先史の piercings! Archaeologists discover 証拠 of 団体/死体 perforation in 骸骨/概要s dating 支援する 11,000 years

  • Archaeologists have discovered the earliest 証拠 of 団体/死体 perforation?
  • Only adults had piercings, 示唆するing it was a coming-of-age ritual?

Most parents only let their children get their ears pierced when they reach a 確かな age.

But while this may 誘発する some 緊張, the practice may have been going on for thousands of years, によれば a new 熟考する/考慮する.

Archaeologists have discovered the earliest 証拠 of 団体/死体 perforation in 骸骨/概要s dating 支援する 11,000 years.

And 分析 shows only adults had piercings, 示唆するing the 先史の tradition may have been a coming-of-age ritual.

A team from Ankara University have 明らかにするd more than 100 ornaments that were buried in the 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大なs of 11,000-year-old individuals at the Boncuklu Tarla archaeological 場所/位置 in Turkey.

Archaeologists have discovered the earliest evidence of body perforation in skeletons dating back 11,000 years

Archaeologists have discovered the earliest 証拠 of 団体/死体 perforation in 骸骨/概要s dating 支援する 11,000 years

And analysis shows only adults had piercings, suggesting the prehistoric tradition may have been a coming-of-age ritual

And 分析 shows only adults had piercings, 示唆するing the 先史の tradition may have been a coming-of-age ritual

They were 設立する 直接/まっすぐに next to their ears and chins, 供給するing strong 証拠 that they were worn in piercings.

Of the ornaments 設立する, 85 are 完全にする and most are made from 石灰岩, obsidian or river pebbles.

Their 変化させるing sizes and 形態/調整s 示唆する that they were made for use both in ear and lower lip piercings, the team said.

その上の examination 明らかにする/漏らすd that both males and 女性(の)s had the piercings, but they were 排他的に worn by adults.

非,不,無 of the child burials at the 場所/位置 had any 証拠 of these ornaments.

This 示唆するs that piercings were not just aesthetic, but also had social significance, the 研究員s said, 追加するing it is likely they 行為/法令/行動するd as a 儀式 of passage, signifying a person reaching 成熟.

Of the ornaments found, 85 are complete and most are made from limestone, obsidian or river pebbles

Of the ornaments 設立する, 85 are 完全にする and most are made from 石灰岩, obsidian or river pebbles

A team from Ankara University have unearthed more than 100 ornaments that were buried in the graves of 11,000-year-old individuals at the Boncuklu Tarla archaeological site in Turkey

A team from Ankara University have 明らかにするd more than 100 ornaments that were buried in the 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大なs of 11,000-year-old individuals at the Boncuklu Tarla archaeological 場所/位置 in Turkey

These 発見s 供給する the first 指示,表示する物 as to the 目的 for which the earliest piercings were made and worn.

Co-author Dr Emma Baysal said: 'It shows that traditions that are still very much part of our lives today were already developed at the important 過度期の time when people first started to settle in 永久の villages in western Asia more than 10,000 years ago.'

It also 供給するs an 付加 means to 調査する how people in the past 表明するd their 身元s through their personal 外見s.

'They had very コンビナート/複合体 ornamentation practices 伴う/関わるing beads, bracelets and pendants, 含むing a very 高度に developed 象徴的な world which was all 表明するd through the medium of the human 団体/死体,' Dr Baysal 追加するd.

The findings were published in t he 定期刊行物 Antiquity.

These discoveries provide the first indication as to the purpose for which the earliest piercings were made and worn

These 発見s 供給する the first 指示,表示する物 as to the 目的 for which the earliest piercings were made and worn


Since his discovery on 19 December 1991 by German hikers, ?tzi (artist's impression) has provided window into 
early human history.

Since his 発見 on 19 December 1991 by German hikers, ?tzi (artist's impression) has 供給するd window into 早期に human history.

Since his 発見 on 19 December 1991 by German hikers, ?tzi has 供給するd a window into 早期に human history.

His mummified remains were 暴露するd in melting glacier in the 山地の 国境 between Austria and Italy.

分析 of the 団体/死体 has told us that he was alive during the 巡査 Age and died a grisly death.

?tzi, who was 46 at the time of his death, had brown 注目する,もくろむs, 親族s in Sardinia, and was lactose intolerant.

専門家s discovered a total of 61 tattoos on ?tzi's 団体/死体 using different wavelengths of light to 選ぶ them out on the mummy's darkened 肌.

And in December 2015 they were 確認するd to be the world's oldest - (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing 場内取引員/株価s on an 身元不明の South American Chinchorro mummy.

専門家s had thought the South American mummy with a moustache-like tattoo on its 直面する died in around 4,000BC, before realising it's younger than ?tzi, who was killed in around 3250 BC.

While 研究員s can't be sure why ?tzi had the tattoos, many think that they served as a form of acupuncture.

'We know that they were real tattoos,' Albert Zink, 長,率いる of the 学校/設ける for Mummies and the Iceman in Bolzano, Italy told LiveScience.?

The 古代の tattoo artist who 適用するd them 'made the incisions into the 肌, and then they put in charcoal mixed with some herbs.'?

The tattoos, mostly 設立する on ?tzi's lower 支援する and 脚s, between the 膝 and food, may have been a way to relieve the 影響s of chronic 苦痛 or 傷害s.

Experts discovered a total of 61 tattoos on ?tzi's body using different wavelengths of light to pick them out on the mummy's darkened skin and in December 2015 they were confirmed to be the world's oldest

専門家s discovered a total of 61 tattoos on ?tzi's 団体/死体 using dif ferent wavelengths of light to 選ぶ them out on the mummy's darkened 肌 and in December 2015 they were 確認するd to be the world's oldest

?tzi was thought to have done a lot of walking in the アルプス山脈, which could have resulted in 共同の 苦痛 in his 膝s and ankles.

The 61st tattoo, 設立する on the ribcage, has puzzled 研究員s who 示唆する ?tzi may also 苦しむd from chest 苦痛.

If the tattoos were not for 治療力のある 利益, the 研究員s say they could have had 象徴的な or 宗教的な significance.

Alternatively, they may 簡単に be geometric 形態/調整s with no hidden meaning.?

In March, 2018,?figurative tattoos were been discovered on 5,000-year-old Egyptian mummies at the British Museum.

専門家s said that these were the world's earliest figurative tattoos.

The tattoos are of a wild bull and a Barbary sheep on the upper-arm of a male mummy, and S-形態/調整d motifs on the upper-arm and shoulder of a 女性(の).

The find dates tattoos 含む/封じ込めるing imagery rather than geometric patterns to 1,000 years earlier than 以前 thought.

研究員s said the 発見 'transforms' our understanding of how people lived during this period.