YouTube pranksters expose how social マスコミ 巨大(な)s are 許すing adverts for vapes, knives, alcohol and 賭事ing to children

  • Josh and Archie filmed 偽の 広告s and paid to 地位,任命する them on Instagram, TikTok & X
  • にもかかわらず a 禁止(する) on the 製品s 存在 advertised to teens, all went live

YouTube pranksters (人命などを)奪う,主張する to have exposed how social マスコミ 巨大(な)s are 許すing adverts for vapes, knives, alcohol and 賭事ing to children.

In their 最新の stunt, popular 二人組 Josh and Archie, who have 1.5million 信奉者s, filmed 偽の 広告s and paid to 地位,任命する them on Instagram, TikTok and X.

にもかかわらず a 禁止(する) on the 製品s 存在 advertised to teens, all ? 含むing one by a 偽の 会社/堅い called 'Stabby Stabby Choppy Choppy Kitchen Knives'?? passed at least one of the 壇・綱領・公約s' review 過程s and went live.

Advertising data showed the YouTube 二人組 were able to reach tens of thousands of 十代の少年少女s, with many clicking through to websites to try and buy the over-18 製品s.

Social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約s m ake nearly £9billion a year from advertising directed at children and 十代の少年少女s, によれば a Harvard University 熟考する/考慮する last year.

In their latest stunt, popular duo Josh and Archie, who have 1.5million followers, filmed fake ads and paid to post them on Instagram , TikTok and X

In their 最新の stunt, popular 二人組 Josh and Archie, who have 1.5million 信奉者s, filmed 偽の 広告s and paid to 地位,任命する them on Instagram , TikTok and X

Co-host Archie Manners said their 最新の 実験 was 目的(とする)d at finding out 'how much 成果/努力 壇・綱領・公約s really make' in stopping young people from 存在 shown unhealthy adverts - 'It turns out not very much at all'.

The YouTubers ? who host the Mail's podcast 'Straight to the Comments!' ? 始める,決める up five companies with 挑発的な 肩書を与えるs, such as vape 会社/堅い 'HELF BARS', another for bongs called 'Flower マリファナs for 少しのd(s)', and one for alcohol called 'Grape Juice'.

They then filmed adverts for each, where they showed off the 製品s in the style of children's television show presenters but with 挑発的な tag lines such as 'the healthy 代案/選択肢 to anti-depressants'.

After this, they then 試みる/企てるd to upload each on to Instagram, TikTok, and X, with the 見解(をとる)ing age 始める,決める to 13-years-old and over, to see how many under-18s would be recommended the content.

Advertising data showed the YouTube duo were able to reach tens of thousands of teenagers, with many clicking through to websites to try and buy the over-18 products

Advertising data showed the YouTube 二人組 were able to reach tens of thousands of 十代の少年少女s, with many clicking through to websites to try and buy the over-18 製品s

All five went up すぐに on X, によれば the YouTubers, while Instagram 許すd them all on the 壇・綱領・公約 but after a longer review 過程.

On TikTok, where all the 製品s are banned, four of the 広告s were 拒絶するd.?

However one of the adverts - Helf 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s, a 偽の vape company - passed the review checks.?

The 広告 cost £24 and received 12.2k 見解(をとる)s before the YouTubers said they took it 負かす/撃墜する two days later.

連合させるd, the adverts ? which cost just £319 - were seen over 100,000 times ? and 85 per cent of these were 老年の between 13 and 17.

On the ビデオ, co-host Josh Pieters says: 'So it looks like social マスコミ companies really are more 関心d with their 歳入 than spending money on, say, 現実に vetting their adverts ? surprise, surprise.'

The adverts linked through to real websites, but they did not have live shops so no one could 現実に buy the 製品s.

The adverts linked through to real websites, but they did not have live shops so no one could actually buy the products

The adverts linked through to real websites, but they did not have live shops so no one could 現実に buy th e 製品s

Instagram says it 禁止(する)s all the 製品s that were advertised by the YouTubers.?

It uses an algorithm ? and いつかs humans - to review and 監視する adverts when they go up on the 壇・綱領・公約.

Advertisers are meant to be 制限するd if they don't 従う, however it 収容する/認めるs: 'Our review 過程 may not (悪事,秘密などを)発見する all 政策 違反s, and 広告s remain 支配する to review and re-review and may be 拒絶するd for 侵害する/違反するing our 政策s at any time.'

TikTok said the ビデオ 'deliberately misrepresents the facts' and that its 広告 政策s had been '施行するd 正確に'.

The tech 巨大(な) said it does not 許す misinformation that could '意味ありげに 害(を与える)' 使用者s or society and 製品s that are '議論の的になる, distasteful, violent, or dangerous', 含むing 武器s.

All adverts pass through '多重の levels of review' before 存在 認可するd, though it 率直に 収容する/認めるs it 'won't catch every instance of violative content'.

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