Over 700million 続けざまに猛撃するs of アマゾン's 'recyclable' plastic 一括ing is 捨てるd into 環境 each year - where 化学製品s infest livestock, human 組織/臓器s and even clouds

It's the 環境の 災害 hiding in plain sight - a new 報告(する)/憶測 finds that アマゾン's 'recyclable' plastic 一括ing 生成するs 709 million 続けざまに猛撃するs of waste each year.

And nearly all of that tonnage ― 同等(の) in 負わせる to three 航空機 運送/保菌者s? ― 脅すs to degrade into ever tinier and more dangerous micro- and nano-plastics.?

In 最近の years, scientists have made repeated, terrifying 発見s on the invisible seepage of microplastics into all facets of life on Earth, linking it to , 独房 death, heart 病気,?Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

The plastic waste created by the e-商業 巨大(な), by itself, is enough to circle the Eart h more than 800 times, a 人物/姿/数字 that doesn't 含む アマゾン's many millions of トンs of cardboard nor any of its unrecyclable 一括ing plastics.

追加するing 侮辱 to 傷害, the new 報告(する)/憶測 設立する アマゾン's いわゆる 'recyclable' plastic 要求するs 顧客s to 運動 their waste 一括ing to special '蓄える/店 減少(する)-off 場所s where plastic film is 受託するd.'

Given 顧客 期待s of アマゾン's?door-to-door convenience, いっそう少なく than five パーセント of that plastic, 跡をつけるd by the new 熟考する/考慮する, ever makes it to a 再生利用するing 中心.

The new report, from US Public Interest Research Group, found that much of Amazon's so-called 'recyclable' plastic requires customers to drive their waste packaging to special 'store drop-off locations where plastic film is accepted'

The new 報告(する)/憶測, from US Public 利益/興味 研究 Group, 設立する that much of アマゾン's いわゆる 'recyclable' plastic 要求するs 顧客s to 運動 their waste 一括ing to special '蓄える/店 減少(する)-off 場所s where plastic film is 受託するd'

Their report found that Amazon's 'recyclable' plastic packaging generates 709 million pounds of waste each year as of 2021 ― tonnage equivalent in weight to 3,000 adult Blue Whales

Their 報告(する)/憶測 設立する that アマゾン's 'recyclable' plastic 一括ing 生成するs 709 million 続けざまに猛撃するs of waste each year as of 2021 ― tonnage 同等(の) in 負わせる to 3,000 adult Blue 鯨s

'We 行為/行うd an 調査 into the 有効性 of the 蓄える/店 減少(する)-off system used by アマゾン for 再生利用するing their plastic film 一括ing,' Jenn Engstrom, an author of the new 報告(する)/憶測 and director of California 支店 of the US Public 利益/興味 研究 Group (PIRG), explained.

'[PIRG] staff and volunteers placed small 跡をつけるing 装置s, おもに Apple AirTags, in 93 bundles of アマゾン plastic 捕らえる、獲得するs, 泡-lined plastic 捕らえる、獲得するs, and 空気/公表する pillows, and put them in 蓄える/店 減少(する) 貯蔵所s across the country to see where they ended up.'

Even for this 一括ing 配達するd to one of アマゾン's 指定するd 減少(する)-off points, 含むing 的 蓄える/店s, only four in 93 of the plastics made it to a 再生利用するing 中心.

'We 設立する no 証拠 that アマゾン 一括ing is 存在 広範囲にわたって 再生利用するd,' Engstrom and her co-author?Celeste Meiffren-Swango from 環境 Oregon 結論するd.

Even with those four items, they said,?'there's no way of knowing if the 一括ing was then sorted to be 再生利用するd or not.'?

Nearly 9 percent went straight to landfills and 3 percent went to ports bound for overseas, while the rest of this plastic packaging went into incinerators, back to Amazon warehouses and distribution hubs, or off to parts unknown, according to US PIRG

Nearly 9 パーセント went straight to landfills and 3 パーセント went to ports bound for overseas, while the 残り/休憩(する) of this plastic 一括ing went into incinerators, 支援する to アマゾン 倉庫/問屋s and 配当 中心s, or off to parts unknown, によれば US PIRG?

The largest trackable 百分率, 概略で a 4半期/4分の1 (24 out of 93), went to Trex: a company that mixes some of the plastic film with sawdust to create plastic decks.

But, as Engstrom told the Los Angeles Times, it is uncertain how much use Trex 現実に makes of that plastic.?

The company's 指導基準s have strict 政策s on the plastic film it 受託するs 明言する/公表するing it must be '解放する/自由な of food or liquid 汚染 [and] labels should be 除去するd if possible.'

Nearly nine パーセント of the アマゾン 減少(する)-off plastic 熟考する/考慮するd went straight to landfills.

Three パーセント went to ports bound for overseas, and the 残り/休憩(する) of the 93 recyclable plastic 一括s dropped-off went either into incinerators, 支援する to アマゾン 倉庫/問屋s and 配当 中心s, or off to parts unknown.?

