EXCLUSIVEBritain's 'drone superhighway' will be 完全にするd this SUMMER: 165-mile long 網状組織 will let pilotless 装置s 飛行機で行く between the Midlands and the Southeast - but sceptics 警告する it will be 'annoying and intrusive' for people living under the flight path

While a drone superhighway might sound better ふさわしい to a science-fiction blockbuster than the Midlands, it's 始める,決める to become a reality this summer.

The world's first drone superhighway?will open in the UK between June and 早期に July, 許すing pilotless drones to make high-速度(を上げる) 配達/演説/出産s across the country.?

Developed by drone ソフトウェア provider 高度 Angel, the 165-mile-long Skyway 網状組織 will connect Coventry in the Midlands to Milton Keynes in the Southeast.

However, sceptics have 警告するd that the drone 主要道路 '必然的に 提起する/ポーズをとるs 危険' for the privacy and safety of Britons living in its flight path.?

Speaking to MailOnline, Chris Cole, director of (選挙などの)運動をする group Drone Wars, said: 'While the drone 産業 are incredibly happy about this, for people who 結局最後にはーなる living under the drones it may 井戸/弁護士席 結局最後にはーなる 存在 最高の annoying and 最高の intrusive.'

The world's first drone superhighway will open in the UK between June and early July, allowing pilotless drones to make high-speed deliveries across the country

The world's first drone superhighway will open in the UK between June and 早期に July, 許すing pilotless drones to make high-速度(を上げる) 配達/演説/出産s across the country

Why is a drone superhighway 存在 built??

高度 Angel says that once drones can travel long distances 安全に と一緒に other sky 使用者s, they can be more readily used for:

  • 緊急 返答
  • Search and 救助(する)
  • The transportation of 組織/臓器s and 医療の 供給(する)s
  • 行為/行うing safer, more efficient 調査するs

Once 完全にするd, the drone superhighway will consist of 30 'Arrow Towers' which can 支配(する)/統制する drones from the ground.

Together, these towers will form a 事実上の 主要道路 that lets drones travel 安全に - without any need for a human 操縦する.?

Stephen 農業者, 長,率いる of 法人組織の/企業の communications for 高度 Angel, told MailOnline: 'At the moment, you need to see a drone and be within 500m to 飛行機で行く it.'

Each tower on the ground 行為/法令/行動するs as a 'human spotter', 許すing drones to be flown far beyond the sight of any human 操縦する.

With each tower 申し込む/申し出ing a 範囲 of 2.5 miles (4km), drones are 'passed' up the chain of the superhighway so that they can 飛行機で行く long distances.?

Each tower on the ground is equipped with powerful sensors that build a 事実上の 地図/計画する of everything within the 領空.

By communicating with drones in the 空気/公表する, the towers can 調整する traffic so that drones 避ける each other, 同様に as any 障害s they might 遭遇(する).?

The superhighway has been developed using part of a £273 million 政府 投資 in the 航空宇宙学 産業 and a £5 million 投資 by BT.?

And, at a height of 400 feet, the developer claims that anyone on the ground will hardly be able to see, let alone hear drones overhead

And, at a 高さ of 400 feet, the developer (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that anyone on the ground will hardly be able to see, let alone hear drones 総計費

Developed by drone software provider Altitude Angel, the 165-mile-long Skyway network will connect Coventry in the Midlands to Milton Keynes in the Southeast (artist's impression)

Developed by drone ソフトウェア provider 高度 Angel, the 165-mile-long Skyway 網状組織 will connect Coventry in the Midlands to Milton Keynes in the Southeast (artist's impression)

Once drones can travel long distances safely alongside other sky users they can be more readily used for emergency response, search and rescue, the transportation of organs and medical supplies, conducting safer, more efficient surveys

Once drones can travel long distances 安全に と一緒に other sky 使用者s they can be more readily used for 緊急 返答, search and 救助(する), the transportation of 組織/臓器s and 医療の 供給(する)s, 行為/行うing safer, more efficient 調査するs

READ MORE: World's longest 'drone superhighway' gets the green light! UK 政府 認可するs 165-mile long 網状組織 connecting the Midlands with the Southeast

宣伝< /div>

現在/一般に, 15 of the 30 towers have been built, covering an area of 80-90 miles.

