Fascinating origin of Southern accents and what makes them different from the 残り/休憩(する) of the nation, によれば linguists

  • There are two main flavors of Southern American accent: 沿岸の and inland?
  • Linguist Margaret E.L. Renwick explains how they 異なる from one another?
  • READ MORE: 熟考する/考慮する 明らかにする/漏らすs the most attractive accents around the world

The Southern American accent is one of the most recognizable in the world - but iconic sound 変化させるs depending on where a person lives below the Mason-Dixon line.

Linguists have 設立する that the major divider is the 沿岸の versus inland accent, finding the two groups mostly pronounce vowels 異なって.

Inland variations tend to form sounds with a tighter mouth, exemplified in words like 'goose' or 'boot,' while those along the coast pronounce the?vowel sound with the tongue さらに先に 支援する in the mouth like 'gewse' or 'bewt.'

沿岸の accents still 含む many pronunciations that are 影響(力)d by the British and Irish accents of 早期に US 植民/開拓者s, while inland ones have drifted その上の away and become more of their own dialects, deeper and richer and more drawn out.?

The inland accent is more closely associated with the classic Southern drawl.?

Texas natives Woody Harrelson (left) and Matthew McConaughey (right) speak with the inland Southern accent which uses longer vowel sounds. They both grew up over a thousand miles from where this accent first took root on the Atlantic coast when settlers came from England, Ireland, and Scotland.

Texas natives Woody Harrelson (left) and Matthew McConaughey (権利) speak with the inland Southern accent which uses longer vowel sounds. They both grew up over a thousand miles from where this accent first took root on the 大西洋 coast when 植民/開拓者s (機の)カム from England, Ireland, and Scotland.

Walton Goggins, a native of Birmingham Alabama, speaks with more of a coastal Southern accent, characterized by speech that comes from the front of the mouth

Walton Goggins, a native of Birmingham Alabama, speaks with more of a 沿岸の Southern accent, characterized by speech that comes from the 前線 of the mouth

Technically the South encompasses Maryland to Texas, a (期間が)わたる that 含むs diverse 地理学, cultures, and ways of speaking.?

In that sense, the 'Southern accent' can not be defined as just one thing.

Professor Margaret E.L. Renwick, associate professor of linguistics at the University of Georgia, said that 簡単に put, there are two major flavors of Southern accents: inland and c oastal.

Classic Southern drawls can be considered the inland accents, she told Southern Living.

Linguistic quirks like '合併s' and '前線ing' are 必須の parts of the inland accent.

合併s 述べる when two different words begin to sound the same because of pronunciation changes, and 前線ing 述べるs when a word is pronounced more with the 前線 of the mouth - the tongue sitting closer to the teeth.

These traits 存在する と一緒に long vowels and little quirks like stretching one-syllable words until they're 事実上 two syllables.

There are two major types of southern accent, according to linguist Margaret E.L. Renwick, associate professor of linguistics at the University of Georgia

There are two major types of southern accent, によれば linguist Margaret E.L. Renwick, associate professor of linguistics at the University of Georgia

Renwick 公式文書,認めるd that the classic inland Southern accent is most 一般的に heard in North Alabama, East Tennessee, Eastern Kentucky, far North Georgia, western North Carolina, and western South Carolina, with the Appalachian Mountains 存在 home to some of the most recognizable 見解/翻訳/版s of the inland accent.?

On the 沿岸の 味方する, Renwick pointed to how people talk in Tidewater Virginia or the Lowcountry. Here, accents take on a different flavor, dropping 'r's to make words like 'car' become 'cah.'

In some places like the Delmarva 半島 of Maryland and Virginia, the Pamlico Sound area of North Carolina, and Tangier Island off the coast of Virginia, 地元のs throw in surprises like swapping out 'ay' for 'oy' in words like 'prize.'

The 地元のs in these places may sound much more like they are Irish or English than Southern American, pointing to the European origins of American English.

Reese Witherspoon, a native of Louisiana, speaks with a relatively light Southern accent. Louisiana contains a mix of influences, but her inland accent uses tighter mouth sounds than coastal Southern accents.