The wide variety of unrecyclable plastics - including Amazon's above - are labelled with tiny, numbered 'recycling' logos that have made it harder for state and local programs to recycle actual recyclable plastics - which are labelled with the numbers '1' and '2'

The wide variety of unrecyclable plastics - 含むing アマゾン's above - are labelled with tiny, numbered '再生利用するing' logos that have made it harder for 明言する/公表する and 地元の programs to 再生利用する actual recyclable plastics - which are labelled with the numbers '1' and '2'

READ MORE: アマゾン's Jeff Bezos 追いつくs Elon Musk as world's richest for the first time in three years as 逮捕する 価値(がある) 最高の,を越すs $200billion

Jeff Bezos has returned to the 最高の,を越す of the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of world's richest people for the first time in three years, as his 価値(がある) 攻撃する,衝突するs $200 billion and former No. 1 Elon Musk's wealth つまずくs.< /p>


With an 概算の 年次の 歳入 last year of over $574 billion, アマゾン is a major contributor to the 全世界の problem of waste plastic, but as PIRG and the?nonprofit ocean 自然保護 organization Oceana point out, it's only one ecommerce shipper の中で many.

PIRG and Oceana 概算の that, in 2021 alone, 全世界の ecommerce 生成するd a staggering?3.4 billion 続けざまに猛撃するs of plastic 一括ing waste.

Engstrom said 産業 専門家s and 環境の groups 推定する/予想する those numbers to 二塁打 by 2026?― にもかかわらず 会社/堅いs like アマゾン labelling their 一括ing as recyclable.

'These companies know that 消費者s are 混乱させるd by the recyclable labels,' Jan Dell, a former member of California's Statewide (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 on 再生利用するing Markets and Curbside 再生利用するing, told the LA Times.

Dell 公式文書,認めるd that the wide variety of unrecyclable plastics with tiny, numbered '再生利用するing' logos has made it harder for 明言する/公表する and 地元の 政府s to 再生利用する the 現実に recyclable plastics, which are labelled with the numbers '1' and '2.'?

The thin, plastic film from アマゾン's 泡 包む, 空気/公表する pillows and other 一括ing can wreak havoc on the day-to-day work at a 再生利用するing 中心, jamming up 機械/機構, destroying expensive 器具/備品 and いつかs 負傷させるing 労働者s.?

This はしけ plastic can also get sorted with paper waste 予定 to its 類似の thin sheet-like consistency, 汚染するing 再生利用するd paper and いつかs making it unsellable.

'They are 難破させるing curbside 再生利用するing through 高くつく/犠牲の大きい and dangerous 汚染,' によれば Dell, who is now?director of the Orange 郡 group Last Beach Cleanup.

Three years ago, Dell partnered with?Bloomberg 調査/捜査するs to 跡をつける the 運命/宿命 of アマゾン's plastic pouches: 'They went to landfill, inci neration and 輸出(する),' she said.

にもかかわらず the persistence of the problem, a spokesperson for アマゾン,?Katie Larsen, said in a 声明 that the tech 巨大(な) is?'continuously 減ずるing 一括ing waste and working to make 再生利用するing easier for 顧客s.'

味方する-stepping US PIRG's 跡をつけるing of how アマゾン 減少(する)-off 場所s 扱うd the company's plastics, Larsen 追加するd, 'we do not have 支配(する)/統制する over how 一括ing is 扱うd once it has been 性質の/したい気がして of by municipalities or 再生利用するing 中心s.'

アマゾン, she said, has 始めるd 'a multi-year 成果/努力 to 移行 US fulfillment 中心s from plastic to paper for our 配達/演説/出産 一括ing.'


によれば an article?published in the International 定期刊行物 of 環境の 研究 and Public Health, our understanding of the 可能性のある human health 影響s from (危険などに)さらす to microplastics '構成するs major knowledge gaps.'?

Humans can be exposed to plastic 粒子s 経由で 消費 of seafood and terrestrial food 製品s, drinking water and 経由で the 空気/公表する.?

However, the level of human (危険などに)さらす, chronic to xic 影響 集中s and underlying 機械装置s by which microplastics elicit 影響s are still not 井戸/弁護士席 understood enough ーするために make a 十分な 査定/評価 of the 危険s to humans.

によれば Rachel Adams, a 上級の lecturer in Biomedical Science at Cardiff 主要都市の University, ingesting microplastics could 原因(となる) a number of 潜在的に harmful 影響s, such as:?

  • Inflammation: when inflammation occurs, the 団体/死体's white 血 独房s and the 実体s they produce 保護する us from 感染. This 普通は 保護の 免疫の system can 原因(となる) 損失 to tissues.?
  • An 免疫の 返答 to anything recognised as 'foreign' to the 団体/死体: 免疫の 返答s such as these can 原因(となる) 損失 to the 団体/死体.?
  • Becoming 運送/保菌者s for other toxins that enter the 団体/死体: microplastics 一般に repel water and will 貯蔵所d to toxins that don't 解散させる, so microplastics can 貯蔵所d to 構内/化合物s 含む/封じ込めるing 有毒な metals such as 水銀柱,温度計, and 有機の 汚染物s such as some pesticides and 化学製品s called dioxins, which are known to 原因(となる)s 癌, 同様に as reproductive and developmental problems. If these microplastics enter the 団体/死体, toxins can 蓄積する in fatty tissues.?