at SpaceX¡Çs Starbase »ÜÀß in Boca Chica, Texas

The ·³Ââ Starship ²òÊü¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ës at ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë is almost ÆóÎÝÂÇd Saturn V that was the most powerful ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë in ¹Ò¶õ±§Ãè¶É¡Çs space ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë ʼ´ï¸Ë until Elon Musk ¡Êµ¡¤Î¡Ë¥«¥à on the scene.

Musk has °ÊÁ° ³µ»»¤Î the total ³«È¯ cost of the Starship »ö¶È¡¿·×²è¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë to be between $2 billion and $10 billion.?

SpaceX¡Çs photos of its rehearsal for ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë show the ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë ÂçÇÈing smoke from all angles as it reached the T-10-second countdown.

Musk hopes to fully ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë the Starship at least nine times this year with the °Õ¸þ of ·ë¶É carrying humans to ²ÐÀ±.

The company has had trouble getting FAA À§Ç§ after its two failed ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ës, the first of which ended in an Çúȯ over the ÏÑ of Mexico in April of last year.

It was supposed to travel 90 miles above ground for 90 minutes, but ¤¹¤°¤Ë after the ºÇ¹â¤Î ·ã¤·¤¤ booster detached, Starship Çúȯ¤¹¤ëd over the ÏÑ of Mexico off the coast of Texas about four minutes into the »ÈÀáÃÄ.

After the Çúȯ, SpaceX ÃÏ°Ì¡¤Ç¤Ì¿¤¹¤ëd on X: ¡ÆWith a ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë like this, success comes from what we learn, and today¡Çs ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë will help us ²þÁ±¤¹¤ë Starship¡Çs reliability as SpaceX Áܤ·½Ð¤¹s to make life multi-planetary.¡Ç

The Starship rocket is 395 feet tall and has 33 Raptor engines that blast out 17 million pounds of thrust

The Starship ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë is 395 feet tall and has 33 Raptor engines that ÇúÇË out 17 million ³¤±¤¶¤Þ¤ËÌԷ⤹¤ës of thrust

SpaceX has nine planned launches this year, despite not having received FAA approval yet

SpaceX has nine planned ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ës this year, ¤Ë¤â¤«¤«¤ï¤é¤º not having received FAA À§Ç§ yet

The FAA ȯɽ¤¹¤ëd it was °ì»þŪ¤Ë grounding the entire Starship (n)´ÏÂâ¡¿(a)ÁÇÁᤤ ¤¹¤°¤Ë after the Çúȯ, and said in a À¼ÌÀ: ¡ÆAn anomaly occurred during the ascent and »öÁ°¤Î to ¹Ô¤¦¡¿³«ºÅ¤¹¤ë¡¿Ãʳ¬ ʬΥ resulting in a loss of the ¾è¤êʪ,¡Ç CNN Êó¹ð¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿²±Â¬d.

It continued: ¡ÆA return to flight of the Starship / ºÇ¹â¤Î ·ã¤·¤¤ ¾è¤êʪ is based on the FAA ·èÄꤹ¤ëing that any system, ²áÄø, or ¼ê³¤­ ´Ø·¸¤Î¤¢¤ë to the »ö¸Î does not ±Æ¶Á¤¹¤ë¡¿´¶¾ð public safety.¡Ç

The FAA ¤Î¶á¤¯¤Ëd its Ä´ºº in September, Àâ the company had taken 63 corrective ³èÆ°¡¿ÀïÆ®s ´Þ¤àing redesigning the ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë¡ Çs ¶âʪÎà¡¿Éð´ïÎà to ˸¤²¤ë ϳ¤ì¤ës and ²ò¸Û¤¹¤ë¡¿Ë¤²Ð¡¿¼Í·âs, redesigning its ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë pad, and ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëing safety ÈãȽŪ¤Ê systems ´Þ¤àing the ¼«¼£¸¢¤Î¤¢¤ë Flight Safety System.

READ MORE:?Why did the SpaceX Starship Çúȯ¤¹¤ë after ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë? All you need to know after the world's most powerful ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë blows up just minutes into its maiden µ°Æ»¤Î flight?

After just three minutes, the ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë blew up as its two halves could not separate as planned.?


Two months later, SpaceX made its second ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë »î¤ß¤ë¡¿´ë¤Æ¤ë but it failed about eight minutes into the ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë »ÈÀáÃÄ when it reached an ¹âÅÙ of 91 miles above the Earth¡Çs surface before Çúȯ¤¹¤ëing.

¡ÆMore things were successful than in the previous ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë, ´Þ¤àing some new ǽÎÏs that were ½ÅÍפÊ,¡Ç said Carissa Christensen, CEO of space analytics ²ñ¼Ò¡¿·ø¤¤ BryceTech, told Reuters at the time.

¡ÆThere's not money and patience for À©¸Â¤Î¤Ê¤¤ ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ës,¡Ç she said, ¡ÆBut for a ¾è¤êʪ that is so different and so big, two, three, four, five ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ës is not ²áÅÙ¤Î.¡Ç

After the second Starship's failed ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë, the FAA said it wouldn¡Çt ¸¢¸Â¤òÍ¿¤¨¤ë SpaceX¡Çs Starship for liftoff without ¤½¤Î¾å¤Î safety considerations, but a spokesperson told Payload that the FAA is working closely with the company to give it À§Ç§.

¡ÆThey¡Çre looking at a pretty ÀѶËŪ¤Ê ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë schedule this year,¡Ç Kelvin Coleman, the FAA¡Çs associate ¹ÔÀ¯´±¡¿´ÉÍý¼Ô for ¾¦¶È¤Î space transportation said last month at a ¾¦¶È¤Î Space Transportation ²ñµÄ¡¿¶¨µÄ²ñ in DC, ArsTechnica Êó¹ð¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿²±Â¬d.

¡ÆIf you¡Çre doing modifications and doing it one by one, that¡Çs a lot of work. We¡Çve been talking to SpaceX constantl y around the clock, talking about how do we do this?¡Ç

He Äɲ乤ëd: ¡ÆWe're Åê»ñ¤¹¤ëd with the company, and so we'll work with them to get them »Ù±ç¤¹¤ë going as soon as they can.¡Ç

Coleman said the FAA ¿äÄꤹ¤ë¡¿Í½ÁÛ¤¹¤ës to be able to ÌäÂ꡿ȯ¹Ô¤¹¤ë a ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë license to SpaceX for its Starship flight in Ãæ±û¤Î-March as the company has a Ū of at least nine ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ës in 2024.

Starship is not ¸½ºß¡¿°ìÈÌ¤Ë Í­Ç½¤Ê of sending humans to ²ÐÀ±, but all that could change with the ³«È¯ of Elon Musk's Starship, which has been built to take the first ±§ÃèÈô¹Ô»Îs to the Red ÏÇÀ± by 2030.

Its ÁϤ is part of the ²¯ËüĹ¼Ô's grander ¸«Ä̤· of making us a 'multi-planetary ¼ïÎà', first by starting a human ¿¢Ì±ÃÏ on ²ÐÀ± and even getting to the point of building cities.?