Reese Witherspoon, a native of Louisiana, speaks with a re latively light Southern accent. Louisiana 含む/封じ込めるs a mix of 影響(力)s, but her inland accent uses tighter mouth sounds than 沿岸の Southern accents.

This map shows the approximate range of Southern accents in the United States, stretching from Maryland on the east to Texas in the west. Though there are differences among them, these accents all share some commonalities.

This 地図/計画する shows the approximate 範囲 of Southern accents in the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, stretching from Maryland on the east to Texas in the west. Though there are differences の中で them, these accents all 株 some commonalities.

Louisiana 現在のs a whole other swatch of accents.?

Cajun country carries French 遺産 through its drawls, but in New Orleans, many 地元のs speak as if they are from New York - likely a 製品 of German, Irish, and Italian 植民/開拓者s who arrived before the 1900s, resulting in a 類似の mix as the one that 産する/生じるd the classic New York accent.

READ MORE: Scientists say the classic Southern American accent is dying out

Scientists 観察するd the most 著名な change between baby boomers and those born between 1965 and 1982, when the accent fell off a cliff.


Throughout the American South, though, Scottish, Irish, and English 影響(力)s can still be 設立する.

As 早期に Americans 試みる/企てるd to mirror aristocratic accents from across the ocean, some minor changes in pronunciation led to an all new way of speaking - but without the 'Southern lilt,' many aristocratic accents from the time would have sounded just like the English spoken by upper-class Londoners.

Over time, Southern ways of speaking have turned into something 際立った from their origins, and different 地域s have developed their own forms.

This 肉親,親類d of 進化 is 必然的な, によれば Renwick.

'Language change is going to happen, there's no stopping it,' she said. 'It's natural, and it changes from 世代 to 世代.'?

This is true in modern times, but it's also true 歴史的に, as we trace the origins of Southern American accents 支援する to the mother tongue from across the 大西洋 Ocean.

Renwick pointed out several of the 目だつ features of Southern American accents.?

A few 独特の markers, some of which have 耐えるd for longer than others, help discern a Southern accent.??

Taylor Swift, 初めは from Pennsylvania, 可決する・採択するd elements of American Southern accents for her 早期に music. She sang in mostly an inland accent, typified by drawn out lilting vowels

'One of the oldest sounds we know about is the 'i' sound, like 'ride,' 'why,' 'white,' and '解雇する/砲火/射撃,'' Renwick said.

In many Southern accents, these words are pronounced more like 'rahd,' 'whah,' 'whaht,' and 'fahr,' though there are minor variations depending on the 地域.

This phonetic 現象 dates 支援する to the 時代 of the Civil War, によれば historians.

Renwick 公式文書,認めるd that the way Southerners say 'ride' is a quintessential 面 of the Southern dialect, a hallmark of its distinctiveness.?

'That change in the 'i' is classic, an 初めの Southern characteristic and recognizable across 地域の accents,' she said.'?

A second noteworthy pronunciation is the similarity between 'pen' and 'pin' の中で 確かな Southern (衆議院の)議長s.

This 集中 of vowels is an example of a 合併 in linguistics, as について言及するd above.

Something 類似の happens with the words 'mill' and 'meal' in 確かな parts of the south, where both of them sound 概略で the same, both pronounced 'meal.'

Renwick points to 前線ing, too, as a third Southern linguistic 現象.

In this 事例/患者, the tongue is placed さらに先に 今後 during vowels, as 論証するd in the pronunciation of words like 'boot' and 'goose' - a feature known as 'u' 前線ing.

While 前線ing distinguishes Southern speech from its 相当するものs in Wisconsin, for example, it also can 異なる の中で 地域s.?

The more people move around, the いっそう少なく 際立った the differences become between people's accents throughout the south, Renwick 公式文書,認めるd.

These changes continue to happen in the modern day, as last year Renwick's team 設立する that the?Southern accents are on the 拒絶する/低下する.

によれば their 研究, より小数の?white Americans in Georgia speak with the same accents as their parents and grandparents used.

But rather than these accents 存在 'lost,' Renwick and other linguists 公式文書,認める that they are likely giving way to something new, and 未来 historians will continue to trace the roots of these changes.?