保守的なs 開始する,打ち上げる new 調査(する) into Canada's lab 漏れる スキャンダル: 国家の 安全 失敗 saw Chinese scientists send Ebola in the mail to Wuhan and 秘かに調査する on 最高の,を越す 研究 中心

  • Michael Chong brought new 調査 on 発覚s about 申し立てられた/疑わしい Chinese 秘かに調査するs?
  • Scientists were (刑事)被告 of 漏れるing secrets to Chinese labs, in 600-page 報告(する)/憶測?
  • Xianggou Qiu and Keding Cheng were 解雇する/砲火/射撃d in 2021, but the 報告(する)/憶測 took 3 years
  • READ MORE: Chinese scientists in Canadian lab 漏れるd 文書s to Wuhan lab

Members of Canada's House of ありふれたs have 首尾よく opened a new 調査 into a pair of Chinese scientists who 秘かに調査するd for Beijing?while they were 雇うd at a microbiology lab in Winnipeg.

The scientists were 解雇する/砲火/射撃d after an 調査 明らかにする/漏らすd they had been 株ing 分類するd 文書s and 構成要素s from the Winnipeg 国家の Microbiology 研究室/実験室 and 提起する/ポーズをとるd a '国家の 安全 脅し' to Canada.

While they worked at the lab, they 持続するd secret communication with the?Wuhan 学校/設ける of Virology, the 施設 at the 中心 of the Covid lab-漏れる theory.

A 600-page 報告(する)/憶測 解放(する)d in February made these 発覚s public. But the scientists were 護衛するd f rom the lab in 2019 and 解雇する/砲火/射撃d in 2021.

Members of 議会 say they 計画(する) to find out why it took so long for the 報告(する)/憶測 to come out - and why it took so long for 公式の/役人s to 行為/法令/行動する in the first place.

Chinese scientist Dr Xiangguo Qiu was booted out of a Canadian lab after she was found to have been mailing lethal viruses, including Ebola, back to China to aid research.

Chinese scientist Dr Xiangguo Qiu was booted out of a Canadian lab after she was 設立する to have been mailing lethal ウイルスs, 含むing Ebola, 支援する to 中国 to 援助(する) 研究.

The Chinese couple had worked at the Canadian National Microbiology Lab (pictured) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is the only biosafety level 4 lab in the country cleared to handle dangerous pathogens including Ebola and Marburg virus

The Chinese couple had worked at the Canadian 国家の Microbiology Lab (pictured) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is the only biosafety level 4 lab in the country (疑いを)晴らすd to 扱う dangerous pathogens 含むing Ebola and Marburg ウイルス

But 自由主義のs and the New 民主党員s 妨害するd 保守的な MPs' 試みる/企てる to 熟考する/考慮する its contents more closely, shutting 負かす/撃墜する an 緊急 House of ありふれたs 倫理学 委員会 会合 on the 事柄 at the beginning of March.

The new 調査 finally became 公式の/役人 this week, though, led by 保守的な MPs on the Canada-中国 Relations 委員会 who 公約するd to 熟考する/考慮する the 発覚s 含む/封じ込めるd in the 報告(する)/憶測.

The group was formed at the 命令 of 保守的な 外務 critic Michael Chong.

READ MORE:?Chinese scientist booted out of Canadian lab after MAILING Ebola ウイルス to Wuhan

A Chinese scientist who was booted out of a Canadian lab after mailing live Ebola to 中国?is thought to have worked with the 'bat woman' virologist at the 中心 of the Wuhan?漏れる theory.?


Chong said the group will 焦点(を合わせる) on 国家の 安全 違反s, 同様に as the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and 知能 flows within the Canadian 政府 that 妨げるd these 文書s from becoming public sooner.

Xiangguo Qiu and her husband, Keding Cheng, were 護衛するd out of the lab in 2019 and 解雇する/砲火/射撃d in 2021. 報告(する)/憶測s 示唆する they have since 再開するd life in 中国 under new 指名するs.

