More than 10,000 artifacts 設立する at the 'Birthplace of Texas' 明らかにする/漏らす new insights into abandoned 1800s town where Davey Crockett stayed on famous trip to the Alamo

  • The new 発見s at the town 明らかにする/漏らす secrets into the lives of 早期に Texans?
  • It is where 委任する/代表s 調印するd their 宣言?of independence from Mexico
  • READ MORE:?Calls for Texas to 脱退する from the US are growing louder?

Artifacts 設立する at the 'Birthplace of Texas' have 明らかにする/漏らすd new insights into the abandoned town that was home to 100 people in 1835.

Archaeologists? 暴露するd more than 10,000 反対するs in Washington along the Brazos River, which tells the story of life as an 早期に Texan すぐに after the 明言する/公表する won its independence from Mexico in 1836.

穴掘りs 明らかにするd the base of a brick fireplace 示すs the 位置/汚点/見つけ出す where a tavern once stood, which 供給(する)d 旅行者s with food and a room - 特に Davey Crockett, who spent two days in the town before his famed 旅行 to the Alamo.

反対するs like nails, knives, glass and ceramics, along with traces of a スピードを出す/記録につける cabin used as Sam Houston's 大統領の office were also discovered and paw prints of long-forgotten pets that roamed the streets.

Archaeologists at Texas A&M University uncovered more than 10,000 objects along in Washington, founded around 1835, which tells the story of life as an early Texan

Archaeologists at Texas A&M University 暴露するd more than 10,000 反対するs along in Washington, 設立するd around 1835, which tells the story of life as an 早期に Texan

Excavations unearthed the base of a brick fireplace marks the spot where a tavern once stood, which supplied travelers with food and a room

穴掘りs 明らかにするd the base of a brick fireplace 示すs the 位置/汚点/見つけ出す where a tavern once stood, which 供給(する)d 旅行者s with food and a room

Jonathan Failor, alumni of the university who is serving as 場所/位置 経営者/支配人, told 'The townsite is 以前 known and has been a 保護するd historic 場所/位置 since 1916.?

'The 最近の archeology p roject is giving us new insights into the town not 以前 known.'

Failor and his team? with the 統合するd 環境の 解答s 暴露するd coins from the 廃虚s of the tavern, 含むing an 1831 US 薄暗い and an?1820 Spanish silver coin with the image of King Ferdinand VII, who 支配するd over Spain in the 早期に 19th century.

Before the town was 公式に formed, it was?known as the 位置/汚点/見つけ出す where the Labahia Road crossed the Brazos River.

'The road, connected Mexico and the US, and the coins are a neat way to draw a 平行の between the two,' Failor told

'You can imagine?those coins traveling and 会合 [at the tavern].'

Artifacts found at the 'Birthplace of Texas ' have revealed new insights into the abandoned town that was home to 1,000 people more than 200 years ago

Artifacts 設立する at the 'Birthplace of Texas ' have 明らかにする/漏らすd new insights into the abandoned town that was home to 1,000 people more than 200 years ago

A pair of knives were uncovered at the townsite. The top is a folding knife and the bottom is a blade that is missing its handle

A pair of knives were 暴露するd at the townsite. The 最高の,を越す is a 倍のing knife and the 底(に届く) is a blade that is 行方不明の its 扱う

Objects like nails,? glass and ceramics were also uncovered

反対するs like nails,? glass and ceramics were also 暴露するd?

The team found a trash pit at the site, revealing even more secrets of the town. The artifacts included a pig jaw bone and ironstone platter, providing a look at the food eaten by early settlers

The team 設立する a trash 炭坑,オーケストラ席 at the 場所/位置, 明らかにする/漏らすing even more secrets of the town. The artifacts 含むd a pig jaw bone and ironstone platter, 供給するing a look at the food eaten by 早期に 植民/開拓者s

The 穴掘りs also 暴露するd the 大部分は 損なわれていない brick 床に打ち倒す of a structure built around the late 1830s, which will be exposed when 革新s re-create the building around it.

