'People are dropping dead for a 推論する/理由': 居住(者)s of Texas town that has become 癌 hotspot speaks out as (日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁 finds dangerous levels of 有毒な 化学製品s in 国/地域 and water

  • 居住(者)s knew something was wrong with water and 国/地域 in their community?
  • The (日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁 小旅行するd the 場所/位置 in 2021 but didn't collect 見本s until November 2023?
  • Now the 機関 確認するd the presence of 有毒な and 癌-原因(となる)ing 化学製品s?
  • READ MORE:?Houston 居住(者)s 非難する at least 12 癌 deaths on 有毒な railyard?

A town in Texas has been みなすd a ' cluster' after a 政府 分析 設立する 有毒な 化学製品s in groundwater and 国/地域.

For years, 居住(者)s of Kashmere Gardens in Houston have raised 関心s about a spike in 癌 diagnosis. The town of around 10,000 people has seen 150 more 事例/患者s that what is 推定する/予想するd.

The 環境の 保護 機関 ((日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁) collected 見本s from 20 場所s in the community, finding a 大多数 were 汚染するd with high levels of 有毒な 化学製品s, 含むing benzene and dioxin.

The 調査 pinpointed the source: a 閉鎖するd 鉄道/強行採決する 施設 that 燃やすd coal tar for nearly 100 years.

The 危険な 汚染物s seeped into the 国/地域, creating a plume of 汚染するd groundwater below the 場所/位置, where 110 houses were 建設するd.

People in the Kashmere Gardens neighborhood of Houston, Texas, have known for years that something was wrong. The EPA finally started testing their soil and found a range of toxic and cancer-causing chemicals

People in the Kashmere Gardens 近隣 of Houston, Texas, have known for years that something was wrong. The (日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁 finally started 実験(する)ing their 国/地域 and 設立する a 範囲 of 有毒な and 癌-原因(となる)ing 化学製品s

A 2021 study showed that children in the area were diagnosed with leukemia at five times the average rate. Pictured is?13-year-old Corinthian Giles, whose parents claim was diagnosed after coming in contact with a former creosote site. He has since died.

A 2021 熟考する/考慮する showed that children in the a rea were 診断するd with 白血病 at five times the 普通の/平均(する) 率. Pictured is?13-year-old Corinthian Giles, whose parents (人命などを)奪う,主張する was 診断するd after coming in 接触する with a former creosote 場所/位置. He has since died.

While the (日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁 is not done 実験(する)ing all the 見本s from the area, 41 含む/封じ込めるd different coal-tar, or creosote, 化学製品s.

So far, 51 of their 国/地域 and water 見本s have returned results, but there?are still 66 見本s left to 分析する, - the (日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁 公式文書,認めるd that it could take another four months to 完全にする the 研究.

The 機関 has 始める,決める the 落ちる for its 最終期限 to 決定する the 危険 of 汚染 and if cleanup will be 要求するd.?

Sandra Edwards, a Fifth 区 居住(者) and 創立者 of IMPACT Fifth 区 司法(官), said: 'Something has been happening out here for 10年間s, people are not just dropping dead for no 推論する/理由.

'This just 証明するs that we were 権利.'?

While the (日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁 分析 shows the community was 訂正する, other 熟考する/考慮するs have also shown a rise in 癌 throughout the area.

In 2019, the Texas Department of 明言する/公表する Health Services 設立する that between 2000 and 2016 there were 15 more 事例/患者s of esophagus 癌 than would 普通は be 推定する/予想するd, and 126 more 事例/患者s of 肺 and bronchus 癌 than 推定する/予想するd.?

For years, residents of Kashmere Gardens in Houston have raised concerns about a spike in cancer diagnosis. The town of around 10,000 people has seen 150 more cases that what is expected

For years, 居住(者)s of Kashmere Gardens in Houston have raised 関心s about a spike in 癌 diagnosis. The town of around 10,000 people has seen 150 more 事例/患者s that what is 推定する/予想するd

Then a 2021 熟考する/考慮する showed that children in the area were 診断するd with 白血病 at five times the 普通の/平均(する) 率.

One 事例/患者 was 報告(する)/憶測d in 13-year-old Corinthian Giles, whose parents (人命などを)奪う,主張する was 診断するd after coming in 接触する with?a former creosote 場所/位置 five years ago.

The boy lost his 戦う/戦い with 白血病 and his family 告訴するd Union 太平洋の, which owns the 鉄道 場所/位置, for wrongful death.

Union 太平洋の told 地元の KHOU 11:?'Union 太平洋の sympathizes with the family and their loss. We will review the 訴訟 and 答える/応じる accordingly.'

The 鉄道/強行採決する has said in 2021 that in the past that there is no pathway for carcinogens to enter the human 団体/死体 - the the (日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁 分析 has 設立する the 化学製品s in groundwater and 国/地域.

Last September, Houston 公式の/役人s 認可するd a $5 million voluntary 移転 program in an 成果/努力 to help Kashmere Gardens 居住(者)s.?

The?old railyard was?used for 保存するing 支持を得ようと努めるd since the 早期に 1990s for 鉄道/強行採決する 関係 until 1984.

This 過程 伴う/関わるd 燃やすing creosote, 支持を得ようと努めるd 治療 that helped 妨げる the 関係 from rotting.

Creosote can be produced by 燃やすing 支持を得ようと努めるd- or coal-tar, but the 肉親,親類d that comes from coal-tar is most often used for 保存するing 支持を得ようと努めるd.

The 化学製品 is now known to 含む/封じ込める many 癌-原因(となる)ing スパイ/執行官s, and the coal-tar 肉親,親類d is 特に 負担d with them.

にもかかわらず the 操作/手術 存在 活動停止中の for 40 years, its 影響s 固執するd in the form of a いわゆる '癌 cluster,' the 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 for an area where 癌 is more ありふれた than it should be.

The investigation pinpointed the cause to a decommissioned railroad facility that burned a coal-like tar for nearly 100 years

The 調査 pinpointed the 原因(となる) to a 閉鎖するd 鉄道/強行採決する 施設 that 燃やすd a coal-like tar for nearly 100 years

A 癌 cluster can be 平易な to identify, but pinning 負かす/撃墜する its exact 原因(となる) can be hard to 証明する.

But outspoken 地元の 居住(者)s like two-time breast 癌 生存者 Joetta Stevenson would not let their 苦境 go unanswered.

'We will not shut up. We will not be silenced,' Stevenson, 大統領,/社長 of the Greater Fifth 区 最高の 近隣, told ABC13. 'I want people to know that this community is no longer the path of least 抵抗.'

She does not have a family history of breast 癌, yet she has had the 病気 twice.?

'It changed my entire life, my whole 存在. It was so 破滅的な to me as a person, 肉体的に, and emotionally, and financially,' she said.

Stevenson and her neighbors 押し進めるd the Houston Health Department to 実験(する) their 国/地域, and in 2022 they did.