Apple 使用者s are still discovering hidden new features inside iPhone's iOS17 - here are 10 you need to try

  • iPhone's iOS 17 lets 使用者s 株 passwords in 安全な・保証するd groups for the first time
  • The new update syncs with Apple TV, Apple Music and more in helpful new ways
  • READ MORE: Is this the next iPhone SE? 漏れるd pics may show new Apple 装置

Apple's 最新の operating system, iOS 17, comes with a lot of little-促進するd, but life-saving features that iPhone 使用者s might have never known they needed.?

Some of these new offerings 使用者s might have discovered themselves, but a few tucked-away updates are 価値(がある) a fresh 思い出の品: They could?change how you use your iPhone forever.

'With iOS 17, we've made iPhone more personal and intuitive by 深く,強烈に considering the features we all rely on every day,' as Apple's 上級の 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 of ソフトウェア 工学,?Craig Federighi, put it.?

'Phone, FaceTime, and Messages are central to how we communicate, and this 解放(する) is packed with updates we think our 使用者s are going to love.'

Here are just ten of the new changes and features you won't want to 行方不明になる.?

Apple 's latest operating system, iOS 17, comes with a lot of little-promoted, but life-saving features that most iPhone users never knew they needed

Apple 's 最新の operating system, iOS 17, comes with a lot of little-促進するd, but life-saving features that most iPhone 使用者s never knew they needed?

1.? Noise 孤立/分離

Ever talk to a friend who's 選ぶd up your call on a (人が)群がるd city street or at a party?

Hidden on a dropdown menu during any iPhone call is Noise 孤立/分離?― an iOS 17 feature that can filter out background noise, helping bring your or another 報知係's 発言する/表明する into sharp 救済.?

いつかs, unfortunately, Noise 孤立/分離 has been 報告(する)/憶測d to accidentally amplify the wrong person's 発言する/表明する nearby (for example, the loud 無作為の guest next to you at that house party).

But it 作品 公正に/かなり 井戸/弁護士席 and can help make tricky public calls?― like giving last minute directions or fielding requests for extra grocery items?― much easier.?

Hidden on a dropdown menu during any iPhone call is Noise Isolation ― an iOS 17 feature that can filter out background noise, helping bring your or another caller's voice into sharp relief
It can help make tricky calls, like giving last minute directions or fielding requests for extra grocery items, much easier

Hidden on a dropdown menu during any iPhone call is Noise 孤立/分離 ― an iOS 17 feature that can filter out background noise, helping bring your or another 報知係's 発言する/表明する into sharp 救済

2. NameDrop

This feature 取って代わるs clunky 商売/仕事 cards or tedious number typing by 許すing 使用者s to 株 their 接触する (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) just by bringing two iPhones (or an iPhone and an Apple Watch) の近くに together.

But NameDrop isn't just for 網状組織ing events. The feature has an interrelated sister feature that's a lot more fun.

NameDrop makes sharing your contact information with someone as easy as tapping your iPhones together, with an option available now for Apple Watch

NameDrop makes 株ing your 接触する (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) with someone as 平易な as (電話線からの)盗聴 your iPhones together, with an 選択 利用できる now for Apple Watch

3. SharePlay

類似の to NameDrop?― and using the same pairing or syncing functionality?― SharePlay let's you link a friend or family member's AirPods to your 装置 with the same proximity syncing technique as NameDrop.

SharePlay 許すs you to easily 株 your favorite music, games and movies with another iPhone 使用者s nearby?― without asking them to put one of your AirPods in their ears (a small hygiene victory).

4. Live Listen

A 潜在的に 広大な/多数の/重要な 道具 for large 会議/協議会s or classroom auditorium settings,?Live Listen let's someone place an iPhone on a distant (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する or surface and turn it into a microphone that streams 支援する to the 使用者's AirPods.?