Failor explained that the brick 床に打ち倒す tells the story about two buildings, with the first 存在 an 早期に 蓄える/店 house that was later transformed into a two-story building in 1854.

'There are 層s of history in that 場所,' he said.?

The team also 設立する a trash 炭坑,オーケストラ席 at the 場所/位置, 明らかにする/漏らすing even more secrets of the town.

The artifacts 含むd a pig jaw bone and ironstone platter, 供給するing a look at the food eaten by 早期に 植民/開拓者s.

A horn 徹底的に捜す and several knives were also 設立する at the abandoned?townsite.?

The 'Birthplace of Texas' is を受けるing a $51 million 革新 to 供給する modern-day 訪問者s with a more 完全にする look at the town and how it fits into Texas's 早期に history.?

The team spotted a cat pawprint at the site

The team spotted a cat pawprint at the 場所/位置

Failor (pictured) explained that the brick floor (pictured) tells the story about two buildings, with the first being an early store house that was later transformed into a two-story building in 1854

Fail or (pictured) explained that the brick 床に打ち倒す (pictured) tells the story about two buildings, with the first 存在 an 早期に 蓄える/店 house that was later transformed into a two-story building in 1854?

Pictured is one of the few remaining images of the town, showing a drug store

Pictured is one of the few remaining images of the town, showing a 麻薬 蓄える/店

The 'Birthplace of Texas' is undergoing a $51 million renovation to provide modern-day visitors with a more complete look of the town and how it fit into Texas's early history. Pictured is a horned comb found during excavations

The 'Birthplace of Texas' is を受けるing a $51 million 革新 to 供給する modern-day 訪問者s with a more 完全にする look of the town and how it fit into Texas's 早期に history. Pictured is a horned 徹底的に捜す 設立する during 穴掘りs

The 革新 work is scheduled to be 完全にするd by 中央の-2025 with 十分な-size recreations of the newly discovered tavern and Houston's スピードを出す/記録につける cabin office that was 初めは a family home built by 早期に 植民/開拓者s.

Washington-on-the-Brazos, 公式に 指名するd Washington, is 位置を示すd in the upper northeastern corner of what is now Washington 郡 and was a major political and 商業の 中心 in 早期に Texas.

だいたい 300 families settled in the an are of Southeast Texas in 1821, when the 明言する/公表する was still part of Mexico.

The Robinson family, who were part of the 300, later moved into the area that would become Washington and more 植民/開拓者s then followed over then next few 10年間s.

Davy Crockett spent two days in the town before making is famous journey to the Alamo

Davy Crocket t spent two days in the town before making is famous 旅行 to the Alamo

Texas saw a growing influx of American 植民/開拓者s すぐに after Washington was formed, which led to 小競り合いs with Mexico.

However, the Texas 革命 that was fought from October 1835 to April 1836 resulted in the 明言する/公表する winning its independence.

Houston?調印するd the Texas 宣言 of Independence and led his 軍隊/機動隊s to victory?at the 戦う/戦い of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836.

Around the same time, Washington had 設立するd itself as a 供給(する) stop for 疲れた/うんざりした 旅行者s who sat at the tavern, visited a nearby drugstore and 購入(する)d goods at several shops that lined the dirt roads.

In many ways, Failor said in the 圧力(をかける) 解放(する), the real story is いっそう少なく about what is still there and more about what is not?

He and his team 計画(する) to build a 代表 of the buildings and the 発見s made will help them put the 行方不明の pieces together.

Failor told that the town was abandoned after 地元のs resisted to bring in the 鉄道/強行採決する in the 1850s.

'The townspeople relied ひどく on the river and 手配中の,お尋ね者 to put their 投資s into フェリー(で運ぶ)s and steam boats,' he said.

'We can 推測する that had they said yes to the 鉄道/強行採決する, the historic may not 存在する today.'