高度 Angel had 最初 示唆するd that the superhighway could be 延長するd 負かす/撃墜する to Southampton and 西方のs to Bentwaters.

However, the company has now 確認するd these 拡張s will not be 建設するd 予定 to difficulty finding 場所/位置s to build new towers.

Mr 農業者 explained: 'We've been 取引,協定ing with a lot of 私的な individuals, whether that's sports clubs or 農業者s, and it's been やめる a challenge to find the necessary 組織/基盤/下部構造.

'People just had a 不本意 to put 金物類/武器類 in fields so there's been やめる a bit of 交渉 with landowners and that's taken longer than we 心配するd.'

A 計画(する) to build a Reading to Cambridge 脚 has also been cancelled as 高度 Angel 焦点(を合わせる)s on 完全にするing the main 団体/死体 of the superhighway.?

However, an 拡張 to connect Southampton and the 小島 of Wight are planned as the 科学(工学)技術 rolls out more 広範囲にわたって.?

The superhighway has been developed using part of a £273m ($334m) government investment in the aerospace industry and a £5m ($6.3m) investment by BT. Currently, 15 of the 30 towers have been built, covering an area of 80-90 miles

The superhighway has been developed using part of a £273m ($334m) 政府 投資 in the 航空宇宙学 産業 and a £5m ($6.3m) 投資 by BT. 現在/一般に, 15 of the 30 towers have been built, covering an area of 80-90 miles

By communicating with drones in the air, the towers can coordinate traffic so that drones avoid each other and any obstacles they might encounter (artist's impression)

By communicating with drones in the 空気/公表する, the towers can 調整する traffic so that drones 避ける each other and any 障害s they might 遭遇(する) (artist's impression)

Mr 農業者 says that 高度 Angle is now waiting on 是認 from the Civil 航空 当局 (CAA) to begin 飛行機で行くing drones within the 網状組織 which is 推定する/予想するd in 'June or very 早期に July'.?

While 高度 Angel 持続するs that the Superhighway will 上げる 商売/仕事s and save lives by enabling 薬/医学 配達/演説/出産s, the 事業/計画(する) is not without its critics.

Mr Cole 主張するs that the 事業/計画(する) could 提起する/ポーズをとる a 危険 to public safety and privacy.

'Once drones are given 解放する/自由な 範囲 to UK skies there is likely to be little public 利益 in contrast to the large 衝撃 on 質 of life for those who have to put up with drones above their 長,率いるs,' he told MailOnline.?

In particular, critics of drone 主要道路s are 関心d about three 問題/発行するs: 衝突,墜落s, noise, and privacy.

Anyone who has lived under a flight path will be aware of the disruption that the noise of 空気/公表する traffic can 原因(となる).

However, 高度 Angel 主張するs that 直す/買収する,八百長をするd-wing drones, which will (不足などを)補う most of the superhighway's 使用者s, are almost silent.

And, at a 高さ of 400 feet, the developer (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that anyone on the ground will hardly be able to see, let alone hear drones 総計費.

It is also 価値(がある) 公式文書,認めるing that 高度 Angel 見積(る)s no more than 10 drones will use the 165 miles of 領空 per day when the 主要道路 最初 opens.??

In the future, Altitude Angel believes that the drone superhighway could be used to

In the 未来, 高度 Angel believes that the drone superhighway could be used for 飛行機で行くing cars that can 往復(する) human 乗客s between cities

However, Mr Cole is also 関心d that 飛行機で行くing drones beyond visual line of sight 提起する/ポーズをとるs a unique safety 危険.?