Voices picked up by the iP
hone running Live Listen on iOS17 will stream directly back to the user's AirPods, making it a quick-fix substitute for hearing aids, baby monitors, and a variety of other remote-listening needs

発言する/表明するs 選ぶd up by the iPhone running Live Listen on iOS17 will stream 直接/まっすぐに 支援する to the 使用者's AirPods, making it a quick-直す/買収する,八百長をする 代用品,人 for 審理,公聴会 援助(する)s, baby 監視するs, and a variety of other remote-listening needs

About ducking time! Your iPhone will be able to learn your favorite 断言する words in iOS 17

There is nothing like an irritating autocorrect to 土台を崩す the 衝撃 of a 堅固に worded message.


発言する/表明するs 選ぶd up by the iPhone running iOS 17 will stream 直接/まっすぐに 支援する to the 使用者's AirPods in real time, making it a quick-直す/買収する,八百長をする 代用品,人 for 審理,公聴会 援助(する)s, baby 監視するs, and a variety of other remote-listening needs.?

5. Check In

The classic 'Let me know when you get home!' text message is one we've all sent our friends after a night on the town.

Now, 答える/応じるing to such messages is a whole lot easier, thanks to iOS 17.?'Check In' 許すs 使用者s to automatically 通知する family members when they get to their 目的地 安全に,

6. Collaborative playlists on Apple Music?

Apple Music now finally 申し込む/申し出s a feature that Spotify listeners have come to love: collaborative playlists 許すing you, a friend or a loved one to build-out a 始める,決める of classic 跡をつけるs for whatever mood the two of you (or more) are in.

The feature 許すs you to 追加する 多重の people and even 除去する yourself from a collaborative playlist when it's time to 'Irish goodbye' from the dance party.??

7. FaceTime on Apple TV

Now you can reconnect with a distant loved one using the biggest and best 4k 審査する in your home.

Apple TV can now sync with any iPhone running iOS 17 for big 審査する FaceTime calls?― 許すing you to keep your 手渡すs 解放する/自由な, sit on the couch, and experience those long-distance 関係s just like that special someone was 権利 in the room with you.

8. Password 株ing

Now in Settings, under Passwords, iPhone 使用者s can 始める,決める up a 'New 株d Group' creating a 安全な・保証するd method of 株ing and updating 株d passwords with 信用d individuals from your work or home life.

The feature is a welcome 代用品,人 for those who have felt uncomfortable 株ing passwords 経由で text messages and emails given the cybersecurity 危険s.?

9. Left Behind 警報s?

Linked 装置s, your iPhone and Macbook for example, いつかs have an annoying habit of giving you 'left behind' 警報s 簡単に because one isn't on the same wireless 網状組織 (or some other minor technical glitch).

Apple has now made it easier with iOS 17 to switch off '通知する when left behind,' in 明確な/細部 geo-位置を示すd settings, like your home or office, so that these helpful 思い出の品s are いっそう少なく distracting when they are いっそう少なく needed.?

10. Level and Grid on Camera

New toggle switches within?iPhone's Camera, 'Grid' and 'Level,' will 補助装置 even the most amateurish 数字表示式の photographers in taking better selfies. The grid and level overlay across the 審査する, turning yellow to show you've straightened out your pic.?

Once your pic is taken, you can also go 支援する with the editing 道具s in iPhone's Photos app to tweak 発射s and better adjust 水平の or vertical 視野 as needed.

New toggle switches within iPhone's Camera, 'Grid' and 'Level,' will assist even the most amateurish digital photographers in taking better selfies. The grid and level overlay across the screen, turning yellow to show you've straightened out your pic

New toggle switches within iPhone's Camera, 'Grid' and 'Level,' will 補助装置 even the most amateurish 数字表示式の photographers in taking better selfies. The grid and level overlay across the 審査する, turning yellow to show you've straightened out your pic?


1976:?創立者s Steve 職業s, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne created the company on April 1 1976 as they 始める,決める about selling computer 道具s to hobbyists, each of which was built by Wozniak.

The first 製品 was the Apple I.?

1977:?Apple 解放(する)d the Apple II in June, which was the first PC made for the 集まり market.?

Steve Jobs unveils Apple Computer Corporation's new Macintosh February 6, 1984 in California.

