Has AI discovered the next Ozempic? 研究員s in Spain race to 特許 two 工場/植物 抽出するs they think could be the next big thing for 負わせる loss

人工的な 知能?has 暴露するd two 工場/植物s that 供給する the same 負わせる loss results as Ozempic, によれば a new 熟考する/考慮する.

研究員s at the カトリック教徒 University of Murcia in Spain?報告(する)/憶測d that the 工場/植物s 含む/封じ込める 類似の agonists - a 実体 mimicking a hormone 返答 - to those in Ozempic.

AI ソフトウェア 分析するd thousands of natural 構内/化合物s that could 申し込む/申し出 the same 負わせる loss 構成要素s and 結局 狭くするd 負かす/撃墜する two 工場/植物 抽出するs.

研究員s 始める,決める out to find a 工場/植物 代案/選択肢 予定 to many individuals experiencing 味方する 影響s and 回復するing 負わせる once of the prescription 麻薬.

The team also said that not only would the 工場/植物s be easier on the 団体/死体, but they would also be more accessible and cost 効果的な - Ozempic co sts about $936 a month.

They are not 指名するing the 工場/植物 抽出するs - which for now have been 指名するd 構内/化合物 A and 構内/化合物 B -?until they 特許 them for a new 負わせる loss 麻薬.?

Ozempic?s maker, Novo Nordisk, is preparing to release anew drug, amycretin. Early results from the drug?s safety trial suggest it can help users shed weight twice as quickly as Ozempic

Ozempic’s 製造者, Novo Nordisk, is 準備するing to 解放(する) もう一度 麻薬, amycretin. 早期に results from the 麻薬’s safety 裁判,公判 示唆する it can help 使用者s shed 負わせる twice as quickly as Ozempic

Weight loss drugs surged last year, with Ozempic taking the lead as the most-used option

負わせる loss 麻薬s 殺到するd last year, with Ozempic taking the lead as the most-used 選択

Ozempic was 解放(する)d in 2017 to 扱う/治療する people with 糖尿病, but was late 設立する to help people?lose 負わせる?by 抑えるing their appetite.?

Since been 布告するd as a '奇蹟 麻薬,' use of it has?by 300 パーセント in いっそう少なく than three years, with prescriptions hitting nine million in the US as of September 2023.?

Morgan Stanley 分析家s have?事業/計画(する)d?that over the next 10 years, 24 million people - seven パーセント of the US 全住民 - will be taking Ozempic or Wegovy.

But 使用者s have 報告(する)/憶測d spats of?nausea and vomiting, along mental health 問題/発行するs like 苦悩 and irritability when taking the 週刊誌 注射s.

To 演説(する)/住所 these 問題/発行するs, scientists 手配中の,お尋ね者 to '焦点(を合わせる) on 工場/植物 抽出するs and other natural 構内/化合物s because they may have より小数の 味方する-影響s' and 選択s that? could be taken orally rather than an 注射.?

But the 代案/選択肢 needed to?still 活動させる/戦時編成する the GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) receptor, which is how Ozempic?誘発する/引き起こすs the 団体/死体's 負わせる loss 返答.

Ozempic can cost as much as $935 per month before health insurance, while the cost overseas hovers around $100 on average

Ozempic can cost as much as $935 per month before health 保険, while the cost overseas hovers around $100 on 普通の/平均(する)

'麻薬s that aren't peptides may have より小数の 味方する 影響s and be easier to 治める, meaning they could be given as pills rath er than 注射s,' said Elena Murcia, a co-author of the 熟考する/考慮する and a member of the 構造上の Bioinformatics and High-業績/成果 計算するing 研究 Group (BIO-HPC).

READ MORE:?専門家s say little-known 問題/発行する will 影響する/感情 EVERYONE on 奇蹟 slimming jabs - and it can kick in after just six weeks?

専門家s said that anyone relying on Ozempic to 戦闘 long 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 負わせる loss could be left disappointed, with the 影響s of the 麻薬s 停止(させる)ing after just months


The team used an AI-力/強力にするd ソフトウェア to 精査する through more than 10,000 構内/化合物s to identify those that bound to the GLP-1 receptor.

Next, other AI-based methods 調査/捜査するd how closely these 社債s 似ているd those that occur between the GLP-1 hormone and its receptor.?

The team identified 100 from the group for a visual 分析, which produced a 始める,決める of 65 構内/化合物s that were put through a mathematical graph to pinpoint those with the?highest 可能性のある as GLP1-R agonists.

And that is when the team landed on 構内/化合物 A and 構内/化合物 B.

The 熟考する/考慮する 公式文書,認めるd that the 研究員s are not 明らかにする/漏らすing the 指名する of the 工場/植物s until they have 特許d them for a new 負わせる loss 麻薬.?

The 構内/化合物s come from very ありふれた 工場/植物s, によれば the 報告(する)/憶測, which said the '抽出するs of which have been associated with 有益な 影響s on the human metabolism in the past.'

'Computer-based 熟考する/考慮するs such as ours have 重要な advantages, such as 削減s in costs and time, 早い 分析 of large data 始める,決めるs, 柔軟性 in 実験の design, and the ability to identify and mitigate any 倫理的な and safety 危険s before 行為/行うing 実験s in the 研究室/実験室,' said Murcia.

'These 模擬実験/偽ることs also 許す us to take advantage of AI 資源s to 分析する コンビナート/複合体 problems and so 供給する a 価値のある 初期の 視野 in the search for new 麻薬s.'

Spain< a class="linkButtonRowItem" href="http://www.yansite.jp/etoj.cgi?sw=j&URL=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13241813/tvshowbiz/article-13385783/ushome/health/article-13537585/home/article-13456461/home/article-10538781/sciencetech/ai/sciencetech/ai/index.html?ico=article_topics_module">AI負わせる Loss糖尿病