He says: 'The bedrock of 航空 safety - upon which all other safety 対策 are built - is having a 操縦する 存在 able to look out of the 操縦室 window and taking avoidance 対策 if necessary.'

高度 Angel, 一方/合間 論争s these (人命などを)奪う,主張するs and 主張するs that the CAA's 是認 of the 主要道路 is 次第で変わる/派遣部隊 on the system 存在 'better than a human spotter'.?

When it comes to privacy, the 関心 is that 開始 up a superhighway will 許す commercially and 個人として owned drones to pass over 私的な 所有物/資産/財産.

Mr Cole said: 'While there may 井戸/弁護士席 be strict 議定書s for this 裁判,公判, 監視 is one of the main 使節団s that drones are 仕事d with.

'If drones are given 解放する/自由な 統治する to our skies, 抱擁する numbers of drones will be used for a whole 範囲 of 監視 仕事s that will 必然的に 衝撃 on the public's privacy.'

高度 Angel, 一方/合間, plays 負かす/撃墜する any 可能性のある privacy 関わりあい/含蓄s of the 主要道路.

Its main 推論する/理由 is that the 大多数 of drones using the 主要道路 will not be equipped with cameras or other sensors, instead relying 完全に on the ground towers for 航海.

However, it does not say there won't be cameras 許すd on the 主要道路.

In fact, remote 調査するing for construction and 生態学の 事業/計画(する)s is one of the 明言する/公表するd use 事例/患者s for the 主要道路.

最終的に, 高度 Angel says that while 私的な individuals in the flight path still have their 合法的な 権利 to privacy, they would need to (問題を)取り上げる 事柄s themselves if they 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う an 問題/発行する.

'There's no 推論する/理由 why anyone would want to look into anybody's home or 支援する garden,' Mr 農業者 追加するd.?

'If a drone 操作者 is 侵略するing someone's privacy that would be a 事柄 for the police and we would want to 容易にする that [調査].'??

Sophie O'Sullivan, 長,率いる of 未来 Safety and 革新 at the UK Civil 航空 当局, told MailOnline: 'We continue to work with 高度 Angel on its 提案s for a "drone superhighway".

'Developing and bringing to market 提案s such as those from 高度 Angel has many 行う/開催する/段階s, and we are committed to working with the company through its 開発 段階 in the same way that we are working with a 範囲 of 操作者s so that all new 科学(工学)技術s are 強健な, 安全な and 安全な・保証する for 領空 使用者s and the public.'


近づく 行方不明になる is a ありふれた 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 used to 述べる 遭遇(する)s between different 空輸の 乗り物s.

治める/統治するd by Airprox, there is no 明確な/細部 distance 明言する/公表するd, instead it is 計器d by the opinions of the 操縦する, 空気/公表する traffic 監査役 and the drone 操作者.?

Earlier this year a '近づく-行方不明になる' 報告(する)/憶測 was とじ込み/提出するd between a police drone and two 闘士,戦闘機 jets travelling at 520 mph.

Governed by Airprox, there is no specific distance stated, instead it is gauged by the opinions of the pilot, air
 traffic controller and the drone operator

治める/統治するd by Airprox, there is no 明確な/細部 distance 明言する/公表するd, instead it is 計器d by the opinions of the 操縦する, 空気/公表する traffic 監査役 and the drone 操作者

The Devon and Cornwall officer was 納得させるd there would be a 衝突/不一致 as the 軍の jet (機の)カム into 見解(をとる).

The Airprox board 報告(する)/憶測d the 13lbs 装置 was 飛行機で行くing at an 高度 of around 300ft when the 操縦する heard a 急速な/放蕩な jet approaching.

The F-15 操縦する, who was 飛行機で行くing at an 高度 of 500ft, could not see the drone but the drone 操縦する said the 危険 of a 衝突/不一致 was 'high'.??