Steve 職業s 明かすs Apple Computer 会社/団体's new Macintosh February 6, 1984 in California.

1981: 職業s became chairman. ?

1984: The Macintosh was introduced during an 広告 break for the 最高の Bowl and later 公式に 明かすd during a 開始する,打ち上げる event. It was discontinued a year later and 職業s left the 会社/堅い.

1987: Apple 解放(する)d the Macintosh II, the first colour Mac.

1997: Apple 発表するs it will acquire NeXT ソフトウェア in a $400 million 取引,協定 that 伴う/関わるs 職業s returning to Apple as 暫定的な CEO. He 公式に took the 役割 in 2000.??

The then Chief Executive Officer of Apple, Steve Jobs, with the iPhone

The then 大統領 Officer of Apple, Steve 職業s, with the iPhone

2001: Apple introduced iTunes, OS X and the first-世代 iPod.

The first iPod MP3 music player was 解放(する)d on October 23, 2001, at an event in Cupertino and was able to 停止する to 1,000 songs.

2007: Apple 明かすs the iPhone.?

2010: The first iPad was 明かすd.

2011: 職業s 辞職するd in 2011 予定 to illness, 手渡すing the CEO 肩書を与える to Tim Cook. 職業s died in October from?pancreatic 癌.

2014: Apple 明かすd the Apple Watch. It also 明かすd its first larger iPhones - the 6 and 6 加える.?

2015: After 購入(する)ing (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域s from Dr Dre, Apple 開始する,打ち上げるd Apple Music to compete with Spotify and other music streaming services.?

2016: Apple returned to its roots and 発表するd the 4-インチ iPhone SE. 一方/合間, the 会社/堅い is embroiled in a 合法的な 戦う/戦い with the 連邦検察局, 伴う/関わるing the 機関 需要・要求するing 接近 to the locked phone used by Syed Farook, who died in a shootout after carrying out a deadly December attack in San Bernardino, California with his wife. The 法廷,裁判所 order was dropped on March 28 after the 連邦検察局 said a third party was able to 打ち明ける the 装置.??

2017: Apple introduces the iPhone X, which 除去するs the home button to make way for a futuristic 辛勝する/優位-to-辛勝する/優位 審査する design and a new FaceID system that uses 前進するd sensors and レーザーs to 打ち明ける phones with just the owner's 直面する.????

Apple CEO Steve Jo
bs speaks at an Apple event at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, Calif.

Apple CEO Steve 職業s speaks at an Apple event at Apple (警察,軍隊などの)本部 in Cupertino, Calif.

2018: In a first for the company, Apple introduces new features in its 最新の operating system, iOS 12, that encourage 使用者s to manage and spend いっそう少なく time on their 装置s. The move was spawned by a 堅固に worded letter from 株主s that 勧めるd the 会社/堅い to 演説(する)/住所 the growing problem of smartphone 中毒 の中で kids and 十代の少年少女s.?

2019: In January, Apple 報告(する)/憶測s its first 拒絶する/低下する in 歳入s and 利益(をあげる)s in a 10年間. CEO Tim Cook partly 非難するd 法外な 拒絶する/低下するs in 歳入 from 中国.

2020: In March, Apple の近くにs all its bricks and 迫撃砲 小売 蓄える/店s outside of 中国 in 返答 to coronavirus.?

2021: In an online 事実上の event in April CEO Tim Cook 宣言するd Apple's goal of becoming 炭素 中立の for Earth Day. Later in the year the iPhone 13 was 発表するd.?

2022: In September the iPhone 14 was 発表するd. One of the new features 含むd a new sensor to (悪事,秘密などを)発見する if a 使用者 had be en in a car 衝突,墜落 同様に as an 改善するd camera system.?

2023: Apple brought 支援する its 'Home Pod' after the first 世代 was discontinued. The 'Home Pod' can be seen as an 代案/選択肢 to アマゾン's Alexa or Google Home as it is 力/強力にするd by 発言する/表明する 命令(する)s.?