The only biosafety level four (BSL-4) lab in the country, Winnipeg 国家の Microbiology 研究室/実験室, 熟考する/考慮するd dangerous ウイルスs like Ebola.

Although the scientists were 解雇する/砲火/射撃d three years ago, the 600-page 報告(する)/憶測 on the 出来事/事件 only (機の)カム out in February of this year.??

'My 見解(をとる) is that this is the start of the 事柄, not the end,' said?Chong, who made the 動議 to open the new 調査, によれば the 国家の 地位,任命する.

'And so really, we're leaving off where we left three years ago, when the Canada-中国 委員会 in the previous 議会 asked for the Winnipeg lab 文書s.

'I believe 堅固に that the 委員会 is the 権利 place to 診察する these 文書s, the 権利 place to 持つ/拘留する the 政府 accountable and the 権利 place for us to hear from 証言,証人/目撃するs and to produce a 報告(する)/憶測 with 推薦s.'

The 委員会 報道によれば 計画(する)s to hear from 大臣 of Health 示す Holland, 大臣 of Public Safety Dominic LeBlanc, Canadian 安全 知能 Service (CSIS) director David Vigneault, Justin Trudeau's 国家の 安全 助言者 Nathalie Drouin and 最高の,を越す 厚かましさ/高級将校連 from the Public Health 機関 of Canada (PHAC).?

Dr Xiangguo Qiu was considered a star at the lab for her work on developing an Ebola treatment
Dr Kending Cheng was also working at the lab

The couple, Dr Xiangguo Qiu (left) and Dr Kending Cheng (権利), are pictured above. Both are now believed to be in 中国

Dr Qiu
 has now been linked to Dr Shi Zhengli (pictured), known as 'bat woman', who is at the center of claims that the Covid-19 virus leaked from experiments she led at a Wuhan lab.

Dr Qiu has now been linked to Dr Shi Zhengli (pictured), known as 'bat woman', who is at the 中心 of (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that the Covid-19 ウイルス 漏れるd from 実験s she led at a Wuhan lab.

When Chong had first 試みる/企てるd to 始める the new 調査(する) with the 倫理学 委員会 at the beginning of March, 対抗者s argued it was not a 優先 nor the proper 発生地.

自由主義のs 表明するd 関心 that the 調査 was more about 非難するing political 対抗者s than about getting to the truth of the 事柄.?

'In all 真面目さ, this cannot turn into a political show. This cannot turn into a 過程 where members are trying to just 得点する/非難する/20 political points,' said 自由主義の MP Yasir Naqvi.?

Nonetheless, once 議会 会を召集するs in April, 保守的な and New 民主党員 MPs 表明するd support for the 委員会 to 持つ/拘留する as many 会合s and call as many 証言,証人/目撃するs as necessary.?

Still-secret sources first raised 関心s about Dr Qiu in September 2018 when her 指名する appeared on a 特許 とじ込み/提出するd in 中国 for a 治療 for Ebola - 研究 the lab had not been told about.

Suspici ons were then raised about Dr Cheng in October after he was 設立する to have 招待するd students into the lab who later 試みる/企てるd to leave carrying two (疑いを)晴らす plastic 捕らえる、獲得するs 含む/封じ込めるing vials of an unknown 実体.

Later the same month, Dr Cheng was also caught trying to leave the lab carrying two empty Styrofoam コンテナs, which BSL-4 labs use to 輸送(する) 構成要素s, 含むing ウイルスs.

The PHAC, 関心d by the 報告(する)/憶測s, 開始する,打ち上げるd an 調査 into the pair in December 2018 - which?明らかにする/漏らすd 非常に/多数の 安全 違反s, 含むing that the pair had 繰り返して 許すd 制限するd 訪問者s to download 実験の data from the lab and send it to their email accounts.

