地震 it off! Taylor Swift fans 原因(となる)d an EARTHQUAKE by dancing so hard in Los Angeles during 星/主役にする's 時代s 小旅行する

Pop singer Taylor Swift's song, Shake it Off, took on a whole new meaning after her concert 原因(となる)d an 地震 in Los Angeles last year.

At the time, 研究員s were 自信のない if the seismic activity was 原因(となる)d by the sound systems or the thousands of fans who were dancing to the music, but a new 熟考する/考慮する by Caltech 地震学者s has 明らかにする/漏らすd the fans were to 非難する.

Swift 成し遂げるd at the SoFi stadium in 前線 of 概略で 70,000 Swifties - die-hard Taylor Swift fans - in August 2023 when 地震学者s 記録,記録的な/記録するd a 2.3 magnitude 地震 in the city.

It 示すd the second 'Swift 地震' on the West Coast, after Seattle, Washington ex perienced its own 地震 from her 時代s 小旅行する concert the month before.

Taylor Swift's Eras tour set off a 2.3 magnitude earthquake in both Seattle and Los Angeles last year

Taylor Swift's 時代s 小旅行する 始める,決める off a 2.3 magnitude 地震 in both Seattle and Los Angeles last year

Swifties caused an earthquake in Seattle and LA by dancing along to the music

Swifties 原因(となる)d an 地震 in Seattle and LA by dancing along to the music

Taylor Swift's song 'Shake It Off' created the most seismic activity out of her 45-song set

Taylor Swift's song 'Shake It Off' created the most seismic activity out of her 45-song 始める,決める

The California Office of 緊急 Services asked scientists to look into the seismic activity 原因(となる)d by the Seattle concert to 決定する what 正確に/まさに happened the night Swifties and the city shook.

地震学者s 始める,決める up strong 動議 sensors on the night of Swift's LA 業績/成果 on August 5 to 記録,記録的な/記録する where the Swift 地震 起こる/始まるd and which songs were tied to the most seismic activity.

Seismic activity is the frequ ency and severity of an 地震, although Gabrielle Tepp, a co-author of the 熟考する/考慮する and staff 地震学者 at Caltech Seismic Lab, said their findings were more akin to a 火山 than an 地震.

'For 地震s, most of the time they're pretty sharp and 平易な to identify with waveforms, but when you have something like 火山s where you have such a wide variety of signals, spectrograms can be really handy in helping to identify the different types of signals,' she explained.

Researchers originally thought the earthquake activity was caused by the sound systems, not the fans and conducted tests to determine which one was at fault

研究員s 初めは thought the 地震 activity was 原因(となる)d by the sound systems, not the fans and 行為/行うd 実験(する)s to 決定する which one was at fault

Researchers found that each Taylor Swi
ft song generated 'a distinct tremor signal'

研究員s 設立する that each Taylor Swift song 生成するd 'a 際立った (軽い)地震 signal'

'Shake It Off' gave off the largest magnitude of 0.85 compared to her other songs

'Shake It Off' gave off the largest magnitude of 0.85 compared to her other songs?

The team 監視するd 地震 メーターs from 概略で 5.5 miles from the SoFi Stadium and used spectrograms - a graph that showed the signal intensity or loudness of a song.

They 設立する that each Swift song 'had a 際立った (軽い)地震 signal.'

'研究員s were able to identify 43 of the 45 songs played within the 記録,記録的な/記録するd spectrograms,' the 熟考する/考慮する said.

The spectrogram 明らかにする/漏らすd that wh ile all songs did have a seismic 衝撃, Swift's 'Shake It Off' song had the largest magnitude of 0.85.

READ MORE:?Taylor Swift's pop 小旅行する 原因(となる)d an 地震 and saved America from 後退,不況... so what WILL it do for Britain? JAN MOIR takes her seat の中で the Swifties in LA?

By the time the 時代s 小旅行する 包むs up in November 2024, Swift will have played 146 concerts across five continents, いつかs in earth 粉々にするing ways.?


'Keep in mind this energy was 解放(する)d over a few minutes compared to a second for an 地震 of that size,' said Tepp.

'Based on the 最大限 strength of shaking, the strongest (軽い)地震 was 同等(の) to a magnitude -2 地震,' she 追加するd.

Tepp, who is also an amateur guitarist, said that when she and her team 文書d their 初期の results, her 'gut feeling was that if you have a harmonic signal that is nice like these, it had to be from the music or the 器具s or something.'

Instead, the 研究員s 設立する it was the (軽い)地震s from the (人が)群がる moving to the (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 of the 'Karma' singer's 攻撃する,衝突する music.

They 実験d by playing songs on a (衆議院の)議長 next to the 動議 sensor and jumping up and 負かす/撃墜する next to the sensor while Swift's song 'Love Story' played.

Tepp also tried a separate 実験 where she plugged her bass guitar into the (衆議院の)議長 and played out a repetitive (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域.

To Tepp's surprise, the bass guitar didn't create a harmonic signal on the sensor but 設立する that jumping around to 'Love Story' was the 犯人.

'Even though I was not 広大な/多数の/重要な at staying in the same place - I ended up jumping around in a small circle, like at a concert. I was surprised at how (疑いを)晴らす the signal (機の)カム out,' Tepp said.

The 研究員s compared their findings to other concerts and 設立する the other summer headliner - Metallica - had the weakest signals from each concert, その上の 主要な them to believe it was the fans jumping and moving at the Swift concert that 原因(となる)d the 2.3 magnitude 地震.

'Metal fans like to headbang a lot, so they're not やむを得ず bouncing,' Tepp said, 追加するing: 'It might just be that the ways in which they move don't create as strong of a signal.'