DMV experienced 全国的な outage for nearly 3 hours - leaving Americans unable to 得る driver's licenses

  • The DMV was 攻撃する,衝突する by an outage 予定 to a third-party 問題/発行する
  • The third-party 供給(する)s ソフトウェア and loss cloud connectivity?
  • READ MORE: DMV was 負かす/撃墜する across the US

The Department of モーター 乗り物 (DMV) experienced technical 問題/発行するs for nearly three hours on Thursday 予定 to an outage with a third-party provider.?

The American 協会 of モーター 乗り物 行政官/管理者s (AAMVA), which 供給するs ソフトウェア to the DMV, experienced a 'loss in cloud connectivity,' a spokesperson told

The glitch 停止(させる)d license-関係のある 処理/取引s from 9:50am to 12:30pm ET.

Many Americans 株d their 失望/欲求不満, some of who were parents taking their children in for their 運動ing lesson - only to be sent home empty 手渡すd.

The Department of モーター 乗り物 (DMV) experienced technical 問題/発行するs on Thursday for nearly three hours 予定 to an outage with a third-party provider?

'During [the time of the outage], there was no ability to 過程 messages that support 処理/取引s of driver licenses and モーター 乗り物 肩書を与えるs,' the spokesperson said

'This 妨げるd a number of モーター 乗り物 機関s from 問題/発行するing driver licenses and 乗り物 肩書を与えるs during the outage.?

'AAMVA is working internally and with our cloud providers to 決定する the root 原因(となる) of the outage.'

The DMV is a 明言する/公表する-level 治める/統治する ment 機関 予定 to 運動ing 特権s 存在 認めるd by the 明言する/公表する 政府.?

Alexi Giannoulias,?Illinois?国務長官, made the first 告示 about the outage, 誘発する/引き起こすing 返答s of other 明言する/公表するs who have 問題/発行するd notices to 地元のs or 地位,任命するd on Elon Musk's X.?

New York 明言する/公表する 地位,任命するd: 'We are aware of 現在進行中の 問題/発行するs 衝撃ing 処理/取引s in our offices and online, and we わびる for the inconvenience.?

'We are working diligently to get everything 支援する up and running and will let you know when we do.'

One Massachusetts resident shared his frustrations about the DMV outage on X

One Massachusetts 居住(者) 株d his 失望/欲求不満s about the DMV outage on X

Illinois Secretary of State made the announcement online: 'We are currently experiencing a nationwide outage at our DMV facilities'

Illinois 国務長官 made the 告示 online: 'We are 現在/一般に experiencing a 全国的な outage at our DMV 施設s'

The outage means Americans are unable to 得る 身元確認,身分証明 cards.

One man waiting at the DMV 株d his experience on X.

'It’s taking me everything to not strangle the clerk working the desk at the DMV,' he 地位,任命するd.

While no details had been shared about the outage, some DMVs took to social media to inform the public about the issues

While no 詳細(に述べる)s had been 株d about the outage, some DMVs took to social マスコミ to 知らせる the public about the 問題/発行するs

'I’m 0-4 for 新たにするing my license to get the Real ID. Systems 負かす/撃墜する 多重の times in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動.'

An Illinois mother 地位,任命するd an image of her and her son on Facebook, 株ing the news that he was unable to take his 運動ing lesson because of the outage.

'When the system at the DMV is 負かす/撃墜する and all you can do is 冷気/寒がらせる in the parking lot,' she 株d.

A 類似の 地位,任命する on Facebook was 株d by an Alabama mother who's daughter just turned 16 years old and passed her 運動ing 実験(する).

However, the teen was unable to get the 公式の/役人 card and paperwork 予定 to the systems 存在 負かす/撃墜する.?

Massachusetts is one of the many 明言する/公表するs unable to 過程 licenses or 身元確認,身分証明 処理/取引s.?

A 地元の 居住(者) commented on the 明言する/公表する's 地位,任命する 株d on X: '人物/姿/数字s it would go 負かす/撃墜する today when I 選ぶ up my new car.?