Dr Qiu, shown working in the lab, was also found to have lied to officials about a vacation she took to China in 2018 and to have appeared on two Chinese patents without the knowledge of the lab

Dr Qiu, shown working in the lab, was also 設立する to have lied to 公式の/役人s about a vacation she took to 中国 in 2018 and to have appeared on two Chinese 特許s without the knowledge of the lab

Conservative MP Michael Chong made the motion to start the new investigation. It was initially squashed by Justin Trudeau's Liberals and the New Democrats when he brought it to the House of Commons ethics committee, but the New Democrats now support the investigation under the Canada-China Relations Committee.

保守的な MP Michael Chong made the 動議 to start the new 調査. It was 最初 squashed by Justin Trudeau's 自由主義のs and the New 民主党員s when he brought it to the House of ありふれたs 倫理学 委員会, but the New 民主党員s now support the 調査 under the Canada-中国 Relations 委員会.

The PHAC also 申し立てられた/疑わしい that in May 2018, Dr Cheng had been sent vials 含む/封じ込めるing mouse protein in a 一括 shipped from 中国 labeled as 'kitchen utensils'.

Dr Qiu was (刑事)被告 of having shipped Ebola-fighting antibodies out of the lab for at least two years to countries 含むing 中国, the US, and the UK.

She was also (刑事)被告 of 存在 指名するd on a second 特許 in 中国 which was 関心d with a 治療 for Marburg ウイルス.

Alarmed by their findings, the PHAC passed its 調査 to the CSIS just before July 2019.

The CSIS 開始する,打ち上げるd its own 安全 調査 and interviewed the couple.

In a letter from 2021, in which the CSIS recommended her 安全 通関手続き/一掃 be 取り消すd, the CSIS wrote: 'The Service 査定する/(税金などを)課す that Ms. Qiu developed 深い, 協同組合 関係s with a variety of People's 共和国 of 中国 会・原則s and has 故意に transferred 科学の knowledge and 構成要素s to 中国 ーするために 利益 the PRC 政府.'

Dr Qiu and Dr Zhengli attended a conference held by the Wuhan lab in 2018. Also present were British doctor Peter Daszak, whose US charity funded animal virus experiments at the lab, and US scientist Ralph Baric, who co-authored a paper on bat viruses with Zhengli in 2015

Dr Qiu and Dr Zhengli …に出席するd a 会議/協議会 held by the Wuhan lab in 2018. Also 現在の were British doctor Peter Daszak, whose US charity 基金d animal ウイルス 実験s at the lab, and US scientist Ralph Baric, who co-authored a paper on bat ウイルスs with Zhengli in 2015?

The CSIS 結論するd that Dr Qiu had 繰り返して lied about her 関係 to the Chinese 政府, even when given chances to come clean.

These 関係 含むd 多重の visiting professor positions at Chinese 会・原則s - 任命s she left off of her CV when she had 適用するd to 職業s in Canada.?

'Qiu continued to make 一面に覆う/毛布 否定s, feign ignorance or tell 完全な lies,' によれば the CSIS letter.?

This letter was one 文書 含むd in the 600-page 報告(する)/憶測, much of which remains redacted.?

Holland said 中国's 影響(力) on Canada's 科学の community 'was not known to the extent it was today', に引き続いて the 解放(する) of the とじ込み/提出するs.

'These were 著名な scientists whose 研究 and work was 井戸/弁護士席 known. They were leaders in their field, some of the brightest scientists that were known,' he said.

With the 形式 of the new 委員会, Chong has said he 計画(する)s to put hard questions to 公式の/役人s seen as mishandling the 調査 and the 公表,暴露s it brought.

These 含む why it took so long for PHAC to find out that Qiu had a Chinese 特許 for something produced while she worked in Canada, why PHAC took 10 months to 安全な・保証する the lab after that, and why MPs didn't have 接近 to the 十分な 報告(する)/憶測 until this year.?